UFC RDA vs Lee this weekend
UFC RDA vs Lee this weekend
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What's Schaub take on Lima's win?
Andrade could heem any here
shouldn't have thrown MVP to the wolves so early dudes only like 30 my dude he fershure could've been a beast of a peach if he had a few more tune up fights
Kino ass
shame about the gigantic mole though
thank you rogan for propping up this fucking guy
can't see it from behind
>A modern-day renaissance man, Schaub
stopped reading there
what the fuck
Probably late to the party but just saw the news that Anderson Silva suffered no serious injury or damage to his knee. So why was he requiring people to help him out of the ring and hamming it up so much after the fight if there wasn't anything torn or broken?
Is this the most retarded question ever asked in /heem/?
because with espn+ they need to roll out as many fighters as possible to fill up their crap cards
moles are cute bro
no they're not you stupid macaco
Schaub, ya'blockbuster.
Schmo's Netflix.
I've made this comment before but wanted to post it again because it is so, so good.
If you haven't got anything nice to (You), then don't (You) me at all
what does heem stand for
Cara de Sapato
Ben Stiller.
when they're not gigantic
>Brazilian bull dykes
>Marketable champions
Pick 1 (one)
It is said that when a young Stephen Hawking gave his doctoral presentation, the senior professors who were sitting around him were all aware that he was far, far smarter than they.
Do you think during the old JRE podcasts that Joe and Callen felt the same way about Schaub? Callen and Joe just sitting there thinking "I know we're supposed to be the comedians and this guy is supposed to be the fighter, but G-damn, he's special, he's got enormous potential, he's so much funnier than me." ?
Because I really, really don't.
I hope we get rips of his Showtime special on Friday. I'm so curious to see how it goes.
I'm Shaubing in the Till.
Chadrade is good looking enough to be marketable
chad won yet again
more like joe felt bad for telling him to retire and then pulled some strings to prop him up as a comedian
How does Joe Rogan have so much pull in the standup community? Is it solely because of how successful his podcast is? Because I've watched a few of his specials and he has a few good bits here and there but as a whole they aren't great and I never hear people mention him as one of their favorite comedians.
Imagine being a mediocre UFC fighter who gets CTE from getting gadooshed so often
Imagine getting roasted by Joe Rogan on a live podcast about how bad you are and then retiring right after
Imagine having them feel so bad that they ended your fighting career that they carry you into their standup comedy group even though it’s obvious to everyone that you have no comedic talent
Imagine having all your comedian friends talk about how unfunny and insufferable you are behind your back while you think you’re just a peach of a calmedian
There are a few good standups. I'm talking the Bill Burr, Jimmy Carr level - a real small few who have a tonne of great material.. And then there is a horde of standups who are just okay.
That's just my perspective. I'm not really into comedy.
The way he talks about it he and his clique are friends with every major comic and producer out there from years ago. I think Joe is just really good at making friends.
he at least grinded it out and was doing shows around the country in small venues until he basically took over the comedy store
I think it hurt him in the moment, but he probably realized it wasn't that bad after a few seconds and hammed it up so he didn't look like a pussy.
>sex from behind
what's the point you're just looking at an ass lmao
Most women are ugly most asses look good
/heem/ I'm gonna need you to engage
Dumb question
have sex
Debating is I wanna get the hayabusa punisher fightshorts or the regular hayabusa kickboxing shorts. The kickboxing shorts are shorter and therefore probably more functional, but the punishers ones look so damn cool.
Sometimes you’ve gotta eat even if the peaches aren’t ripe if you know what I’m sailing
>Debating is I wanna get
for sure stop my guy you already have CTE
Holy shit imagine unironically coming on 4channel to tell your only social connections (because you’re an absolute loser irl) how dumb Schaub is. A man who is richer than you, more educated, taller, stronger, funnier, etc... and get this - he literally doesn’t and will never know you exist.
Was TAM the good guys all along?
When I compete I like the short ones, but for just training you cant go wrong with the long ones.
Remember when people said MVP would be an absolute beast in UFC?
Reminder that DC called Jon Jones the n word.
Cool. I pulled the trigger on the long ones. I'm not throwing head kicks anyway, and any kind of proper fight short will be better than the regular gym shorts I'm currently wearing.
Pic related. You just know!
A nugget? Damn son
Remember when people said Max would Heem Poirier and would challenge Khabib for the title?
[spoiler]I 'member, because I was one of those people.[/spoiler]
My question mark kick is unstoppable
he's very good though and so is lima
stop with the lewdness, they're just good friends.
the punsher shorts are max boomer. Go with the haybusa
Michael "No Dad" Venom Page
Based Fabio Maldonado finna flush this boxlet
Why are you guys so hard on MVP? Is it a race thing or a British thing?
I am a boomer though and I already ordered the punishers.
He's a shit tier CTE'd turbo chinlet fightlet
I always thought MVP was american. I haven't been giving him shit though as I've never seen him fight.
based unapologetic boomer
When will we start seeing the children of MMA fighters dominate MMA like the children of athletes do in other sports (NBA for example)?
Nature and nurture > nature > nurture
Does anyone in the UFC ever wear the long vale tudo shorts anymore? They're my favourite, only ever see the short ones though.
bj unironically
give it 5 more years and we'll start seeing a bunch of kids that have been training since they were 6
I told people Porier had better boxing than Holloway and I was called retarded the weeks leading up to the fight. It's tawlf b. People didn't want to admit Holloway is just a really tough brawler. I don't think I've even seen Holloway throw a leg kick before, but people were swearing up and down he was one of the best strikers in the UFC.
Holloway would unironically do better against Khabib than Poirier tho
Like Aaron Pico? People that have fought that long usually run the risk of getting flushed before they make it big. It's an unforgiving "sport". You gotta find a balance.
When has Holloway showed success against a wrestler? He even got taken down by Ortega.
There's a long history of successful boxers producing sons that are tomato cans of the highest order. You can already see the same trend starting in MMA with Ryan Couture, Royce's kid, etc.
In many ways Jake Hager and Greg Hardy are the future of the UFC.
Good call, I was unironically sold on the "Max is the best striker in the UFC" storyline.
Why do you think so?
Reminder that T.J. Dillashaw got caught using performance-enhancing drugs in the form of Erythropoietin, colloquially referred to as EPO
I believed you, I think the fight was closer than the judges scorecards had people believe though
White demons. Yakub is arising again and they are shivering that he is coming to right his wrongs
Most fighters didn't really chose to be fighter and certainly don't want their kids to live this life
That's pretty weird.
that's the best he can do seriously?
haha nice contribution man
Was Pico every specifically training for MMA though? I know he was a wrestler and amateur boxer
Ryan Couture is a beach of a peast my man. His only losses are to monsters like Patrick the Pitbull and Al Laquinta, who nearly beat Khabib.
Organizations try and build hype around fighters by feeding them cans and swearing they're the next big thing when they've proved nothing. The MMA community buys into the hype train and commentators and fans start regurgitating the same baseless hype. I find it amusing to see these trains get derailed.
I like a cheeseburger just fine, but don't put a cheeseburger in front of me and tell me it's a ribeye. MVP is a cheeseburger.
>Keven Lee isn't a drawl
>Dos Nachos isn't a drawl
Why are so many spic women dykes?
MVP wins the rematch. He’s already won the story of the fight by rocking Lima before a slip and being so graceful in defeat. He’ll be the face of Bellator (the future top MMA promotion) and everyone will be like “for sure i saw this coming!!”
Based and MVPilled.
Clever retort.
ask to mexicans, Ahmed
Thanks, I will
MVP has never lost a rematch.
It's over Stipe
Realistically what chance does Memepe have against DChad?
I always said Max is a chinlet and Dustin has heavy hands.
I thought Kelvin finna heem 30 year old zoomer in first though.
Mark my words Till will be a Bellator champ by 2021.
3 piece with a soda
I'm the Schmo xDD
The good thing about Schaub is he is memeproof.
I have never lost an argument here. I’ve only lost the story of the arguments
>and glide out
A man does not simply not love claudia
Oh I disagreeee. How good is the calmedy store right now tho?
For sure Dustbin's boxing is a peach my guy. It's not that he was way bigger and it was Max's first fight at that weight. He just has munster boxing even though Gaethje was lighting him up. For sure don't get flatlined by Michael Johnson bee.
Dustin aint shit
niether is cowboy
One good thing about Schaub is he is humble. He never shows off his comedy skills on the street. If I didn’t already know, I would never guess he was a professional comedian.
Dustin has very Rothwellian short punches.
He knocked out Gaethje you bum. He wasn't that much bigger than Max. Max was way taller. Look at Max's striking, he never throws anything besides jab/cross and hooks. He never throws any sort of kicks, elbows, knees. If you think he's an elite striker you're deluded. I never even said Dustin was a good boxer, just that he has better boxing than Max. Max is obviously a good fighter, but he's a brawler so he needs a distinct size advantage. That's why he cuts weight until he's on the verge of death to fight people he's bigger than. He's a great brawler, just not a p4p great.
>this whole thing is an ad for CBD oil
wasn't expecting anything less really
Genuine question: Do people actually like Schaub? I don't know if I've ever seen someone say anything positive about him.
He has a small very vocal fanbase who will defend him to their deaths (coral)
And a larger group of ironic fans who tune in to make fun of him
wutrwe even doin here b
Should UFC starting doing tag team matches? yes or no?
Lol retard actually took the bait. Write me another essay sweetie.
tag-team never made sense to me tb h, just have them all fight at the same time
Would you?
She's a can though.
i would die trying
Thats a peach I'd like to eat if you catch my drift
He was faking it and looking for a way out like a bitch
No, I’m not gay
Besides that the way I gotta was a way of being able for itself, and it had a little more significant things into it than it is the only thing I would want. The vat was lost and it had to exit to the exit within the vat of exit the exit within the vat and the vat was lost and it was the only exit to the vat and the exit of the vat is is within the exit the way the separation is is not being able for the exit to the exit within the vat of the vat within a certain degree degree in human consciousness or not a certain degree of certain level of certain way to the exit of exit the exit within the vat. The exit exit and I’ll exit the way to the realm.
The fight was lost so he decided to win the story
So PEDgar get a title fight coming off a decision win over Scrub (whomst is currently unranked btw) a year ago?
Kron Gracie is a helluva peach. Invest in Gracie meme now, it's going to skyrocket
>Haha got you I was just pretending to be retarded
Yeah man, exactly
When did you figure out conor was the protagonist of this story?
I had never seen Joe's stand up but I had seen JREs. After countless hours of Joe talking about honing his art and the difficulty in doing comedy, you can imagine my surprise when he was pelvic thrusting while screaming about monkeys having sex.
I could disappoint her for hours
All day every day until I died from dehydration due to fluid loss.
I don't know. Every internet community hates him. It's the one thing /heem/, sherdog and r/mma can all agree on. He's carried by Joe Rogan, but the Joe Rogan fan community hates him. He's putting "It's about who you know" to the limits.
Guys I made a webm of this
When I found out that Khabib was surrounded by family and friends who can't even get into the country because they're on terrorist watch lists.
>no hoes on sight
I like how brendan is politely trying not to mog joe. Good friend desu
He just knows that if the turbo manlet chimps out on him he's going lights out and he can't afford anymore CTE than he already has.
crazy to think all this stems from that one moment on JRE
fur sure going to be a train wrek b
King of manlets
this is the furthest they can go nowdays
how does this special shit works?how can you tell if it bombed?do people buy it or do they count views on netflix?
Max has better cardio and is trickier to handle than Poirier
yeah, i would never pull out, would use the cum of the first ejaculation as lube for the 2nd round
the ass on schawlb's wife holy fucking shit
and then you have his mother in law who looks like a total milf and has g cup titties
goddamn BREHS
to be fair joe probably saved him. he's already a little punch drunk. really sad on youtube seeing old fighters barely able to talk
looks fucking comfy lads, forget the praying stuff, but the delicious food with the lads
she's tiny though makes sense they get super wide down there
ancient idol of fertility tier
Big Brown bastard. He stink. I hate his brown skin. I hate his tight pants. I hate his stand up. I hate Brendan pics on Yea Forums. I hate my eyes cause they brown. I hate Schaub's big lips. I hate the back of his neck, HAH! But most of all, I hate that midget Joe Rogan.
how long until we see some jaded museum worker hot glue one of these things
Does she have ass implants? It doesn't look like it matches her thighs at all.
Can you even satisfy a grill like this without being a drawl brehs?
>Unable to recognize ironic shitposting because you're a massive autist
>"N-No y-you were being serious th-the whole time!!!"
She looks like shes getting really fat in a couple of years
Conor redemption arc soon
if her mom is any indication she will be just fine
Nah she's just in the process of getting fat
good post
Just hanging out with the boys, praying to Allah, plotting on how to overthrow the West and establish Shariah law. Nothing to see here, lads.
Max used to throw a lot more kicks. Fell in love with his hands too much. Went from memey kickboxer to puncher kickboxer to full on boxer. I can only imagine he feared the takedown threat from bigger dangerous grapplers like Ortega and Poirier
Yes they are neanderthal
Built for _____ ____
Uh, how about when he chimped out and attempted to murder one of Conor's corner men?
sucking farts
Most of the Rogan Pack is shit at standup. They’re much funnier in regular conversation
Russian Autists
Ari Shaffir is very good.
Literally never lost an argument on heem
Alabama blacksnake
black cock
This but unironically and anywhere in general
Rogan and Schaub are both genuinely likeable and funny guys. It's just that they put on these fake personas that make them come off as dickheads.
If I'm losing an argument on /heem/ I just close the tab and pretend it never happened.
Based and Brappilled
Too bad Schaub is only allowed to suck Callen's farts
why did they stop this fight so early? falling down from a leg kick is now grounds for stoppage?
Reminder that Jones decked Anthony Smith if the face with a soccer kick and Herb Dean didn't even stop the fight
redban here.
most comics are weird loners who developed their sense of humor as a defense mechanism. joe is a karate monkey whose friends told him, "you're funny joe rogan, you should be a comedian" and joe took them seriously and lucked into fear factor. fear factor was huge.
even though he is a manlet, joe has "command presence" and an extroverted personality. his early success in television gave him credibility in comedy clubs. instead of being an asshole to lesser peers, he offered friendship. and he solved the carlos mencia joke-stealing problem, which is kind of a big deal for working comics.
he was in the right place at the right time with reality tv (fear factor), podcasting and UFC. this guy has all the luck in the world. but he's good to his friends. olive garden butthole.
That's like asking why did they stop the Cain vs Magumbo fight. Dude was clearly done.
He was going for the single leg. If he was done he would have just tapped.
didnt magumbo at least throw a punch or two while cain curled up? Anderson looked to grab a leg and didnt take any follow up strikes if i recall
Herb believes in restorative justice
We'll never know. If only Mario was in there to let him be a warrior.
i will trade my eye for the honour of her kicking me in my face
Ffs just go to PFL and pick up a few easy million dollars. Why would she continue to go through the weight cut process when Cyborg is basically done and 145 doesn't really even exist anymore.
full pic
What do you reckon is her walking around weight?
God imagine the sons she would give you
I need one of those things from Blade Runner
Its 170
joe was doing comedy long before he was on tv
Because she thinks she'll get the belt by being the only 145 fighter left. Then she can say she's a UFC champion.
>Henry Cejudo: “Nikki Bella Don’t Want This Schmoke”
>ywn suck out the last half pound of fluid for her to make weight
why do we keep on going bros?
redpill me on schmo
Schaub’s Reckoning
>watches Nardwuar once
>why do we keep on going bros?
personally I go on to develop my astral body enough so I don't get sucked into the light by the reptillians after death and escape reincarnation
He's Dana's nephew and is no different from other journalist despite him trying to be ironic about everything
>He's Dana's nephew
She's been a very minor celebrity for years. She had cosmetic work done to her chest and buttocks years ago, well predating Brendan Schaub.
>wearing another mans company name
I unironically just talked to Joanna Jedrzejczyk on Instagram she says she'll take another fight at 125 if she has to but she's not cutting down to 115 again unless it's for a shot at the title.
brendan paid for his wife to get surgery where they take fat out of her stomach and inject it into her arse
spoiler that brap hog
3 piece with da soda
I, too, would slam Rose Namajunes, if you know what I mean
Is that her peen
after pat barry?
are you john titor?
rose was unironically winning that fight
It's a little bit like that Derrick Lewis win over Alexander Volkov
Losing the fight, but pulls a knockout out so that it doesn't go to decision
Considering that they both won a round, I would say a rubber match is in order.
I hope Pat doesn't punish Rose too hard for losing
I'm glad she got sheemed
Well, duh.
I just found out from Yea Forums that Schaub nutted in Chloe Bennet and Im jealous right now.
This is my first post in heem in almost a year btw
Knock outs should be no-contests, not wins
>I think we can all agree that Frankie has earned the shot
Tapping should be a win, because it takes courage to know when to quit
imagine being managed by an actual terrorist
many people consider me a sexual terrorist of sorts
I invented terrorism
more like heem
Silva wasn’t out
excuse me?
He just has ptsd from the Weidman incident
His pain was psychological
What are the odds that Flushedie Edgar actually pulls this off?
he wanted the Cain treatment lmao
You now remember Cain’s epic comeback
feed amanda poones to big ladd
the ladd is ready
she don't want none of that smoke
Yes. She’s my type.
Welcome back
Ladd would lose a fight but win a sliding glass door competition
Amanda would literally break her
Macaco we already flushed all of your male champs, the dykes are next
It wasnt even the same leg. i cant believe anderson forgot which leg got heemed, he played up the wrong one being hurt
if your opponent misses weight, the other fighter should get the difference of weight in the form of a weapon
Every member of AKA has been absolutely JUST’ed in the ring now
there should not be weight/gender divisions, every competition should be open weight and open gender
I can support that
this desu
Owww muh laygzz
Pat Barry unironically went 0-2 via KO because of this
if this world was just someone would plant drugs and weapons on ali abdaziz and send him to jail for a long time
>the timeline works out
fuckin kek
Imagine a Brap contest between those two
if all the lads are like that in colorado, I'm fittin to visit
Honestly, I wish the user talking about "braps" constantly would get bolted in the fucking head.
idk what it is about women with big asses, but it seems like their farts would be absolutely delicious
I like a nice flat butt
Finally getting to see Rose vs Andrade just watched the first round of feeling pretty confident about a W for Thug Rose
What should I expect /heem/?
Snape kills Thanos
you know when you have really stinky farts? do girls have those too?
did someone say brrap??
Absolutely Based and Brappilled
The ones that eat a lot of protein do
fershure i agree but it's tawlf and i disagree a hunnerd persent b
wait a minute, did those two actually fight?
how the frick is that allowed, what maniac sanctioned that
Does anybody really care about the UFC any more? Nobody wants ESPN+, no stars, old stars getting beat up constantly for name recognition.... I'm out lads
yeah, no
no one cares about the ufc any more, dude
Stay for Aspen Ladd's braps
YUGE bellator fan here
I really really REALLY like these macros
Can I save them?
lmao what would you do if i said no?
pee-yew haha
You now remember Hardcore Henry: A Revolutionary Movie Experience
Holloway's output is insane. Looking forward to his fight with frankie
Is that a boy or girl? The rash guard and hair make me think girl.
Whats the deal with American's obsession with the punisher logo? Its pretty weird
Both are niggers, stop pretending DC is not just because he gets away with it
t. mexico
>get taken down 2 or 3 times and immediately get up without any physical damage or fatigue
>getting beat up non stop 20 minutes straight
This, But you gotta be pretty naive to think that organizations doesn't know this, it's always a win win for them, if people's buy it it will attract casuals and haters and haters are always be willing to see the overhyped train be derailed, like with goobert and Mayweather.
Damn she's too high test for the other girls. Shouldn't be legal what she's doing.
So you think Khabib takes down Max and Max gets up? My point was that if Ortega could takedown Max then so could Khabib and Khabib obviously has a way better top game than Ortega.
Yes, I am gay
Habib is a faggot but so is 2018+ Conor
oh fershure my guy conor's walkout at 196 was a beast of a heterosexual display
what did he mean by this?
we hongry
Tony is the protagonist. Khabob and Conor are both villains
The ref only stopped it because Silva was yelling at Cannonier to stop
yes obviously i remember the christ church video, it only came out a few months ago
Is the Dane who spams MacKenzie Dern banned?
he's a morbidly obese american who spams multiple other "girls"
virgin detected
>wanting to fuck some whores hairy asshole while ur dick is too small to even go in and goes limp cause her asshole is gross
real virgins detected
no way has rose made enough money off of mma to retire on
what is she going to do ?
We get it, you have a small dick and like cock in your mouth
At least he isn't an incel
Rose doesn't have to make money she has Pat. Plus if she needs cash she can stream on twitch and be the "le irony girl" for all her waifu fans.
who's dick did he have to suck to get this special?
Oh wait
That`s what separates men from boys.
You can fuck a pussy no problem with any shit half boner, but you need a hard rock erection to properly pound a bitch`s shithole.
The men from the macacos. The toxoplasmosis forces the br to seek out negholes in need of pozzing.
the constant disrespect to RDA and what he's done for this sport, why do they refuse to give this man a pick-me up fight. This is going to be the third wrestler in a row who will just outwork him the whole fight. He should be fighting strikers not pressure wrestlers
Dana's still mad at him for pulling out against Conor
They keep giving him his weakness they're just being cunts for no reason
RDA went 5 rounds with Tony. How many did Lee?
You sound like someone who’s more into the comedy of Jimmy Saville
The funny thing is is that the fight against Connor would be the most winnable for RDA.
A RDA victory over Mcgregor at that moment would have killed all the hype around Gooby, since rda do not have a 1/3 of the charisma of Diaz to construct a scene of a rematch.
RDA pulling out of that fight was decisive and one of the best thing that could happened to Dana still milking Gooby as his golden cow.
So i kind don`t get why he still so mad.
r u a girl
RDA is the definition of gatekeeper
Brap posters: PLEASE have sex.
Rose "Don't Wanna Do This" Namajunas
ive been watching ufc for over a year and I've yet to see RDA win a fight lmfao dudes a can
>ive been watching ufc for over a year
Embedded ep. 2
somethin u wanna say leaf?
Jeez Max has pillow punches
how does his arc end?
Embrace the braps
my boy
Waits for Khabib to get suspended by USADA and then beats Poirier for t he vacant belt. Retires after Gaethje heems him for the 1st time in his career
thawts are a peach B. what else ya got chin
Max is going to heem that manlet.
Volkanovski is going to manhandle that cutbabby and heem him back into lightweight.
Because it ruined his triple champ plans
The plan was Conor heems RDA, double champ
Fights Robbie at 200 for welterweight, heem, triple champ
GSP returns. Superfight to end all superfights
Why didn't he try this against Max
No. He heemed himself after Mackenzie got blacked. He comes back occasionally but once the 56% offspring is born he’ll gadoosh himself from heem 5ever
Imagine Robbie vs Canor. Canor would have been perm-heemed
I don't see that happening at all. Volk has a strong chin but I guess it really hasnt been tested. I could see Max winning a decisive decision I guess.
I was really hoping that Max would be strong enough to stay at 155, I've been a fan of his for a while.
He is now, but he was once champion and really only loses to wrestlers and Tony Ferguson. The meta has passed him by, he's no longer cutting edge, but he's a very good fighter.
:( she was so cute here, when will we get her back lads?
This. RDA is one of my favorite fighters and literally every fight he's won has been exciting.
This. Conor is the archetypal decadent Westerner, grown soft and weak due to his financial success. Khabib is the foreign, oppressive menace threatening the values of the audience. Tony stands for all that is pure and true.
wouldn't compare a fight almost 3 years old to one that happened a little over a year ago. RDA is washed now my man, he isn't going to suddenly have ground game 2 losses later.
CM Punk vs Dana think of the ppv numbers. of course we know what danas walking out to
So like
What fights are you looking forward to
me vs your mom behind the local supermarket
Dear Mister “Fighters need a better pay plan”
This will be the last post I ever send your ass
Its been six weeks and now you don’t post, where’s the work ethic?
I know you’re in the thread, my guy, probably just lurking
That’s why I’m posting, I’m sure you’ll read it
I’m on the Till right now, dropping a steaming BJ
Hey Yang, I illegally stream
You going to cry?
You know Lawler/MacDonald II, UFC 189
When the two guys went hard, met in the middle swanging
5 rounds, Just Bleed, Rory stopping cause his body failed him
That’s kinda how this is, we coulda had a good time clowning
But you’re shits weak, you’re not even posting now, you’re lousy
And I just wanted some shitposting is all
I deleted OC memes, a tawlf call
I hate you Yang, you do naw madder, think about it
You’re shills are gone, you’re peen is small and the papers wrote about it
And your poll numbers are in the fractions and the DNC laughs about it
I hope you don’t even get on the debate stage and your supporters all flee
See Yang, you weak bitch, stop the talk!
Hey Yang, I want heem discussion not political bunk
But I did it to chase you off this board, b, cause I don’t like you
Commie subverting my nation, and you’re a yellow one, too
Well, that’s it, last post from me now
One last fuck you before I send this shit out
I like it
Whiter than you Tyrone
>This is an actual thumbnail
the way ESPN throws a card at us every saturday I don't really care about matchups. Just let there be blood.
Mike vs the guy with autism and Des Green fighting in his hometown
The whole entire US is niggered wtf did you expect
Based. Weird how people complain about more fights
I like kickboxing better than MMA. What do you think about that?
>MMA camp
I like both but there are way more stoppages in MMA
Lee is a tanklet, he's not outworking RDA. You will all see. RDA will beat him up on the feet and will outgrapple him in the later rounds.
>RDA is washed now my man, he isn't going to suddenly have ground game 2 losses later.
>he isn't going to suddenly have ground game
The absolute state of cazzie retards. RDA has a better ground game than Duckingson who was outwrestled and dominated on the ground by some can named Castillo, lmao. Being outwrestled by Khabib and 2 elite wrestlers one weightclass above you is not something to be ashamed of.
You'll get dabbed on regardless of niggers, retarded leaf
I'm going with RDA too but lee is looking big at this new weight
He almost subbed Kamaru
Dockie is dead
Adan is a father
Germany’s roommate killed him for the leak
Coral went to therapy
Lithcuck is in a perpetual existential crisis
Serbia was arrested for animal abuse
Spain is struggling with suicidal ideation
It’s just you and me now kid
What are we even doon here?
Lee finna morrer
>lee is looking big
Good. Just means he'll gas faster. More muscle = more oxygen needed to keep them working.
That’s racist
Besides that the way I gotta was a way of being able for itself, and it had a little more significant things into it than it is the only thing I would want. The vat was lost and it had to exit to the exit within the vat of exit the exit within the vat and the vat was lost and it was the only exit to the vat and the exit of the vat is is within the exit the way the separation is is not being able for the exit to the exit within the vat of the vat within a certain degree degree in human consciousness or not a certain degree of certain level of certain way to the exit of exit the exit within the vat. The exit exit and I’ll exit the way to the realm.
lol how does this have so many updoots? Doesn't Khabib have a more average build than Conor? I mean Conor has some long ass arms and legs, while Khabib has average proportions. I mean wader we even doin heur b? Jus because Conor was a drawl doesn't mean u could be one two b.
He is implying that khabib is unbeatable while he thought he had a shot at Conor
Ohhhh.... scissor me timbers!
favourite fruit to consume whilst enjoying a mixed martial arts bout?
Gregor vs Khabib, who you got?
Buttered cucumber
Fruit sucks
Cancel my fight with Henry Cejudo, I just ate about 6000 calories worth of chocolate with my 2 big americanos.
Thanks b. Doc says I have cte and a malignant tumor, but hey get a little cbd oil in there and then GADOOSH goes the tumor. But to the hater in the YouTube comment section, all I gotta say is water we evin doin hear? Wader we doin?
I couldn't so consistently be at Max's perfect range even if I tried. Move away, or move forward, just do literally anything than exactly what you did. Fuck.
>he isn't going to suddenly have ground game
RDA has great BJJ you cazzoo.
Anyone want to go recruit genetic peaches from Africa and become the most dominant mma management team in the game?
Shes unironically a really fun girl. 10/10 would hang out with her
I'm racist
Alll me.
Me btw
It looks cool
>conor brings 50 goons with him to attack a bus containing a lone kebab
>kebab finishes conor in the cage, and then leaps out to attack his team, by himself.
power move desu, allah bless
حكم بريطانيا
>one of Conor's corner men
... who is an active professional fighter in a higher weight class, and has been literally asking for the fight for months earlier.
green seedless grapes. in the summer there's two bomb strains I look forward to: sugar crunch and cotton candy. so fucking good served ice cold on a hot summer day.
This is how I would spot a Muricuck if we didn't have flags.
Khabib needed the entirety of dagestan to feel safe confronting Artem.
>that pic
Africans aren’t Africana Americans. We are going for your ngannous, usmans, adesanyas etc... also get a few strong African queens to dominate wmma
god I wish that were me
prime schaub would heem ngannou
a nigger is a nigger. Niggers ruin every area they inhabit, hence why Africa and all nigger dominated areas within America are shitholes
thoughts on bungus schneeb?
That’s racist
cant believe shes married to a midget..... give me hope
>t.5.5 :(
yeah if your 8 years old. If you over the age of 18 and still wearing skulls you gotta go
Yeah I watched a kids mma fight and those kids are going to be perma heemed by the age of 18 lol
Hey b you're trying to take credit for my schlaub impression and I gotta say water we doin hear? Do you honestly think you're a drawl? Because Conor was a drawl, but if you don't have those kinda numbers you're not a drawl b. But hey we gettit, there are other drawls, but you beter hope you don't get GADOOSHED by the haters. But man that game of thrones is summtin else. Greatest show ever b.
This ain’t it cheift
what do you mean by that?
What's up with all these UFC guys hanging with Kadyrov? Dude's bad af he literally had his private militia round up all the known gays they could find in Chechnya and sent them to a concentration camp where they're all probably dead now
pretty based, isn't he also a huge MMA fan?
He pays.
MMAed CTE head
>this guy based, make me feel like beta with all his wealth
Properly working head
>what I do is modified prostitution & escorting
I'll always be here for you breh
Cowboy is going to die
Didn't Fedor's daughter get stabbed by one of Kadyrov's guys or something
Fedor's daughter got stabbed in the chest by some guy, from somewhere, unrelated, unknown.
It just incidentally by chance happened after Fedor spoke out against Kadyrov's MMA for children events. As in, prepubescent children doing bloodsports.
kill yourself for posting this somalian faggot
Realistically what is BJs most realistically path back to the belt?
Nick Blatt from Sonic State when he hears PWM..
Imagine if somebody gave a bear a 3 piece with a
Just cancelled my suicide for Artem vs Maliniggi
Don't follow mandrama/rumors, and suggest you stop too. I just know that academian pays to hang with cool guys, celebrities etc like any other bandit who is showered with money would.
As for scary tales from "pls click this" ponytail dork: when it comes time to hang out with gayest mfers planet Earth who wear feathers & fur, academian forgets about his antigay shit real fast. Hugs them, take photos, all that stuff. As does khabitch, when he needs to slide into some good looking chick DMs. Just hypocrites, who hide their shittiness/crimes behind "i'm goodguy/devoted man of faith" BS. Non-moslems are the same, but even worse in big picture view. Even janni bones had more sense than to go meet this mfer lmao.
They can’t find any doctors willing to work as cutmen. The bare knuckle meme has less than a year left.
Pic related is the only belt he will ever hold
*Cuts the cutman's purse*
Artem is taking this thing into the stratosphere. Wait till Gooby makes return because of BKFC popularity rise and fights his best friend. And then Floyd drops short video:
>they don't call me pretty boy for nothing, i don't care if your knuckles are bare, Connor
After gooby's loss prime artem avenges him. Don't tell me that's a bad script.
I would worship whatever demon makes Floyd-Artem possible. I'd worship their cock too if Artem wins.
More like Fartem Jackoff
Toilet Till™
>you will never be a professional mma fighter
Thank god desu
ill take a dive and let you win a pro fight against me if you want
There are too many fights/events on and I just don't fucking care anymore. Any here know what I'm talmbout?
Events every weekend is too much. I don't get excited for UFC anymore. I've been skipping the prelims basically every week and I'll skip through fights that appear to be boring (laynpray decisions, wmma etc) like a casual. Disillusioned as fuck my mans. Anyone else?
Yeah I get what you mean. Maybe take a break user. You don't have to watch every fight/card.
fer shure man a hunnerd percent I agree
amateur mma is super cozy though
it's hard to see the big picture
without a good middle building up prospects, the only way to test is to enter in ufc's deep veteran pool in your 20s. those fighters don't stand out right away but then look like gods in no time
like edwards. it is hard as a fan to watch relevant fights if the ufc is also the proving ground
plus well. the game has changed and old and busted fighters are old and busted
is he unheemable?
he's looks like the guy that shows up in bond films
Uh, cm punk didn’t start training until he was 43 and made it to the ufc. I’m pretty sure I can make it
Yeah ikftb, watched every single fight from like 2012-2017 and now I just can’t bother watching Wgaf prelims
Went to sleep last night a Khabib fan but now I'm in the Tony train all of a sudden and I don't want to get off
*heems you*
Go back to sleep kid
I've been skipping wrestlefucks and wmma since way before espn desu
Definitely take a break. I've been so busy lately I've missed PPVs and free cards and I'm desperate to just sit down and watch a whole card for once.
*bangs you with lead uppercut*
>went to sleep fan of 657 strikes, 1 KO/TKO (needed additional strikes to actually finish)
>woke up on picrelated train
Thank god for powers of subconscious.
*feints with a jab*
*feints with a level change*
*HEEMS you with an overhand right while you're trying to block the jab and stuff a take down*
Pffft... nothin personnel... kid
>shadow boxing in the mirror
*gouges RDA's eye out*
*ducks Khabib*
*ducks Alvarez*
*beats Pettis*
*ducks Poirier*
*ducks Holloway*
*loses to Cerrone*
Nothing personal
should I bet all my savings on RDA?
save it for colby
I bet she's a violent drunk.
Ur country sux dix fukin loser. U better heem those sand niggers outta ur house
Dustin’s resume is better than Sperg’s
I wish he will beat Khabib, but pretty likely ends up being wrestlefucked hard by him. Worst timeline. But maybe the best timeline if based Tony or based Donald fights him and gadooshes or submits him.
We just need a man to bully the bully.
Khabib has bully mentality and I don't like it. I'm from Kavkaz tho
This post is very risque and quite controversial but I've weighed it up and consider it to be an overall good post, thanks. Favourite female combatant?
All I know is Dustin shuts both Cerrone and Ferguson down hard.
Andrade tapped
Rose takes over the division in her next fight
>Khabib is a hypocrite because he hangs out with Kadyrov - another man of the faith who has rather radical views on some things
Absolutely seething pedorussian genetic trash. Kadyrov's only fault is that he didn't butcher more pedorussian subhumans before he became a public persona.
Reminder that all Russians are worthless steroid cans who will never hold gold in any MMA promotion that matters.
My dog shat on my shoes. Should i heem him?
>I'm from Kavkaz tho
How many years did you spend as a Chechen anal slave?
Fuck off, kike.
Has there been a 10th Planet gym vs Gracie BJJ gym competition?
No, but 10th planet shitters have a dogshit track record against classical Gracie BJJ in MMA.
Wouldn't it make sense for the opposite to be true, since 10P practice nogi, and GBJJ practice with gi? And of course MMA is no gi.
No, i`m pretty sure he will be wrestlefucked for 5 rounds.
have you ever the whole brendan?
>RDA versus a bigger wrestler
>for the third time in a row
You've seen this movie.
Joe sold out to 'the company' a few years back. Jamie is his handler, (essentially a lab grown clone, raised and trained in secret 'company' cities) It's why he did his conspiracy tv show. That was a cover or anchor point so he could use it to explain his change of content in the show and why he doesn't talk about conspiracies anymore.
However his payoff for this was not only getting back in to the store, but having Tommy sacked and taking it over with his clique. Plus his new facility, the massive numbers boost on his youtube, access to higer profile guests etc. Oh and not exposing his rampant homosexuality and relationship with Schaub. (Joe is a power bottom)
Don't be surprised if Rogan and a partner buy the Comedy Store from Pauly Shore within the next year or so.
The cream will rise to the top though.