Why is he hated so much?

Why is he hated so much?

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He's just shit and was paid 140M

Coutinho bad

pass to Messi

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it's ABBism

he isn't relevant enough to be hated, he's just ridiculed

Barca always need a scapegoat. Remember how Fabregas was constantly blamed when they had poor results, even though it was their shit defence that was the issue?

>29 goals conceded in 2011-12
>40 in 2012-13
>33 in 2013-14
Yeah that defense was terrible

Now go look at their defensive record in the games that mattered, you retarded Maori shitskin. You know like against Bayern Munich, Atletico Madrid and Chelsea.

>Look at a sample of 6 games instead of a sample of 114

>n-no don't look at the games that actually mattered and cost them titles and cups. l-look at their defensive record against getafe and rayo vallecano

They conceded 3 to Chelsea across 2 games and 2 to Atletico across 2 games. The only time to you say bad defense is against Bayern

You obviously do not remember those games and are just looking at the result. Go educated yourself, you fucking cretinous wog.

Although, I suspect you'll try and get this thread deleted like you do every time you get humiliated on here.

So what's your definition of a bad defense then? Because conceding goals is usually considered a bad thing

he's useless, part because of valverde but still

He's just shit at Barca, he doesn't suit left wing where Valverde puts, him, plus his at best mediocre at CAM, not worth 135 M euro for sure

Lack of concentration, structure, discipline, composure. Fragility under pressure.

It was their defence that cost them so much at crucial times, yet Fabregas was always presented as a scapegoat and was basically hounded out of the club.

That doesn't always affect outcomes though. You're defense can always have those faults but if they don't concede then you only need one goal to win

It did in these cases. Like I said; you obviously don't remember those games in the seasons you mentioned.

>It did in these cases
Losses 1-0 away to Chelsea or 1-0 away to Atletico is not a bad performance. It's on the offense to get away goals

Again; you obviously don't remember those games. Or their shit defence costing them the league twice.

And again, explain why conceding 1 away goal in the champions league to great teams is a bad thing. Barcelona just lost 4-0 to a team that is missing 2 of it's 3 starting forwards. They'd fucking kill for that defense

You've picked one game out of numerous examples and seem to think this supports your point. You're an utter retard, fella. You only need look at how their defence went to shit in the season they lost the title to Atletico to see you're posting shit.

>You've picked one game out of numerous examples and seem to think this supports your point.
As opposed to choosing 6 games to examine instead of 114?
>You only need look at how their defence went to shit in the season they lost the title to Atletico to see you're posting shit.
They lost the title that season because of a wrongly disallowed goal

I haven't picked 6 though, you mong. I've pointed out their league performances too.

>They lost the title that season because of a wrongly disallowed goal
Which would not have mattered if their defence didn't shit the bed in the second half of the season and throw away the advantage they had.

And this goes back to the point I initially made being that Fabregas was used as a scapegoat for poor performances that were from errors made by their defence.
You have no argument.

Oh, and it was defensive a defensive fuck up in the last game of the season against AM, which saw them draw at home, that had they won, would have been crowned La Liga champions.

>Which would not have mattered if their defence didn't shit the bed in the second half of the season
Yeah and losing 4-0 wouldn't have had mattered if Barcelona could have just scored 1 goal

An irrelevant point. I can see you're desperate now as you're trying to deflect. Go play with your egg.

I've defended him in the past but not anymore. He's just been underperforming all season, and the very few moments of brilliance don't excuse a whole season of mediocrity. I don't know what''s wrong but he just doesn't seem to work in this Barça.

>An irrelevant point
No, it matters, because you seem to think a poor defense matters more than a poor offense, you clearly have a bias towards protecting Fabgregas for some reason even though he did hurt the offense of Barcelona, which if your eyes means less than the defense

Are you just blindfuck retarded?

Do you not remember or care about Barcelonas final matchs in CL?

>No, it matters, because you seem to think a poor defense matters more than a poor offense
No it doesn't matter any way to the point about Barca's defence is the seasons you mentioned, you dumb ape.

>you clearly have a bias towards protecting Fabgregas for some reason even though he did hurt the offense of Barcelona, which if your eyes means less than the defense
Because he wasn't responsible for their shit defence costing Barca, leads, wins, titles and cups. It was purely a defensive problem they had that wasn't resolved, but Fabregas became a convenient scapegoat because he wasn't the Xavi that he was expected to be.

Barca never reached a CL final when Fabregas was at the club, you stupid donkey-fucking dimwit.

Barcelona conceded more goals per game in CL in 2014-15 than 2013-14. How did they win? They just scored more. A bad defense doesn't matter as much as a bad offense because as long as you score more goals you win

Which means these year there was never a "scapegoat". Just shut the fuck up with your stupid ass excuses.
Coutinho is shit and fabregas is a mid table team player, ideal for arsenal

Again, moving the goalposts. This point was about Fabregas and his time at the club and how he was being used as a scapegoat, when the reality was it was poor defending that cost the team, including throwing away leads on many occasions.

yeah, I think we can take from this you realise you fucked up and should have followed the conversation before jumping in and not getting the point. Stupid third-world nonce.

>moving the goalposts
We're talking about defense aren't we? Even if you choose to ignore my point, aren't midfielders responsible for defending as well? Especially in a possession based side. We see how bad City's defense gets with Fernandinho doesn't play. Midfielders in Barcelona's system have to be good at retaining possession and pressing

Your whole point comes from thinking barcelona always had shit defence but had "someone" to cover it on. All from there is pure crap you're saying.
Cherrypicking results and no more. Fuck off.

>We're talking about defense aren't we?
What we're talking about is a specific three seasons that Fabregas spent at Barca and how shit defending cost them on numerous occasions, not the odd game where he had a poor one.

No, my point comes from the fact that Fabregas was used as a scapegoat for shit performances. I'm not surprised a dumb third-world spic doesn't understand this.
At no point did I say Barca have *always* had a shit defence.

Why did you ignore everything else I said? Fabregas has to defend too

So Fabregas is now a defender and he's responsible for their shit defence, even though he was mostly being deployed as a CAM or false 9?
That's why I ignored the shite you said. It's because you're getting really desperate now and proving the point that he was an unfair scapegoat for Barca's failures.

Do you remember when Fabregas went full dumb and gave the ball to iniesta while being in his own 3/4 field? Yes that ended in goal.
That is your Fabregas. An aloof bitch with no level for a top tier team. Ozil 1.5

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>even though he was mostly being deployed as a CAM or false 9?
So what were his offensive stats? He surely scored a lot of important goals for them?

This wasn't when he played for Barca, you greasy dumb shitskin.

Go find them. He was one of their best players the first season he was.

It's so obvious now that realise your argument has been ripped to pieces that you're presenting the idea that Fabregas is the one responsible for Barca's costly defending.

You keep shitting on the defending, but in your own words he didn't add anything to the defense, and by again your own admittance he didn't add anything to the offense, so maybe he does deserve criticism?

u got btfo mate simple as

I keep shitting on the defending because the defending was shit. I don't even know how you can argue otherwise, although you are as you clearly didn't even watch any of their games those seasons. Those of us who did can see the defensive performance and see how their mistakes cost Barca, including the league title and a CdR in 2014 and at least two CL finals.

>and by again your own admittance he didn't add anything to the offense,
Where did I do this, you sneaky lying piece of shit? You're once again proving the point about how him being used as a scapegoat by now trying to twist the point and insisting that he was responsible for their shit defending too.

stop replying mate you got btfo long ago

He had 3 goals in the 3 UCL seasons he was there

And of course, those were the only games he played in and of course, assists don't matter to a CAM whose purpose is to create. Only goals in CL games matter.

I do find it hilarious how you cannot handle the fact you've been ripped to pieces here so your argument has initially gone from claiming Barca's defence wasn't shit, to basically admitting it was shit and it was Fabregas' responsibility, to now abandoning any mention of the defence to arguing about the goals he scored in the CL.

What cancerous little wog you.

see there HAS to be a scapegoat for why messi loses, it can literally never be his fault. with barca that scapegoat is Coutinho

So now the league matters?
I thought we only look at the big games?

You literally have no argument now do you? This is funny af. You've had your arse handed to you, and now you're flapping desperately trying to save face because you're desperate to blame Fabregas for Barca's failures like the sad clueless prick you are.

Just tell me if the league matters or not, because when it suits you it does, but when it doesn't, it's irrelevant?

If I didn't think the league mattered, why would I have mentioned it, you dumb cunt?

So we can say that Barcelona's defense was elite? Seeing as in the league it was

He was supposed to be Nerman's replacement in some dumb ass Barcelon manager head

>Seeing as in the league it was
Ah yes, like that time in the 2013/14 season where the shit defending cost them the league title despite having led it for most of the way.

Oh, but Fabregas must have been responsible for that, right? Because in your mind, he's a defender.

Lmao couthinho can't do shit on the field though. He was misplacing passes left and right and was dispossessed so easily

>conceding 33 goals across 38 games is a bad defense

>losing against granada, valladolid (who were fucking relegated), valencia and sociedad is good defence
>throwing away leads in two of your last three matches through defensive fuckups that cost you the title is good defence
>fabregas is to blame for all this because he only scored 3 goals in 3 cl seasons

They drew 0-0 with Elche in the second to last game. Why didn't Fabgregas score and give them the title?

>losing a game against literally ANY team makes your defence bad.

Just wow. Youre just projecting by now.

Because according to you; he's a defender and did his job by ensuring Barca didn't concede.
And even if he did score and Barca won that match, it wouldn't have won them the title anyway as Barca still needed to win on the final day against Atletico Madrid, you thick bastard.

Barca's defence shit the bed in the second half of that season and they conceded the title lead which they held for 21 rounds. It cost them the title. Shit defending literally cost Barca La Liga, CdR and the CL that season.
This isn't projecting, it's stating facts, you oily spic.

>He's a defender
Football is not regimented like the NFL. Everyone is expected to take part in all phases of play.

I love how you literally ignore everything else that has ripped you apart. And all you have is to still hold Fabregas responsible for Barca's defensive failures, even though you initially argued that their defence was elite. You're all over the place here, you can't even remain consistent, even the slimy spic can't bail you out here.

because he's shite and was bought for 140m

blooter merchant

140m for a caucasian michael antonio

Fuck me all 3 of you are heavily autistic

Because Liverpool built the entire team round him and played him as a 10.
Barcelona stick him on the left wing.

He's playing really badly, and has had lots of chances

>The blockers of Betis

He's always been a massive meme and was only rated because he played for Liverpool and their fans love to constantly hype up their players. All he can do is score blooters from the edge of the box after cutting in from the left, he's a one trick donkey poor man's robben.

The Liverpool team is built around Firmino and always was, Coutinho played left wing then got shoe horned into central midfield when Salah arrived

>was paid 140M

cuz he sucks

fuck this idiot makes me mad every single fucking time

he doesnt do fucking anything ever

So a slim Suarez?

Suarez used to score a long time ago, this dude is supposedly in his prime and terrible

Because he’s shit

But Suerez is allowed to play at his position. He isn't.

When you join Liverpool everyone but Liverpool fans hate you. When you leave you best not piss them off because then now everyone hates you.

Is this what Liverpool fans delude themselves into thinking?

You’re thick as shit m8 lmao





Why did I laugh at this, caught me off guard you cheeky cunt

Messoy's odor is too strong.

He disappears for 3 months at a time.