>ajax mega stars
>shopping in supermarket with the common people
>tight arse?
what do they mean by this?
>ajax mega stars
>shopping in supermarket with the common people
>tight arse?
what do they mean by this?
Any mundane everyday errand is like a red carpet event to them as long as they have the right filter on the Gram desu
yeah, society is in degeneration mode.
its like "oh my god! im shopping at the supermarket! its like totally awesome, let me just add some filters and comb my hair, then later ill take a photo of the kfc im eating and put it on facebook"
Woa de Ligt uses wet whipes to clean his ass
They have improved my poops by a shit ton.
>Finish movement
>Wipe with regular TP
>Clean up with 1 or 2 washlets
>Dry with TP
Smells great too
>£1 for a 40 pack
>Bought two
They'll last me 80 shits for a mere £2
i wipe my ass like five times after a shit so ill go through a pack of them in two days.
better yet why not just take a quick shower after a shit
You're not supposed to replace regular TP with washlets. They're meant to supplement your regular TP. Wipe with TP and then at the end use 1 washlet (2 max otherwise plumbing gets fucked) to get that clean/moist/fresh feeling. And then use some more TP to dry up.
Are these not risking you blocking the drains? Think of the plumbing user
Yes. But that's why Andrex write on the packet "1-2". I mostly just use 1 after using regular TP
Based. Imagine being a toilet paper filth who has shit stains on their underwear
>inb4 ur german so u should like it
Based user, I do the same
>imagine smearing fragrance chemicals on your anus daily
I only take shits in the morning before taking my shower now. I just feel incredibly dirty otherwise. Wet wipes are basically just smearing the shit all over your ass.
They are enjoying the simple things in life
A fan asked them to pose for the photo retard, they were just shopping.
Are you me?
It's common sense la. Just look at the amount of shit particles that stain the shower floor after cleaning your ass with a blast of water. And thats AFTER properly wiping.
This. Having shit right now and going to shower before class at uni.
I also shit before showering, thought this was common practice but
>Just look at the amount of shit particles that stain the shower floor after cleaning your ass with a blast of water
wtf is wrong with your ass that shit falls out of it?! tell your bf to ease a little
britbong maths
Everyone who doesnt do this, is a damn dirty ape.
t. butthurt normalfags
dunno how anyone can shit and leave the house without showering first.
He used wet wipes because he's a faggot. It's to wipe the blood off his anus.
why do they shop together?
Is it hard to believe guys who spend most of their time training/playing with each other could become friends and do stuff together outside their work?
I wipe my ass with my hand then shake everyone a good morning at work with the boss first
I am sure we had this conversation last thread using this picture of De Ligt and De Jong
Because they will both be going to Barca in the summer so they are fostering a strong bond, also they are probs a bit batty
>have a plumber fix my sink
>notices i have wet wipes
>he goes on a passionate rant about people flushing wet wipes down the toilet and clogging it
>ask him where you should put them instead
>he says in a bin but leave the cover open so they dry out and the smell flies
Imagine having an uncovered bin with shit stained wet wipes in your bathroom. I haven't bought wet wipes since then and if you have a healthy gut you don't really need them anway.
>And thats AFTER properly wiping.
I don't think you know what that means
He's right. Only a shower will clean your butt.
Absolutely based
Please note our invention: The bidee shower.
still no substitute for a proper shower
le zoomer face
but AH is our most expensive supermarket
You mean it's no substitute to standing in a pool of your own filth while shit streams down your legs before clogging your drain?
You'd be correct.
Do you work in the sewers or something? And is your drainage clogged?
You know I always thought you French were just polite to handicap yourself with odd words for numbers, but now I see it's really the words are simply the expression of your unique logical faculties
New away kit looks shit
Cant really see it on my shitty stream.
Would be a lot better without adias retard stripes and white or black shorts.