>Klopp is a Protestant Christian who has referred to his faith in public, citing the importance of Jesus in his life in a media interview.[162]
Based. Now I know who I'm rooting for in the final
>I believe in the welfare state. I'm not privately insured. I would never vote for a party because they promised to lower the top tax rate.
>I'm not privately insured. I would never vote for a party because they promised to lower the top tax rate.
America BTFO!
Based. Neolibs BTFO.
he's literally appealing to the third world, says he is a leftard and a believer. shitskins love that
I'm with you Mr. Klopp
actually based
Genuinely based and making me question my ABL status.
Imagine thinking there is anything wrong with that statement.
Heh, all this time I thought he was an atheist cuck.
Klopp's football system is essentially Shankly's world view
Based Kult Kloppo
he is, he knows poor people are religious
Organised religion is a conservative right-wing thing, if anything he's covering his bases.
So how rich are you fren? Guessing you make 1million euros a year yes?
Doesn't Jesus preach about sharing with those in need and say it's easier for a camel to get through the eye of a needle than a rich man to go to heaven? How do religious people square that with far right ideas?
third worlders hate atheists
Nobody is really in need in our societies, they have all the tools to be rich, they chose on their own to be poor
>He thinks christians have read the bible
Do you really think it says in the bible that an orange adulterer who locks children in cages would be "picked" by god to be president?
t. Macron
>his eyes haven't seen the glory of the lord
Fucking commies ITT
Sharing of your own volition. Not having a gun pointed at you and forced to share.
fucking grin