Mfw the dodgers win the world series

mfw the dodgers win the world series

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oof the toilet on this broad

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kershaw did ok in 2017. Yu Darvish lost that WS

2018 dodgers were just outwatched by the sox

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>gross Latinas

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Imagine coping with your choking shit team by posting instagram models in dodger clothing

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Fuck /pol/ Latinas are loud pains in the ass who are overrated in bed
>t. Californian

imagine being a flyover fuck with no QTs wearing team gear.

Dodgers would have won a WS but they virtue signaled and hired a black jap manager

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incel you are

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Best ass in the thread. Also, digits

have sex bro, preferably with Latinas so you understand what I’m talking about

Damn, didn't know they gave teams awards for hot fans.
Imagine spending the GDP of several first world countries only to choke to the superior AL

I almost got laid by a latina. She was a therapist and gender non binary. She told me to finger her and I said I dont have that much experiance with girls without their pants on.

I got kiced out of bed at 2 am for calling her a girl. you might be right
Donald Trump rigged 17. Texas was a red state so he made them win. also hurricane sympathy.

Trump rigged 18 series because MA is whiter than LA.

Trump rigged the super bowl because he fucking hates mexicans that much.

Dodgers will win in 2021 after Biden is in office

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So what's your excuse with the Lakers and Kings?

this guy knows. also have fun dealing with their mom's being all up in your shit and turning her against you.

Kangs spent the farm to make the playoffs in 14. Them sucking is not a surprise

I wont defend the lakers. I am a clippers chad. I actually live in Bakersfield and mom would drive me down to see the clippers because they were cheaper
thats every woman