Did you know: Raptors franchise creation date is closer to present day than to the Milwaukee Bucks last Championship Title!
Raptors @ Bucks 8:30 ET
Did you know: Raptors franchise creation date is closer to present day than to the Milwaukee Bucks last Championship Title!
Raptors @ Bucks 8:30 ET
Canada or nothing bitch
fuck the crapshits
fuck leafs
and FUCK drake
whom does larry side wit? rapties or buckies
Did you know: Toronto has NEVER been to the finals EVER and NEVER will!
>bucks in 6
That worked out so well last time
Zion will return to Duke.
Raptors are due a title, but Larry never lost...
Can't call it
Hope you guys enjoy Kawhi's last 4 games
fun fact: giannis is taking up the mantle of the crappies daddy
Fact: Ibaka and Siakam will average 20 ppg this series
>the pellies deserve Zion because they're a quirky small market team and big market teams like the Lakers and the Knicks are big meanies
Sorry, but you wasted the first half of Anthony Davis's prime. You don't deserve anything. And your NFL team cheats. Lakers and Knicks will be better for experiencing this draft disappointment. And your pellies will be irrelevant.
Bucks are systembabbies. Celshits just didn't have the defenders to slow down giannis. Kagoat will calmly hit shot after shot with his diverse offensive repertoire while the bucks meme nigger rim run system gets exposed.
Why are NBA reddit admins such faggot cunts?
>didn't have defenders
They defended him well in Game 1. He got exposed so bad he complained to the refs and got superstar treatment save for Game 4.
It did not matter since the Celtics already imploded by Game 3.
bucks sweep. kyle lowrly the pressure is mounting uh oh
You can't actually be this retarded can you? 3 is more than 2. It's simple math
now that the lottery is over, post frontrunners for RotY
Not a rookie. Just like Ben Simmons wasn't.
Blazers in 5, cap this
Also, *ahem*
*breaks his back
damn son, get over it. Petition the league about the rules if you're that mad about it
Opposite. Fuck Kanter and praise Erdogan, you Reddit faggot.
>dabs on Shook Lopiss
>now that medical joe is no longer a threat, i've come to show my offense, melowcuckee
>dabs on his brother in process
>averages triple double
>dabs on zoomer Jokic
I don't think you're ready for this timeline
I didnt even know the Bucks had a title.
No idea, I got banned for saying cracker there one time, but if I had said nigga it wouldn’t be an issue?
I just found out that the Blazers had one too..
GOAT NBA Finals incoming
Bucks actually don’t have a championship, because all chips before the merger are illegitimate now
your way too beauuuuuuuuuuuuuuutiful giiiiiiiiirl
Bucks in 5 playboi
Stop supporting that fair weather fraud drake, Canada.
He didn’t even show up to the game and he’s at home on video wearing 76ers shorts.
Fucking faggot
>Bucks are systembabbies. Celshits just didn't have the defenders to slow down giannis. Kagoat will calmly hit shot after shot with his diverse offensive repertoire while the bucks meme nigger rim run system gets exposed.
Delete this you fucking furry
That doesn't look like a raptor
>tfw gf wants to watch avengers endgame today
>wont get to see the game tonight
I can take her while you watch the game, big guy
larry you're seriously saying you didn't dump your fat ass gf yet? take the caramel pill bro
this is a really good song
Fun fact, when I was in high school my gf tutored Khris Middleton. He was having problems making good enough grades to play on the basketball team so my gf tutored him every Friday and Saturday night. She's my wife now, and she's too embarrassed to watch any Warriors game with me, I guess watching someone you used to tutor on tv is weird for her. But I mean really, how fucking retarded is Khris Middleton? High school is easy as shit and he needed help to pass LOL.
I made a call to silver
Because the New Orleans have literally nothing going for them and Adam Silver needed to find a way to keep the team relevant enough so that it stays and doesn't move and/or fades away.
Can we just flash forward to The Finals? We all know it’s going to be Warriors vs _____.
Good subtle bait.
why are they protecting new orleans. the team was on the verge of collapsing years ago and now AD leaving would put them in the same boat again. just move the team
the lottery is random you idiot
tHE LoTtERy is RaNDom yOu iDiOt
>phoneposting 80iq reddit/twitter memes
Who fucking cares about the lottery or draft. This is a #winners general. Warriors and Bucks ;)
>lonzo ball was seen training with jason kidd. at the lakers facility doing a 360 back flip dunk and raining 35 foot 3's with ease
holy shit the goat whisperer jason kidd doing it again
pretty sure it is random now because of that post
The Pelicans tanked the second half of their season, and the Mavs tanked to keep their pick
Anthony Davis wasted his own prime. Jrue Holiday, Mirotic, Randle, and Moore were by no means ever considered "bad" players. If the Spurs and Clippers could slip in the West then Anthony Davis has no excuse to chimp out on his team. Especially when he's capable of putting up Milwaukee Kareem numbers with Elite rim protection. AD has acted like an impressionable child throughout his tenure in New Orleans rather than actually working towards results.
time to settle it once and for all:
based or cringe?
Reminder that the real series starts during game 2 when teams have made adjustments. Blazers will steal game 2.
Sounds like one of Harden's Golden Rules.
he looks like a homeless
Bros? My Rapties?? Can they be stopped??? By whom’st’ve????
whoa wtf I thought /nba/ said the JV for Gasol trade was bad?
>she's too embarrassed to watch any Warriors game
You fucked up
No, sorry paki
have fun with splash mountain, bitch nigga
boogie is garbage
It checks out folks
this place will be great again once the raptors get swept. 76ers are a team full of hired mercenaries. Bucks are a real team with a roided out "greek" killing machine
76ers tanked for 10 years and this season was the fruits of their labor.
the real series have already been played. Rockets / GSW and Raptors / 76ers.
Bucks are just a stepping stone like the Blazers
I hope based gasol wins a chip
god the raptors are the most likeable team left in the playoffs, aren't they?
>60 win team
>stepping stone
once the reality of whats about to happen to the raptors hits you and that kawhi is gone your northern team will be lottery bound for a good decade
Kawhi isnt going anywhere and the 2019 hawks have yet to play a functioning team in the playoffs
Way to fuck up the pasta, you shithead
your raptors where a bad bounce away from losing to the 76ers, who I'd hardly call "title contenders".
I know, my bad.
I love cj and dame, but this shit is a wrap.
The most competitive series were in the 2nd round. Now, neither CF will last more than 6 games.
great discussion. refer back to
These fucking cheating ass quadroon nigger statpadding awards by redshirting. Fucking faggots
Davis is only 26. Probably hasn't even reached his peak yet.
We all agree that Houston is the second best team in the league right? Therefore the warriors already won the chip
Pretty much.
1. Warriors
2. Raptors
3. 76ers
4. Milwaukee
5. Houston
embiid was battling stomach issues half the series. And just because a team is bad for a long time doesn't mean they're suddenly good now, what kind of shit retarded logic is that?
the top 3 teams in the east would kick the shit out of houston in a bo7
finna be the next giannis
you're delusional. The only east team that could challenge Houston is Milwaukee
you are retarded. Houston would get blown the fuck out
Ok then what are coaches for if not for developing a offensive/defensive system?
I would think so.
That series felt too intense for it to be in the semis. Makes winning in 6 without KD even more impressive.
any team that doesn't immediately roll over and die against meme chuckers would beat houston. Houston would get swept by the clippers
Competent coaches make teams better. Great observation
>76ers and Raptors
>better than the Rockets
Reminder that if you aren’t an ‘n’, then don’t say nigger!
>1000 words left for paper due in 10 hours
Should the Warriors sit Kevin Durant for the rest of the series?
Was literally going to post this. Clippers are too disciplined to roll over and die, especially to frauds like the Cocklets
Pretty sure the Blazers and the ECF finalists are about to get demolished by the Warriors which will remind people the Rockets are actually pretty good.
Stop browsing, put on your favorite streamer and start working on your introduction.
pic related is kawhi 5 years from now living in california
Fuck Boston and all the overweight fat fucks that reside in that dogshit morbidly obese city
1000 words? Thats like 3 pages you fucking brainlet
>put on your favorite streamer
>leafs are making webms of kawhis uncle dapping up masai
Only gonna make his departure harder for you guys. Just bask in Kawhi's dominance right now
It helped me earlier this year writing through the night.
It’s not distracting but more like someone’s doing work next to you, I can’t explain.
Zion is pj tucker with more hops. You gonna build your team around that?
Imagine the smell
You were my perfect friend
Right there until the end
I'm forever missin' you
Until we meet again
for me, it's point god and JJJ
i would so fucking hard
that aint dapping up, thats full on clothed sexual intercourse. dont downplay the relationships
My teeth, head, and jaw hurt. And I can feel my chest getting congested.
You should probably go to a minute clinic m8
I'll root for the knicks if they draft rj. RJ and DSJ will be a fun backcourt desu. I just hope rj has spark unlike wiggins .
I can't wait for Canada to get exposed again
knicks are trading rj for AD
Pels wont take that trade
they'll probably take a package with some combo of #3, DSJ, Knox, Robinson, and some filler. That's some pretty good talent with upside. Not many teams can do better than that for a rebuild.
Giannis better fuck the Raptors
>Leafs thinking they have a chance
Kawhi’s buzzer beater went in because of magnets
>knicks trade everyone for AD
>KD decides resign
>AD goes to LA in free agency
seems like something that would happen to the knicks
but the #lakerbusts got them to like the 4 seed in the West when healthy (and obviously playing with Lebron).
Knicksbusts were I believe the worst team in the entire league.
Bucks in 5
Lebron got them to the #4 seed and they were still only 2 games away from 10th. We saw that the lakers were no better than the knicks without lebron and the knicks' players don't have nearly as much baggage as injury prone bustzo with his overbearing father and brandon "my career ends at 24" ingram. Not to mention that the #3 pick is worlds better than #4 in this draft
A legendary Milwaukee Buck once said: “Bucks in 6”
How did that turn out?
We WILL win.
Go Raps
Real raps fans hate Vince
Dude this image will never not look unbelievable to me.
It literally looks like he is flying
why the fuck is the EASTERN conference finals at 8:30? That shit won't end till 11, 11:30. I could understand if it were the WCF, but people on the east coast with real jobs don't stay up that late.
David Griffin is a Lebum lackey
Just get less sleep fool. You don't need that much rest unless you're doing a slave physical labor job that fucks up your spinal discs.
So is there any buzz around you guys picking up Kemba and Bulter anymore? I feel like getting those two and obviously Ad would be huge for you guys
>mfw just got laid off
Got all my Raptie time now except with some depression on the side
trade for beal seems like a logical choice for LA if pelicans are gonna be a bitch about the AD thing
PJ Tucker with more hops and an extra couple of inches on both his height and wingspan would be pretty fucking good though.
I tried to tell y'all
I want to become the vice president of Basketball operations on Rachel Nichols's asshole
April 1 could have been a troll post
I'm not a knicks fan, I just think they have the best potential offer for AD and he's willing to resign there. Butler and Kemba are about to get max money that neither will turn down. Wouldn't be surprised if the knicks end up with tier 2/3 players like vucevic and harris like always. The AD thing is their real shot at the big time
Apparently some dude was attempting to swan down dive off the roof of msg today
What’s weird is I think it was someone on staff
"Have beal but you have to take John Wall and package us Lonzo with the fourth pick"
what about this one
oh my why is me pp so harder...moar dragon porn
knicks assets are legit ass. they should have kept porzingis another dumb ass move by the knicks who traded him instantly without thinking about assets for a trade
Here is my updated leader board
Dubs: keep Kd and Klay, go way into luxury tax
Lakies: Kyrie and less than max Cousins
Clips: Kawhi
Knicks: Kemba and Butler
Pels: keep Ad
deal but lakers team doctor will conduct the physical and he'll fail and be released sorry wall
I would take culver over Barrett
Jimmy and Kemba are almost certainly done deals with their respective teams. The whole reason why Jimmy bitched in minny, despite the narrative, was because they tried to shortchange him on his deal after they just gave soft KAT and bum Wiggins a boatload of money. Philly is about to give Jimmy as much money as he wants which is what he wanted from the beginning.
Kemba is in a sort of similar situation. He has been underpaid his whole career. MJ needs his seat filler. Kemba is about to make stupid money and make up for the rest of his career. Other FAs are up in the air but those 2 in particular are locks
Ehh. If they are confident they are actually getting elite free agents (Kyrie/KD), the Porzingis trade makes a ton of sense and it's a decent return.
Shitcockee is 1 hour behind
Pick Darius Garland at 3 fool
Just jerked off to that swimsuit pic of her.
Day of the rake is here craptors. You've had your fun but you used up all your meme magic with that buzzer beater, now you're gonna get dabed on
Also, it could be a very decent return if the Mavs don’t work out. The Mavs gone for a very high risk strategy and have traded all their assets away - it might work out but it could end in disaster
I forgot Kemba is about to supermax. Butler is harder to figure but you could be right. But knicks have to do SOMETHING, maybe they pull some of the Dubs cast offs.
Apparently radio stations in Milwaukee have banned playing Drake for the rest of the series.
I was thinking how Toronto could retaliate but what the fuck is relevant from Milwaukee?
Where were you when the east became the superior conference?
How do we defeat the deer Canada?
they have to do something, but historically speaking they always land the lesser free agents. Last time they had money like this was during the lebron/bosh/wade free agency. They missed on all 3 and ended up giving Amare and his busted knees all that money. I won't believe anything good about the knicks until I see it. In the same way it's sort of why I can see them landing AD like they did melo, but it'll gut the team. Who knows, players are different now so they might just land one of the good stars in free agency to pair with AD
Fear the Dear
4th pick seems worthless for the lelkers. they should either trade up for rj barrett or use the pick in a trade package.
reruns of Happy Daze
4th pick and Lonzo for the 3rd pick
And that laverne and shirley show
that's a high price to move up one spot. i think they'd be able to swing that trade by attaching next season's first rounder (and second rounder if they want a little sweetener).
>i think they'd be able to swing that trade by attaching next season's first rounder (and second rounder if they want a little sweetener).
lmao @ this lelker delusion
It cost the Sixers a lottery pick to move up 2 spots.
Scoring more points than them
it really is another tragic offseason for them. I almost feel bad for them or at least the reasonable knicks fans.
lonzo ball does not have the value to move up into the top 3 in a 3 player draft
Which team has the best basketball milf?
>hurhur day of the rake lmao!
this shit has literally never been funny...
>that one Lakers fan who comes in posting delusional non-starter scenarios and ends it with
>”smells like a championship”
Knicks will land KD, Kemba, and RJ Barrett. That leaves them with this starting five
>DJ Smith
>RJ Barrett
>Mitch Robinson
They'll be in the playoffs next season for sure.
rapties in 3
Imagine giving Jimmy James Butler a max contract as he enters his 30s.
Holy fr*ckin BASED
Bros would you start Ibaka over Gasol this series? Ibaka plays well against the Bucks.
>imagine giving Jimmy James Butler a max contract as he enters his 30s
Thats exactly what the Lakers will be forced to do when no one wants to come next season
Screencap this
i'll become a fucking timberwolves fan if the lelkers do that
Lelkers won't get a chance to since Jimmy will have a max from the Sixers.
East unironically has more good teams west just has memeiors, rockets are shit and would probably lose to top 3 east teams but retards just keep in denial
If you think Lowry is good you don't have an iq over 70. Prove me wrong. Post the net ratings chart even though it only proves how bad playoff VanVleet is
>craptor fans already triggered and sperging out by the mere mention of the deer
lmao good luck buckies :)
People make fun of the Celtics for giving Hayward the max but everyone ignores the Raptors doing the same with Lowry.
Lowry always gets shit on do you live under a rock?
Lakers witu Allie Clifton
>basketball milf
>used up roastie that has had 50 black dicks in her cunt
No thanks.
yep. all of the female basketball analysts are tall, horse-faced white women who fetishize huge black men. the puss prolly looks like a flat tire
the leafs and deer need to combine forces to defeat the warrior menace
Haywards contract is on par with wall in terms of destroying your team. Lowrys looks great in comparison. Can't wait for Lowry to win a ring and btfo /nba/ for good.
who the fuck can stop my rapbuckies?
*shoots 1-13*
Can someone redpill me on Anthony Davis?
Is he really THAT good, but you don’t see much of him because the rest of New Orleans is THAT bad or something?
Kyle lowry is literally an All Star
His game doesn't really uplift those around him, most notably on defense, but the pels haven't done the best job of building a team around him. Then there's the whole medical staff thing that brought the team down as a whole. Probably a top 10 player, best player in the league potential
The lakernuggies
Only a BBC can satisfy that thickness
If true, then I could probably be an All-star
He has a pretty decent team around him. I would argue the Pels have a better cast than the Bucks.
delicious jewish
Kyle Lowry scores 14ppg on 40% shooting. As a comparison, Lonzo Ball scores 10ppg on 40% shooting.
both are all stars, i dont see where youre going with this
what the fuck are you doing until the game
I'm bored af
1 poor shooting night means his whole game is bad huh? All that grit, hustle, charges taken, assists, 2 clutch offensive rebounds in game 7, that steal on embiid in game 7... All that don't matter. Don't ever compare that white boi Hayward to lowgoat
im currently in a dark room . just me and my rosary. I have been praying for Jeremy Lin to play tonight
*finishes the series with more points scored than Vucevic*
*finishes the series with more points scored than Simmons*
do this with the nigger lovin whore molly qerim
Lowry gets so much flak for a 3rd option. Most people here would crumble under the criticism he gets but he shows up when needed the most.
Literally who can stop my Buckies?
Hmm my best friend thinks warriors are better with kd is he right?
>starter is better than 2 rotation players
this is supposed to be a impressive?
Ask any casual fan about Lowry and they’ll say he’s trash.
Ask any nerd basketball analyst kike about Lowry and they’ll say he’s one of the best point guards in the league.
Makes you think....
>more points than Ben Simmons
More points than the Sixers coach too.
Almost made me check
I don't get why he's allowed to do that.
dylan?? what the fuck bro why are you posting our convos here?
You mean Zion or Barry?
Chill bro I cropped out ur number
>It’s real
what did he mean by this
Isn't that against all his terms of use?
If he were to actually do this I would probably die from blood loss due to the rapid implosion of my sides
Hopefully raptors
>sweaty wilt
Lelbon will demand a DNP-CD
Bucks sweep
Screen cap this
We will defeat the evil bucks once and for all.
If you're an NBA prospect why wouldn't you pretend to be bad so you get picked 25th-30th by a really good team
We eating dino ass tonight
because of salary reasons
If it's between getting $40 mil. in your first 4 years then busting out of the league vs. getting $6 mil. the first 4 years then getting 4 more max deals, I will definitely choose the latter.
blacks aren't financial geniuses
my rapties finna get zion next year :)
Fuck that fat ass bitch.
ready for your last 4 games, leafs?
Bucks are the good guys tho. Leafs are pure cancer on this board.
you sound like a fag
Kawhi finna shut down Middleton.
have you played 6?
Wrong again, delusional villain.
We will defeat you. Mark my words. Your evil deeds will not be forgotten.
takes one to know one
Okay here is how they rigged the draft. They had a sensor in the 4th and 7th ping pong balls...
>look at me i'm down with all the new hoops memes fellow kids, can i be an nba nerd too? teehee
fuck this vapid jew whore
why did we even let leafs play in the nba
Hideous fat kike.
Ban people from Pissconsin from entering Canada.
I propose a new set of terms for winning series
First round = dust
Second round = sweep
Semifinals = mop up
Finals = clean house
>bars in Toronto are no longer serving Miller or Pabst Blue Ribbon
>Milwaukees economy collapses
If the raptors beat the bucks I will deep fry my hat and eat it on livestream
Cap it
What did he mean by this?
Hes goin in for the kill, doing it for the thrill, I was hoping youd understand
>iPhone X
8plus is simply just a better phone
He is going to pull off a Scary Terry game 7 performance.
Why is this nigga going on a world tour shitting on Heyward and Irving?
Hey guys I live in North Carolina is kyrie seriously going to LA? If so I’m fucked, I’ve been saving up some money to see him play in Charlotte but him and Lebron in la is going to be expensive af hornets tickets and it’ll probably sell out in days
Bucks ain't stopping this man
driving up his FA value because what team wouldn't want a 30% shooting backup PG who calls out the team's stars?
How badly would skip and Shannon fuck up max and Stephen a in a tag team fight?
Max is into boxing heavy but he has the physique of Kermit the frog
>Zion going back to Dook
Shannon could take them both, he's a tank.
Very badly. Skip is in good shape and Shannon is a big guy (for you) that used to be one of the best athletes in the NFL. Stephen A and Max are faggots.
>if Zion doesn’t like his position (NOP drafting him first) he can go back to Duke for another year
My cousin just got 3 months for breaking into his ex’s apartment
I told that nigga to get off my phone with that crying
listening to drake getting ready for my boy kawhi to completely anal rape the Greek “””freak”””
About to get fucking skullfucked
Surely there's no way that's legal.
We're literally outplaying them in every way imaginable
Your cousin is lucky as fuck. That ex-NBA player literally got shot to death doing that in Texas
2015 atlanta hawks everybody
Punished Kawhi coming back to buttfuck GSW is going to be pure Kino
>has yet to hire an agent
>has yet to sign a shoe deal
>finished first year of classes
Perfectly legal.
His cousin was probably wh*te
2019 hawks. refball could save them though
he should get his friends the Mannings to void all signings by shit teams
is this the earliest that we have known who will be picked with the first three picks?
>I told that nigga to get off my phone with that crying
alpha as fugg
What is a worser case scenario than Zion wasting half a decade with the pelicans?
is your cousin a serial killer or gowiz?
literally the worst team he couldve went to. i feel for him
going back to duke and suffering a career-ending injury thanks to another defective sneaker
wasting half a decade on the Jazz or Raptors
Lavar be posting here senpai
Wasting away in new york
Zion beat ya to it last night
Real ballers never sleep
Watch him return to Duke and then an even shittier franchise like the Hawks gets #1 next year.
It’s more about having to live in Louisiana though
Atl is a great city for a rich young athlete
>New Orleans gets the number 1 pick when the Hornets really needed it and get Anthony Davis
>Davis leaves, and New Orleans gets the number 1 pick when the Knicks really needed it and gets Zion
Really charges the noggin.
what the fuck were they thinking
meme game.
Get on the glass and close with ibaka instead of shitty green
>we da norf
just let me know when it's my turn shannon
>Bucks Slumping Still Couldn't Win
>Raptors Exposed
>Day of the Rake
>Bucks in 4
>home team wins at home
The real series starts at game 2 when adjustments are made or when the home team loses.
the amount of leafs declaring game over in the 1st quarter was staggering
laughing my ass off rn 2bhwufams
>Raptors give up fan favorite and only all star to ever want to play his whole career in Toronto the moment Lebron leaves the east wide open
>Kawhi plays like prime Kobe in the playoffs
>swept by the Bucks
let's hack giannis harder
Lmao thank you Milwaukee. Tired of these Canada shits doing big talk now that LeDaddy is gone. Can't wait until Kawhi leaves.
>Ricky Rubio interested to sign with the Celtics
Aww shit, he there to break Gordon's other leg for being a traitor
Atlanta Hawks have one too but since the merger its “voided”
never forget... because toronto won't
>nick wright
this guy is so annoying with his ear piercing creak voice
how gone is kawhi
reminder silver is seething and has an agenda against the raptors because canada's views don't apply towards us tv ratings
Lowry had the best playoff game of his life. Bucks shot like dogshit.
Raptors are fucked
>Lowry scored over 30 with clutch 4th quarter points
>still lose
scale of 1-10, he gone
hoping kawhi drops 40 every night is one hell of an adjustment
Why doesn't Giannis have to dribble?
Hate this fag 99% of the time, but he is the only media guy in the that actively gives Bucks their credit and picks them to win it all. For that I can respect his takes.
It’s like the east is in the saiyan saga and the west is in the buu saga
because my dick is already dribbling cum on your mom
Fuck you on about bucks shot a higher percentage than the raptors
Janice needs to gawp wider if he's going to suck on Lopez' cock all series
>tfw had to take my wife's son to see endgame tonight instead of watch this game
That's because the Raptors are fucking shit xD
toronto's style of basketball can't hold up for a full 48 minutes. They're too OG, they play hard defense and rely on iso scoring from Kawhi too much. Today's game isn't designed for that type of play, you'll get gassed too quick and then get shot out of the gym by meme pointers, which is exactly what milwaukee did
>dribbling cum
I left a hole in your mom's skull with my money shot
Harden already hitting the recruiting trail
Jesus Christ. Watching LeBron splice those screens and disect the Toronto defense is beautiful. Haven't seen this level of play in a while. Truly one of the best players the league has ever seen.
Well if raps are shit and bucks are shit why even play
Just gotta steal game 2.
Lowry played possibly one of the best games of his career and the raptors got insane help from the refs and they still lost by 8. Bucks are going to sweep these niggas.
Yeah, and 39% fg is still REALLY shitty for MKE. Raptors are FUCKED.
The only one with insane help from the refs is attemptafreethrow
This happens in every sport. Once the league notices the lack of revenue they shut us down. We come to expect it now.
Gianis played horrible, still had 24pts 14 rb and 6ast. Good luck raptors when he plays decent.
Nobody ever shows love for his passing. It's a level of his game that Jordan never had.
That's what happens when your opponent plays D. Meanwhile Raptors will shoot much better than 37%
Seething cocksucking maplebitch. Get some poutine on that assburn.Raptors got the worst refball Ive seen the entire playoffs and I've seen em all. You getting swept fuckboy.
I feel bad for Lowry. Played his heart out for a wasted effort. Unlikely he'll play like that again.
>Who can stop my raptor?
Any junior varsity team?
pascal siaken is a role player
>Zero cap space because they need to pay old man Paul $40 gorillion a year
They're fucked
Bucks were ice cold most of the game. Lowry was randomly on fire. This was just like the bucks Celtics game 1, except bucks pulled through at the end
Why did the raptors have 6 more fouls despite the Bucks shooting more 3s hmmmm
Jordan averaged a triple double when he played PG for a quarter season
That would hurt his draft stock, and his money.
Imagine being this delusional after watching Giannis get hacked by Kawhi at the buzzer with no call.
Lowry has such a big ass.
Raptors were ice cold most of the game. Lopez was randomly on fire. This was just like the bucks Celtics game 1, except bucks pulled through at the end
Because they have the most dominant post scorer since fucking Shaq and defenders hack the shit out of him.
should i be worried about them buckies?
Baste Cowherd
I miss bron man =[
No common enemy for everyone to shit on, no wars between his fans and everyone else, no Rihanna
You don’t miss them until they’re gone. This is the first playoffs in like over a decade where neither he nor kobr is there
>one no call on raptors
>several no calls on bucks
What's your point?
Which one?0
Yet he has never sniffed LeBron's assist numbers or ever been compared to other point guards. LeBron has always been elite scorer like Jordan while also being a better passer, rebounder, and shot blocker.
Depends who the league wants to win
>giant dude who powers through to the rim but isn't the best ft shooter
>teams strategically foul him a lot to make him shoot fts
>somehow this is refball
Cope more leaffag
Just stick someone to Lopez and let giannis run into the paint and get 2 the hard way
>raptors were ice cold
>lowry has one of the most accurate 3pt games of his entire career
>still almost lose by double fucking digits
You arent even fucking trying now bitch. Get off the internet until Game 2.
what is having a gf like
>gasol hacks giannis' arms
>commentators say "good foul, smart foul"
>retard leafs say "refball, stop giving fouls to the bucks!"
>basketball reasons
Are the Pelicans just too big to fail?
No one on Yea Forums knows this, user
Reminder that Attemptafreethrow actually has more free throw attempts per game this playoffs than James "shoot 3 for 20 but still have 22 points" Harden
I'm going to chug an entire bag of milk. I don't fucking care anymore.
That you're full of shit and looking for any excuse to explain how your scrub squad could blow a double digit lead in the second half with Lowry having the game of his life.
Bucks have had a top 1 or 2 defense all year. Shit ain't changing leaf bitch.
Bucks Sweep incoming.
dont do it user!
i'd be worried af if I were a raptors fan
if lebron + kyrie couldn't beat the warriors, what makes people think Giannis + Khris Middleton can?
Ok so you admit you can only win when the refs carry you. Oh well Warriors in 4.
For Milwaukee, for the end of leaf shitposters, for
refs were good in this game unironically
also impressed by the very fast pace didnt expect that
Skip Bayless DESTROYS Kawhi Leonard with facts and logic
>bucks were ice cold
>lopez has one of the most accurate 3pt games of his entire career
>still almost lose by double fucking digits
You arent even fucking trying now bitch. Get off the internet until Game 2.
>being this bitchmade
get off Yea Forums before your pussy starts bleeding.
The only the thing the raptors need to clean up is rebounding. Bucks will always shoot like they did today because raps defense is great. Raptors take game 2.
Of course they were good they fixed the game for you
This would be an insane decision for a 280lb athlete who's one bad landing away from fucking his money up for life. LeBron already had $100M+ guaranteed from his rookie contract and 7 year Nike deal before he played his first game. Zion just needs to focus on winning ROY and locking down as many short to mid term endorsement deals as he can. He can make whichever long term deals he wants once his rookie contract is up. If he's even considering going back to Duke he's surrounded by some fucking retarded advisors.
Kawhi and Lowry combined for 61. Good luck bud
The ECF is gay, call me when the Rockets/Warriors are back on
Calm down friend you are going to have an aneurysm that comes with a 6 figure hospital bill
>people still don't realize it's going to be blazers vs. raptors finals
both game 1's were flukes desu
Hey famm if this is about to be the nba for the next 5yrs, I’m good.
I’m going join /mlb/ general bitch and if that doesn’t wrk, on to Yea Forums sports anime
>for me
lol stop bitching I dont have a dog in this game
feel free to explain how the refs influenced the game
how much
milk do you drink
Hopefully Durant isn't 100% or someone else (like Curry) gets dinged up over the next few games.
fuck that retarded ape. I hope I never have to see his stupid fucking face ever again
Sounds like they are better players than some fraud who could only put up 24 despite getting every call. Imagine how bad he would be without refball.
Morey will find a way
wtf is a chitlin
raptors play perfect defense on giannis and get a clean block, refs call foul because attemptafreethrow flails his arms a bit and the bucks were losing most of the game.
>leaf is so seething he's just repeating what other people are saying
Kek you are so severely assmad. You might want to see a doctor for the anal apocalypse you're suffering from
Imagine being poorer and even more unhappy
Like a gallon a day dude
>Greek flag staying up til 6 am
>I'm not a Giannis fan here's my unbiased opinion
Yes, I'm sure the Raptors will just miraculously start rebounding better than THE TOP REBOUNDING TEAM IN THE NBA.Bucks will win the battle of the boards every game. Raptors only chance is to hit a crazy amount of 3's and that didn't save them today with Lowry dropping 30. I've been telling you fucking leafs all year the rake was coming and now it's here.
My cousins from the south said it’s pig ass cheeks dipped in shit
You sound mad, fren. Don't be mad, be glad.
You're the one having a panic attack while being unable to refute my post. Ad hominem doesn't fly here my rectal ravaged friend.
very stressful
This series isn't over.
I still hold on to the notion that the Raptors are the more talented team, and the Bucks are a 1 trick pony.
They're supposed to win at home, so good on them, they have another chance to defend home court next time, but I'm sure the Raptors will prevail.
bruh this canadian might pop a vein lmao
he is pretty mad isnt she
Bros how do we adjust in the next game?
>Don't be mad, be glad
>Ad hominem doesn't fly here
lmao watching Canada get butt raped is hilarity
do you realize that he's getting hacked hard most of the time
these are not Harden phantom calls,also he didnt get any clutch ft calls
I also watch the ufcs what does that mean
I dont need to self insert my self to a nigga that grew up in Greece hustling and somehow made it to the top,thats nba marketing material
Same thing happened in game 6 against the sixers. They got destroyed on the glass, then came back in game 7 by destroying the sixers on the glass. I'm expecting another turnaround like this in the game 2 Raptors W.
More like they were hot and (at least Lowry) are unlikely to carry that much again. Meanwhile bucks will likely not brick as much the rest of the series
>hurr durr they shot bad becuz of defense
No I don't think they were missing wide open 3s because of craptors defense
Mostly this. The obese malcontents of Milwaukee must have their fat folds hanging too far over their eyes to see whats in front of them.
nick nurse is a fraud. steve kerr out here using a 11 man rotation with scrubs like jordan bell, cook, old ass shaun, etc
Finally a high IQ American.
i can't believe the refs made the bucks 0-11 from the three in the 3rd. wtf, THEY CAN'T KEEP GETTING AWAY WITH IT
>try to bet everything on the warriors in the finals in advance
>won’t let me for some reason
Niggai am putting my home up
You dont. Overy half your teams points were scored by the 2 best players and one of them had one of the best games of their career and you all still lost by almost 10. Your bench players made no impact whatsoever.
This series will be lucky to make it to 5 games if Milwaukee can shoot even average at best.
Lowry wasn't guarded on a single 3. It's amazing what playing perimeter defense would do to stop him. Middleton is always this garbage. He's actually shooting better than the last couple Boston games so he will decline.
You fucking moron. Brook Lopez literally shot his 3pt% average for the fucking season. That wasn't an outlier.
I for one stand with Canada. It's not a series until you lose on your home court. Screencap this post for when the raptors face the warriors in da finals
Raptors are losing this series and it's not gonna be close.
never bet against kahwi
You have a point there I'm not sure why Bud waits until game 2 to try to defend 3s. Middleton is streaky, there will probably be a game this series where he randomly gets 28 points
Box out. Stick to Lopez and let freak work for 2. Ibaka gasol lineup to close instead of green like they did against philly. Don't use norm lowry VV at the same time against their big lineup.
Let me know when his average fg % is 57 for the season then we won't talk about outliers anymore ok sweetie
Comparing the 6ers to the Bucks is like comparing a Ford Pinto to a Lamborghini.
when they go back to toronto will they have a banner ceremony for winning the 1st half in game 1?
there's more pintos still on the road, sooo......
that leaf who said the bucks were a stepping stone. more like the grand canyon
There's also more shit teams in the league than teams in the conference finals. Your point?
There is no arguing with the leafs. Im honestly scared that even when they get swept and kawhi leaves they will all be right back here at the start of the summer league as delusional as they have been season in and season out.
Sixers are bigger than the bucks. Raps just got crushed when nurse went to a tiny lineup against miro and Lopez. Same retarded shit he used to do against philly.
bayfag here we're having an earthquake
Lowry hit 77% of his 3's tonight. 7 fucking 3's and they still lost. Lopez FG average is 50% You don't have an argument.
>gasol, siakam, and green were combined 9 of 36
kawhi can't win with these cats...
im in walnut creek i felt it
By that logic we’ve all touched echothers penises. You really wanna go down that route?
Pretty much this , you pay for everything and do everything but you are never compensated so you wonder why are you even there
All those 3s in the first half were wide open across the board. Even our shittiest 3 point shooters will hit those at a decent clip. Guard the perimeter and win in 5. This team is tired.
He won with green tho...
Toronto could use some shooting. It's a shame that this player isn't on their team because he's a pretty good shooter.
>another player the Jizz don't care about
At this rate even Jae Crowder and Ingles will be signing to Boston.
thoughts on nurse letting Kawai out at the start of the 4th?
I have to give it to him though he looked pretty gassed
Lopez fg average was 45 percent this year so good lie to start off with. Lowry hits wide open 3s around 77% of the time. Maybe try to guard him or something.
That's just this leaf pounding on his keyboard
Bud has a history of struggling against threes so this season has actually been a bit of an anamoly for him when it comes to overall defense. That said he's also smart enough to make the adjustments needed.
Yes and he is a proven playoff performer. No way he would start a game 7 0-9...
Feels pretty based to me
>marc gassedol
people thought he was actually a good defender, dude literally let embiid have his, is letting giannis have is, and won't even take open threes
think he might be shook lads
and tim duncan
Make that adjustment and the series is over. Wish our best player off the bench wasn't out for the playoffs. Would allow for some fresh legs but that's life.
His career is .498 sperg.
>Maybe try to guard him or something.
If the Bucks do they'll win every game by 20+
Raptors do not have the stamina to come back from down 0-2 in this series. They played a great defensive but very inexperienced Sixers to 7 games and won on a desperate luck shot in the final game.
I would not be surprised if the Bucks win by 20 in game 2 and Kawhi takes a big step back production wise.
it's like having a cute dog you can fuck
Gasol did a fine job defending the paint and Giannis. He's just terrible at rebounding and boxing out. Also his offensive game has fell off a cliff. He's looking more and more one-dimensional with each game.
espn reaching smfh
imagine having a talking vagina that constantly nags you for attention and sometimes sex
If you're a generational talent you can insist not to play in a garbage franchise.
how long until giannis is pulling off flashy dunks on his boomer ass?
Oh so now you are going to choose between season and career stats to move the goalposts. Seems disingenuous but you come across a child molestor so I can't say I'm surprised by your lack of integrity.
>the ultimate disrespect to the pels'
please let it happen. couldn't happen to a more deserving org
nigga finna blow both his knees on his third game
OG hasn't been there to buy him some minutes throughout the playoffs. Nurse should use mccaw for a few minutes.
I'm an Oakland fag but I'm in Laker land right now, I missed it
Best he can do is not play. He declared for the NBA and Pelicans have his rights. He cant play for any other team but Pelicans.
Its a bullshit clickbait story
Still can't figure out why van vleet has mccaw's minutes
>return to Duke
>suffer injury
>never get drafted
I wouldnt be surprised either
to bring your A game on the road and still lose must be draining
Take the L leaf
assblasted lmao
Anunoby is barely a g leaguer
I'm going to eat myself into a food coma tonight....
I doubt Giannis will get many chances to do that if they keep doubling him. But leaving Lopez open in that scenario is what killed the Raps today. I imagine they didn't expect him to go off like that. Nurse can adjust and put Ibaka in with the starters but the help defense has to be better in general.
>NBA fucked over the Bulls and Suns just to give the Lelkers a stimulus package
Wow 3 of the 6 most recent posts on all of Yea Forums responded to me. Must have hit a nerve with the American child molestors on this board of which there are clearly many.
some interesting stats from the boxscore
>Ibaka played only 17 minutes
>boards were 60-45 for the buck
>Lowry 7-9 3s
>Bucks 11 blocks
>Bucks only 11-44 3s
> Seth gets played in garbage time
> mfw
McCaw is out for personal reasons. Raptors are spread thin as it is and the starters can't play heavy minutes every other night. This might be the main cause of their downfall.
How do we feel about this?
Even King Chucker said you can't win alone
>he’s still going
leaf wishes he could molest children but he can’t exist within ten miles of a female so his next best bet is his dog
Nurse blew it with Gasol. Bucks will continue to get dominated from 3 because they don't play perimeter defense and take bad shots. Easy to get lots of blocks when the refs don't call fouls.
Whoa you're still here talking about molesting children? What the FUCK is wrong with you.
The Raptors got into the bonus with 3 minutes left. Watch the game instead of parroting your mayor's hot takes into your keyboard
>has brought up child molestation 2 times in 3 minutes
I'm beginning to fear you may have pedophilia tendencies. Please see a therapist.
Oooo 3 minutes left. Must have had a lot of foul shots after that the way Kawhi was getting his face slapped every time in the lane. Oh wait how many fouls on the Bucks in those last 3 minutes after finally getting in the bonus.
??? Are you saying we're all Eskimo brothers?
Ive always wondered what it would be like to make a giant Eskimo web. Like make a web of everyone you've had sex with. Then put everyone all of them have ever had sex with. Then keep going. Would be nuts.
>has brought up child molestation 2 times in 3 minutes
Funny I see you now have multiple posts in succession about how you like to diddle kids. I think thats kinda weird but as they say when in America...
They really want him in nyc
Enjoy never seeing your friends and her crying all the time because you don't give them enough attention even though she takes up all your free time.
Imagine dropping out the NBA while the rest of your generation gets NBA experience.