What do these clubs have in commom ?

What do these clubs have in commom ?

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loyal supporters

They want people tomsuport them based on a narrative that they are the good guys against the forces of evil that actually win things?

Or is it just Klopp?

loyal supporters

liked by american hipsters

They have both won the champions league, one of them 5 times

They trigger the fuck out of incels who hate concepts like community, human interaction and togetherness

good guys

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>community, human interaction and togetherness

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The most based clubs from their respective countries

*High Five*

I'm not depressed because I don't interact with other humans, i'm depressed because they exist! Take the black pill brother

German chav dna.

YNWA, Klopp, and loyal supporters.

Redditers whose lack of ability to open onions lead to blown 7 point leads, and them getting into situations where they have to rely on their chad rival to lose in order to take the lead. They then talk about how winning hearts was more valuable, and how chad had much more money and other excuses

reddit says they're reddit


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>community, human interaction and togetherness
I guess that's one way to put it.

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Klopp curse

They slip?


Based and sóypilled

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A Kop stand

criminally underrated




Their home region is poorer than the average of the country.

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Good teams that play entertaining footy, but fail just short of world class elite


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I like to meme about Liverslip as well, but Dortmund is nowhere near their level.
Liverpool is currently easily in the top 5 of the world right now while Dortmund isnt even top 10.

2 CL finals in 2 years is definitely elite level

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they both had klopp

Son cebollitas subcampeones

Holy cringe

c h o k i n g


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oh no no no

funny how people here get triggered by "people using 96 as an excuse that they deserve" and yet I've never seen such posters

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Shhhhhhhhhhhhh it's all memes now user

Neither plays in the NBA

* both are the 2nd biggest teams in their countries historically
* both are based in post-industrial cities with economic depravation

Have sex

dortmund have about a billion euro less budget


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>beaner larping as scouser
Why the hell would anyone do that?

they both make Yea Forums losers seethe

Nice projection there N'gubu

without LIverpool and Dortmund football wouldn't be the same. people will hate to admit it but they set the standard of what we all wish our own fans were like.

They blew a 7 point lead, much like pic related.

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Might as well just screencap every post in Yea Forums ever