ITT: sports-related curses

ITT: sports-related curses

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ah caray

Attached: cruz azul.webm (1280x720, 888K)

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So...who's your favorite pokemon, Yea Forums?

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BASED Typhlosion

Attached: 157Typhlosion.png (1280x1280, 703K)

Attached: Alakazam.png (250x250, 58K)

I watched the Pokemon movie with 8 years old kid
I really thought it would be better, a normal detective movie in which Pokemon living in the same city as humans was traeated as something completely normal, matter of factly, seriously taken, unremarkable.
But it had a very outlandish plot about mind swap. For me the movie shumped the shark when they had mind swap + one of the 2 bodies magically disappear
It was more like the 90s Super Mario Bros movie in a way

Waking up to see the salt on /vp/ after he lost to Alain is honestly one of the best memories I have of this website

Volcarona, I don't have a pic

Attached: Virizion2_grande.png (300x300, 17K)

Torterra ESPECIALLY with Staraptor perched on it's tree.



Cruz Azul should quit Twitter and Facebook. I unironically, 100% honest to God, believe they are cursed.



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I was at the first America/Cruz Azul match last Thursday, there were only like 30k people there

Why were there so few fans at a Mex City vs Mex City game?

have sex

There's a even worse case in my country, a team named Cartaginés hasn't won the National league in almost 80 years and the fans believe that there's a cursed doll buried in the stadium since 1940

Attached: Escudo_del_Club_Sport_Cartaginés.svg.png (1200x1357, 109K)


Attached: chad.png (200x208, 44K)

Ok seriously, what the FUCK is Ash's problem?

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Attached: renamon is best pokemon.jpg (200x200, 9K)

Attached: metagross.webm (552x308, 1.42M)

First shiny I found but dude was hella pink after I evolved from from dat lil Zubat nigga.

By far my favorite tho

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i love this guy

Attached: dragon1te.jpg (1280x720, 85K)

Lapras, duh

Attached: xurkitree.png (277x302, 56K)

Basically better charizard, based

this is my best friend, say something nice about him :)

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i love you reshiram!

fuck off justin

Eat me (srs)

Attached: koffing.png (250x250, 54K)

WEAK mind


este año es el bueno!

Jajaja mae pobre Cartago

keeping shitter

the pink gas guy


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I bet you give it a Sitrus Berry too you faggot

My boy Gyara

Attached: Gyara.jpg (779x1200, 222K)

Love Shiggy because of big titted girls wearing his face on tops

Attached: shiggy drinking.gif (200x150, 182K)

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Thoroughly underrated


1-151: First Gen
9000: anything else

I like you, Quilava is cuter though

lol no

>they keep nerfing ghost-types

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