Name a state with more influence on sports than Ohio

Name a state with more influence on sports than Ohio

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Rhode Island

Massachusetts and it's storied history of success unlike owhoio


>didn’t even create multiple professional sports leagues
>didn’t even form college athletics administration
Guess where heisman was born, Ohio
Guess where Paul brown was born, Ohio
Guess where pro football was born

He said 'state', not 'rightful independent nation currently under the fascist rule of a foreign power'.

Based, go Rams


maybe 100-150 years like all things involving ohio

Didn't create but they damn sure perfected it. Cope

>his state's biggest achievement in this millenium is clinging onto some dude who died 80 years ago and another dude who died almost 30 years ago

Lancashire (old boundaries).
Not only more influence on sport, but has produced more good records than the entire US.

Attached: lancs.gif (433x766, 70K)

>perfected it
No Paul brown perfected it, first coach to implement the pass play, also the greatest dynasty of all time, they went 47-4-3 in their first 4 seasons of football and went 277-75-10 and won 8 title games from 1946-1969

Football, Basketball were INVENTED in Massachusetts

Ohio seems to be the most relevant irrelevant state in the US desu

I think nothing when I think of Ohio, just a grey mass of nothingness, but for some reason the state still manages to be mentioned fairly often in American media, discussions, etc.

>paul brown perfected it because he dabbed on literal amateurs

Attached: angry soyboy.png (231x218, 9K)

Ohio is very relevant, maybe irrelevant to you, but to the US it’s probably one of the most important states

its roughly the closest state to the country in a lot of ways(even kind of looks like a retarded usa minus florida) but most people of note leave it for greener pastures.

>dabbed on literal amateurs
Sorry lad that’s WRONG he won 4 NFL championships

BeliGOAT would blow Brown tee eff oh 52-0

No he wouldn’t
Paul brown was a mastermind even belichik said that he could never live up to Paul brown

>95 year world series drought

>one team four rings in 15 years
>two teams with four rings in 70 yrs(140 seasons)

Unironically California

If you aren't memeing South Dakota is much more irrelevant. North Dakota is actually much more relevant due to the recent upswing in industry there, like natural gas and whatever. Also, they even have some significant particle physics experiments and detectors being run underground there looking for dark matter. But South Dakota, nothing...

What the most wet US state?

nice reading comprehension nignog

Ohio tends to be mentioned a lot in sports and politics. Sports because Ohio State University is considered one of the best football schools in the nation, the Cleveland Cavaliers and Indians were also pretty good recently, and the Cleveland Browns were notoriously bad recently. Politically, Ohio is considered a swing state, meaning in the general election for the President of the United States, Ohio typically swings either left (democrat) or right (republican) in the political spectrum usually dependent on the candidates and how well they campaign in Ohio, making it a well sought after state to win in the general election