25 years old

>25 years old
>soon to be 26

Is he finished?

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Future ballondor winner

He's 26 y'o future prospect.

Literally who?

he'll join manure so they have two 26 year old future prospects

>Is he finished?
I want him to be finished inside me if you catch the drift.

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what if he goes to United and actually does really really well will Yea Forums apologise??????

Sure, we always apologize when needed

uhhhmm whats going on here

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whats the appeal ?

>Is he finished?
Since 2017, yes. 16/17 was his last good season.

Nice feet in women indicate good health, balance, posture and a lovely feminine gait. But a man nullifies this grace by putting his own beneath it. It's a depraved action that justifies death, by boot.


What other middle aged players are still future prospects?

le 26 year old next messi

if I told you, I'd have to stone you

Lucas Moura
Lucas Vazquez

>Martial is 23
Wtf lads


>Lucas Vazquez
>age 27
Lmao I thought he was like 22 or something

man u material

Well he is gay so you have a chance