If he is Godard of football, who is Mourinho then?

If he is Godard of football, who is Mourinho then?

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literally who?

what is godard

Mourinho is Tarantino. Villas-Boas is Robert Rodriguez

Fernando Santos is Harmony Korine

Attached: 1 FC Porto.png (1118x1117, 906K)

Johan Cruyff is more likely to be Godard, Mourinho is some anti cinema filmmaker who attracks normies and npcs, Denis Villeneuve

Technically speaking, Cryuff is either Welles...

...or Eastwood

godard is overrated, so yes.


who is the werner herzog of managers?

Uwe Boll

Bielsa would be Terence Malick

Nicolas Winding Refn or Christopher Nolan


was gonna say Hiddink

cryuff is godard
pep is wong kar wai

Ferguson is Woody Allen

actually quite apt

Ferguson is spielberg - still hanging around, looming large, not allowing anyone to remake his scripts until after he is dead, is a massive behind the scenes tastemaker

and which player is his Klaus Kinski


even looks like him a little

Who is the Chris Marker of football

Whoever coached Strasbourg in 78-79

A retard.

who's football's tarkovsky?