OFFICIAL colorado rockies @ boston red sox GAMETHREAD

sorry what are game threads still allowed

bot 5
col 0
bos 3

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Other urls found in this thread:

maybe no mean words for our sensitive friend in this itt thread btw

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What in the fuck

what the actual fuck is going on

Time to get on IRC I guess. Some janny retard is on a power trip.

Hello and welcome to the baseball thread about baseball. Do you like baseball and let us talk baseball

rockie jannie HATES our red sox's

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good out there made by batter go team

old threads:

never 4get the sacrifice against communist america hating janitor thank you friends and baseball patriots

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wtf all my good posts gone and wasted

>boreball during grind months

gonna be a yikes from me boys. wake me up in october

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I support baseball team with players. Thank you mods for allowing to talk about baseball team, much thanks and many goodness.

hope chris sale next pitch is good ok it was swing and miss just occur

>quickly 0 - 2
good point don

that was strike three imo ump disagree

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>6th inning
>only 5 posts

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sorry this is my first game


trolled lol

literally 13 k me on the left

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tjhis fucking insane

What a fucking inning!

>sale in charge of pitching

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not even a no hitter lol

Well at least he didn't hoverhand, and now he can say he fisted Guerin Austin

Yo Dunkin. Stick to donuts.

lots of strike out though imo

but pineapple marshmallow coffee is the best

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am I banned now

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I fuckin love dunkin

no bully loss of perfect game

nunez peanut purchase

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you no this poster probably yes also: one hitter btfo

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ok dfa sale when

sale going only for strike outs trying to LOSE this game

alright we'll let this thread stay up now as long as it stays to one or less.




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is that good???

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bring thronbrug

cora's going to take him out btw


even /nesn/ trying to get a date would have trouble striking out more then that so bretty gud

lol you think JD feels foolish

>one of the best pitching performances in a while
>boston still loses
it's going to hurt isn't it


i feel foolish spending last 2 days trying to find a mobile poker app I can play with friends online and sitll 2 days later cant find one that works


ask snapchat gf for it

dont gamble

dont boss me

feeling like every post is a gamble tonight due to the certain actions of a terroristic janitor


I hate this meme

get owned grandpa

fucking cora what a great plan


>I hate this meme
LMAO bro like tax your pitcher in May it's not like Sale falls apart by September due to innings pitcher like what the f are rotator cuffs yeet that ball my nigga

god freakign damn it

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>hating fun and humans pushing the limits of man
you need to go back

Come on Workman you can work this one!

you pushing the limits of my PATIENCE with such mind dumb post

he was good in the postseason last year retard

what is the source tweet here hello


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SQUANDERED. fucking shameful.

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yup should of left Sale in good shit Cora you retard

dfa cora

thanks janitors

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That's a yikes from me, dawg.

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Me on the right.

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in a way, this was chris sale's fault

>Didn't leave any inherited runners
What did he mean by this?

gave up two runs when thye red sox are losing by only one

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wow so really impressed tonight by the so called best fielder in all baseball

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who is that bum

fumble hands you think he woulda been used to the cold being from colorado

>17 strikeouts and left them ahead with no runners on
no user leaving your team ahead with no inherited runners is not a problem

Fucking ninjas can't field.

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7 innings, 2 runs is a terrific start even without the strikeouts

golden glove hands

>TFW you're relying on Scott Oberg to not blow it

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i just think mathmateically you can't blame the one or the other when they both gave up 2 runs

Calm down smooth brain. Sale shit the bed and Price had to pitch the best he literally ever had to get through the postseason.

Lol I've been to more snow Rockies games than snow Broncos games.

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based revisionist history

you think wrong

who's weird rockies poster that appeared when colorado went ahead and has to take every image from google

if thinking right is why youre always so annoying im glad to think wrong

Not me. I make all my own autism caps.

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Name 1 game Sale went more than 5 innings in the postseason.

ok do something mitch

Quality > quantity, stay mad.

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ALDS game 1

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Come on mitch, even a sac.

Whew. Chris Sale whiffs 17 and there are only 105 posts from 14 posters? Sad.

i remember this


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DEVER SO FAST good BOY moreland

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I knew Scotty was going to blow it.

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fuck off china janitor after deleting our threads multiple times you know what you did

interestingly to note for all board historians there were TWO whole threads even before this

Nah son, he was so bad in his starts they had to pull him after 4 and could use him in late innings as a result. His ERA was ridiculous, no decisions aside.


fugg, but at least something. no free baseball please though socialism is wrong.

ok then lol

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anyone watching

Baseball is for LISTENING

Yeah, watching this shit bullpen lmao

meme wall

funny idea having clean up hitter doing .180

it makes sense really since it throws the enemy team of ftheir guard

It's a cold night in New England. Listening (to me) is for long, hot summer afternoon games on the weekends. But I agree that listening is a fine (if Boomerish) way to enjoy a game.

Subverted expectations

rarely ever hear hecklers this loudly at fenway

Very strategic play now the rocky rockets have the Sox right where they want them!

everything is a negation of a negation in this stupid post modern commie world

ok please end this getting tired

get strucked out bitch, stupid bitch, get struk out and suck my cock dumb bitch,


Stop being so racist.

estevez got this estevez gonna go all the way??

good idea letting jbj bat in tied game bottom of 9th


mathcing .149 cleanup hitter with .149 pinch hitter blow for blow these mannagers are innovating cutting edge ahead of the game

that FOOLISH feeling



i mean ok it was striked three but checks' in the mail thanks ump

it is so beautiful i am in tears the beautiful game

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MAYBE try pitching to the BATTER!?

Red Sox pitching gets the 9-inning strikeout record if we score this inning.

clevenger theres a ball player named that


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what position you're play

nice night ben nintnedo

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Designated shitposter

just discussing baseball related episode janny no need to delete another thread

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Thanks for the blast from the past my man

how many years did you have to time travel to find this one

lmao boooooooooooooooooooooooo

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>holocaust porn problematic meme image

fucking idiot jd



neverever no decision no glory nothing for sale

loool seattle has been mentioned


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was trying to look up that data. could only find it on wiki for games of ANY length aka cheap

squandered. fucking shame

lmao what the fuck. Good job, Ryan.

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>Red Sox pitching gets the 9-inning strikeout record if we score this inning.

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been watching the Bruins, did Chavis' dinger really clear Lansdowne, lads?

2014-15 I imagine, which on the one hand is not that long ago and on the other hand is ancient

made it all the way to the moon actually

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explain flag

Now I'm not saying he was aiming for the infinite tsukuyomi...



just freaking eject someone already ump they'rre calling u an asshole

umpires so tired of this shit too serves rocks right for swinging at rocks all the time

23 k

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is he juicing again?


24 K one for every damn hour in a day i hate my life

you mean 24 actually

honestly hope they eject that dumb ass manager making faces after every call just because his player slike strike out



waiting in anticipation for reveal of whether or not manager was ejected

oh thank fuck

>record of 24 strikeouts without walking a batter
in case anyone didn't hear

red sock have gotten 24 strike outs through 10 innings that averages out to, if my algorithm is correct, 2.4 strike out an inning

damn rockies getting serious now boston running scared

imagine thinking you can get a .4 strikeout in baseball this is why you stat nerds need to get the hell out of my game simple eye test tells you it's impossible

The most strikeouts in an extra inning game is 26 by the way... (it was an 18 inning game)

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yet colorado still going to win lmao gg ez

Who does this guy think he is captain knots? Captain tying knots?


happened 2 other times times a 12 inning game and a 20 inning game aka cheap


I wonder if Rafe's mother used to slap him upside the head when he missed a good pitch.

literally already struck out

fuck you chavis


idiots not wanting to see HISTORY

>only 200 posts
Yea Forums is ded.

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there's that scowl again

eject this poster

im jsut so tired i need to SLEEP

Blackie has such dad anger lmao.

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sleep when dead




Just got home is Don on


dfa braiser

why are there rockeis posters here now

we are fashionably late

Still on the injured reserve list. Just for tonight I think.

because now its like 7pm in coloraado

i figured for third friend we could open the gate

Two hour difference on a Tuesday.

any oldp*sters remember jerry browsing /nesn/ and 17ks

no janny memory washed me

>Gamethread got deleted
>Extra innings
>All those strikes outs
>Still no Sombreros
I'm not sure what's more funny.

get memory washed bitch, little bitch,

desu I was on a bike ride after work, needed to fap, then eat dinner.

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When did Leon get benched working on a theory that he is better than Vazquez

wtf rockies players CURSING LOUDLY into mics

Any olds remember Don?

I'm calling it guys, 17 innings. Red Sox walkoff.

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jannie lurking this thread more funny imo

TWO gamethread, and benintendi did strke out 4 times

*got deleted twice


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vazquez literaly FUCKING AROUND with such throws stop having fun and play ball you idiot

bottom of 9th

all these pickoff attempts by red sox pitcher very dishonorable play by boston

Way not to post Red Sox girl op Sox would be winning, Sad!

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24k strike outs with no walks was the record beating the previous record of 22 strike outs and no walks by the 2019 red socks last week against orioles

>Chavis is a bad second basem-

you wouldn't get it

I amend my statement to be.
>Rockies strike out 24 times
>No Sombreros
Rockies currently have 4 people in the line up who are one away.

Maybe he's just Dodger's fan who finally had it with your abuse what was their girl for the OP or false advertisement claiming you're the best fans.

if chavis is third basemen with good arm how come he bounches every throw past 1 inch from him

This is the new face of the Red Sox, use her for every OP.

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sorry but hardcore pornography like that is not allowed on this chinese web comic social media board

because he thinks its' funny idiot

Need to put in secret weapon Brock holt

quesadilla time

But it's got a guy giving the Hitler salute, surely that appeals to your town's racists.

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>Maybe he's just Dodger's fan who finally had it with your abuse what was their girl for the OP or false advertisement claiming you're the best fans.
We won her fair and square last year though if you want her back you have your chance in the fall.

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wish youd shut your dumb ass up with boring posts


IDIOT brasier

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oh my god


>Maybe he's just Dodger's fan who finally had it with your abuse what was their girl for the OP or false advertisement claiming you're the best fans.

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>boston fell for the strike out meme
>lose badly

imagine looking at brasier for five seconds and not seeing the physiognomy of an absolute loser cuck faggot


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old f*gs remember

who woulda thought some japanese league reject who had half a good season wasn't actually good enough to be a closer

We won her fair and square last year though if you want her back you have your chance in the fall.

I know you didn't have to do anything. The entire thing was so much fun and I appreciate everything she did for us during her time away. Thanks so much for reading!

get in your cuck box

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just about going to DIE if my red sox lose after all this

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who woulda thought some japanese league reject who had half a good season wasn't actually good enough to be a closer in a big league system was just hilarious, which is how it feels these days as the years fly.

Anyway, with the bullpen still solid when all the other variables are taken into consideration, I have my thoughts and projections about where the Mets should go this year. First and foremost, here are some predictions for where the Mets will finish in AL Central (excluding New York itself):

1) We're talking about a Mets team that still will have its problems. They may not make the playoffs with any of these pitching changes (which has been true this year, but the closer's situation was really the only one they would've needed to change that, it just wasn't going to happen), but in almost every season this year the Mets have relied on four or five starters for more than 80 at-bats, with many of those guys giving up more runs than wins. When all of that starts to go against you, especially when you're down so much pitching time, the result is a terrible rotation

just about going to DIE if my red sox lose after all this time." He stopped dead, he said something inaudible so far.

"If you're going to get me any of you just go on."

"Wait here, let me out," he went on, pushing his hands away from his knees, shoving Dean out of his room and out into the sunlight.

Dean was right behind him, the door to his room. The light was just bright enough that Dean couldn't see him by the window, and after a look out it became apparent that the door was wide open, the view through the window was just a blur, the sun was shooting straight down onto the sandstorm in the distance. Dean glanced right, saw that the sandstorm was on its way to the horizon, and it hit close to him again. He turned right, he didn't look down. For a moment, he thought that he was going to see the sandstorm. And then he felt like a rock on the beach, the wind was blowing at him, he had to get to the edge of the sandstorm.


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>Mon visage when I'm just a third party poster and was the one who oriignally suggested that the worlds eries should decide who gets the rights to the girl.

Oh look, the Rookies can hit something other than meme runs too.

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It's OK my man. Wade Davis on the mound.

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i know this is pasta but im autistic so i have to defend myself
the yankees are off tonight and i have nothing better to do than watch the sox and shitpost.
i usually never come to these threads.
ok thanks. i guess you have everything under control now?
i guess. it's going to be interesting.
its not going to be exciting.
I don't think you understand your purpose. You need to stop. Don't keep using it now and again. The truth is a little bit uncomfortable to say here but in a lot of ways it is the best thing you can do for yourself. Just understand there is an absolute cost in doing this. You just have to be honest. You have never done good enough to not know what that cost is. How do you feel about taking care of your mind. So many people in this town are going to need help if you want to become anything other than shitty garbage.
"I just can't see why you would leave."
"You need to understand

>the STATE of the Marlins

10-30, lmfao

based Eck shitting on them

Well, the Bruins won. Now lead the series 3-0.

re: 92772539
wow so many Yea Forums accomplishments did you ever think about using a trip code to uniquely identify your posts across all threads

whose that

And then Dean was a zombie.

Trump curse strikes again, any team that he supports inevitably loses.

no idea sorry

Nice fucking swing Nunez mother fucking pinch hit Vaz

don't talk to me or my wife or my wife's buck's son(female) ever again

>mother fucking pinch hit Vaz
>with no other catchers available
genius manager


dean from lakeville is dead


Can you imagine how much better this game would have been if it wasn't played under baby league rules and the pitchers had to hit?

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vazquez is pretty clutch

vazquez survival sandy leon poster btfo


based CV setting up the walkoff

cmon Nintendo

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fat fuck from springfield still alive and posting

this poster is looking incredibly foolish right now...

redsox would have broken strike out record

>His team doesn't have a silver slugger pitcher

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should have let sale come back for the 8th

>needing a catcher when we will strike everyone out

>0 for 5
>4 K's

wtf Ben?!?!?!

well gg

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You didn't even watch 3/4 of it

Like shittin' on the Mona Lisa.


ok kill my self tonight see you all tomorrow

Bullpen shit the bed. Shame.

Nice job Cora

Rockos win lmao.

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game over red sock lose GG rockies bed time now night night

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>Meme game of nothing but strike outs and home runs
What's to watch? This was a basketball game where it's only worth tuning in in the last 5 minutes.

Fuckin classic moment right there

>Doesn't know pitch framing is important for strike out pitchers until the electronic strike zone is implemented.
As expected of Bwaston.

Good thing you weren't watching Boston basketball lmao.

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Need to call up Craig

haha delet this


>your best pitcher is pitching one of his best games ever
>take him out with a three-run lead
good god baseball please evolve back somehow to cheaper contracts so the players aren't faberge eggs to the point you do such counterintuitive garbage
alex cora's first idiotic choice

call carson smith

delete this you dont understand its NOT FAIR this was OUR year to win every single championship in every single sport

you dont understand how HARD it is to be a boston fan its just not fucking FAIR this was the ONE time we asked to win every single championship but of course we cant even have that

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>Getting destroyed by a small market team from a state that's only known for Cheese, fireworks, and botched billion dollar fuck ups with chinamen.
Celtics might as well trade everyone and burn it all to ground.

At least your team didn't force a game seven with literally the best home court advantage in all of sports and blow a 17 point lead.

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>>take him out with a three-run lead
There was a one run lead when they took him out, apehoop retard

actually shed tears on this post

Don't worry, the Bruims will have the honor of being eliminated by the Shorks.

honestly only watch baseball

>Not being football, Baseball, basketball master race
Corner trap puck bores me.



sorry im not a peanut

Honestly I'd have loved a game 7, they couldn't even force a game 6 thanks to Kyrie being a deva


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