No work today so of course it’s raining, while the past two days had lovely weather.
John Powell
i want a german dog. which german breed is best?
Mason King
Jordan Hall
Schäferhund, Dobermann, Rottweiler - the holy trinity of badass German dogs.
Weimaraner for the sophisticated gentleman.
Lincoln Adams
Your thoughts on Marcel Kittel ending his career?
Leo Morris
He needs to put his own happiness and mental health first, and it doesn’t seem like professional cycling allows him to do that.
Juan Harris
>von: ALFRED DRAXLER veröffentlicht am >16.05.2019 - 22:16 Uhr >Erst fünfmal in der Bundesliga-Geschichte wurde der Tabellenführer am letzten Spieltag noch gestürzt. Herzschlag-Finale nennen das die Radio-Reporter.
>Als ersten Klub „erwischte“ es ausgerechnet die Bayern im Jahr 1971. Sie verloren in Duisburg 0:2, Gladbach siegte in Frankfurt 4:1, zog noch vorbei und wurde Deutscher Meister. Bei den Verlierern dabei war der 19-jährige Uli Hoeneß, der in der 62. Minute ausgewechselt wurde.
>Ich glaube nicht, dass Hoeneß 48 Jahre später wieder leiden muss. Seine Bayern sind gegen Frankfurt hoher Favorit. Ein Punkt reicht. Und Borussia Dortmund hat gleichzeitig in Gladbach wahrscheinlich das schwierigere Spiel.
>Wenn Sie mich aber fragen, wem ich den Titel in diesem Jahr wünschen würde, dann sage ich: dem BVB!
Tell me about Dynamo Dresden. Do they have a chance or will they sell the game?
Christopher Hughes
This was unironically the worst dive recorded on tape.
They're the gud guys. They staying in, nothing more this season.
David Miller
I know they are the good guys. I was asking if they will sell the game or have a chance to win it. My mate support Union Berlin, he's studying here, he says he will cry if they don't get promoted this weekend.
I dont want him to cry. I want to see him smile
Isaac Jackson
>Nikita Rudy Tromp, Geboren: 8. Mai 2002 (Alter 17 Jahre) >Aktuelle Teams: Ajax Amsterdam (#29 / Mittelfeld), Netherlands women's national under-17 football team (Mittelfeld)
Jeremiah Thomas
Is she, dare I say it, elite?
Jordan Bailey
She got 2 elite talents for U-17 for sure
Zachary Anderson
Hallo knaben
Robert Turner
>tom, the pervert ugh
Jose Thomas
imagine to not only unironically watch womens football but to unironically watch U17 womens football
Sebastian Howard
>name is unironically Jule Brand can't make this shit up
Henry Martin
redpill me on domenico tedesco good manager or another bundes meme?
Brandon Thompson
Mourinho lite
Robert Bennett
Hopefully he can do it, he discovered some good young players while at Olimpija. It's a shame he got sacked, >we didn't deserve him
Carson Barnes
what does it mean? he's playing defensive football?
Isaiah Moore
oh shit, Seedorf glasses coming in. Big fan of here already
Aiden Martin
lel no. Laptop & systeme cuck. Has nothing to do with Mourinho.
Owen Anderson
Don't think it's a good deal if >we are buying Douglas and keeping Wendell, but if Bosz is playing him and winger or midfielder it's a good signing
No idea, but with the mediocre performances he put in this season I don't see him staying. Leverkusen should cash in before they're driven into a corner.
I don't think he will leave in this window, I remember he was linked with halal not long ago when he performed well, but big teams aren't looking for a LB now.
Chase Jackson
Any chance of Allegri to Bayern?
William White
More like Roger Schmidt to Bayern lmao
William Morgan
I am playing a concert in munich tomorrow, can't watch the footie ;_; I hope dortmund win the league, otherwise traffic will be a nightmare
Liam Morgan
Frankfurt bought Kostic contract until 2023
Thomas Foster
>Marko Marin ist in Serbien Meister geworden und wurde nun auch in der Superliga zum Spieler des Jahres gewählt.
Charles Ramirez
We did it lads, a good match and a deserved win for our girl. Don't forget there is the champions eagle final, aka lyonwinslol, tomorrow at 18:30.
Ich meine das ernst. Denn inzwischen sollte jedem klar sein, dass es vollkommen egal ist, wer beim HSV
Vorstandsvorsitzender, Sportvorstand, Finanzvorstand, Sportchef, Kaderplaner, Chefscout, Trainer oder Spieler ist. Die Namen sind ebenso beliebig austauschbar, wie sie ausgetauscht werden.
Es spielt einfach keine Rolle mehr, denn dieser Verein ist fertig. Fertig, so wie er ist. Man hat es in all den Jahren mit allen Varianten versucht. Erfahrene Trainer, junge Trainer, Laptop-Trainer, Trainer des Jahres, deutschen Trainer, ausländischen Trainer, etablierten Trainer und Hoffnungs-Trainer. Nichts hat nachhaltig funktioniert und mittlerweile stellt man sich in Hamburg am Tag der Vorstellung des neuen Übungsleiters nicht mehr die Frage, ob es funktioniert, sondern man schließt Wetten darauf ab, wie viele Monate das arme Schwein im Amt bleiben wird, bevor man ihn in einem Akt der Inkompetenz und gelebten Selbstzerstörung vor die Tür setzt. All dies liegt nicht am jeweiligen Trainer, es liegt noch nicht mal am Sportchef, es liegt am Verein selbst.
Ein Verein, der schon längst nicht mehr dazu angelegt ist, durch sportliche Leistungen zu glänzen, sondern der ausschließlich als Selbstbedienungsladen für auf Zeit ins Amt gehobene Selbstoptimierer dient. Dabei glaube ich sogar den Trainern, die es immer wieder versuchen. Jeder von ihnen denkt, dass ausgerechnet er es sein wird, dem das Unmögliche gelingen wird. Der diesen im Kern so machtvollen Verein ins Licht führen und als Retter der Enterbten in die Analen des Klubs eingehen wird. Und nach wenigen Wochen merkt wirklich jeder der Herren, auf was er sich hier eigentlich eingelassen hat. Von dem Moment der Erkenntnis an beginnt das persönliche Schiff zu sinken und der Rest gerät zum Desaster. Immer und immer wieder.
Kruse supposedly going to >Schalke wtf is wrong with that nibba
David Fisher
poor bremen, it all comes tumbling down >Nach Knie-OP: Bargfrede fällt mehrere Monate aus
Angel Thompson
No, rumor is he's unironically going to hoffenheim and that's why he was "injured" all of a sudden last week against them. it would be even better now when >we qualify for europe tomorrow and leave hoffenheim behind.
Alexander Smith
Does /bundes/ like Thunfischpizza?
Levi Sullivan
>it would be even better now when >we qualify for europe tomorrow and leave hoffenheim behind. would be funny if this happened
Mason Watson
yes yes ate one last night
Ian Nelson
I do
Wyatt Martinez
I hope Kruse eats a lot of Nutella in the Sommerpause and gets relegated to Trainingsgruppe 2.
Jack Edwards
someone post the video
Michael Williams
Ten minutes to go
James Hall
>only one dane and one ghanaian-danish mutt nice 'team' you got there
Not watching the game, obviously. Watching a Norwegian travel program instead.
Dylan Cook
Kruse to Dortmund? They need a striker
Dylan Robinson
>7/10 missed penalties dafuq
Dylan Rogers
women suck at football. more news at 6.
Charles Baker
these are professional athletes right? Shit, sorry, even if I try not to be a shitlord. They look so out of place, the movement just seems odd, like trying really hard but it still looks clumsy.
second goal is nice though.
Colton Reed
>female scores a goal >lol female goal keepers are shit
>female goal keeper saves >lol women suck at football
Aaron James
oh, just realized its U-17, might explain a bit
Eli Bell
>Am Donnerstag hat sich eine Mehrheit des Beirats beim 1. FC Kaiserslautern für die langfristige Zusammenarbeit mit dem Unternehmer Flavio Becca ausgesprochen. >Darin äußert sich auch Becca das erste Mal öffentlich. "Mein Ziel war es nie, hier ausschließlich den 'Feuerwehrmann' zu spielen, sondern langfristig den Verein zu begleiten mit dem Ziel, in die 1. Bundesliga zurück zu kehren", sagte der Unternehmer. Dafür habe er mit den Verantwortlichen "ein schlüssiges Konzept entwickelt, das sowohl im sportlichen als auch im betriebswirtschaftlichen Bereich den FCK zurück in die Erfolgsspur führen kann".
Cameron Kelly
Leo Turner
yes, i usually don't watch u matches, because the best players are missing, because they already play in other age group. Also >Fritz-Walter-Medaille is the biggest joke ever.
Easton Bailey
its still the paralympics of football
Jaxson Brown
actually meant for
Oliver Powell
Im not sure about it. I like Tuna, on pasta its okay, on salad and pizza, not really for my taste.
Daniel Ramirez
>female goal keeper saves
I think I unironically never saw a female goalkeeper make a good save, sören.
>Filip Kostic: Has made more accurate crosses from open play (38) than any other player in the Bundesliga this season
Alexander Edwards
Nach einer guten Stunde ist das Nachmittagstraining der Rothosen vorbei, die Spieler gehen zurück in die Kabinen. Heute standen vor allem Torabschlüsse auf dem Programm, viele scharfe Bälle und Schüsse auf die Tore wurden geübt. Eine Aufstellung für Sonntag war nicht zu erkennen. Ersatzkeeper Tom Mickel prallte mit Lasogga zusammen, konnte aber mit Pflaster weitertrainieren.
Der Trainer hinterlässt eine sehr souveränen Eindruck trotz Entlassung.
Wie er das u.a. Urproblem des HSV genau beschreibt, dass man mit weniger Geld bei gleichzeitig großem Umbau der Mannschaft wieder etwas von Aufstieg faselt, der fast unmöglich ist. Er sagt ausdrücklich, daß man sich erst einmal stabilisieren müsse, an statt von großen Taten zu faseln. Defensiv im Laufe der Saison erst stabil dann mangels Klasse aber grosse Fehler und Offensiv hatte man gar nichts mangels Qualität. Bitte komm mir keiner mehr mir dem Kofferträger, Jatta, „Bayernbomber“ etc. Das war nur knapper Durchschnitt in Liga 2. ohne Hunt.
Viele Spiele eben knapp und glücklich gewonnen und vorne viel zu wenig Tore/ Qualität für ein Top 2 Team; kaum Spiele mit +2 oder mehr Toren gewonnen (4 Stück), aber 7 mit 2+ Toren oder mehr verloren u.a. unter Titz eben auch 2 Spiele mit 3 und 5 Toren.
Die Mannschaft hatte trotz hoher Kosten, danke Didi und Bruchhagen, nicht genügend individuelle Qualität und viele Spieler eben auch offensichtliche Leistungsprobleme bzw. nicht die entsprechende Einstellung.
Wer ist eigentlich der Sportvorstand ?
Der Sportvorstand sagt“ Ich kann doch hier nicht als V -Sport sitzen beim HSV und nächste Saison das Ziel 5 ter Platz ausgeben“. Doch kann er, wenn er Eier hätte. Jetzt wird wieder nur fabuliert von fast utopischen Dingen „Hart arbeiten“. Man kann den Scheiss nicht mehr hören. „Man kann in Hamburg weniger als das Ziel Aufstieg nicht verkaufen“ heißt für mich, wieder besseren Wissens wird hier gelogen, dass die Schwarte kracht. Der Vogel gehört sofort entlassen.
Horstl hat völlig Recht mit seinen Aussagen in Jov. Podcast. Wo ist der Plan?
Die ganze PK ist dermaßen sehenswert und offenbart alles.
Blake Bennett
>lautern and hsv blogposting nice, really nice. fuck off with those copy pasted bs, i can read kicker et al by myself. i don’t need you fucks to copy paragraphs from their articles here without any other input/discussion etc. thank you very much.
Josiah Sullivan
Should have watched the match then
Adrian Williams
was soll das? 1. fuck hsv 2. copy pasting articles is reddit
I posted that shit about FCK because theres some foreigner whos interested in them, either he can translate it by himself or ask us to summarize it. Agree about that HSV copy + paste.
Tyler Garcia
okay, then i’m fine with the lautern stuff
Jonathan Diaz
>waah waah why am I seeing football-related posts in my /bundes/
why do fatburgers cum in a sock when they jerk off? I never got it. Whats wrong with a tissue? Seems so disgusting to do it into a sock, and I can only imagine, uncomfortable too
Aiden Campbell
Who do you guys win the Eurovision? Are Iceland still ourguys?
Elijah Nelson
i cum in my foreskin. just pinch it shut at the end, then go in the bathroom to clean up with soap in the sink. no trash or dirty socks anywhere.
Carter Roberts
Tyler Gomez
Post your panties
Levi Roberts
Midtjylland won and are now Pokalmestre
Jacob Cooper
why are you so autistic
Adrian Williams
are you trying to sell me a carpet?
Benjamin Smith
Database error: SQLSTATE[HY000] [2002] No such file or directory
>Miss promotion to 1st league >Fire 2 coaches >Sign a 28 year old striker and pay him 1,5 million in the 2nd bundes Yep, that's my HSV. Glad we got rid of Titz. He would have used a young talent instead that damn idiot LOL
Leo Thompson
To be honest, I filed a report to Danish authorities.
Jaxon Ward
le Fiete Arp faec.jpg
David Cox
>Away at antifaclub >They play one of your songs to make fun of you >Fully embrace it and sing along >Beat them 4:0 HSV is kino
>Labbadia zum HSV Think about it. He will then be fired after 5 games and then replaced by, you guessed it, Peter Bosz after he gets fired from his current job for being exposed once again.
Joseph Carter
pls elaborate
Juan Peterson
Xavier Turner
>proceed to win not a single game afterwards Pauli was playing 4:0D chess. Making HSV blow their load early so that they vermassel the Aufstieg.
Henry Morgan
>blow their load early Happens to me literally every time and I'm a HSV fan. Coincidence? I don't think so.
I want Titz back. His plans with Polle being a libero were pretty autistic, but he did a good job in general. They should have fired Wolf after 4 matches in the Rückrunde if they had applied the same measures as with Titz. I really think that it's over...
Based Havertzposters
Ian Cruz
i will. have fun with your 2 posts per hour thread lmao
Ayden Ortiz
I'm kinda nervous lads, but I still think that Frankfurt and Gladbach will lose
Frankfurt will definitely lose, Gladbach - Dortmund can go either way, I think it will be an absoulte meme match 3:3 or 4:4 or so, but you should focus on winning your match first, Hertha shouldnt be underestimated.
Nathaniel Myers
bauern are gonna choke
3d print this post
Nolan Perry
>relying on dirtmunders to not fuck up everything
David Parker
delusional Bayern will rape Frankfurt
Isaac Martin
bayern will choke but it won't matter because so will dortmund
Jaxon Jones
I know, but they have been anihilated in their previous final matchdays. On the other hand it's Leverkusen, literally anything can happen
I want Leverkusen in Champions League, so I need BvB to beat Moenchengladbach. Waiting for miracles in Bundesliga and the fight in Serie A for the fourth Champions League Spot which Atalanta still has, are the only interesting things in football until the Champions League final.
Wyatt Morgan
>I want Leverkusen in Champions League absolutely patrician
Joshua Walker
Go to bed, Alario
James Adams
I'm sad because Atalanta didn't win the Coppa Italia, and I think they can't even play in their own stadium if they qualify for the CL
Chase Wilson
daily reminder that if you have ever bought an aspirin you are a Leverkusen customer.
Dominic Butler
no thanks
Cooper Gray
Aaron Richardson
For me, its Ibuprofen
Sebastian Sanders
>you now realise Caiuby got 0 goals while he was on loan
>United States youth international Chris Gloster was racially abused by VfB Lubeck supporters while playing for Hannover this week, his club said on their official website. >Gloster, 18, was subjected to monkey chants and other verbal abuse by members of the 200 travelling Lubeck supporters, according to Hannover's statement. >"Chris sat in the dressing room with tears in his eyes and he couldn't believe it," Tarnat said in the statement. "He was insulted severely and continually during the match. >Thomas Schikorra, a spokesman for VfB Lubeck, told Sportbuzzer that the club were stunned by the accusations. >"Unbelievable," he said. "Hannover did not inform us and there was nothing of the like in the referee's report. We collected a great deal of information and cannot understand the comments made by Hannover."
Liam Walker
She'll probably end up looking like this. His father's body + Her mother's beauty
been pondering about trump's quote "if you're going to be thinking, you may as well think big" and how to apply this to my life. i wonder if trying to be happy with your job is a futile act. it seems every single job you take would involve some bullshit, stress and no fulfillment in general. so when everything sucks, you might aswell go for that which pays the most, right? i wonder if starting the zealous pursuit of money wouldn't be the best idea.
Logan Ortiz
Literally the only thing that matters is having a good friend or two and a gf. Money, etc. is meaningless without that
t. friendless rich dude
Anthony Gutierrez
where were you when kemme homoseggs
i was sat at home drinking brain fluit when user wrote
'vagene on vagene'
and you?????????
Noah Bailey
nothing more comfy than watching Konferenz today
Angel Smith
nothing wrong with that desu, every successful company is "corrupt".
Elijah Lopez
faggot leave
Dominic Bailey
friendly reminder that the only reason you're alive is to make children and money, success etc. is just there to allow you to fuck.
yes true points but i didnt want to exclude that. its not like i would be able to work 100 hours and sacrifice everything else anyways lol. its more a question of what career should one chose? i find this idea of finding a career that makes fun and that you do with passion and so on quite mythical. so i wonder whether it wouldn't be smart to scrap this idea altogether and just follow the money.
Ryder Campbell
She looks like the type you can see in lesbo porns.
Ryan Anderson
shit. i can't deny this. perhaps its time to stop running away from this fact.
Just do engineering and enjoy nice pay and never really having to work more than 40 hrs/wk
Nathaniel Jackson
The reason you're alive is because your parents had sex. There's still no inherent purpose to life. It's just something these two creatures decided to do because of their biological impetus, which has no moral relevance whatsoever.
Connor Gonzalez
enough of your brainlet talk
James Morales
Rolling for a Buyern slip
Angel Morgan
Beim ESC drück ich immer fett auf die ESC-Taste. Wen juckt's?
Cooper Bennett
>Wissen Sie, wir leben in einer Gesellschaft in der die Gesellschaft nun mal wichtig ist. Besonders bei einem Verein wie Bayern München werden Gesellschaftliche Themen wie Menschenwürde ganz groß geschrieben. Deswegen ist der Druck auch so hoch.
Yeah, but would have been nice for the fans if Kruse could have played a last time. And look at that Leipzig Line-up, at least 4 of them only get to play because they will get sold, if Bremen doesnt win this I will be laughing really hard
Connor Russell
Dylan Parker
>BWM pulls out of a Bayern deal OH NO NO NO... and customers are still in denial that this very day will mark the start of their downfall
Parker Green
do we know how many shekels they have laying around on their festgeldkonto?
There is a rumor that Audi will pay more than a billion when >Buyern extends the contract.
Jaxson Miller
€275m Umlaufvermögen
Juan King
>14.53 Uhr: Bibiana Steinhaus muss kurzfristig auf ihren Einsatz im -Spiel zwischen dem FC Schalke 04 und dem VfB Stuttgart verzichten. Wie die Schalker mitteilten, ist die ursprünglich angesetzte Steinhaus krank und wird durch Robert Schröder ersetzt. Nähere Informationen zur Erkrankung gab es nicht.
imagine you bought a ticket to see Bibi and now she's sick and not only you don't get to see her but you also have to sit through >schalke
Dylan Carter
Kanzler Kurz´ statement incoming
Brody Morgan
Ich dachte die Alte heißt Merkel.
Anthony Cruz
Imagine being governed by some guy called Kanzler Kurz. What is this, Benjamin Blümchen?
Samuel Miller
keep dreaming
Matthew Reed
Austria's politics is fucked up even worse then Germany's. Most people there are still ÖVP/SPÖ cock suckers. In germany at least the SPD is fading into non-existance.
Honestly, I would be kinda glad if Hoeneß died. I'm not usually the kind of guy who hates people, but Hoeneß is probably the one person I wouldn't mind just keeling over.
Jack Phillips
STICCfags are the biggest disgrace to mankind
Luis Sanders
>hating memes
Brody Hall
okay fatso reminder that i will outlive you and every one of your waifus easily lmao
Jack Green
>says the guy who has been memed to adapt the beauty standards of a nigger FAT ASSES amiright guys?
Jackson Butler
What was the red card for?
Nicholas Lopez
GET HYPED >inb4 schnarchtastisch mätchdäy
Landon Sanders
>Austria's politics is fucked up even worse then Germany's. Yeah, and what a coincidence, the last time we got this much of a trainwreck of a government, it was a ÖVP-FPÖ government as well Really makes you think
Joshua Bennett
Post those high quality comfyrence streams pls
Isaac Bell
No idea
Nicholas Rivera
I am going to miss Robben
Isaac Bell
>implying this isn't the pinacle of women beauty
Grayson Price
Aiden Nelson
Wo kann man denn am besten einen Konferenzstream finden? Gibt irgendwie nur noch einzelne Matches.
David Perry
Ossilanten arschmett
Parker Garcia
it did just give me like a hundred viruses though so you may become part of neinis botnet
Thomas Russell
auf welchen seiten schaust du den so?
Adrian Fisher
>these Berlin kits
Jeremiah Evans
here we go lads
David Martin
Cam on Bayern
James Jones
Julian Johnson
Is Sky just doing another Lobhudeley on Robbery?
Parker Gutierrez
Owen Reed
*kneels on glyphosat customers*
Jaxson Green
This is going to be EPIC
Eli Robinson
Na denn wird die Flasche mal geploppt Prost
Dylan Ramirez
Isaac Watson
Lincoln Johnson
This general really does prove how unfunny and lame Germans are ;P
>Really makes you think not really. ÖVP-FPÖ is the austrian version of the german CDU-SPD coalition. They start making politics against one another from day one of the coalition. Doesn't wonder that it's a big pile of shit.
Ethan Cox
im not even watching comfyrence. gladbach-dortmund only for me.
Ethan Miller
same la
Jeremiah King
All the way to Moscow To end up in defeat Crying in the ruins And battered in the streets Staufenberg injured Hitler Victims of it all Soviets won the world war And the Germ*ns won fuck all Allez, Allez, Allez, Allez, Allez, Allez, Allez, Allez, Allez...
>13 points after the first half of the season, last place, everyone already considered them relegated >31 points in the second half of the season (44 altogether), avoids relegation in the last game by securing a draw against the relegation rival
Nothing is easy with this club, I can't take this every season
Colton Edwards
that would be ÖVP-SPÖ, you know, the actual equivalents to CDU and SPD
>all the meme teams people always want in the CL over Leverkusen like Gladbach, Leipzig, Hoffenheim, etc. crash out in the group stage >Leverkusen always advances truly makes one ponder
Samuel Lee
whats the sauce for this?
John Smith
>that would be ÖVP-SPÖ Kern-Mitterlehner went quite well until Sebastian K. aus Wien learned that he had chances to become chancellor and told his friend Wolfgang S. to sabotage the government
Austin Torres
Why do you care about who wins the league if its not your team?