Reminder that Yea Forums will be cheering these teams on

Reminder that Yea Forums will be cheering these teams on.

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blue is the color

>implying i won't be cheering for Liverpool, just to see Yea Forums getting btfo

>doesnt want arsenal to win el so champions league has 5 kino english teams instead of some eastern european bate borisov shitter

wait, does having 5 anglo teams in the CL rob a spot from eastern countries?

>Le lets make the CL knockouts so we can get Stan Kroenke a new extension on his house
Arsenal are literally the last team any neutral fan wants in the CL, Im ABU as fuck and I would take United in the CL over arseshite easily

no it takes the guaranteed 3rd spot from ligue Un
>oh noo, no st. ettienne farmers to get smacked around by zenit in the group stage and finnish with 1 point!

the man u owner is a kike too. hour prob a crypto jew

>no it takes the guaranteed 3rd spot from ligue Un

As a Chelsea fan I'll probably be cheering for Liverpool for the first time in my life that I can remember


Do I want Liverpool or Spurs to win?

If you have more than 5 brain cells, Spurs.

Yea Forums is a norf fc board la


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Ah, the ABL/ABA option. Always a good one.

Remember lads: Yea Forums is always wrong and will continue to get BTFO and seethe

these are the worst possible pairings out of the semifinals teams for me, but I'm still going to root for spuds because scousers are never going to shut the fuck up if they win the UCL. Maybe lelshit too because arselel is POOP. Yes poop.

Iiverpool and chelsea win. fyte me

Coys m8

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Why does Yea Forums like Totnum? They are literally just as bad and obnoxious as Liverpool. You don't realize because they haven't won anything yet. But if they won the CL of all trophies the Spuds would become utterly unbearable.

Because Poch has somehow built a competitive side despite not signing anyone since january 2018

The fans are still shit though

Spuds would be even worse than scousers. Winning the CL would give legitimacy to their arrogance and no one would be able to meme them anymore, so it would just be boring. Liverpool have won the CL so many times already that it would be a non-event, the PL is the only prize they really value

Yes, I want Lloris, sissoko, Giroud and kanté to win


gotta have some sympathy for spurs fans, they're still here despite winning jackshit in decades

If you knew any Spurs fans in real life you wouldn't say that. I notice foreigners always have a soft spot for Spurs, because they never have to experience the displeasure of speaking with someone who actually supports that scum club

I'll of course be rooting for the team that causes the most butthurt here.

I don't have a soft spot for spurs, they're the default choice. Sorry if you're a scouser but the meme of liverpool not winning anything and klopp being a failure must live on for Yea Forums's sake

Red >>> Blue


So must spurs meme

Get back to /arse/, nigger. Liverpool and ManUre, are by far the most unlikable cunts of the PL and have been for decades. /arse/ has put Arsenal into same tier as well. That leaves City, Chelsea, and Spuds, as the remaining options to cheer on if you want to see the scum trio get their hopes crushed.

that's pretty much accurate

I'm a Chelsea fan faggot. I will agree with you on Manure's unlikeability however.

>hating on a club because of a general on a mongolian basket weaving forum
definition of plastic

Youre just a seething little cunt. Probably a childish gooner.

It makes me feel bad to generalise because i know sound and shit blokes from every fanbase, even west ham has some decent lads. Grow up you fucking bellend

Undeniably true

Chelsea are plastic as fuck and have no soul, but I need to see Liverpool and Arsenal lose

Literally the exact opposite

Literally this. Arselel are such a nothing club I really wouldn't care about them enough to hate them if it wasn't for /arse/

Should have been Frankfurt

my boy Giroud will score 2 and make cacazette forget to play for NT once and for all

>Literal mercenaries
>Rahim Sterling
>option to cheer

You're confused m8 we won't shut up if we win the league, we have been there and done that with the CL. Spurs fans have been insufferable just for putting the pressure on, I can't even imagine how bad they will be if they win something.

Spurs vs Gunners in the SuperCup would be much better. Imagine, The North London derby in the SuperCup.

please god no. If Spurs win the CL only thing arsenal fans can do is commit sudoko

Good choice from maximum Arsenal banter.

Yea Forums always ABL

Chelsea may be the only team that I witnessed Yea Forums root unanimously for. The true antisocial team.

No, Jewish team.

Based opinion
I'm a Liverpool fan but if I had to pick a team to lose the final to it's Spurs, at least there's a silver lining of seeing their English players finally win something

>Yea Forums will get BTFO
Okay I will be waiting.

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I'm Arsenal fan too. I hate more Chelshit than Tottenhamster.