Last Day of the competition lads

Who are you rooting for?

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For me, it's /VVV/


>Venlose Voetbal Vereniging Venlo

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>psv getting killed by a psv reject

For me, it's Heereveen


Ajax of course! Have some bitterballen lads, you'll have to supply your own drinks. Unless some other user is kind enough to provide.

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Die zijn van vorige week, smeerpoets

New batch, I swear!

Sounds like an average party of Dutch people , unfortunately

Is Heerenveen pronounced Hayrenvayn or just Heerenveen?

The first ee is pronounced like the i in 'in'.

hear an vain

Not me, I always make sure there's plenty to eat and drink if I organize something. And I wont accept money or anything.

Based, I always send a tikkie to my friends for the costs :^)


it's all so pathetic

Absolut behinderte Sprache, Jungs.

I only use tikkie if we're eating out, or go drinking all night in pubs. At home, my treat. All I ask is that you bring your manners and a sunny disposition.

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Fucking based, try picanha too.

that's rich coming from someone who speaks the inferior germanic language

>tfw practically eating churrasco every day when I was in Brazil
Never felt more like a carnivore desu

German is quite literally superior though, as evidenced by the fact that it's spoken above sea level.

>Who are you rooting for?

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I have it every time I visit my parents when I'm home instead of in my student house. I eat picanha, jamon, chorizo etc all the time at home. Then when I'm back I eat vegetables again with my gf. :/

tbf, it's probably not the healthiest meal. Veggies are good though, depending on how theyre cooked. Im a pretty decent cook so I dont mind having vegetarian days.
/elite/ post right there fren

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>Then when I'm back I eat vegetables again with my gf
Sounds cucked desu

It's me adapting to her horrible digestive system, she can't handle meat that well in her stomach.
It's fine, I can enjoy vegetarian curries just fine. Saves me some money too

Wew, Schöne

No one watches our league

ffs ajax, pay attention.

nice attack there

>tfw only one here

Im here fren

I'm here, but at work.

Add balada and cachaça and you got the biggest enemies of brazilian players.

Source: /tugão/ (knows everything about BR footballers)

thank fren
Working late?

well, fat ronaldo got fat for a good reason

>tfw you dad moved to the Netherlands and adopted Den Haag as his local side (helps because he lives there)
>tfw by proxy this means you should adopt them because they're the closest Dutch side you have any kind of connection with (even if it is a flimsy one)
>tfw they never win anything

The good times are coming though, right? They're just around the corner, r-right?

Sympathieke teams:
Ajax, Vitesse, De Graafschap, NAC

Niet sympathieke teams:
PSV, Utrecht, Groningen


De rest

Den Haag is literally a kanker club. It's probably the most chav club in Dutch football.

>FC Den Haag
Based friend.

Ado den Haag is a team that always fights relegation and tries to remain in the Eredivisie. We had one good year with Bulykin, Kubik, Verhoek in his prime, Toornstra, Kum etc in 2010/2011 which we qualified for Europa League playoffs but lost against APOEL.

Aside from that hooliganism has been less in recent years unfortunately and it's going towards a more family friendly orientation which is a shame.

>Tfw no Twente

Next year

For me, it's PSV, because they cucked Benfica in the champions league final

Sorry, but I'll have to side with this user because he's telling me good things instead of bad things. I was under the impression that this was strictly a no bully thread.

>it's going towards a more family friendly orientation

Yeah I hate that trash too desu. They do it here. Ban real fans so the family can have a day out. Disgusting.
I like plucky clubs. You never know when you're fortunes are going to change. It's like being ugly and then waking up with a new face. But if you have a sexy face, well, you have everything to lose. See: Manchester United.

18:00 to 01:30
Why are there so many goals tonight?


>AZ losing to Excelsior again in the last match

2009 flashbacks Bros


Jesus, that match was 12 year ago. Time flies lads.

Really? Ado is usually a mid table club

Ajax did it too

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Only in recent years after around 2015.
Before that it's always a struggle to stay afloat. The only reason we're in 10th now is because there are teams like Emmen, Fortuna and De Graafschap and NAC




I think the title is in the bag lads

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it could still slip :^)

Cinema, friend

>working at the kinoplex
Why is the popcorn always so good

The popcorn is ass. It used to be good when it was made by us. Now it's just cheap shit bought in bulk


I never go to the cinema anymore, but popcorn was unironically more of a reason to go than the actual cinematic experience.

It was made with love. It had soul, just like when actual film was used, instead of digital


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Don't worry ADO will keep you out like in 2011

For me, it's /grunn/

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Hoping Tadic cucks de Jong

Not anymore

always liked Groningen

Wacht maar tot ADO er nog 3 inprikt.


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Based. It was a nice season, but still a little sad about missing the UCL final.

That Wednesday night was one to remember, I was so happy when Moura scored in the last seconds.

ah, a /lifelong/ tottemham supporter from rotterdam

Gotta respect the Graafschap audience for sticking around. Very classy act.

Yeah. But atleast we won the dubble

For me, it's Nooit Opgeven, Altijd Doorzetten, Aangenaam Door Vermaak En Nuttig Door Ontspanning Combinatie Breda

Nah the Hague :^)


>nooit opgeven
>altijd doorzetten

Oh chorizo echt kaolo duur man kanker nerd

>adapting to her digestive system
Bak je eigen vlees kuk

Ben zelf Spaans vriend

Maakt dat nou uit basedboy

Doe ik al, maar ik vind aanpassen aan omstandigheden niet heel erg. En heb het voor haar over, het is niet alsof ik elke dag groentes eet.

Ja, want chorizo koop je niet in Nederland dat importeer je, zelfde als met jamon. Betaal je een betere prijs voor een veeeeeel beter stukje vlees.

>schelden met soja
letterlijk mbo niveau

Joh donder nou op pretentieuze kneus. Wat denk je dat supermarkten/deli’s/speciaalzaken etc doen, die maken het in hun eigen kelder of importeren het tevens mhm?