Tanaka V Snell

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1. DJ LeMahieu 2B
2. Luke Voit 1B
3. Gio Urshela 3B
4. Clint Frazier RF
5. Miguel Andujar DH
6. Cameron Maybin LF
7. Thairo Estrada SS
8. Austin Romine C
9. Mike Tauchman CF

1. Austin Meadows DH
2. Tommy Pham LF
3. Ji-Man Choi 1B
4. Yandy Diaz 3B
5. Brandon Lowe 2B
6. Avisail Garcia RF
7. Kevin Kiermaier CF
8. Daniel Robertson SS
9. Anthony Bemboom C

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Let's win the series!

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snell mowing you cucks down with ease

me shitposting rn

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yankee legend ji man choi

Imagine being on a first place team whose stadium fills with fans from a division rival located 1000 miles away everytime you play them

Imagine blake snell making your 300 million team look like a fucking joke.

Oh wait it happens every time we play you at the trop

That's just South Florida sports, everyone is either a northeastern transplant or a cuban. Hell I bet more people in the region grow up Yankees fans than Rays/Marlins fans.

Snell with back to back 1-2-3 innings and 5 consecutive strike outs!

Attached: Snellzilla.jpg (1024x576, 129K)


All those great Yankee fans at the Trop don't know shit about the Yankees or NY


yea really showing the scranton/wilkes barre railriders whos boss LOL

you mean yankee stadium south right?

stanton seething right now because he cant take this weasel looking ass deep into the night

Anyone else watching the Rays feed? The Rays catcher's mom is fucking hot.

I was about to say. He's 29 so she's gotta be like 48-55. Doesn't even look 40. Those are some good genetics

9 Straight outs and 7 strike outs!

>Tampa gay gays

>miguel "automatic out" andujar

Yeah what the fuck he's been awful this year


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>Half these guys would be in triple a for another 2 or 3 years
>still above .500
I love this shit

>tfw i extended with this team

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That's the most JUST face in the mlb. He get stung by a bee or something?

this is when tanaka lets up a HR, bullpen gets called in with a 1 run lead and absolutely blows it

You piece of shit

The Chad Inings eater Tanaka

The Virgin perfectionist Smell

Red Sox just won their 7th straight

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>Red Sox


Imagine getting trucked by Luke Voit? That's a big man

good goy- I mean guys! great call

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incoming gidp

he gone

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blow up the trop

The fix is in

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What in the everloving fuck

What the fuck is going on with YES?

Where did the game go?

blackout at the trop, LEDs are malfunctioning

>tropicana field has lost power

>Power lost
>In a dome
The state of Florida


jankees fans are fucking awful

lmfao Tropicana field is imitating the team for the rest of the season

I just feel fucking sorry for rays fans

imagine your stadium getting shut down because there's too many yankee fans

sup lex thought you can’t post anymore

>Year of Our Lord 2011+8
>The Trop still exists
Please let it get hit by a hurricane this summer.

imagine your entire team on the IL because of your incompetente training staff

imagine a team with literally no all-stars with a clean 2 game lead over you

>losing to a triple a line up

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>imagine your entire team on the IL because of your incompetente training staff
>imagine a team with literally no all-stars with a clean 2 game lead over you

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I reboot all of the clocks in my house by myself. Somebody taught me. All 5 cable boxes too!

>your entire team is hurt, but let me brag about a small lead in May

lmao nice cognitive dissonance you retard

Yeah tampa bay rays are gonna become the portland beavers, raleigh tobaccorollers, or the montreal expos. Shoulda took the ybor plan

sanchez, andujar, gleyber torres, brett gardner, yeah look at those triple a players

if we had half your team's budget with the same pitching coaches and management rays would win 90 every year

Even with the Lights out the sun shines through the roof, they can finish the 9th

Attached: lights out at the Trop.jpg (1024x562, 152K)


You underestimate the light through the roof. You probably can see but not well.



Portland is ready to build a riverfront stadium.

nigga you named 3 players making less than 1m/year and a washed up player they gave a thank you contract to

>Brett Gardner
>major leaguer
Nice try Kyle.

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>if we had half your team's budget with the same pitching coaches and management rays would win 90 every year

>if we were your team we'd win as much as your team

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Rays claim 25,000 people is a "sell out". Move this fucking team now.

beta michael kay

not every team has billion dollar fatcats buying up seats to claim 'attendance' like the yankshitters do

this is sad

Have fun when the team moves away you bug eating swamp monster.

why do rasy fans hate us so much? we were the only reason why they made the playoffs this decade.

they dont seat people in the upper deck lol

>not knowing about our stretch of dominance from the late 00s to early 10s


Have fun cheering for roided up cheats like A-Rod and thinking supporting a team that pays more than the others is "fandom"

You fucking unoriginal nothing

"late 00 to early 10s dominance"

See the Red Sox...Also, Rays with the lowest payroll made the WS and were very competitive those years.

Exactly. They closed it off so the stadium wont look so empty. Yet they have the balls to call today's game a sell out when a tarp is covering the entire upper deck. Portland would be perfect for this team as Portland gets almost no rain from mid-June through September.

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How old are you? 13, 14? Enjoy your alligators Florida faggot.

that's what i meant, the rays dominance. he's saying we only got in that one year because of hte wildcard craziness

Portland can't support a pro team, look at the Blazers.

Also, Vegas is the move. Stu Sternberg literally has an lawyer that helped with the Ybor deal that isan advisor for a group trying to get a MLB team in Las Vegas. Meanwhile St Pete is playing hardball and the next purposal will be to rebuild next to the Trop and with a city vote they will have to go through with it whether Stu wants to or not, he's trying to move the team.

>0 rings

i mean if not utter failure is dominance then ok

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Enjoy not living in paradise like all your fellow East Coast transplant you stupid know nothing fuck. Shovel some more snow and take a bigg wiff of bum piss as you share a subway with a bunch of criminal junkies to your studio apartment you pay $2000 for.

>A-Rod retired in 2016
>not the top team in payroll


Still on top the AL East regardless of this game


Blazers aren’t a good example because Portland is not a basketball city. The Timbers in fucking MLS is more supported than the Blazers.

Hipsters love baseball plus instant rivalry with Seattle helps too even if the M’s are garbage. Might get the management to do something.

>One of the top payroll teams every year and you still have to defend A-Rod the rest of your stupid Skankee lives

Shitting on the lowest payroll teams that have better records than you way to stay classy, you stupid East Coast fucking moron. Go shovel snow and talk shit about our World class beaches.

Seattle is too big a market and too close, so is Oakland and San Fran...you stupid Fuck.

Literally do any type of research. You dirty, pot head Portland hipster. Go wax your handlebar mustache for your boyfriend.

>only 1.5 up in May against a mostly decimated team that is getting healthier by day and gets hot by the summer

>Live in your big market bubble and never no real fandom

Probably never been to NY and don't know shit about the city or team you fucking unoriginal bandwagoner

>forgetting he's also on the east coast

Rays have dealt with injuries too you peabrained jew yorker.

Meadows missed 2 weeks and he's our best hitter.

>implying that I am in Portland
>implying that Seattle markets matter when they don’t cheer for the M’s anyway. Plus they aren’t in their market.

What in the fuck are you talking about.

>am a Brooklyn native
This is sad.

West Coast of a "East Coast" State, you dumb fuck. Florida is diverse af thanks to all the transplants, it's Eastern Cali.

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>1.2 WAR vs. >25 WAR
wow i'm sooooo impressed, such adversity

red sox are the true class of the AL regardless. deeper lineup, less strikeout-prone, bette rdefensively by a country mile

really the only thing you have is your bullpen (which is admittedly fantastic)

you mean it's NYC south

>am a Brooklyn native

Hipster faggot confirmed, go suck a dick while you sweat in your beanie in the summer

So you are shitting on NYC...literally going and fucking yourself

You know that we are missing three of our best hitters too, including our best hitter? 2/3 of our OF, our SS, our ace and #3 pitcher, and our supposedly #2 pitcher, our backup SS and our best reliever.

Having just one hitter out is nothing.

>Brooklyn native
Hipsters aren’t Brooklyn natives, you faggot.

We literally lost the first game due to losing both starting catcher in 24 hours. Ciuffo was a call up and blew that game.


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chad green is back lads

Williamsburg isn't Brooklyn? You hipster faggot know nothing fuck.

The Yanks are still missing half their starting team. No excuses.

gg yakkety sacks

don't let the lights hit you on the way out

>not knowing Williamsburg is full of transplants and hipsters are transplants.
>implying that I even live there.

rip Brays

So are the fucking Rays...

>Not knowing Florida is full of transplants and Yankee fans are transplants

Get fucked, you hypocritical know nothing hipster .

6 people is not half the team.

Eh, let's be honest, Bird and Stanton are not missed.

Neither is 3 hitters

Who said that it was just three hitters? I said three of our BEST hitters. We lost more than three hitters. And the Rasy didn’t lose 6 hitters so this is pointless.

We lost several players and so do the Yanks, it's even but play the victim with a payroll double ours even with your injuries...also you still aren't in 1st in the East...see ya in October!