Well, Yea Forums?

Well, Yea Forums?

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i'm not going to cuck myself into supporting them just because i was born near them, just like how i'm not going to cuck myself into not pretending to be 100% anglo just because i was born in los estados de unidos

I'm a loser on here, in real life, why should my favourite team remind me of that?

I do though. People with a sense of belonging and local pride all do.

of course i do la

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they mean nothing to me, i have absolutely 0 ties to them or this shitty town

feels good bro

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people who watch K-League are Sports gamblers

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I already do, you fucking slut

Non-Brits can say that, but in this country how on Earth can you say that?

I wasn't born where I currently live.

Kek, the Salvadorian league is literally semi-amateur, nobody watches that shit.
La Liga is the most popular football league here, followed by Serie A.

i live in Paris, and therefore support the mighty Paris FC, currently 4th of the french 2nd league. I hope one day they will get promoted to the first league and btfo their weak twin P$G

Ah right. You support the local team from where you came from though?

GOOD post.

>You support the local team from where you came from though?
Of course.

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I do. I was at the stadium this past Sunday. We will finish 6th in the Portuguese 3rd tier

Hull is a good place to be from desu

I do, we just got relegated to the Championship
Feels bad

Good lad.

I do. It's the team in the same planet I live in.

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i wish we had one

But I do

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I do, now yield my young


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But i do, but i do, do, do

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We will rise again

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Who is your nearest Higher League team? You're allowed to bandwagon a little if you literally don't have a local team.

who is this cum drinker

Anything but top level football is just boring to watch tbch

My father would unironically kill me

No such thing

Because there isn't a local NBA team in Louisville. Nearby we do have the Pacers but I got into Basketball during the peak Hibbert and PG days. And I never was into following the top teams. But for some reasons the Bulls clicked with me and i started following them.

I do. Jihad FC number one!!!

based interstellar local

Well, we're in the 4th division now. I hope things get better.

at least you got Son in the EPL.
>tfw no indonesian players playing in EPL

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I watch K-League and I don't gamble at all. I support Ulsan. It's a long story.

I inherited my dad's local team, which is not my local team but they're not very good so it's not like i'm bandwagoning

There is no Seattle Basketball team anymore

I do. One of the only smaller cities in Spain where the public supports the local team instead of being a Barca/Madrid customer. It’s slowly changing though. Globalisation means that everyone outside of the biggest 10 teams in the world will become more and more irrelevant. Difficult to convince a kid to watch an average football team in person when they can stay at home to play FIFA or watch Messi on TV

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I do user, Sydney fc mate. Also happen to support Arse as I enjoyed watching them when I were a young fella

Van Bronckhorst was good

it plays on 4th tier in my country. who the fuck cares about that

But user, I do

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Based. All Europeans should be in agreement with this post.

Because my local team is Manchester United

But I do lad

doesn't count :(

Great post

Don't have one.

i do but it's not fun

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Because they have "Benfica” in the name and their crest is a copy of the Lisbon one

Who's that?


Your lower league system is second only to ours, what are you talking about?

Of course this tranny is going to be Irish.

>It's a long story
Posts have a 2,000 character limit, go for it

we've had our best season in years la

You are a faggot cuck if you don’t support in this order
1. Your fathers team (unless your dad is a faggot customer see option 2)
2. Your local team

Bcs our league is a fucking joke.


Manchester la la la
United la la la

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I do. I support the Boston Red Sox, New England Patriots, Golden State Warriors, and whoever won luckpuck last year.

My father supported Arsenal, so I’m all Gucci

I support the team from where I grew up, though I live 200 miles away now

Lel, I have a fullcap of Red Sox.

>a red pilled American

Cause I left my home several years ago, and now I don't even know what team to consider 'local'

(Originally that would be FC Lokomotiv)


I have chosen to invest in the continued failure of the Toronto Maple Leafs. So far, every year I have gotten a big haul of salt at the end of the season.

Is your dad a true souf or a customer?

>Northampton Wanderers


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That doesn't really give me an answer.

Sporting Child Porn?


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I'm convinced Rin is the official Yea Forums idol.

i've totally never heard that joke before

but yes
live in the UK but born a short walk away from alvalade and lived a long time in portugal


My city has 3 local teams atm, and it used to have 5 when I was born. I support one of those 3 teams, which is the team my father supports too of course.
But we're a fucking laughing stock and it sucks balls to support them, but it is how it is.

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Sounds amazing desu.
>tfw nearest league opponents are all 100+ miles away

oh but i do
seen better days though 2bf

Please make a combined Scandi League so we can see your clubs compete in Europe more regularly.

Don't the Scandinavians all hate each other?

There's no fuckin team here and the nearest big team is in minneapollis

That's what would make it good.

>less than 600 KM from my teams stadium

I do support my local team senpai

Most people choose their teams at like age 5 and unless their dad forces them to support his team they'll usually support one of the big clubs because they're fucking 5 years old. Once you start you can't switch because then you're plastic.

I was at the Holstein-Kiel game against St Pauli

It was good fun watching St Pauli slip to 10 men in the second half

Salford Quays tram stop la, I literally get to see Old Trafford everyday I go to and get home from work

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tfw my local team got discontinued after they dropped out of the 6th league

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/maribor/ till i die, la

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>My local team is Chelsea

Yet i still get called plastic by Arsenal fans from fucking Essex

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eternal derby day tomorrow Yea Forums, please watch it

we can become champions if we beat fierce rivals olimpija at home

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top comfy

Once you grow up and learn the importance of local identity, people normally change.

Can't switch teams m8.

i (sadly) do, it's masochism at this point

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Oh I do

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At what age do you reckon your team must be locked in? I think 7 maybe, so once you're 7 and you support a team that's it. And that team should be your father's team or your local team.

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>You don't support it for the trophies.
That should probably be written on the Arsenal crest at this point.

I support my local team, i attend their home games and watch their away matches in tv but all the fucking time, we get robbed, we losr 13 points this season and are battling relegation because of this. I love my club but the players don't seem to care and don't put enough effort and everytime the ref fucks them over, they give up and just concede goals. This is probably the most depressing club ever but no one watches the UAE Pro League outside of my country anyways so no one cares ;-;
Btw my local team is Emirates Club based in Ras Al Khaimah.

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disgusting vira lata get OUT

What are attendances like in your league and how excited are people for Qatar 2022?

Yeah but he was saying that if you do the faggy child thing and gloryhunt, you can't then support you local team once you've realised what an idiot you were as a young child.

>What are attendances like in your league
The attendances in my team is higher than most teams (percentage wise) but maybe that's because of our small capaicty of 5,200. Still we attract more people than big clubs like Al Nasr, Al Wahda and Al Jazira

>how excited are people for Qatar 2022
They will only be excited if UAE qualifiers otherwise it will be just another world cup to us. We don't really care about Qatar winning the 2022 bid.

I understand that no worries but I'm asking at what age it's too late to turn back from being a lifelong plastic. I mean, I have a nephew and he's 7, if he says to me he's a city fan now I will smack the back of his head.

Because that team is owned by Dan Snyder

I'd say the absolute cutoff point is entering your teenage years, but you can still do the right thing and pick up your local team as a second.

Kind of I guess, but I hate the Lakers and hate the Dodgers, mostly because of the fans. But I'm an Angels and Clipper fan instead. How does that work?

But I do.

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I casually support local teams for sports I don’t care about like apehoop and furpuck

I root for my childhood teams otherwise

For me each state have their own FA so it's easy to identify who you support. We sang the state song every kick off so it's like mini international matches all season.

They really ignited my pashun when they miraculously won the Malaysia Cup (most prestigious trophy) that was established since 1921. They paraded the whole state and even went to my school so yeah it was kind of unbelievable back then meeting your local goalkeeping hero. Sadly nowadays the team has fallen to Ngubu memes too. Been the perennial runners-up ever since.

Built a new 50,000 seater stadium too only for it to crash and goes unrepaired until now. Cash rich state due to oil money and spending them unwisely as always.

Of course I do!
We play in the second tier, biggest city of region, but the village 30 kilometres further has the bigger club that even plays in the top tier league.
*cries in failing to win play-offs*

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Customer, but he has been one before almost everyone in the United States have heard about any European team.

>Customer, but
It's trash.

>Real Zaragoza

They lose every single match at home.

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It went bankrupt and doesn't exist anymore

>ulsan hyundai
i dont remember them having slovenian mercenary playing for them. what made you support them?

I don't have one and the nearest local one is 3 1/2 hours away.

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That's your local team then la

I support all my local teams except the CFL one.

...Okay, I used to bandwagon them when they were good. But that was over a decade ago.

The Mariners were a lot of fun to watch as a kid but I just sort of dropped off somewhere in the mid-2000s. I always hope they do good from a distance but I don't really care about baseball anymore.

you guys are a bunch of faggots, if you don't support your local team you're a cuck
simple facts hurt but the truth is the truth and no my mom didn't have sex with your incel ass

I do!

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because the arizona cardinals fucking suck

I do, although i want to kms every time they play.

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I will shill them daily until the Don gives us our rightful spot

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I support my hometown team, bitch. Go Bengals, Go Reds, Go Bearcats!

I support the 49ers, Sharks, Warriors, and San Francisco Giants.

Even though Yea Forums will make fun of me calling me a liberal and a soiboy, it doesn't matter. I went through some TOUGH fucking shit with that faggot Colin Kaepernick. They're my fuckin teams even if I don't like certain players. Fuck u guys

>implying I dont only support local teams

If you dont, you're a loser.

>he doesn't hate his local team

not really local though, is it?

because there are faggots who I don't like on the team

I was in a minority supporting my local club as a kid, and it wasn't like they were complete no name shit (Leicester). 90s Man Utd fans everywhere.
Quite a few of those former gloryhunting kids came around to being local fans by their late teens, and this was still a long time before 2016.

I've supported my local hockey team here in Alabama to amazing results. The fan base for hockey used to be completely non-essential when I was a kid. Now it's exploded. I'm proud to say a lot of my ticket money helped build this strange new redneck obsession with ice(rinks).

Have 2 Minor League farm teams near me, fucking loathe both of their parent teams

>Giving my time and money to (((MLS)))
Absolutely not!

>implying I'd ever watch the travesty that is greek football
i "support" my dad's team but never watch them because they're 3rd division shite and I always feel like I could play better than a good deal of them (even though I know that's not true)

based Cambuur. I'm Frisian and I prefer them over Heerenveen, even if Leeuwarden is not a fun city

Groovy post.

But my team always play locally on my tv/computer. They literally are local to my living room.

based brighton poster