Name one sport that is not actually a sport

Name one sport that is not actually a sport.

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Beach volleyball

Is masturbation an sport?

being fat and throwing pins at a board

Football, basketball, snooker, pokemon battling, hockey.

Ice hockey

Someones not winning a cup since 1993 again

Anything that relies on "judges", so pedoskate can fuck right off.

Soccer, more akin to winning the academy award

Any American "sport" is just a way for the jews to make money with all the ads they have. Literally publicity disguised as sports

imagine believing this when your top clubs are getting gobbled up by arab money one by one, have ads plastered all over their fields and kits. Id also recommend checking the highest earning sports by ad revenue, the premier league is 3rd in the world

All sports when played at a level where money becomes an important factor stop being sports and become a circus show.

Chess, poker, any game that doesn't actually require any physicality and can maybe even be played online.

This isn't an insult to such games, I'm not saying they're lesser than sports, I just think it's ridiculous and incorrect to call them sports.


but thats every sport

Horse racing.

Snooker, pool, darts

Sports, the way I see it, involve physical activity. Ads on shirts mean shit, I could be a walking ad but if I ran a marathon id be an athlete.

Those teams play at least 50 games a season. Now mupltiply 50 games times 90 minutes. That's a sport

American "sports" have ad breaks every 5 minutes. That's not physically demanding therefore it's not a sport, just a way found to make easy money for all the jews.

Figure skating only fags do it

