wolves are in europe
Wolves are in europe
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Kek that's Wolves getting relegated next season then
name a more based EPL team
they wont reach group stage
Nah they'll drop out in early stages so they can focus on league so they can qualify for EL next season
How's jimenez doing lads?
Wolves aren't exactly Burnley. They might spunk another £100 million on players in the summer
>don't worry, reinforcements from Liga Nos coming this summer
Wolves player of the season. Performed consistently as a complete striker
£100m guarantees nothing, look at Fulham
Also some of their players might get poached this summer
Without Huddersfield tier teams on Europa League Wolves WILL win that competition
It guarantees nothing but it got Wolves 7th place and Europa League this season
In a couple year's time we WILL reach the Champions and dominate it like never before. We WILL make Madrid's 3Peat look like child's play.
the EPL fears the mighty barbosa c*ck
Complete and utter delusion.
dingle skip dwellers wont even make it to the group stage.
Is mick still the boss at wolves?
>only decent now because of Chinese billions and dodgy agents
>from a shithole no-mark city
>as plastic as a pack of 100 bendy straws
why does Yea Forums have a boner for Wolves (aka Man City-lite) but hate the other billionaire tycoon clubs like Man City, Man Utd, PSG etc? is it just because Wolves haven't actually won anything yet so they're still le cool underdogs AWOOO?
it's a wolves fan. it's parents are likely related.
Conplete and utter cope.
>t. villa fan
must suck not being in the premier
he got sacked years ago
Yea Forums is retarded, that's why.
Do you genuinely think Wolves will dominate the Champions League? That's complete stupidity.
>win the Europa League and qualify for CL
>finish 18th in the Prem and go down
>play in the Champions League and Championship simultaniously
>proceeds to get relegated again because the championship is filled with huddersfield tier teams
>win the CL because teams are top 6 PL quality
>Wolves are plastic
Because they aren't manc/parisian poofters
Can’t wait to see them get destroyed by fenerbace like Burnley
Burnley were fucking embarrassing in the Europa League.
>no wins in normal time
>the first good team they faced, they got humped
The patrician's Thursday Night Cup winners, 2020.
>from a shithole no-mark city
>family friendly
>being family friendly mattering at all
Enjoy Lutistan.
>Liverpool 2018/2019
wtf i hate FM now
Thats a very nice icon aeshetic. May you please hand me the link to the pack if you have them (or just the title)
>Our city is family friendly!!!
>he doesn't know
holy shit, seething
>liverpool wins a league
inaccurate and false
>In a couple year's time we WILL reach the Champions
WTF I luv Norf now
Why isn't Edinburgh family friendly? Probabky the nicest city in the British Isles desu
WTF I love Portugal now
What skin?
She cute. What's with her mum's accent, though.
for me it's Lobitos FC
she's from middul
Probably marked down for being too expensive
>Might get to see the venue for next season's EL final before all your supposed "rivals" have landed from their holdiays
>doesn't know that the team that occupies that stadium starts playing their season proper right when the EL qualifiers begin
Ruh-oh, Riyaz...
>tfw no Wolves gf
Rip. Press F to relegate.
Because when city did it they bought a bunch of washed up superstars on crazy wages and fees. Wolves just bought portogeese bros.
City is that nouveu riche oil baron with the tackiest crudest taste, Wolves are at worst a willy wonka.
whats your logo pack?