Biggest fraud in football

Biggest fraud in football

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Literally who

who is it? looks like a german son of Ornlando Bloom

not really. he's ok still, just a bit slow, and not the player he was 4 years ago
still decent when playing in a system that doesn't E X P O S E him

That's not Paul Pogba and/or David Luiz.

for me, it's Octavian "Kripp" Morosan

biggest fraud in football is the french national team and don't you forget it

That's not Dybala

>blocks your path

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he isn't even the biggest fraud in the current squad of bayern munich

Between 2012 and 2014 he was top 3 CB in the world. Football has changed alot since then. Boateng is much worse btw.

How is a fraud? because he's old and shit now? doesn't take away from his achievements in the past.

>he dyed his hair blond to look like a true aryan

Hummels is based and elite. What the fuck are you talking about

Boateng is prob the bigger fraud

hey guys, como estas?

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>just a bit slow

Which ethnicity is this?

I think he wasted his career by going to Bayern. Should have won at least one CL but going to Bayern proved he was washed up and had no ambition.


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He looks like Pedro Pascal

aside from his meme united career he was bretty gud
unironically losing so much at Arsenal ruined him so now he chases the money

>le ‘footy lad’ look
how contrived. Sad!

He will unironically become WC this season as the undisputed number 1 and with Vamos in his corner

This guy or Andy Carroll

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