>it's another "oil sheikh spends 30 billion dollars to buy another premier league title and abls celebrate the fact that Muslims use the premier league as their own personal play thing" episode
It's another "oil sheikh spends 30 billion dollars to buy another premier league title and abls celebrate the fact that...
>Oil money BAD!
>I'm prefectly fine with my home league being completely taken over by rich Muslims
Typical Englishman
No one cares about Man City's hollow victory, it basically makes the 2018/19 void and we start again. The important thing is that Liverpool never win the Premier League as karma for what they did to English football.
Better than being taken over by rich Yanks (LFC owners) and having to deal with loud screeching Scousecucks (LFC fans)
>we're perfectly fine with our home league being completely taken over by rich Yanks
Both are bad guys, just one has a MUCH worse fanbase than the other
Imagine being ok with being cucked by some dune coon sitting in some shithole desert
Just wait until Emma starts getting fucked by Abdul and not Josue.
You realise Liverpool's biggest player is a Muslim right? Every Muslim and the BBC want Liverpool to win the league and Salah to win golden boot because of this.
OP is a clueless zoomer who doesn't understand why Liverpool mustn't be allowed happiness. *filters your flag*
Um no sweatty we're a proud Irish catholic city ok
>it's another scousers plastics and meeja wankers btfo and heartbroken episode
Yes please rerun again
Keep your nose out JF. Stop watching our league
Thank you based sheiks
It's not about them being muslim you dingus
This. City is the most corrupted club in history of the prem league. Only idiots and muslim-loving cucks support them.
Supporting man city=sucking muslim dick.
City is a far better team than liverpool.
Nobody supports city. Nobody gives a shit about them. I'd support Dynamo Tehran if it meant the scousers not winning.
>wants american kike money to win instead
As opposed to a cash pinhata and debt dump for an American group? Not sure which is worse desu op
>>best player on liverpool is filthy muslim
>abls celebrate the fact that Muslims use the premier league as their own personal play thing