fights tonight
Other urls found in this thread:
favorite schaub joke?
I nvented this post
For the estonian
all of them
move here pls
Lee or rda who is your money on?
Whoever schaub picked
This is the thread. Based Sophie.
Yep this is the thread
fuck mexico
>book elias for $20
what is this
20 bucks to have Elias give a shoutout to /heem/... might be worth
Has any fighter come out to a Billie Eilish song?
Blocked by Schaub and Rogan's team deleted my comment asking him to have Schaub unblock me it's tough.
someone is gonna have to take over the picks i won't be able to complete them
one of the wmma fighters came out to "you should see me in a crown" i think
They all come out to drake lol
khabib is a cutbaby
post more heem via bodyshof
thawlts on bryan being the far superior comedian to joe and brendan?
>A modern-day renaissance man, Schaub is a former footballer, retired MMA fighter and current podcast host. Now, he adds another achievement to his resume. He takes to the stage to tell his tales in his first-ever stand-up comedy special
stfu retard
u want to buy a 4th gen camaro? 6000.
Good thread
based lukas
It’s hilarious the contrast between callen and Schaub and callen hosting with another actual comedian
Slob is the worst comedian of all time
>putting obvious troll reviews on schaubs IMDb and rotten tomatoes
>instead of realizing how bad he sucks he will just assume he's got a lot of haters because of how popular he is
You guys are idiots
>he will just assume he's got a lot of haters because of how popular he is
in many ways this is true
maybe he's just tanking like the knicks
if you're going to be awful you might as well be the literal worst, no one cares about #878 out of 1000, but the worst of the worst will get you some looks
Anybody have the video of Callen talking about how he was holding back tears when Joe told Brendan he would never be an elite fighter?
Who is this Schmo dude and why is this faggot getting exclusive interviews all of a sudden?
Instead of realizing he sucks, he's going to read a bunch of inside jokes and shit from his podcasts and assume it's just people screwing around and that people don't actually hate his comedy. It's a stupid thing to do, yet Yea Forums does it everytime something deserves to be criticized.
Not sure I’ve seen more buzz about a comedy special in a long time. Seriously can’t member the last time I’ve seen this much discussion surrounding a release. Schaub is something special
do it
Anytime someone like this that is a genuine douchebag with no talent is exposed, or a horrible movie is released, they get let off the hook because they can just claim "it's a Yea Forums/Reddit troll operation, look at all the comments they are dropping inside references they are obviously fans."
LOLLLLLLLLLLLLL serves him right fucking race traitor cuck
What the fuck, this is not ok
based flying kick nigger
around blacks...
i want to see Andrade and Tatiana have a sweaty and affectionate battle for the fans
>when you think cawlmedy you think eddie moorfee, carwlin, uhh umm Prior. Louis ceekay... but forsure don't start jerkin it in front of the ladies, y'know. To be honest, man...? I think you'd be surprised is prawlbably up there and the cheato fingers can't handle it.
Based. Fuck entitled boomer cunts.
First fights I have work off for in a while and it's a shit card like tonight.
honestly, I think he is pretty decent on podcasts, but his stand-up has never made me feel anything else but repulse.
this is what super caz status looks like
I've been watching mma for 15 years though
I'll be back? More like "ow, my back"
every fighter on this card are future drawls
nik lentz is not a future draw
his career
he's a current drawl. His opponent is a future drawl
K1 Insulin Lentz is unbeaten, he got robbed by Teymur. And he’s now alongside Jon Fitch and Jake Shields, one of the most prominent political voices in MMA
Status: Drawl
what's even the point of a trilogy if one of the fighters have won the 2 other fights?
Israel Adhesanya attacked Schwarzenegger during a sports festival.
Stfu non white zilch keep getting btfo by me and derek
What MMA move would've stopped this?
The Zimmerman
early stoppage 2bh
lmao based Scott
man as someone from dagestan i despise that little whore
based Schub dabbing on good taste
based aussie can't watch and gives it 4 anyway
>4 stars
>Cant even watch it
you wouldn't last 1 min in my guard kid
>hey mister, you're a fricken nigge-
the australian is the main attraction in this picture. Butthurt Scott is a pretentious literal faggot
Gonna post this every thread, huh?
reminder wikipedia begs for donations from you, but takes bribes from the ultra wealthy and powerful to keep their own wikipedia pages clean
based racially ambiguous raped at her father's gym by a karate instructor when she was 16 zoomer
At what point do you start watching tonight's card?
>usually at the expense of a certain race or sexual orientation
derek schott?
it's pretty decent imo, gonna watch everything
i started the picks but if you think i'm going to finish them you've got another think coming. take over canada.
First fight. It will coincide with around the time I wake up and I have literally nothing else to do anyway even if I didn't love it.
Is this the guy who ko'd Sage?
khabib had seizures
So good you don't even have to watch it to give it 4 stars
I'm not doing your work, America. Finish what you started.
yall crackas b trippin
I wanna see my boi Heinisch do some work. You should check out his backstory
oh come on it's so bad tho
>6pm star and 9pm main
All the fights of course. Comfy as shit
Based boomer dabbing on zoomer niggas
tony is a light heavyweight
cte & schizophrenia yikes
>Sanko for $25
cuando estoy hablando necesita callate
Thyme Southslice got heemed?
Based Boomer
Tony is a flyweight
Fine send me the picks
Really happy Arnies life didn't culminate in him dying to a double fly kick
>events usually at 5 AM, so i can get up for the main card
>this one starts at 3 AM
Dana I swear I'll ankle pick you.
Você tá muito cheio da onda, cu de cachorro.
It's only going to get earlier.
Move to North America.
how many bongs until first fight lads
Schaub's special wasn't that bad tbqh. It was bad but it was better than I expected
>be american
>get shot
>be american
>dont get shot
>die of measles
Lawler wants to wait for Woodley, UFC wants him to fight Santiago
What is his backstory? Someone mentioned something about it the otherday
Rafael dos Anjos vs. Kevin Lee
Antônio Carlos Júnior vs. Ian Heinisch
Megan Anderson vs. Felicia Spencer
Vicente Luque vs. Derrick Krantz
Charles Oliveira vs. Nik Lentz
Davi Ramos vs. Austin Hubbard
How does he match up against Ortega
don't bring a shotgun to a wrestling match
A high school football coach in Oregon wrestled a student to the ground Friday after he entered a classroom wearing a black trench coat and pulled out a shotgun, sending students scrambling for cover.
Not a K Lee fan but I feel Ralphie Dos Nachos finna get werked. He's past his prime.
I don't know, Lee isn't really a pressure wrestler. I just don't think he'll be able to grind RDA. And Lee's standup is trash. If RDA isn't washed, I think he wins
my my what big hands you have uwu
Its not that much him being past his prime, its more him being manhandled by obviously stronger dudes. He wants to clinch fight, but he gets wrestlefucked.
Against fighters other than this one particular type of big man wrestling, he does good. His problem is that the style that is his kryptonite is very popular at the moment.
i agree, Rafa needs to retire.
based Lowe
Watch Lee vs Ferguson again, or Lee vs Barboza. He has what it takes. As long as he doesn't go full retard like in the Iaquinta fight, that is. His corner was screaming for the takedown that fight, and he kept on dueling on the feet.
Have we taked about what a goddamn fridge Felicia Spencer is
he couldnt take al down after the first two rounds thats why he lost you cazzie, it wasnt because he wasnt following the gameplan he jus fought a better fighter
Yeah, we'll see. Lee is a good wrestler, but I don't think he's on the level of Usman or Colby. Those guys are top tier and that's who beat RDA
It's an interesting fight, I can see why it's close by the bookies, I still lean RDA though. Unless Lee gets the back of RDA I give RDA the advantage in most places
Who do you boys think is stronger, Colby Covington or Kevin Lee?
Colby isn't big for the division, honestly. Lee could be a size bully even in this higher weight class, if Colby can.
Well Colby was a Pac-12 D1 wrestling champ
Why is mandrama advertising on my heem?
It's based on your internet history. Go back to Yea Forums.
>Yea Forums advertisement based on internet history
lolno, too few businesses want to advertise here, its a short list
CrazyHe doesn't seem like a criminal. Also, if Mutante can take him down then so can Antonio
he's a very cool guy, and well spoken too, really doesn't seem like a criminal
Rowanda videos on the UFC channel, is Dana getting his dick wet again?
The problem here isn't the strength though. It's Kevin's terrible cardio
>a combined view account of 127k
whoa ronda is huge!
>adding that up
The original interview from which these clips are taken is over 150k views.
Also kek at these top comments
i was trying to make a point user
you either respect it or we settle it in the octagon!
dana's head everyone
Is Tony vs Big Baby THE fight to make?
This general is deader than Evan Tanner.
There are much better places to discuss MMA with more active members, no scat spam, or autistic shitposters. /heem/ has been dead for a long time.
>Sign Eddie, Sage and DJ for billions of dollars
>All 3 get shown up and flushed
All the boards got wrecked at the exact same time
why is schaub dressed like biff from back to the future 2
Spencer finna dab on all these picks
granby roll
why do boxing belts look so shit?
The Schaub special was so embarrassing it killed schaubposting
in many ways cm punk won
Slob is an even worse comedian than he was a fighter
We are here
fucking giga chad
Do Bronx
Schaub is the next Dwayne Johnson.
I'm only watching this for Megan and Aspen
Its still a good look, shows that legit UFC people aren't that much, if at all, better than their local stable of fighters.
Also the guy that KOd Sage isn't some bum, he's a kickboxing champ.
Do you hate Russia ?
Can you really see Schaub as an A-list Hollywood action star?
big brappin ladd’s braps are so pungent, so odorous, so sour that the ring will smell of an aged swiss all the way up until the conclusion of the main event
Yes. Billie Eilish will play his daughter.
What happened here? For a split second it seemed like he was going to survive the punch
Reminder Joshua tainted one of Big Baby's tests because he was having too many nightmares about the Push.
Based and Laddpilled
A jackson for a callout from Mascot Chuck Liddell? What a bargain!
can't believe this shit, bodyguard full on bodies the future doctor just because he's expressing his culture
She looks like a giant baby on that picture
What a unit. based Arnold
prime Arnold heems stipe
fuck chinks lol
She has giant braps
no KSW streams?
>when you see your garbage OC reposted
Prime Kurt Angle heems Usman
my idel b setting all kinds uf records my man
who wins 2 Andrade or one Jon Jones?
is this going to be the worst rated special ever? lol
boring card tonight, lads.
>Absolute god-awful card tonight, lads
That's fight night for ya
Name a more polarizing fighter
It's mostly The Fighter and the Kid subreddit brigading IMDB and Rotten Tomatoes. The sub is dedicated to hating him.
Brendan Schaub
your special sucked brandin
>Dos Nachos
*speshul worst rated of all time*
Kimaura trap
dad bod wrestlefuck heems the whole division
for me it's waterson's ass
yes, fuck the vatniks
there's no ass she just arches her back 90 degrees
redpilled, of course its an irishman posting this stuff
Wake up Jessica, it's all over.
sad about rose loss
is she permaflushed?
Based. Fuck the tiblad.
yea, and that's a good thing!
whats the point of continuing. coming back from spinal surgery just to get head spiked by a mexican dishwasher. shit pay. causes her nothing but anxiety.
Why is schaub allowed to do what he does
lol at her getting ass injections because she got bullied so hard for having no ass in this photoshoot
and there are people who unironically think joanna zanella is natty too
Can't keep a good guy down
you could literally just swap her head into the Goober photoshoot and you couldn't tell the difference
Stop posting this flat mum
gooby is thicker
Wake up Failenpeena
her ass does not look unnatural, and i have observed it quite a bit in the Octagon©. shes just getting older. joanna on the other hand has obvious fake tits and ass, you can tell just be how they sit and the stiffness of them during movement
not a bad point. maybe she can do that farmer thing now
it's all over shitcuckold
Brendan Schaub's comedy special is officially the lowest rated comedy special ever produced in all of human history. He's literally the least funny person to ever exist. Really makes you think.
rather hiveminded
to find an asian with an ass in porn you have to watch asian bbw porn, makes you think
cringe and pretending to be a manpilled
Absolutely based and natty pilled
They weren't real laughs right? I was under the impression I was watching a bad sitcom with all these laughing tracks
waterson's biological father is white btw so is carla esparzas
I'm about to watch it now, surely it's just the h8rs trolling the ratings
I'm not saying anything but Carla Esparza and Billie Eilish were born within 20 miles of each other and both have the same last name.
Thiago Silva about to get heem'd on KSW
Derek inbox.
imagine how badly aspen wants to get out of rochester new york and back into the woods with the dogs
What did they do to the guy that kicked him? Only videos I see is him dragged off camera in a head lock. Wonder if they fucked him up or not
>white European "cuisine"
Join the heemchat for comfy talks and racism /heem/
is it just me or RDA vs Kevin lee is the less expected fight of the year?
the absolute state of ufc whores
Proofs??? How do we know you're not a Russian bot that posts Schaub memes
How do you think you would do against Cain Velasquez in a straight grappling match?
I think you'd be surprised.
I see me disengaging, circling away
yeah theyre both flushed bums fighting right after a shit card
So is Discord. Heem is really under siege these days
uppercut him till he dieded like in the ngubu fight
I think you'd be surprised. I think he'd fuck you up.
she's the hottest one yet
ariana's hotter, none of them have any ass though
What's next for his career?
There’s literally nothing wrong with abortions.
BJ Penn
Cawlmedy special on HBO.
cm punk rematch
seeing what happened to cain against ngannou, is it really that unlikely that schaub could have finished him?
penn might actually break his losing streak lol
Agree, in a world that kills thousands of animals, laughs about all the dead jews etc it's so funny to see people on Yea Forums of all places crying because some cells get flushed.
He should be booked against CM Punk for a fight parody
Gatekept by based Diego. Should stick to fighting bums.
He seems to be one of those "hot prospect" types that remain a hot prospect into their 30s and never actually amount to anything.
Lads weekly fight cards aren’t filling the empty void that is my life anymore. Hours away from the only thing in my life that has kept me going every week and I can’t get hyped. Help
can I get a quick rundown on dimir spybug?
Desmond said that it's good
You’re gonna learn, buddy. Oh boy are you gonna learn.
>the fetus is a human and has a soul, it is MURDER to abort, actual literal MURDER how date you, by the way we should gas the kikes and hang all negros
t. the moral highground of current gen 4channers
free your self from the ufc sloppy bums and start watching the patrician strikers of glory and one fc
Is schaub special really bad or you guys are just memeing?
No i'm not going to watch it, I've stopped wasting my life listing to schaub a long time ago
I miss comfychan before all these faggots started taking themselves so seriously
remember when Yea Forums was actual edgelords and not just larpers? I do
it has the same energy as your drunk uncle telling you half-remembered stories that he swears are funny
Like you have anything more important to do lmao
But from the 10 minutes of it I saw, it was face shattering cringe. Then again, thats how I feel about all of the Joe Rogan comedy team, and him included.
Not a single laugh from me, b. The worst part is how he blames his failed football and fighting careers on his dad with no hint of it being joke randomly near the end.
I'll watch the highlights of RDV v Lee tomorrow
I disagree with you about the issue you care the most about. Deal with it.
it's more amatuer than really bad
t. incel
filgure it owt for yourself, b. ahh you'll filger it out
Abortions should be illegal for white wahmens because white privilege.
What is going on, big guy?
Same. All these faggots fried their brains with a large dose of many memes (many such cases), and now they think that that’s how the world actually is. You probably think these dipshits are just talking shit on the internet and don’t actually believe any of it, but you’d be wrong. I’ve met these people. They have rallies. They’re actually that cringed and retarded in real life.
I miss 2006 Yea Forums.
And they should be free (and dare I say mandatory) for underprivileged WoC.
Bet on the fights. They are all fun to watch when you have money on them
B8ed hard
Pls find salvation, /heem/
thanks b I was looking for that this morning
Big fan of the fajitas bit
Some great fights have been scheduled for this summer/fall. Don't let the past few cards and this crusty shit card throw you off
Not even being edgy when I say I just don't see how so many people get sucked into something as stupid as religion. It's just a cult. Then again most so called "Christians" have never even stepped foot in a church
Oh, watch it buddy, you’re about to have fedora memes spammed at you.
imagine wasting 1 hour of your life to watch Shobs ""comedy"""
>mfw you forgot jesus
You don't see how because it's not a cult, it's a religion, read a book for once in your life
Ido's a fucking unit
99% of christians I've met are just traditionalists, and only adhere to christian rituals because its part of their local tradition, for historical reasons.
Very, very few, if any, educated people actually believe in an actual guy living outside of space and time who created everything by design and is judging us based on our diet and masturbation habits. Its silly.
That is to say, a real christian is a strawman, no such proposition is made. No real christians, just cultural christians. And retards, but we ignore these.
Religion exists in nature as well, it's just called a cult. And it's funny you mention reading, what was the one book slaves were allowed to read?
>he can't get past this place
He looks like that reddit meme
Askren was asleep and you know it
Kevin Pee
du Bronx
She spiked rose on her head. That’s illegal. Inb4 muh Big John.
stormin norman is fighting
is this the thread to discuss mixed martial arts?
Why does this lad look fitter and leaner on a vacation off camp than she did on weigh ins?
>But God says abortion is wrong
I just can't imagine basing your beliefs on a book. The same God who gives out aids and cancer says abortion is wrong
Don't let this distract you from the fact that khabib had seizures from weight cutting and askren was out
haha imagine if she pooped her diaper and you had to change it hahaha
when does this pos card start
Cancer you can justify with some pseudo-wisdom from tradition, like you need the old tree to die, so the young tree can grow out of the shade, etc.
But you can't justify that one fucking nerve going from the neck, down to the chest, around the heart, and up to the shoulder. What the fuck is this shit? Why is this shit there, to get smashed, twisted, and pinched all the time? Come on, Yawheee, step your designer game up.
She was holding onto a submission. Fuck Rose
She's a big girl
8 minutes into the Schaub special,guys.
Does it get better?
Kinda flat so far.
3AM Ottoman time. I seriously hope you wont wait out for it. The good fights will be at like 5AM.
The rules say that if there is a submission attempt going on, it doesn't apply. And Rose held the kimura thing, instead of landing like an actual experienced fighter.
Is schaub the most successful fighter in ufc history?
You guys ever gutted a fish?
That was God's will, Inshallah
how is bjj real? just dump them on their head and take their belt.
Why are atheists so cringe? It's like debating a 8y/o on morality.
how is anything real for that matter when you can just zangief everyone
I'm not an atheist that's a man made concept.
How did such a sensitive nigger become mod on Yea Forums?
Of course, who hasn't? Even urban kids go fishing at least once.
ok I made it to 18 minutes. There's no way I can force myself to go longer. At first I was on the hate wagon just for the sake of it, but this is honestly just a shame for everybody.
Not just that. Our eyes are shit. We have a ton of blood vessels in our eyes IN FRONT of our receptors. We’re basically seeing the world through a mesh filter. And what about our appendix? Does nothing, we don’t need it, but it can burst and kill us. Gallbladder? Don’t need it, had mine out, nothing changed, but it can grow stones and make you feel like complete shit. How about IBS? Your gut just up and decides to start acting like a fucking spastic for no reason. Hemorrhoids, immune system disorders, underactive thyroids... the list goes on.
Creationists always argue that are bodies are perfectly designed machines and must’ve had an intelligent creator. In actuality, we’re outdated technology made of scrap parts and held together by duct tape. Our bodies fucking suck.
Imma say it...
Theist = believes a supernatural designer exists that created us.
A-theist = isn't a theist.
So you probably are an atheist. You probably aren't an Anti-Theist, which is the belief that Theists should be dealt with.
absolute brainlet tier
How important is a good natural reaction time in fight sports, or boxing especially? I score about 0.3 seconds in those "click when you see the red dot" things which isn't too great
Based janny revving the /pol/ spergs.
obviously it's important lol
Kevin Lee more like Kevin Pee LMAO
I fixed my really bad ibs with the carnivore diet.
heem janny is nig confirmed
in case you were wondering here's my future walkout song
>AIDS only infect fags and niggers
why am I supposed to hate aids again?
I got aids from a woman
Theoretically you don't need it for low level boxing, since you can judge by people's tells and react before the punch has even properly began. Of course its better to be able to see a punch that wasn't telegraphed too.
May have to try that. Currently using probiotics, giver supplements, and medical cannabis oils. It’s much better than it was, but I still get days where I feel like I want to die.
lol i thought that eye cut was a tattoo
Do you follow harry potter religiously
from a (((woman)))(male)
Just become an e-sports dork like the other Finnish spergs, you'll be making more money too
Fun fact: when AIDS first appeared, it wasn't the gays it was killing the most. It was the hemophiliacs.
If you suffer from hemophilia, you regularly need blood during any sort of procedure or after any injury, and it used to be you'd get a mix of 100-150 people's blood, and it was literally russian roulette for these people. Gays at least felt they are doing something, tracking the source, isolating it, wearing condoms, supporting each other against the public reaction, etc. Hemophiliacs quietly died off. An actual genocide against the hemophilia gene, its a rare disease now.
There was a jewish community in New York I think, that all suffered from it because of in tribe cousin fucking, and they nearly went extinct in a generation.
Dana will refuse it and choose some boomer rock music, deal with it
I think some people are just lucky and can stomach stuff like carbs, fibre etc but I just couldn't.
>Gets CTE and kills his family
Kevin Lee would legit heem Khabib
Why would you do that to based Arnie?
Nibbas in fucking South Africa don't give a fuck, the man wants a lamborghini, didn't you hear him?
It's harder than I thought it would be, the scales get everywhere and then the guts are hard to pull out. Doing something like that doesn't really make you feel good.
For sure
Based Big Kev who wont lose my money
A slow reaction time would be an even worse handicap in competitive mouse clicking
Foods don’t really seem to be a trigger for me, it seems to be more of a motility issue. When my symptoms aren’t bothering me, I can eat pizza, burgers, Chinese food, whatever, and it doesn’t bother me. My symptoms tend to flare more from being irregular or from stress.
I have read about quite a few people fixing their IBS by going on a high-protein, low carb diet though (which kind of makes sense, since FODMAPS seem to be responsible for many IBS symptoms, and FODMAPS aren’t found in meat), so it might be time to try it. I’m so sick of this shit already.
Shit i completely forgot this fight ever happened, i thought he shot in and got guillotined but thinking it now that was Colby.
>those forearms
Cut from the tail to the head on the underbelly, and with your fingers reach in until you feel the spine, and pull out everything. Everything that isn't glued to bones isn't meat, its trash, just pull it. Try not to open the bladder while doing it. In practice you wash and cook, so it doesn't matter, but it just feels bad to see. When I pull them out, they are balloons filled with piss, I never break them.
Then take the blade, and go against the grain on the scales, they fall off easy. If its a fish covered in oil, you need to put it in hot (not boiling) water first, then in cold water, and this handles the ooze, and you can access the scales. If its a swamp fish, you need to peel off the skin, inexperienced butchers will loose meat that way, but you learn.
I really can't put it to text, especially in english, but its common sense stuff. I learned by doing, its pretty intuitive. Just think what you are doing.
Watching the superior event tonight
Why is he almost the only white there? i mean, his brother is supposed to be on the photo but they're all brown.
Is prime Schaub legitimately good or is he just a meme? people keep saying he could beat Ngannou
It's because vegetables and carbs are man made.
high test, if you know what i mean
dios mio...
>God always has a plan, I was gutted I couldn't defend my belt at UFC Perth but I've just been blessed with a little girl that stole my heart. My wife did so well and I couldn't be a prouder husband or dad.
the jannie is a fucking faggot and a discord tranny
Have you tried going vegetarian? I got a bad intestine too, but i feel its almost impossible to get bad cramps if all you got in there are plants cuz its all so light, i only get bad now when i eat some bread or cheese.
wish god had a plan for me lads
based bobby knucks
How many bongs?
Plants digest terrible in the stomach, how are they "light" There's a reason vegans shit 16 times a day
this many
*heems you*
He does. You are the guy who gets run over by a car, so the driver can stop drinking, so he can get back with his family, so his wife can drop the second job, so the position is offered to a guy who otherwise would've hanged himself, so the guy who would've found him hanging doesn't get depressed at the sight and instead continues his career and creates a new kind of corn syrup cookies for the Lord's children to enjoy.
With IBS, going vegetarian is probably an awful idea. As I said, most symptoms (gas, bloating, cramping, diarrhea) are caused by FODMAPs fermenting in your gut. FODMAPs are natural sugars found in fruits, vegetables, and dairy. Meat does not ferment, so it doesn’t produce much gas.
Likely you don’t have IBS, you may be lactose intolerant.
But he has sad eyes..
>I fixed my really bad ibs with the carnivore diet.
This is the most meme diet ever made, but it works, since it stops you eating junk food, which is what matters.
Will we finally recognize DC as the GOAT after Jones gets permaflushed by USADA?
im rich af and even i know how to gut a fish lmao
Actually some real truth to that. HFCS is loaded with FODMAPs, and they put that shit in pretty much every prepared food imaginable. Avoiding that shit probably makes a big difference in how you feel.
Unless you consider salads, nuts and lentils junk food I never ate junk foot to begin with. I fell for the we're natural herbivore memes. Now I'm on the nature is horrible but we can't deny it no matter how depressing it is meme
Jesus Christu
Cant eat any fats at all, just ate some so,y that was dipped in a bit of chicken sauce and now feel terrible. Im a lot better now that im taking glutamine thought.
Looking at FODMAP diet right now, it is almost the exact opposite to my anti-GERD diet.
Funny how similar symptoms are treated in such different ways. Its almost as if the diets are memes and some people are just prone to stomach related misery all their lives.
Can't wait for research to confirm that dopamine production and sensitivity is genetic, so I can excuse my suicide.
Real main event tonight is BOOOOOOOMB SQUAAAAAD
How can you think this is the natural diet though?
nothing about that looks appealing to humans, somebody said that's only because empathy and compassion is a social concept etc but that's bs.
>real martial art
bum squad meme ends tonight
I came here to talk about fights?
>hit a guy 1000 times
>Dont KO him
Are all Boxers turbo punchlets?
There are no fights for a few more hours.
Here's his next fight
neither are flushed but RDA is more skilled
in all fairness dos nachos
>current year
>losing to Diego Sanchez
is dis nibba seriously finna have a name like muslim
F Mickey
Just like based rory
>using martial '''''''arts'''''' in MMA
lmao why not use capoiera or kung fu, everything is a meme except boxing and wrestling and that's a fact
Real main event already happened, Inoue by KO
I’d get checked out for gallbladder and pancreas issues if fat makes you sick.
It’s very likely. I’m kind of not sure my doctor actually knows what she’s talking about. I imagine we’ll probably get an effective medication for IBS eventually, though.
Bro killing babies is totally cool
Wrestling is a meme unless it's submission wrestling
Well that's not that bad, the story of Browne's fight is ok.
That's just because you're not used to it. I was talking to someone once when they were talking about a murderer and said how they needed killing because they dismembered the body, and asked what type of person it takes to cut through flesh like that and I said a butcher. And got the same
>oh that's not the same stop comparing humans to animals!
Murder is natural hence why they made it illegal to stop it happening
>white guy
>name is Muslim Alhamdullilah Magomedbabooboobakov
Yep, I'm thinking Mickey's about to get grappled to death.
Holy shit, Jon Jones and Daniel Cormier are at it again
it's almost midnight picks are done good luck canada
Fuck am I in charge of this shit?
Game thread when
heem needs you now that calendar abandoned it
Hey, it’s not your baby, so why do you care so much? If some other person you’re never gonna meet wants to permaheem their little shit factory, why does it matter to you?
Fine, first response chooses the goof image
Why do you hate DC
I still can't believe people are picking Nick Lentz, even though they already fought twice, and he already lost twice. What do you all see?
Because muh internet turf war.
Yea i got blood work done and all, they gave me a malabsorption diagnosis and gave me glutamine which helped not feel bad after meals but i still cant eat any fats or glutten.
just punch them in the head until their eyes close
fucking meme shit
This guy's movements in the cage all look really sloppy and sort of amateurish, and yet he has a pretty decent record. Maybe that comes partly from doing a ton of strength training but not taking your fight career 100% seriously
I don't hate Daniel, but calling him the GOAT is disrespectful
>doing a ton of strength training but not taking your fight career 100% seriously
Just described 95% of all MMA heavyweights in the history of the sport.
>be a striker with shit ground game
>change name to Mohammed Akbariallhumdillamov
How many shootings till prelims start?
He has a decent record because he fights scrubs. Whenever he fights someone halfway decent, he loses and gets knocked back down the ladder.
2 school shootings and 10 detroit drivebys
Sorry, 10 robbed detroit corner stores til prelims, 2 courthouse bombings until main card
I think people should be able to kill people as long as I don't know them. That way it's no one I know that's dying so it's ok.
Based, thanks.
for you
I agree, B.
reddit tier ban. mods should heem themselves
Would it be ok if I killed the leaf user you just replied to, I mean you don't technically know him, right?
The Lee meme ends for good now
They're both absolute dogs
Oh fer ser b I'm 100% for that please do
where the streams at
reported to the police, fbi and cia for inciting violence
I wish they'd let fighters fight outside of their weight classes as long as they agree to some waivers or something. Mighty Mouse would unironically be a drawl if he were in there with 200+ lb bums that he could style on.
mmastreamz? hmm i dont know might have to look some mmastreamz term up for that
Dude I'm telling you he can knee you so fast you don't even know what's happening
Better not miss.
did you kill twitchys wife?
>submissions are memes
Learn 2 fight
Why does it say the fights start now when the fights arent on?
>named fucking Muslim
mickey stop being shit for once in your life, we can't lose this one
In theory how would I go about watching this legally?
*takes aim*
Let the Bean make the thread.
The rope climbing pantomime is a classic
>no streams yet
what the fuck is happening
Let the Spic make the thread.
send location. We're now.
Charles Jourdain is literally the only fighter on this card I care about. He and his younger brother Louis were fuckin awesome in the TKO organisation. Another guy I'd love to see in the UFC from TKO is TJ Laramy, who by the way also had a younger brother who fights in TKO
He wins fights by looking busy, when in actual fact he's just kicking air around his opponent.
I’m at your mum’s house, m8. She’s a screamer.
John Reese thread on plebbit, Greece
Guess we're gonna have to subscribe to ESPN+ friend
>the thread on mmastreamz popped up just now
Phew, was getting worried.
been up for 40 mins
SOOOO many mismatches tonight. be shocked if theres more than 3 decisions tbhwyf
Damn this guy spunked over the Irish dragon
Checked, and you're right, for some reason it wasn't showing up for me until I refreshed several times.
yall krakkkazzz b trippin
Cough* cough* mexico what the fuck are you waiting for
Damn, the only stream worth a damn is buffering every few seconds for me, and it's not caused by low download speed.
Elias is changing the fight game
>it's a stream keeps skipping every five seconds episode
He's too good.
>Mortal Kuckbat commercial
Absolutely disgusting.
go to an adaptive one user
"as someone from dagestan"
refers to women as whores.
Checks out
>we geeet it
I've seen aids patients swing harder than Erosa.
New thread:
a thing called footwork
>has there been a leg kick thrown?
>one was thrown literally a minute ago
is that a hobbit?