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Portland Trail Blazers vs Denver Nuggets game thread
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I hope dame drops 40
The Manlet Virgin
The Chungus Chad
proposing a lithuanian-serbian nba broship
you have the best fat "white" player in the world, he's being general managed by arturas karnisovas and obviously follows the playmaking center blueprint set by sabonis
just a suggestion
For me, it's an orthodox final (Jokic x Antetokounmpo)
Which of these teams have a better chance of beating the Warriors (we know neither will)
Sorry, Lithuania je Portland. Broship denied.
stream ?
Karnisovas should fire Malone and hire based Šaras.
>those two Nuggets fans doing the virgin walk
Nth for Millsap
reddit com/r/nbastreams/
Let's go blazies
pay debts and I'll give you a link
we all live in a society today
the good guys will win today
threadly reminder that both Denver and Portland are the good guys and the GSW are the unequivocal villains
It's coming home lads
Both Denver and Portland seem to be very comfy city
Its coming home boys
Is that Denver?
How the fuck did the Rockets lose again
didnt you hear you drakefag? we success story now
the warriors still had 4 all stars on the floor
where my nugget bros at?!?
Good Guys
Bucks, Nuggets, Blazers (built by drafting)
Neutral to bad
Raptors (Not complete villains but treated Demar like shit)
Straight up Scumbags
Whoriors and the Tank Process...
Yes, the arena is located on the top of that mountain.
Klay and Curry live to cuck Harden
Looks like Oregon if I had to guess. Mt hood?
t. Oakland
My nuggies will choke i can feel it
who /comfysixiesfan/ here?
>tfw Nuggets vs Blazers is like Good guys vs. Good guys while Cockets vs. Larriors is Bad guys vs bad guys
I wonder if Jokic gets nervous before games?
>starting 5
Damn Stotts should've start Collins and Hood
Bucks - Lawful good
Blazers - Chaotic good
Rockets - Chaotic evil
Warriors - Lawful evil
Sixers - Chaotic neutral
Raptors - True neutral
Nuggets - Neutral good
Celtics - Neutral evil
these blaszers jerseys are ugly as fuck. way too saturated, hurts the eyes
Jokic is a top 3 player
IT getting into it with CJ
not better than Curry, Durant, or Giannis
top 6-7
pray the blazers win because the nuggets would get swept by the memechucks
Portland with Mt. Hood in the background
>that fucking screaming banshee
Who do you guys think will be the best match for the faggot Warriors?
My rapties would booty blast both of these shit teams
>those legs on the grill sitting courtside
>Jokic literally called Big Honey a faggot nickname
absolutely based
Better than Curry and Giannis. Only KD and Kawhi are better.
Lol IT getting up off the bench to talk shit
Jokic has ice in his veins
>blazers pick and roll time and time again
Seriously blazies have more offensive options. We don't want game 5 to happen again.
>the weak should fear the strong
everyone but the Bucks gets dabbed on though
He cute tbqh
blazers easily they split reg season 2-2. jokic is too slow
nigga took like 5 steps
>this Boomer music
Proof or gtfo
see you in the finals, joker
>Gary Harris
>That sound after blazers score
Is a kid exhaling his soul or fucking what ?
read it on rebbit
Just sub in Collins and Hood now. Aminu and Harkless are worthless
What is this trash game 7 atmosphere? Feels like a regular season game.
How was that not a travel?
Who is she
Reporting in
Watching Jokic and Giannis put on show for the finals is what I wanted all season
gonna fap to this at halftime desu
They have Nurk back then. As much as I love Blazers to win they don't have a chance unless CJ and Dame score at least 35 each game.
are the rumors true? jokic switched to diet coke
Is this the official reddit series?
Why is a Western conference game being played earlier than an Eastern conference one
What part of Denver y'all from? I'm repping [spoiler]Philadelphia[/spoiler]
>He cute tbqh
Based. He's lowkey great
Fucking lol at news articles, coaches, announcers, and 4channel mocking Jokics fitness. He's in better shape than 95% of these autists
because philly/leafs has way more star power and long term implications
Nuggets are the official spee team
>Breen JVG & Jackson on a non-Warriors game
wtf is this. pixelated 56k AOL dial up image
Which team has less niggers?
Lithuanians are a long lost Serbian tribe anyway.
GG trailblazers
maybe next year
Millsap might be the best boomer in the league
>Kanter defense on Jokic
>PDX can't score a 3 to save their lives
Nuggets have 3 white centers and a guy named Juancho
dam yall see the titties on that one ?
dame game winner soon
I'm with the nuggets now
Don't usually watch basketball, how many beers do I need per quarter?
Harkless is obviously still injured why start him
Three or four. Maybe five.
>expecting an atmosphere
>denver making everything
>blazers missing everything
I don't like this game
>jokic simple bounce pass
But PDX has Zach Collins, Jake Layman and Meyers '7 foot tall bieber" leonard
which part of lebanon are you from lad
Misslap should stop shooting treys.
>Hood airballing
Yeah that's not a good sign. Trailblazers need to figure it out.
the whole team needs to be making threes to stay in this
>POR 0-6 from 3-pt range
Holy shit fucking garbage
its over
looks like they're blazing this trail with bricks
>Jske "Pewdz" Layman
LMAO this is over. Blazzies wouldn't even put up a fight against GSW.
>Only CJ is shooting well
Take a drink every time Kanter gets visible butthurt. Drink every time Hood bricks a 3. Take a drink every time Malone says something retarded. Take a drink every time someone comments on Jokic being thicc. Take a drink every time you feel the soul of Portland getting crushed
Good start by the Nuggets. Missed a couple of easy shots, should have a bigger lead.
blazers will win this just you wait
The christian part
Sad that they let Pat Connaughton go. But good thing he is doing well with the Bucks
>shooting 60%
>only up by 7
Sorry Denverfags but its over
It's that Game 7 jitters. Dame seem to have it right now.
>Harris kicked his leg out
>Still gets the foul
I hate that bug eyed fucker
>Murray getting free throws for kicking Hood
maronite or orthodox?
lebanon was very beautiful
but you people really need to learn how to drive
Sending message to anglomanic Serbia, Denver is on fire, Belgrade is on fire, Kosovska Mitrovica is on fire, Denver is Serbia, Denver is leader in Russian Duma, European Union, we're gonna kill ourselves from alcohol, thank you.
This guy is fucking useless.
Nuggets is being carried by the refs as well but it doesn't excuse Portlandia's poor shooting
Ayo ya'll bess be watchin dat dere Kimetsu no yaiba bruh
Orthodox. Driving is horrible because there are no consequence to it. We have been trying to implement speeding tickets tho...
Okay that was a sweet layup from Murray
it's over
Lillard should have lost to Westbrook, he has no passions. So much for silent warriors bullshit
>Lillard shooting bricks
Just give the ball to CJ already
??What did he mean by this?
Craig is actually great on defense and is valuable to the team
googled lebanon just because of you
3rd search result links to CIA report
Blazers can’t shoot for shit in this quarter
balkan people are all a bit deranged. ignore.
He's way better than Barton
what a flop by murray
>kick defender
>get free throws
when is the league cracking down on this
Don't worry Seth Curry will have 31 points on the 2nd half
Cam on Denver score sam facking points
You now remember Rony Saikaly
How many people in the stands are on mushrooms right now?
One main take away this series is how much of a flopping bitch Murry is
Based Plumlee.
You mean Murray?
How is 00 and 0 not the same number?
Why is Kanter and Lillard both allowed to be the same number?
>can't hit layups
>flop for points
>flop for the right to get pummeled by the Warriors in 5
I don't think this semen slurping sport is for me
asian girls can't compete
nuggies got this
>suxers think they have a chance
Canada > rest of the world
>tfw Lillard has the same score as his number
>block by plumdog
Yeah, for some reason I mix the two up constantly
you cant drive fast because there are fucking cars everywhere hahaha
beirut was nice on the nightlife but the prettiest parts where outside. id really like to come again for the mountains
What a cringey fucking faggot
Double 0 and the letter O
So, future NBA "star" material?
This was one of the worst quarters of Blazer basketball I've ever seen
Lillard needs to step the fuck up right now
for the same reason 1 and 11 aren't the same numbers
how do I get a zach collins haircut lads? What's it even called? The zoomer haircut? feels awkward to show a pic of him to the barber
>both L0llard and K00nter have 0 points
Fuck this game
Holy fucking kek
Im seriously having a fucking heart attackc because im laughign at how FUCKING SHIT the blosers are
holy fucking kek
the nuggs are exposing them so badly right now hahhahahahahh
honestly the blazers might be the worst nba team currently theyre just so BAD
also isn it funny how there are NO BLAZERS fans? theyre all in hiding like the bandwagon cucks that they are
>the absolute state of portfags
oh nonononononononononono please i can't bre-
Lillard emulating Curry, bold move.
Plumlee is pretty good for a bench player. He's had some good follow-up offensive boards and blocks
I've always wondered about these American drinking games, just doesn't make sense to us southeastern euro alcoholics
btw serbros are >we going to win?
When Denver gets hot they become unbeatable
it annoys me too. desu they should enforce the old FIBA rules, 4-15 and that's it. maybe 16-20 for two-way contracts. at the very least 00 should be banned.
First get an aesthetic face, then get good hair genes, then get the haircut, then put product in it
>american Sean posting
You forgot the image
it's called the fag
>1st quarter lead
Guess I better put money on the blazers
11 is higher than 1
00 is the same quantity as 0
You can't have nothing of nothing you absolute dumbass.
Serbfags remember when we used to bandwagon Sacramento? Gods I was strong then
hitler youth
>Nuggets are the official spee team
Don't you have a school or movie theater to shoot up?
I’m from New York, Canada is literally our brothers
Stay mad gingivitis
Lillard heroball doesnt work
What happens if both them and Warriors get hot at the same time? How would they unbeat each others?
based peja
I'd rather not get back out drunk at 1:30 in the afternoon.
He used to be PDX starting center until Denver agreed to trade Nurk
I still root for them 2bh
the numerical value of the numbers on jerseys don't matter
zero, and double zero are technically different numbers in the sports world
Its not the calmest country
He's not really mentioned here.
True. Visit again, sure!! Just check the news before you come this summer. Seems democracy is coming our way
What's going through her mind right now?
Imagine MPJ comes back completely fit
>team gets a comfortable lead
>starts taking low percentage shots
>eventually lose lead
why does this always happen
They're forever my #1 team. I don't really care so much about Jokic cause he's not a typical Serb. He's one flegmatic boy, unlike his brothers.
Who /honey/ here
Vlade will make us great again.
Now this is the high quality post that I come to Yea Forums for
Then it will be a high scoring game and will come down to whoever has the ball last
Jesus fucking Christ Portland
Dubs and Seth Curry scores 34 points in the 2nd half
>clear offensive foul
>no call
We rigged?
>not typical Serb
That's because he's from Vojvodina you southern faggot
thanks. gonna book a plastic surgery and hair transplant this year.
>They're forever my #1 team.
This 2bh
Refball time
The Warriors would SWEEP both these shit teams.
That was some actual bullshit
He's so fucking Serbian
when will yall guys secede
hard to watch
>democracy is coming our way
haven't heard anything of the sort, how so ??
you mean the usual invasions by israel or something bigger?
>Denver has 4 second round picks and an undrafted player on their team.
What the fuck?
Blatant refball holy shit lmao
this is nba, what you expect ?
some refball coming Portlands way in second half, dont worry
not without KD they wont
This is awful. I'm sorry Blazies.
>this refball
>only the trail part of the name is true
nuggets get so many free calls and this is coming from a warriorsfag
did you pean Prentragk "Petza" Kinis Stogiakovits?
fuck the lakers for ruining that team
>Nuggets are actually going to win through refball
Fraudland Fail Blazers showing their true nature.
Hmm I dunno, the guy was up under Collins as soon as he got the ball. Is that really a charge?
Okay PR is shit but this is retarded refball
Get sick of cancer.
my penis
they also traded Nurkic and Donovan Mitchell. They got great scouts. The only bust in recent memory they drafted high was Mudiay
Portland is a town full of street shitters
Never, we're too passive.
if denver dosnt win with all this help they really suck
Alot of talk on the news between the crap going on Iran Vs USA. Hizballah are starting to prepare for deployment in Iran.
Doodoo Donuts
I like portland but they need a new logo
Get sick of cancer.
In the most home-advantageous city in North America no less
Love watching refhoop
Lillard is playing terribly.
even montenegro managed to fuck off successfully and they're the sleepiest ex-yugo folks
>donovan mitchell
dont trading teams tell them who to pick beforehand? so thats not a denver draft
They're blazing like a dumpster fire right now
this is why we needed 3 game 7s. One was guaranteed to be a shitter.
How many games can the Nuggets take the Warriors to?
Lillard a shit. Thought he was different than Westbrick or Hardon.
He's been playing like dogshit this whole series, what the hell happened?
>Zach Collins on the floor after that fastbreak
Oh god someone save this kid
What a legend
CJ can't win with these cats
Monte Morris peaking at the right time
Damn Lillard blazers don't have other scoring aside from you
Cringe and redditpilled
fuck the nuggets and fuck sgt. santiago that bitch
>Some big black cock is what i need meow
stop inciting separatism you eternal kraut
Noone in Vojvodina wants independence, not even non-Serbs. Reconquista soon roach
Based Morrison, he played here one season.
mr. understatement
he is throwing the series
>having a guard as the first option
>expecting to contend
Is Kanter still fasting? He's gonna kill himself with no water at that altitude.
Can Vojvodina itself can balkanize itself into several parts too?
remember that one week when everyone rated Dame?
dont get hyped folks, nba wont let this turn into onesided game, expect rampant refball to make game close, might as well do something else and tune in for final 5 minutes for the epic game 7
not until you're only left wtith sumadija.
what up fellas! How has the game been so far?
>Thought he was different than Westbrick or Hardon.
Then the 1st round vs OKC must’ve been the first time you’ve ever watched Lillard, he’s always been a dollar store Steph Curry
Get sick of cancer
Theoretically, yes. Even an independent Vojvodina has a claim to a part of Croatia lol
>rekt by monte literally who morris
He doesn't need suicide when he can count with Erdogan for it
just a little cry in pain from me if you dont mind since im banned on pol
so we're holding a presidential election today and the 2 candidates that got through to the 2nd round are (((democratic-conservatives)))
to use an example you'd maybe know better, it's as if barack obama ran against michelle obama
they were literally throwing alley oops to each other in debates and ganging up on the 2-4 percenters
anyways basketball
>subverting your life to a desert abrahamic religion
based retard
I havent watched a Portland game yet this year but damn they cant shoot 3s worth shit
Dame is a first round GOD but a second round BUST
republic of vojvodina now
well, ballhogers like him tend to not fare that well in palyoffs as they tend to win games by themselves and, well, to ballhog
that's not really how you win playoffs games
>doubting based Dame
You faggots about to get BOOTYBLASTED SO HARD
>hey Enes, you look terrible. here have some water or maybe a protein bar.
>s-sorry, I Kanter.
Kinda shitty, Denver's been playing heavy refball
CJ should just ISO ball all the freaking time because that's the only offense blazers have
no one cares faggot
he was quoted saying he's going to "take care of business" in game 7, yet hasn't done shit
Murray looks like he sucks dick from the back
How do non Americans choose which teams to root for?
Refball can do only so much. Portland is pretty shit right now.
Can't wait for Denver to win the championship so we can burn the local McDonald's, as is tradition
cry harder polbabby
Somehow it's only a 9 point game
he was really good and the best player ij the okc series but cj was better than him in that series in stretches, cj's been better this whole series.
Dame just needs to see the ball go in the basket
Europoors usually follow players from their home country
Serbia flags here are Jokic fans
>blazers playing awful
>down only 10
euros always root for the team with the white stars
flips root for whichever california team is good
aussies shitpost
Sorry, /pol/ just isn't interesting anymore
>Implying Denver can win a 7 game series when they don’t have 4 home games
Wtf are these Denver fouls and turnovers
hockey game officially a blowout. Need the Blazies to make it interesting or I'm turning the tv off.
vast majority bandwagon
some stick with the teams they bandwagoned
some root for their countrymen/race
me myself? im a whore
>Lillard get 30+ pts by making 20 FT the game
I like the Blazers because I thought their starters had in all the coolest names in the league. I'm happy to be proven wrong though
I got no horse in these playoffs, I just wanna watch some good games with Yea Forums
I pick those with a nice collective game and switch when they turn to shit, I don't bandwagon any.
Spurs 2014 will forever be my favourite one. Beautiful Game was peak basketball.
>take five steps
>no whistle
what teams do the Mexicans root for?
>Missing layups
literally the same as if with any other sports
>having players of the same nationality
>past achievements
etc ummm...not good
Did the Bumfuck-nowhere Nougats pay the Official Referees to help then win the game? Is that a legitimate strategy?
when did milsap become elite?
How many years til NBA becomes as cucked as Premier League aka full of refugee players from all over the third world?
What's a blowout in hockey look like anyways?
It's rare for NBA to come up here in Leb since most games are at 4am. I only show up in these threads during the finals. I dont root for anyone. Im mostly a neutral
>implying this is bad
Milsap is such a based veteran player, hope they sign him next season.
But Nuggets are always choking in the 2nd, for whatever reason the gods themselves do not understand.
it's almost like he couldn't even get playing time on the literal worst team in the NBA
>zionb owl on tuesday
ANOTHER win for the hawks
holy shit Denver is for real....
im gonna lose sleep over these WCF.
>what teams do the Mexicans root for
the good guys
You're like if Italians were dirty Arabian vampires
That guy sitting next to Collins on the bench looks like a discount rapper
We're too short. Niggers will rule this sport for a long time
there will most likely always be drafts and salary caps in the NBA
He's always been good
the fuck are these refs doing
Refblazaers are elite
>cant drink water
Wut? I thought you can when fastening
yes this is Kobe level effiency, FG 2/19 FT 20/25,
epic 20+ game in total
its starting
Blazers can't defend shit especially Kanter.
>Water fasting
This guy is even more retarded than I though
>dId yOu kNoW kAnTeR iS a MuSlIm
fucking disney
it's 3-0 halfway through the game. although scoring is really sporadic so you could see it becoming 3-2 in the next 10 minutes with 20 more to play, which is best case scenario.
but it doesn't like like that'll happen going from how the game is playing out.
also there's penalties in hockey where one team gets penalized and loses a player so it becomes 5 on 4. you see a lot of comebacks when that happens.
wow I don't give a fuck about this muzzies eating habits
Good thing he knows how to pass unlike Kyrie.
>during daylight hours
Well the only game I watched so far was bucks. So I guess I will chose them
it's actually called dry-fasting.
water fasting is when you abstain from food and only drink water.
This Muslim story would probably come off better if he wasn’t getting bodied by Yokic
imagine as an owner paying millions to this guy and then he whips out his bullshit halal beliefs that will affect his performances
You're right. I'm dumb.
this is the best ball Denver has played all series
Not anywhere soon. The USA probably produce 2 thirds of the potential pro players in the world every years. And they're much better at nurturing the talent of those players.
Actually, they produce so many players that it's the opposite that is happening. Some leagues in Europe are basically 50% US players.
>muslim millionaire athlete expects me to believe he takes ramadan fasting seriously during an elimination game
kanter such a drama meme
he didnt hide the fact he was a muslim though. just dont sign him
it happens in every sport
What's hilarious is that his dumb fast happens to take place during the playoffs
>paying millions
He's not with the blazers
He's dead
Denver is still playing better overall, but the refs have been way to whistle happy this game
They do it for the IG likes
>make Kanter defend the PnR
>score endless amounts of points
how did OKC never try this not even once
Is Kanter of Kurdish origin?
Its in his blood to remove kebab
good choice fren
>7 footer that plays like a SG
>chunky big man that plays like a PG
Are the finals going to be fun to watch this year? Will they last longer than 4 games?
well, what do you expect from mudslimes?
Except when it comes to Jokic
damn muslims had to set up their little ramadan festival right in the middle of nba playoffs
why didn't anyone tell them
easy, just go under all of westbricks pick and rolls.
i'm starting to hate nike
Jokic is a true 7 footer, KKD is 6'11 with shoes
>can't drink water
can they even shower?
>all of these zoomers complaining about fasting
>picking the most based team
extra based
based bucks are gonna win it all, fear the deer bros
yeah but KD definitely isn't a big man, but thanks for fucking my shit up for me
Plumdog has no finesse with his free throws
fuck off bigot
>meme era of basketball
*sweeps shaq*
>he drinks his shower water
This hasn’t aged well
>FG 2/19
>dame shooting 44.9% from field during playoffs
kill yourself MY DUDE
just seen that porzingis got jumped
he's okafor'ing before our eyes goddam
like when the jews can't use technology but they find a loophole and hang off the side of suvs to take them to temple
Durant said it himself he's actually 7' in shoes. 6'10.75" without
all these amerifat can't understand fasting
is mothers day the most cuck holiday? you literally celebrate the fact that someone nutted in your mom
that's not what I said
post order fatty
Im writing the FCC a very stern email, my wifes stepson should hear that languaged
Is there a video of him getting smacked?
>GOAT era of big men
>BTFO them while fasting
>9 point lead when denver is playing their best basketball in the last 2 years
This is not looking good for Colorado fans
Just like they ended their win streak a few years ago
Make sure to complain about this shit game.
It's the most cucked holiday but for the day. Imagine celebrating the fact that both a doctor and a baby touched your woman's beef. Shameful.
What the fuck is Murray doing?
nice shot myles
>Meyers Leonard stopping Joker
This white boi good
Lillard is how many from 3
...raptors will lose, right?
Heard it here too. Cancelling my ESPN subscription.
>Meme Time.
You can touch water just don't drink it on purpose.
What a horrible 2nd quarter
Honestly, Portland needs to keep him in, he plays great defense, especially against the Joker
what are you listening to at half time lads?
I think he's just an attention seeking faggot. I woudn't even know it was ramadanal until he cried to the media about it.
more like its a holiday that was schemed up by hallmark
>people unironically putting pineapple on a pizza pie
They should be dragged out in the streets and shot like the dogs they are
>Portland shooting 3's
God damn it just drive or shoot midrange. It's like Rockets Game 7 again
are you allowed to drink gatorade? its not water
1/14 3pointers. Sad
>lillard 3 pointer
Nah Kawaii Time is real, unlike Dame time
No way. We're in Jurassic Park™
He's 0-4 and 1-9 overall shooting.
Well leaf if you think about it your mom birthing you was the last time you was in a vagina so be thankful
wtf this bitch did the rockets halftime too
Nuggs playing like they belong in the wcf. Portland playing like a regular season jumpshooting team that ran into a playoff team.
No. Literally nothing is allowed until the sun sets.
I think the home court wins it for them. Sixers aren't killers.
we can only hope
why not drink coconut water. technically it's not water
Have you ever tried it? Be honest.
Every drink has water in it.
more importantly: are you allowed to drink piss? If so I found a new way to hook up with muslim girls
3/24 for both teams. They should stick to boomerball.
>tfw no Chipotle gf
>comparing a professional athletes fitness to spergs on Yea Forums
Nice job insulting yourself retard
That scared the shit out of my cat
Kinda surprised to see Paul Pierce showing his face on TV
why is this portland kit so bland? are there any nice NBA unis?
I rarely watch nba - which of them is a better matchup against golden skate? I think Denver, but no sure
Why is that?
Holy fucking kek
Im seriously having a fucking heart attackc because im laughign at how FUCKING SHIT the blosers are
holy fucking kek
the nuggs are exposing them so badly right now hahhahahahahh
honestly the blazers might be the worst nba team currently theyre just so BAD
also isn it funny how there are NO BLAZERS fans? theyre all in hiding like the bandwagon cucks that they are
>the absolute state of portfags
oh nonononononononononono please i can't bre-
westbrook can't shoot so kanter can just drop in the paint every time
It sucks being a blazers fan. If it's double digit lead before 4th I'm sleeping.
yjk Beadle pays for sex
>The fat white guy is the only player that scored a 3 pointer
Just give wcf to portland already
both teams would have a tough time against GS but the nuggies have the best chance, especially if KD is out
>red panda
>"this bitch"
once Nurk snapped his leg in half, you knew it was over for them.
ok this is it for me
not the best of days
when i wake up nugfags and leafs have better won
Sixers aren't killers, but Rapters aren't winners either
Denver are usually good from 3 and have a great center who can punish GS in the paint. Blazers are a meme team.
Dame time
san ka pumapasok
Porzingis got jumped
Take the MAGA pill m8. We welcome non-SJW canadians
Probably Denver since their defense is better and Jokic can outrebound all of them. Either one will be bad though but it'll most likely depend on how well Durant plays when he comes back.
>filename not faggot n
fake sean
>Mary's kitchen crush
Wtf is that shit
wtf is lilard doing in this game, this is a criminal offence
3/24 3pts combined in this game for both teams and out of those 3 Jokic scored 2.
I expect more from 2nd half, i think lilard will step up and murray has to hit open shots
My god the US is the most fucked nation on earth
how so
anyone wanna pretend to be my blazers-rooting gf and overreact to everything that happens in the game? if they win we can even celebrate with anal haha
this would imply that OKC has a 2nd gameplan that is not "Westbrick dribbles around for 18 seconds then take a forced shot"
Zinger, catch this you cunt
Such a shit game. Mark Jackson is a massive faggot. Last time NBA was good was in 1993 Bulls-Suns final.
Mavericks forward Kristaps Porzingis was involved in a bloody altercation over the weekend at a club in Latvia, a source told me
Why can't you just fap during halftime like everyone else faggot?
where do you think you are
no one cares about white coons, okay?
U should probably kys
cousin zingovic take this you cyka blyat
I heard he broke his hand.
My lebanese genes kicked in. Sometimes I forget that gays are allowed human rights in the west. carry on
what the fuck is he even doing
Wanna do shrooms in denver and watch the WCF
wtf was that, why did he just randomly jump Jokic long after he'd gotten the rebound
The Warriors actually plays well without Durant. When he's not here, they don't rely as much on him isoballing and revert to their old passing game.
Like, Klay is shooting 37% with KD and 50% without him (3pts shots), as there's much more movement without KD, which benefits Thompson a lot to find space and open shots.
I'm sleepy already and don't want my blazies getting blown the fuck out. The 2018 playoffs was hard already
Murray can't hit a 3 in this game.
he appears to be throwing
Murphy sucks. Can't believe that one user said he's All-Star level.
im shouldve been sleeping through this game to see the raptors game fuck my lifeeee.
dame time anytime now
new thread
just watch both?
Hit a three you colorado niggas
>1/15 at meme shots
he will step up
its dame time
His fat body requires 15 hours a sleep/day
Honk Honk
t. unicycle man
What is the point of watching this game when we all know whichever team wins today will be raped by the Warriors?
That’s the blackpill. Swallow it.
Because is Dame Time.
Is Jokic gassed out???