Based or cringe?

based or cringe?

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It’s based if it makes scousers seethe

why does he make me seethe so much?

Because everything is a racial issue with him. He envies white dudes whilst claiming to be on the moral high ground and the victim of racism. Instead of getting discriminated in turn of discriminating himself. His entire persona is one big 'muh 2019 master race' ego trip. Compare that to Auba and his black panther celebrations and you can atleast see the difference between some funny black dude who likes comics and a frustrated niglet who hates that burns in the sun


because he is a nigger and you hate their kind (based)

kinda based but kinda cringe

I've been converted to Anyone but Liverpool this week, so based.

Seethe more wh*tey

because you're a Liverpool fan


This is basically just the kind of shoop that would get posted on Yea Forums and then recycled as a reaction image.

It's only cringe when 4channel doesn't do it.

because you're an insecure faggot just imagine living in sweden and watch your woman literally get raped by sandniggers and regular niggers, oh wait you can't imagine that since you're actually living that reality.

>Because everything is a racial issue with him.

It's true.

>in an altercation with dark guy
>suddenly Gazzaniga steps in to stop it
>Sterling's inferiority complex kicks in, suddenly anger towards >white guy
>has to be comforted out by fellow blackie

he's got a mental disease

Attached: gazz.webm (1120x630, 1.06M)

He's a black guy who played for Liverpool, hence he has double the victim complex. It's to be expected really.

I dont think that this is race related, rather manlet related.

sterling is right to call out the disgusting racism he sees every day.
he was also right when he decided to leave liverpool to win league titles.
based as fuck.


Based as fuck

Poor CJ didn't deserve that


He's been a bit of scummy player this season in all honestly. Any time City take the lead, he's the main one playing dirty and time wasting. Combine that with him acting like a bit of a cocky shithead after each result, he's revelling in his attempts to be a "bad guy".

go back to apehoop you smelly cotton-picking nigger

people insult sterling because he beat up his gf, cheated on her while she was pregnant and was seen to be an all-round typical nigger cunt during that Liverpoo documentary. oh, and he also left for money like a good monkey does

The fact that blacks don't realise San Andreas was mocking their retarded backward culture makes this meme all the more hilarious

how can a man be so fucking sexy

did the daily mail write a mean article about what he bought at greggs again

oh the humanity. you'll never know how privileged you are to not be subject to such hatred

>Euros think Americans are obsessed with race

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you're just proving his point

Lmao remember when this niglet cried in Montenegro. Monteniggera really hurt his feelings that day. Walk on home, boy.

Everyone realizes this

Yeah this one was an eye opener together with the whole season. I still don't understand why people in the west pretend as if dark people can't hold racial bias. It's evident everywhere and this guy has it even more due to his manlet status. He's a manlet, he's black, he's low on T with his feminine walk, puffy cheeks and butt sticking out. That's a tripple whammy. His problem is that he takes all that frustration and redirects it at anything white. It's annoying af.

See the above. Def plays a part. He wouldn't be such a butthurt negro if he was 190 cm.

He totally missed the essence of the meme

That's a big based from me

Europeans are the most obsessed with race. i rarely go into nba and nfl threads because i don't really follow those sports but when i do its nothing like football threads, the level of hate in football threads would make a klansman blush.

Sterling runs like a faggot, and is therefor a faggot.

Based Sterling making all the /pol/tards seethe

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based desu

Everyone is obsessed with race. The trick is to fool the other party to not care about it so you can take your advantage. It's like women who compliment their average looking friends they are fine and not chubby at all whilst signing up for a gym membership behind their back. Dont be tricked man.

it's banter, faggot
>muh hate
lmao kys pls

never seen so much unironic seething in an Yea Forums thread

no wait cringe, didn't see the cringy sterling jersey shoop


>Dutch fag who's studied Sterling's twstosterone levels is just bantering

Does that mean he doesn't like winning the league?

This, rarely has to do with real hate. Maybe annoyance, maybe disgust, perhaps just gleefull bater or simply stating a fact or observation

Some small lanky dude walks like a female, running with his butt sticking out, flapping his waves, puffy cheeks and shit. Nah he must be ready to win Mr Olympia huh. Fuck ya homo.

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le runs like a gay t-rex man


You are.


based blak_genius



generally based but he shouldn't have put his name on CJ

Why don’t you head back over to reddit

Yea Forums still SEETHING because of based raheem

Attached: sterling.jpg (861x405, 93K)

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Eastern european racism is beyond cringe. At least western european can create their fantasies based on actually living with black people. Fuck Romanians