Tfw can't enjoy watching football anymore because my team gets worse and worse and worse every single year

>Tfw can't enjoy watching football anymore because my team gets worse and worse and worse every single year

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Watch American Football. Handegg is a superior sport.

>Handegg is a superior sport.

Which team should I pick if I want to not be depressed by perpetual embarrassing performances, but I also want to not be considered a bandwagoner?

It won't help, I like the Bengals in your sport

the patriots are the only non-embarrassing team


Maybe I should just be a bandwagoner, it would be less painful.

Which team do you support fellow user in pain?

You must liking sucking Steelers cock

Do you support Anderlecht too ?

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tell the name of the team faggots when you make statements like this so we can better feel you. Ipswich?

It'd only be butthurt faggots that would consider you a bandwagoner, watch my Pats

I'm a cards fan
This user is a liar

what team?


>not supporting your team in times of need
what are you, 12?

it's like you guys love disappointment in every sport

>just support whoever is winning right now

Haha I know that feel

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none of those teams have been relevant in decades apart from the tardinals but they're arguably the worst team atm

Couldn't be more wrong

>team is shit
>can't enjoy football
>suddenly they have a good period and my interest is coming bac-
>no nevermind they're shit again

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At least we are competent in other sports.