Timely reminder that the title race is rigged

It couldn't be more obvious. I am surprised on one else is making a fuss over this.

I'm talking about Iheanachos miss against city.

>ex city player
>would still maintain connections at the club
>Those high up in city through him 500 grand to make sure he doesn't score
>puts miles wide an easy opportunity that would have given Liverpool the league if he scored

Nice sport you have there Britfags

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Not even exaggerating that I could have scored that, haven't touched a ball in 3 months

Every sport that matters is rigged

>no footballer can ever miss a decent chance or it's rigged

Soccer is trash. Who cares anyway

It was on his left foot, faggot.

Iheanacho is shit tho

Even if he did have some personal motive for missing on purpose, it doesnt make the entirety of the league rigged you spastic

It's like you never saw Ihenacho before that video. He's complete shit

>"professional" athlete
>wrong foot

>Misses a sitter

Wow, wonder why we sold him?

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Yeah I have. I knew he was shit and would prob spray it wide a metre or two. But that fucking wide of the goal? Don't fucking deny it.


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So Newcastle losing to Liverpool wasnt Rafa rigging it?


Anything is possible. I didn't watch that game but if you provide me evidence of sitters being missed, or comical defending ect I would consider it. Not a city or lpool fan BTW, just calling out suspicious moments.

It’s called loyalty. It was pretty based in my opinion. Dude hasn’t scored in a long while. It would’ve been a great personal achievement, but he probably flashed back to the first time he put on a City shirt

Or maybe Iheanacho is just a shit footballer with abysmal finishing, which is why he isn't at City anymore.

Not sure if this would be deemed 'rigged' but I'm pretty sure this isn't allowed. If the association could prove even this somehow he would be fucked. Imagine betting 20k on Liverpool winning the league only to lose it all because some chimp missed on purpose due to the loyalty of his former club. What a world we live in.

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Off the top of my head

>Liverpool player not given any card for deliberately handballing off the line
>Liverpool player hilariously diving for the free kick that gave a goal, right in front of the linesman
>ref randomly blowing the whistle during a good Newcastle attack in the 94th minute (with 6 minutes added on)

lets forget all the goals before in the season
and the dodgy situations liverppoo have gotten themselves out of

These points happen in almost every match. Its more so subjective/error prone refering rather than rigging or conspiring. They are not as suspicious as a an ex player missing an easy chance by an entire goal post to goal post distance.

>four goalkeepers all gifting livershit a late win with silly errors
>sissoko blasting what should have been a late winner into row Z

maybe one or two things like this happen every game

when it's a potentially title-deciding match and it's absolutely strewn with basic refereeing errors, it's a little suspicious

This 100% rigged for Liverpool

It was rigged for city bro. Some chimp negro fucked up the entire competition.

He's left footed, retard

Brutal response, even I didn't even know this. Makes me think it was rigged even more so now.

This. That's why Soccer, Basketball and Football (American) are the most popular sports. When you don't rig the games you get ratings nightmares like Carolina and St. Louis in the NHL semi finals. The Messi / Ronaldo era is over and UEFA no longer needs to jam Barcelona / Madrid into the Champions League final. Tottenham vs Liverpool will be a far more satisfying game than any refballed garbage with Messoy and Fagnaldo.