Please watch our league, Dortmund still have a chance

Please watch our league, Dortmund still have a chance

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Are you sure you are britain?

Head to head is the decider if equal points, right? So if Frankfurt beats Mainz, they can't go for a bore 0-0 draw so both teams get what they want, right?

No, goal difference. Though Bayern would win on head to head anyway

it's goal difference then goals for

So if Frankfurt wins against Mainz, there's theoretically nothing stopping Bayern and Frankfurt to just pass the ball to each other for 90 minutes so both teams get what they want: Bayern the title and Frankfurt CL.


>Dortmund still have a chance
no they don't, refs will just rig the game if Bayern can't win

Based, Kovac likes Frankfurt, they will probably make a deal in that game.

This desu. No way they'd let Buyern lose the league at home on the last match day.

I hope this happens. It would go down in Bundesliga history as Gijon 2: Schande Boogaloo.
Would turn every neutral against Buyern and maybe force the DFL to at least try salvaging this shit league.

Japan and Poland did just that at the last world cup, too.

I don't care about that. All i want is that big, fat, meaty, juicy, Frankfurt sausage all in my mouth

Attached: sausage.jpg (355x355, 24K)

Yeah but unlike the 82 that almost costed Japan the spot.

only if lelfurt gets to CL


Wasn't Bayern in 6th a few months ago?

I swear to god I got a little bit triggered that the points total isn't in the far right or the far left

*Wien sausage

Why Leverkusen never challenge Bayern for the title despite owned by one of the biggest company in the world?

They’re eternal chokers
19 years ago, all they needed was a draw against an already relegated team to win the league. And they still somehow choked.

No they don't

Their choke mentality won't even let them win in M'gladbach

Didn't they also lose the final of the CL two days before?

France and Denmark did it too. Why didn't you mention that one?