Why aren't there more teams with snake mascots? There's only a few I can think of like the Diamondbacks.
Meanwhile there's like a billion lions, tigers, and bulldogs.
Why aren't there more teams with snake mascots? There's only a few I can think of like the Diamondbacks.
Meanwhile there's like a billion lions, tigers, and bulldogs.
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Snek ssssssssss
snakes, together with foot fags, furries, trannies and niggers shall dangle from the elm tree
How do you dress up like a snake?
snakes are still being related to the loss of eden
Or spiders or bacterium
why did they give a toilet to a snake after it bit her? makes no sense
My city is literally named after a snake, so is the local team. They're kinda shit unfortunately.
For me, it's the Wildcats.
Cus snakes are creepy af.
Well, I can appreciate their weird beauty. But by and large people don't like 'em, and we probably have evolution to thank for that.
niggers were a mistake
Rattlers also
Few states have both snakes and big4 teams, and snakes usually have a negative connotation so you don't necessarily want to be associated with them
>gomes starting second half
Still better than Jezebel
snakes are ignoble creatures. they represent your enemies, not something you want to be.
Probably because they are the most feared animal. It would do more harm than good
this has been one of my biggest fears.
It's just not a very heroic animal. The only time it's worked as a mascot is the Gadsden flag and I guess the Cobra Kai karate dojo.
Most teams want an animal that you associate with stuff like strength or bravery. Snakes are either seen as sneaky or just straight up evil
>strength or bravery
then why aren't there more human mascots? Humans mog every animal in both, especially when we have weapons. Most animals are pussies.
Is that article written in nigger speak?
BBC pidgin is a whole website like that
while we're on the subject, why are the diamondbacks spanish jerseys LOS DBACKS?
there are so many way fucking cooler ACTUAL spanish words
sneks are baddies
snakes will straight-up strangle animals around their size who have sharp teeth and claws, they're based
how are they worse than any other predator?
why arent there any teams named after hyenas? they can scare lions away from their kill and have jaws strong enough to crush bone.
Nice logo
why'd you think?
Why is it gay?
Any other unique animal mascots? Pelicans, Raptors, Gators, Buffaloes are the ones I can think of
The only good snakes are cobras but even they are evil
Anacondas kind of based but associated with something slow and fat
Not that many interesting badass atributes
You're thinking of Geese.
>Not that many interesting badass atributes
You can't trip a snake.
Lions and tigers are symbols of strength, pride, nobility, and tenacity
Snakes are symbols of evil, deceit, mischief, and Satan.
There ya go