Forgotten players

Why was he famous again?

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i dont know i forgot


I don't know this man.

That 27 yo prospect who stopped his career because of depression, he played at buyern, can't recall his name.


Yes thank you. I bought him once in FM and he never recovered. I wonder what was the trick to get him to play again.

Who is this, im not joking i rly dont know?


He's a pretty handsome guy

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This is him now

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Might as well list the entire of the super lig

Albert Luque

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Wtf he has a kid now? Hair transplants? And his hot gf was all tattooed up, what happened?

>legend of Deportivo de la Coruna
Only zoomers don't remember him.

His daughter is 14, players in Portugal tend to marry and have kids very young because their agents want them to settle down. His wife only has tattoos in the arms, which are covered

The hair is natural, he just has shit taste

Anyway, I do miss when he was just a normal looking skeleton

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girls like him. that's all.

Chelsea and Real utility man Geremi

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>Implying any true Saints fan will ever forget him

Wasn't this guy hyped to the max a few seasons ago? what happened to him?

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This guy somehow ended up playing for the relegation side in Slovenian league

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wasted potential

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jesus what a fall from grace
was a beast somehow with negative pace

He had a nice season at Everton. Spurs seem to want him.