ITT: we post talentless hacks

ITT: we post talentless hacks

Attached: nerman.jpg (600x401, 44K)


you took my one

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Don't call him a talentless hack, he's worse than that.

>worlds best player, possibly of all time
>talantless hack

Attached: 1365359154683.png (382x417, 325K)

He's pointing at all of us

Pepperoni fraudiola

Attached: usp-nba_-playoffs-toronto-raptors-at-philadelphia-2.jpg (1000x600, 59K)

Attached: talentless frauds.png (1810x1080, 1.09M)

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Attached: 1.jpg (610x396, 35K)


sad that you tried to adapt the Yea Forums meme here but everybody here is too brainlet to get it



t. Pemberton