Blazers at Warriors Game 1 Thread

Mighty Good Leader edition.

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Other urls found in this thread:

You guys reckon Kevin Durant has had sex yet

East Bay Yea Forumsros rise up

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haven't been pooping much lately, the farts tho, man, i was killing myself in my chair today lol

KD has enough burner accounts and phones to counter anybody who says no

His autism has prevented it.

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wait lads, is this sport just a meme

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Mudtrailblazers and getting swept in the playoffs name a more iconic duo

remember to do your job and create future nba superstars

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Is there a single person on the entire planet who doesn't have warriors in 4?

FINALLY Collins back on the pitch

Give Portland your energy

this isn't your personal blog. nobody wants to your about your gross life

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8 threes

Portland getting swept

Might as well eat my favorite snack

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gotta get you one them ventilation systems

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blazers will fluke a game at home and get BTFO in game 5


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oh alright. thought you were talking about that pull up three

Stop eating monkey head soup Joao

are all players from gonzaga white? or it's that I just know stockton and collins

I want to watch a sextape of Collins and Curry's mom bros

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Mark Jackson is such a GSW cocksucker. You'd think the guy would hold some resentment to the organization that fired him so quickly.

Well this game is fucking boring as shit so I'm leaving this thread. I thought that you faggots said that the nba playoffs was the best sporting event of all time. LOL
Anyways I just downed
>6 bud lights
>boneless wings
>pizza sticks
>and a chocolate molten lava cake
This Seahawks fan (AKA real SPORTS FAN) is leaving Applebee's one happy guy. Mrs. is driving :) boutta go piihb.

PS. see you in the superb owl chiefs

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Senator Ron Wyden

Don't talk to me or my sons ever again.

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itll probably be 5 because the warriors are mental midgets

the only saving grace of this """series""" would be a Draymond Collins kerfuffle

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Warriors have some really lazy games, sweep in checked based fatass

Hood finally made a 3 pointer

>Curry threeeeeeee
Nvm turnover

Man i have the farst today
Godam shits nasty

>my sister is listening to Billie Eilish again

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i liked it back in the day when celebrities would actually post real things on twitter. nowadays they run everything through a publicist to avoid the mob/getting mocked






looney was out of position. good pass from curry

Fucking Hood lmfao.

GSW is going to the Finals, bros.

Lata user

dame down

Based sis

Why does Billie always look so sad?

Keikaku is coming into fruition

I like one of her songs, I was surprised

Blazies score under/over 405 points in the series?

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who gets away with the most bitching to refs in the league today?

First for warriors dynasty
Yeah its unstoppable

Post more mulatos pls

This fucking pasta again

>Nurkic sacrificing his leg for the regular season
>Hood sacrificing his knee for the Finals
>??? sacrificing his career for the Championship

the fans

draymon and lebron?

Fuck collins. Fucking ugly pig nosed cracker bitch

Lillard once again disappears and nobody gives him shit for it

1. drayboon
2. cp3
3. harden
4. lebron

lol how is this even a close one?

It isn't dame time yet

Ayesha is disgusting

the only players allowed to be criticized are westbrook and lebron

you know, the ones with heart

Liller time soon my friend

Can the Blazies do it lads

no one expects him to win

>mfw my grizzies will be booty blasting BOTH of these teams next year

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>game is close
>4th quarter
>trash gsw bench
portland is stealing this


Blaine Rhyme soon

Its literally every Blazer game
>Suck ass for three quaters
>Catch up

>leave. we dont need you. we won without you.

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Wake me up when it's Dame Time please

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Westbrook is trash though

no, their defense is too shitty

warriors got no killer instinct these portland clowns should be down 20

>cut back into arena for 5 seconds for some reason
>more ads
ESPN is fucking trash

Honestly liking what im seeing from the Blazers here

God I hope he leaves so he can get utterly and devastatingly exposed.

everything is forgivable when you compare it to kyrie though

Curry is on pace to put up 50 points and they're only up by 6. Literally Memeiors

how the fuck is Portland only down 6 I dont know

Trae Young could out shoot GSW

22-3 free throw disparity

dubs picks what i fap to

Warriors only have 2 guys with 10+ points

They unironically need KD

>Blazers actually won the 3rd quarter

Lindsay Lohan.

your gf

jollibee monkeys

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Their defense has been good. They just keep falling for the pick and roll like brainlets. Its so frustrating to watch becaude they're allowing next to nothing inside. Gs had missed a lot of 2 pointers.

Sophie Turner be busted af

Honestly hoping the trailblazers forfeit the rest of the series after tonite
Watching Portland play is just hard even after betting on the warriors

big if true

why didnt these faggot analyst say smth

Anybody else notice Ayesha Curry with the thot braids now?

>entire audience is gonna get equipped with Google CIA radios at home


Billie's music is good

The East is winning the finals this year

how is she busted? she's hotter than 99.99% of the macacos in brazil

this desu. even though curry is going off they're barely winning.

Steph with the girl face filter

Him and McCollum both pulled a no-show


Marc Davis called Draymond for an offensive foul after Hood shoved him. He then proceeded to call a soft foul on Curry for Hood.

She's trying so hard to be relevant

White on black interracial gay porn

adam silver

Just wanted to comment on CIA distributing their spying devices to everyone in the arena

i'm tired of listening to her trying to sing bad guy with broken english bro


ummmm shes getting her confidence back sweaty :)))

At least you don't live here where it seems like it's the same 2 long Australian Labour Party ads


what is going on with ayesha mid life crisis? needs another baby in her?

Steph without the filter

tv timeouts were a mistake. each team should get 2 timeouts per game.


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Portland just needs to keep the game close for Dame to close it out

Wow the Warriors are such a based organization, google home minis woohooo

I would have sex with Ayesha on multiple occasions


jesus christ

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tranny on girl porn

that Danny D gay video

does ayesha swallow?


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Zach Collins is the Warriors killer.


Collins is unironically the best Blazie tonight

Rachel Nichols nose. HD zoomed in.

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Cook just became Curry what the fuck

her problem is swallowing TOO much lmaoooooooooooooooooooo

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that she is

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Splash bros vs Trash bros

were there any screencaps of Zion reacting the the number one pick?

dubs picks who kills dany in the last episode of got

jesus they're just bricking everything tonight

Rodney Hood looks like he has a quite high IQ, almost Draymond Green's level

She has never put a dick in her mouth. Missionary for procreation only

Rodney Hood looks like a pervert


a nice empty couch

jon snow

the Chernobyl nuclear disaster which may or may not have occurred

Where will Klay be playing next season?

tulsi gabbard feet pics where



a toe


Jon I bet

Is she at the game?

Blazers don't have a dog on their team

Rockets have Tucker, Warriors have Green. No one is scared of any Blazer

littlefinger in a surprise tweest

San Francisco

Memeball saved the sport, put some respect on memeball.


>200 word paper due tomorrow
im fucked

Is there an unironic point to this game beyond making the NBA and ancillaries money?

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yea this shit is over, i'll watch hunter x hunter see yall niggas later

He'll stay, even take another paycut to stay in Curry's shadow


Kanter could be that guy

you didn’t watch his mvp season. Plus trash Westbrook is still better than 99% of the league

The Warriors DJ has lost it

legalized slave trading

that's all sports tho

Ser Draybronn of Blackwater

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Dracaras kills Jon

Dany kills herself out of regret


kek he's soft as shit when he's not on twitter and literally unplayable against good teams

>200 hundred
18+ website user

Its due to the stigma of the Jail Blazers

>100 word paper due next week
it's over bros

Tiny wee wee


got 'em

wtf Curry's mom is Kamala Harris?

i miss him

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>Klay a jumper and then a three back to back causing the Blazers to take a timeout
>slow-mo clip before commercial is 10 straight seconds of Curry (who is benched currently) clapping

what did they mean by this

>two hundred hundred

the Warriors are going to be shoveling out millions after millions to keep the crew together for the new arena.
The only one that might leave is KD because he's a fickle person but ultimately he's so much of a cuck that he's gonna stay where the rings are.

haven't seen this shitpost in years


Eastern Finals might as well be the NBA Finals

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Gay scat

Will Portland break 90?

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>200 word paper
How? I just completed my doctorate and the final thesis was only 175 words total.

Why is Iggy still athletic? That niggas has been in the NBA since like the 90s.

my blazies :(

>lose KD
>player better

>Spends a lifetime in Denver
>Somehow becomes 25 again and wins a bunch of rings

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>4th or 5th best guy on the team now
>was the number one option on a decent team earlier in his career
>elite defender

he's in great shape no homo

he was mini bron for the longest time

It was supposed to be the Nuggets. This series is cursed.

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>Lillard only 14 points

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>That fucking iPhone commercial.

curry needs the ball more i think. he can't defer and still drop 30+

>everyone in that salon wants to murder the niggress

Blame the bay area

he looks like he uses peds for sure

>dame chokes AGAIN
>/nba/ silent

>westbrook drops a triple double

Sheep ass niggas

can a 35 year old actually be that naturally jacked

> That fucking State farm commercial

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Some guys are just blessed with a good body and he obviously works hard to stay in shape. He's been injured a lot but he also hasn't played regular starter minutes in years.

he's only hard about islam

It still huts.

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That happened to me last semester. I did 15 words a day for 7 days straight to complete it. Nearly killed me

How many times are you going to suck Westbrick's peen in these threads? 3 straight first round exits

>Soulless Shaft remake

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Westbrook lost to said choking Dame though when they were favored to win. Meanwhile Dame is keeping his team close against the memeoirs.

anyone gonna watch the new SHAFT? for me its hell naw nigga

>virgin apple vs chad state farm

>Dame is keeping his team close
pooland delusion

Would the Nuggies have put up a better fight?

>westbrick out in the first round again

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>see you in the finals, Golden State

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>TFW no memeworthy commercials

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He’s doing jack shit you retard lmao even Mark Jackson is telling him to step it up

>Westshook niggas STILL seething

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just tren hard eat clen anavar give up :^)

Mark Jackson is GSW dickrider

look at his shoulders, capped deltoids are a dead giveaway.

nuggets also have no defense, at least jokic could dab on draymanlet though

raps still have to get through the bucks...

lmao what a clown. Here's your >>(you)

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God I keep losing money with these bets
If I lose here I'm gonna stop

girl who ghosted me 3 months ago just texted me. said she's on her way over to my apt.

what do?

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Home team winning at home is expected why do people bash Portland? Game 2 will be where the actual series starts and we can see adjustments.

Curry's mom is so hott

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Lillard exposed?
Lillard exposed.

Nuglets are at least a bigger team. Blazers are all manlets that are getting shot over on one end and blanketed on the other

>we could have had jokic bullying steph and klay with his fat ass
>we get this instead

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i want to give sonya curry a ring

Fuck, will the next championship for Portland be in the 2050s?

>fatass jokic
>being able to keep up with the memoires fast pace
nice meme, he couldn't even handle portland.

Still no cakes.

would you date a qt filipina?

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nice armpits

The further this goes on the more likely Durant will come back and when he does the series is actually over.


He'd die of exhaustion trying to stay in front of Curry

>adam silver
looks like you got your wish

>jokic on the perimeter
Meanwhile, Green is slamming in the paint

Ih oh it's dame.tkme ,

>Portland had almost 30 free throws to the Warriors 10
>still down 9

imagine the smell

Guys, I've been texting this slut and she's drunk and coming over after the game. I'm a virgin, What sex positions should I use so she thinks I'm a pro?

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this one has a dick right?

Grab her boobie

is her penis femenine?

Would you guys hit this?

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Steph is Lillard’s father


like curry

>you will never lick her armpits.

eat her pussy right away to show your dominance

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holy shit she got that halle berry aging gene

(And that's a good thing!)

anal no lube chicks love it

>i'm a virgin

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amazon position

So Westbrook is his grandson?

>he thought warriors wouldn't win it all this year


doggy, legs over shoulders, slap her ass some, call her a cumslut etc.

>the warriors aint gonna win this series or any other series without kevin durant. they might not even win a game

why is chuck so fucking retarded and why do people pretend he isn't?

fear the deer bitch

See Daddy's rings, /nba/?

Why would anyone be a Warrior fan over a laker fan?

I bet 10,000 on Portland

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>Warriors will go to the finals rested.

Curry > Jordan

imagine what's like to be Seth Curry


Curry is burying Portland right now. I think the series is already over.

I would fucking love to be Seth Curry

they win

Will Warrior fans take over Portland like they did in LA?

it was over before game 1, they should just skip to the finals


Looney walks around like he's 80 years old

literally happens every time they play in the playoffs

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>steph and klay have the majority gsw points
>no double team
>still leave steph open
what the fuck?

>your brother is the best shooter ever
>you're just okay

Hood has a great style

Take your Degenerate weeb fetish to

Why does this announced always say bang?

10,000 what? Dollars? Are you retarded?


who can stop the warriors

>letting donkey shoot a 3 on you

oh no no no no this is the fucking western conference final?

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ignore espn anything but their women

If the Blazers had Nurkic, the warriors would get destroyed (without durant)
like this post if you agree

kanter should be deported

it's his signature thing. Mike Breen just says bang, puts it in, THAT'S GOOD and NAILS IT


He really likes root beer

>me watching this game

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What happened to Porzingis again? in full green text

This is going to be a sweep isn't it? This is so boring to watch.


>drayboon is gonna chimp his way to another ring
there is no god

I would have sex with any female at this point, id even fuck Ayesha

Injuries can't even stop them

better hope Bucks dont choke to the Raps cuz Raps got no fuckin chance aginst warriors
you forgot his patented "slurpslurpahgodcurrywarriorssluuurp"


their girls are gross tho

i wonder what's chuck excuse right now

Draymond is one of the smartest and most skilled power/small forwards in the league

patriots vs warriors who wins?

Maria Taylor is a dime nigga chu talkin about


if only the Blazers could hit jump shots or had a 3rd man who was a pure shooting scorer.

>durant puts up 0/0/0/0/0
>still win by 20
ummmmmmm bros...

>at this point

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>power forward

in baseball? hockey?

The series doesn't start until Game 2. That's where adjustments are made, and even then it's expected for the home team to win. So the series actually starts at game 3.

I bet GSW +7 for like 2k
I've lost so much money now.
The odds are just not in my favor

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i’d make a joke about you being draymond but we both know he can’t read

>Chuck Hayes

>Hey user, let's play some 2K after school.
What do?

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something equally fucking stupid i assure you

the fans

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fs1 has all the good ones. esp is just dogs and old hags

I dunno but this boomer radio show host in Portland today said that because announcers say “bang” when a shot goes in that they should start calling dame and cj the bang bros(to counter the splash bros). The other radio host was trying to tell him why that was a bad idea without outright saying it and he was clueless. Funny shit. I wish somehow a game would have been announced like that.

God damn Seth Curry looks like a manlet compared to evyerone else.

>embarrassing seth curry by throwing him out there in garbage time

literally lmaoing

>pick the Lakers and drop 55 because defense in those games is broken and you either can't block dunks or can't block anything

>Seth taking all these shit shots to try and impress his mom to get a cheeky handy

i have something i wanna show you

>the one without AI on the cover
Fuck that

raptors, maybe

You're fucking stupid. When Cousins played, or when Looney or Bogut plays center he plays the 4. Watch some more basketball, kid.


>damian jones
so this is what they meant by dame time

>Dame time

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Dame time on the bench.

not a goddamn chance

>putting makeup on to go to the beach

People underestimate the effectiveness of the Warriors' collective game. When Durant is not here to isoball, they just revert to their pre-Durant collective game, which is plenty enough to win.
ffs, Thompson 3pts shooting % increase from 37% to 50% when Durant is not on the court just because there's suddenly more movement and spaces being created when Durant is not here to freeze the ball.

hate that Warriors assistant coach with the milk dud head

the Bucks are the only team that can stop the Warriors, who am i kidding.

>both teams have to walk the same way into the locker room
That must be awkward

>Dame time.
>More like Sweep time.

>curry took harden's stepback
god damn and the league just got more cancerous.

makes it easier to suck each others dicks fuck both these teams

Hey man he won coach of the year when he had LeBron

>CJ's face
Can't sum up this game any better than that.

I think some teams have gotten so used to the KD Warriors that they got rusty at defending the pre-KD Warriors. 200 iq injury. I wouldn't be surprised if KD faked it to rest his way to the finals and not risk actual injury for his pending free agency.

Raptors swept GSW in the regular season. And Kawhi alone was shitting on them in the WCF. Raps unironically have a better chance at beating them than the Bucks.

they're all friends anyway

saw that lol he's been doing that lately. he used to get called travel when he did it but I guess he complained and won

one of the worst WCF in history lads

>cites regular season
naw man

He did that stepback on Tucker in game 6 when he was dribbling behind the back. That must have tilted Harden because literally right after he just botched an inbound pass to CP3 and turned it over.

The WCF was last week, you miss it bro?

that was pop + kawhi. kawhi is alone this time. also

>regular season

>the regular season

Kawhi is Klay+KD+Draymond combined. He will shit on the Wrariors.

How else would you compare both teams' potential matchup without citing the reg season? How do the Bucks have a better shot?

>Regular season

GSW went 2-2 with Portland in the regular season and it looks like they will sweep

Post sister

he will. his team wont.

no one player can beat KD+Curry+Klay+Draymond. Lebron couldn't do it alone. no one can. you need at least 1 other god tier player. maybe kawhi and lebron could do it.

How come other teams didn't draft 3 all stars and picked another one up in free agency?


76ers did it, but they have an incompetent coach.

some teams draft 3 mvps and let 2 of them leave for peanuts

>draft 3 all stars
curry was the only one who looked elite from the get go. the rest were nurtured into elite players

simmons is the fakest all-star in the league.
who's the third one supposed to be?

Warriors got exposed when Raps made Danny Green bully Steph in the post. They have a weak interior defense and Siakam/Kawhi/Ibaka can feast on them there.


Doris watering her mouth rn

Bucks are going to the Finals

How come other teams don't nurture elite players?

Siakam is up his own ass these playoffs and Ibaka has played like shit bar 1-2 games only.

you need a steve kerr level coach to do that

GSW did jack shit. They just got lucky that Curry was injury-prone early in his career so they could sign him to a cheaper deal. Draymond only became a factor in their offense because David Lee was injured and Kerr had no choice but to start Draymond. GSW was built on an ungodly amount of luck.

a lot of this shit is luck. What if minnesota didn't pick rubio and flynn? What if they never figured out what was wrong with curry's ankles? What if the league didn't change the rules to favor shooters?

sounds like wishful thinking bro. in a series you have time to make adjustments. but we'll see fuck it. im all in for a competitive finals.

Siakam only slowed down due to Embiid guarding him. Bucks and Warriors don't have a center as good as him to shut down Siakam. And Ibaka shows up when he's playing with the starters. His mid-range through pick-and-pops are free buckets. Keep an eye on Ibaka vs. Bucks tmrw, he always lights them up.

You think the league should change the rules to favor physical and brutish play?

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I'm a warriors fan, honestly don't give a shit if Durant leaves, we don't need him, never did.

will never happen
society as a whole is moving to pussification in all areas. screens to be outlawed within 10 years.

this narrative is dumb. of course they're still top 3 w/o kd. but with him they're like -10.

BOLD call there MacGyver LMAO

it’s dumb if you don’t watch them. This happened multiple times throughout the season. They were struggling against the Rockets, Steph and Klay were getting bullied, but now they’re doing what they’re best at which is moving off the ball and getting open looks and they’re back to blowing teams out.

The Nuggets got run out of the arena in 3 quarters every time they faced the Warriors in the regular season.
Imagine that inexperienced Nuggets team facing the Warriors in the WCF.

it's kinda weird that they're playing better without him.

still, it's better to have someone like Durant around just in case shit goes down.

i watch ~50-60% of reg season games and almost every playoff game this post season. they are in no way shape or form BETTER without KD. Tonight is proof that they are still elite without KD but I fail to see the proof that they are better

He plays ISO hero ball as much as he professes he likes to play team ball.

Him passing and making plays is a meme. Keeping the ball and shooting it every single possession is where is heart truly is

He did play the system in his first year, but as time went on GSW decided to just let him ISO. When it's not him handling the ball, he just camps in the corner and ironically kills spacing for GSW to cut or drive.

Teams forgot to play against pre-KD Warriors

Indeed. They get by because of the other elite players on the team. That shit didn't fly in OKC and it won't fly on whatever team he's headed to.

>even worse, he *bonks* a three in garbage time

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their ball movement is 100x worse with KD

not really. you know those pick and roll plays drawn up to get a player an open shot with seconds remaining? It was Kerr’s idea to run those plays on nearly every possession and he’s the first coach to ever do that

Nothing.go to sleep