Heem busy edition

Gtg boys

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Brennan Schaulb

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khabib is a cutbaby

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First for Bulgaria has no idea what the fuck his dumpy ass is talking about

Also, Khabib haters are in absolute shambles. A few of them might an hero when he retires at 30-0 as a top 5 GOAT

Post only the most based and dank MMA memes.

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Let's see how cool your epin MMA shit is after I stab you in the gut with my pocket knife and then finish you with a quick double tap using my sidearm.

Shut up dork


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hey guys, women can't get low bodyfat, just fyi

Rate my walkout song


I honestly don't even want to put in the work to stream 237. Canderson is an anti-draw for me at this point.

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heeminder this is an anti-muslim general

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Can you imagine how badly he'd get rekt by Askren?

It's tuff b. The only fight interesting fight is Aldo vs Volkanovski

I looked up the Russian Olympic wrestling medal winners and they unironically are most of the time from some Caucasian minority group: Ossetian, Avar, Chechen, etc.
Insane how a small group of people can do so well. I suppose it is a big part of their culture.


Khabib would destroy him.

MVP vs Elias Theodorou, who ya got?


Nah. Khabob would be up against a wrestler who's the same size as him. He would get exposed.

Elias Theodoroux was booed by a Canadian crowd. That's how revved he gets you jabronis.

well in regharrds to that question let me just say i'm gonna show em the difference between chess and checkers out there

AHAHAHAHAHAHA filthy Muslim childfuckers actually believe this

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brendan schaub

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Khabib fought a good wrestler once and he cried like a baby because even he thought he lost that fight.

Fight should have been stopped by 04:36

6th century regional can


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So I turn to my bralther and ask how do I look?

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What's more embarrassing, a decision loss to JJ or a decision loss to KK? That's what I thought.

Has boxing become more and more essential to mma?

Guys like Aldo and Anderson who were already top mma strikers are now putting most of their time into boxing training. Even khabib now knows how to use a jab.

What caused this?

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For shure, one hunnert percent it's my vuhgyna b.

Why didn’t he use the DC towel method

If I were Claudia's man, I'd fuck with her head. On our fight night together after her loss to Andrade, I'd call out "Jessica!" during sex. I'd let Claudia catch me looking at photos of Jessica. I'd describe Jessica as "my girl" and tell Claudia that she needs to study Jessica, and I'd place big bets on Jessica.
I'd make Claudia a humble little wimp, insecure in her own inferiority

The only problem is that Jessica is a dyke, so Claudia might not feel that jealous of her considering I could never fuck her dyke pussy.

A man has got to keep his woman fragile and broken.

It's the EASIEST part of MMA. Anyone can throw a jab. Jason Genova can throw a jab.... actually he can't.

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one more run at the strap, bruther

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Sure thing, canboy.

Why should have it been stopped when Askren clearly recovered?

Claudia is a little fraud bitch. Claims pride in Brazil but moves to America. Same old basic bitch shallow whore. Jessica is the real deal. BRAZIL.

Fuck Brazil though.

Because he was taking bombs.

Jessica is actually quite cute, no homo

>best wrestler you faced isn’t even a wrestler and is a horrible striker

>he effortlessly stuffed all your takedowns, took you down, and oustruck you

Khabisexuals will defend this

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Anderson probably started boxing after Weidman boxed him up. Aldo probably started boxing because he lost to Holloway twice, who only uses boxing to fight (not that good of boxing, but still boxing). Khabib learned a jab because he realized he could get exposed on the feet. His jab isn't that good though. He's only showed it off against Iaquinta. Boxing is good for mma though. Obviously you can't only learn boxing and expect to compete, but it's great if you have a solid foundation. It helps you learn good footwork, have good striking defense, apply constant pressure, and not risk being taken down off some spinny shit kick.

>Because he was taking bombs
But he wasn't out and Robbie stopped throwing bombs right after 4:36. I wanted Robbie to win, but damn this is a stupid argument.

Lol anderson has “been boxing” for ages

He was being hit with bombs on the ground and not defending himself. I'm only sayign by UFC's current standards, that should have been a stoppage.

what's more embarrassing than being a retarded hue who's obviously been juicing for years

why is andrade so cute even though she's a bull dyke?

I'm going to the PFL show. Any requests?

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lmao any guy of his own size would fuck him up

Listening to the Hues speak it strikes me how different Portuguese sounds to Spanish. 2019, I am struck.

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brazilians speak portuguese like puerto ricans speak spanish


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Because she has thighs for days

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multo gai

booboo do multo gai

bom filh

filthy animals

>Cuckald Cuckboy Cuckrone


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Mad Rose fan

That's cool how you replaced the beginning of every word with cuck bro. Sick burn my dude.

Based PFL tonight


Dat ass for sure nigger

I know, right? I’m on fire today!

Canald Canboy Canrrone

Guys rate my meme mocking Cowboy.

(you could also do it with the word "cuck")

Bloatlord Kaufman is unstoppable

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Rose Namajunas vs. Jessica Andrade
Anderson Silva vs. Jared Cannonier
Jose Aldo vs. Alexander Volkanovski
Thiago Alves vs. Laureano Staropoli
Francisco Trinaldo vs. Diego Ferreira

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Can’t wait for Heem to unironically pick cowdad and get GOOBYd hard

>a grown man still playing cowboy
Dumb Donald

it's probably always just been a few beers behind conor's behavior, not cocaine.

what a mad lad

is his time out over yet? I want to see him fight again


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a person cannot possibly be this delusional

fer shure

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He is going to get hurt.

Goobster is over. Cowboy is going to knock him out in the third

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There is absolutely no reason why BJ Penn vs. CM Punk shouldn't happen

Have literally been saying that for over a year

Didn't Dana say that CM was never going to fight UFC again

>I'm picking Rose

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Why are two no name cans in a jobber division headlining a PPV?

It’s not about the size of the Schaub in the fight....

...It’s about the size of the fight in the Schaub

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To make Rose's lawsuit worse.

This is beyond sad, it's to the point where the UFC is at fault for not stepping in years ago.

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>Rogan and his little crew of orbiters talk shit about Amy Schumer all the time
>but support Schlaub and his stand-up


I'm so tired of all these sexists

Lorenzo wouldn't have kept carting him out

Rose Namajunas
Jared Cannonier
Jose Aldo
Thiago Alves
Diego Ferreira

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I actually agree. The Ferttitas wouldn't have let this happen.


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they keep falling for the fake picks
thats not very heem of you

BJ Penn is an asshole who should be exploited. You want to know who BJ is? He has a rich family and only is a “produgy” because his parents could support him while he trained 24/7. He has never had to sacrifice anything in his life. He is known for going to the biggest guys in the bar he’d go up to you and say “hey, that’s my spot. Move”. If you don’t move he heems you. If you do move “hey, that’s my spot too”. He abuses his wife. He has been known to assault the gfs of his teammates. BJ said he was ready to die in the octagon once. I truly hope we get to see that. Fuck BJ Penn


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>Rogan's biggest accomplishment in comedy is taking down Mencia for joke stealing
>people explain how Amy Schumer steals jokes
>Joe just handwaves it away

Joe is a momma's boy


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So what you're saying is... /ourguy/ did everyone a favor?

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Fat little stinky reddit bitches need to skedaddle

>people still responding to this faggot

Dung Rose is getting flushed this weekend.

Cant wait to drink up all the fat incel tears once le ebin sheeme xD Mandyke gets put out lifeless in front of her monkey homecrowd

>6-3 mma record
>headlines a PPV

So tired of this semen slurping sport. Maybe I'll headline the next UFC and they'll feed me a tasty can of tomato soup.

Looks like the hgh already fucked with her head plenty it’s a damn watermelon

>Nina Ansaroff and Amanda Nunes are married

Holy crap can you imagine how athletic their daughter will be? Future champion for sure.

This is hella gay

major CRINGE my man

wait wut


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I had no idea BlowJob Penn was this based, tbqh

can you imagine cleaning the doughnut crumbs caught in-between her toes with your tongue haha

hey that's my spot

Im brendan schaub ask me anything

Someone is going to stream Schaub's comedy special so we can all watch together, right?

Where are the bongs, fuck these retards posting right now

Lose my number b

Cool it with the homifolbia b.

>dem legs
>dat ass
>dem straps

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>mmm, this donut is delicious! Here user, try it
>*puts donut in front of your mouth with the part where she has already bitten closest to your mouth*

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aldo is ur only winning pick my guy

What a fucking GOD

Blowgay poohole is taking the Blessed Express to Flush-City


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yeah wow can't wait for aldo vs mendes 3 this weekend bet it's gonna be a real nail biter plus chad mendes looks even smaller than usual lmaoo

Are you jabronis ready for Yea Forums to go over again?

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Give him another year of training and beating Bellator scrubs and you could book him for a super dimes fight vs Greg Hardy.

Wtf? He is fighting Schaub?

This fuck muslims and join the /heempol/ chat already


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Where are my picks from yesterday, b?

Don't care

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he's catching on

Someone remove the spammer's shit from there and I'll take picks.

Absolutely based hyperviolent manlet

Don’t worry bud they are saved in the super secret super cereal heem pick server

how about you stop being such a huge pussy lmao

How about you find a new general to spam

this, it'll piss spammer off

Khabib could unironically heem prime Brock

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best foot game in mma?

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How much you pay to see khabib's wife on blackedraw?

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Hey spammy, I'm going to go through the archives and compile the picks from the previous threads. I will also alter your picks banner. Just wanted to let you know k bye


$0.00. she is in my bedchambers each night.

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Only a manlet Irishman who worships Gooby would want to see any woman with a black man.


>worships gooby
I'd pay good money to see chubby Dee get blacked as well.

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cazzie here, why did a supposedly great striker like goob get out boxed by Khebab

That’s funny. I remember alpoo only knocking out mendes after unhooking the fence from the octagon

This PPV lowkey trash, especially when last two non-PPV cards were solid.

It will be cool to see Aldo heem another """contender""" I guess.

>cazzie here
Stopped reading there

1. Is it possible to still breathe during a blood choke?

2. Are triangle chokes supposed to be blood chokes? I've never been in a triangle that I couldn't breathe in

thank you

I love to see wrestlers shit on semen spunk

Aldo will get the job done, right heem?

>hell bent on religous values
>have a cuckhold fetish

things are adding up about these connorfags

Sick roast bro. The fact you recognized you can interchange can and cuck is 200 iq shit.

>Round 3
>McGregor landed 34 of 53 significant strikes and 44 of 62 total strikes, while Nurmagomedov connected on 15 of 37 significant strikes and 17 of 39 total strikes.
>boxed up
Hm, it's almost like 3-second webms don't represent the actual story of the fight...

I was only seething after cowboy exposed Al as a real estate agent bum. Can't believe I fell for that hype train. It's tawlf b. At least cowboy is a bigger drawl.

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Here cazzie

He had a knee infection that apparently limited his training, but obviously at a really high level so I'm not sure how big of an impact it will have. I have Aldo as a slight favorite, but I wouldn't be shocked if he loses.

andrade starts the heembedded cupping curse

It seems to be a really 50/50 fight. Put a big bet on aldo so can only hope he delivers and doesn't get taken down

PVZ and Waterson fucking suck at fighting

I think schumers joke thievery is a bit different since it was mostly show related and I've still heard joe and his guests shit on her politics and everything. Mencia was a whole lot worse imo

Can you give me a quick rundown on the video and what it has to do with the previous comment?

oh a hunnerd percent b

I think she's just a hack that got an undeserved hollywood push. You could make this for a lot of bad comics probably.


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meant for
You could probably make this type of video for schaub if you take the time

Can’t remember, but it explains how khebab «outboxed» Gooby

guarantee you're a male feminist with cheeto fingers b

How is Andrade's wife so fat?

>I’m going to browse r/mma tonight. That’s right, r/mma , because /heem/ don’t pay me nothing. I might even let another man fuck my wife tonight.

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because I think they're both undeserving hacks?

Yeah I watched some min of it. The guy does great predictions as well. But thanks for sharing

Joe was just mad Mencia was more successful than him. It was like when south park went after Family Guy. When comics beef it's cringe.

They got married

South park has always been better than family guy, family guy fucking sucks.

Because Andrade is high test af

Cringe. Point proven

The point of comedy is to laugh who gives af. South Park takes itself too seriously now. They tried to make a coherent story throughout the season and realized they can't. Now it sucks.

Cringe yourself fatso

Remember when we used to put images together and people had to guess the fighter? Why don’t we play games anymore /heem/?


Another retard, I doubt you've been alive long enough to experience good comedy.

Isn't the PFL card tonight garbage? It's like WMMA and flyweights or something

Yeah here's a game for you: Shut your mouth before I kick your a**.

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>Kayla Harrison says she can beat Khabib in a Judo match
>Khabib is forbidden by his religion to touch women who aren't his wife and would be forced to forfeit the match
>mfw she's technically correct

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Slylock Fox was based

Hey listen heure b I fer ser hav sen sum good calmady. Calmady is serius buziness b you can't jus go around laufghing at stoopid stuf. You gotta laff at wut the critics lik b. If u laf at stoopid stuf then water you doin? I meahn water we doin hear? If critics dont lik your calmady youll never b a drawl.

Well, I guess Khabib has to marry Kayla

Me on the right

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Former Ultimate Fighting Championship lightweight and welterweight champ B.J. Penn is full of confidence for the road ahead, as he will be back in the Octagon taking on Clay Guida this Saturday at UFC 237.

Although Penn is riding a six-fight losing streak and hasn't won since UFC 123 against Matt Hughes in November 2010, the UFC Hall of Famer is still confident he has what it takes to win. Not only does he think he can win this fight, but Penn believes he can win back his belt.

"I stopped thinking about legacy years ago. I fight because I know I will be back, I know I will be back on to the top again," Penn said to TSN on Thursday. "I fight because of what I believe. I believe in myself, I believe in what I will do and that's why I'm still here fighting today. Of course I love fighting and this and that, but you be crazy for me to think I am going to get my ass kicked again. No, I believe in myself, we are gonna go out and we're gonna go get the belt back. As crazy as this sounds to everybody else, everybody know everybody out there, things might be hard, don't stop, keep going."

He ended by saying, "If someone doesn't believe in you, you look at them and tell them straight, your lack of faith disturbs me, leave."

To do that, Penn will need to get a win over Guida and start to work his way up the rankings, but the 40-year-old has full confidence he will do it.

Wake up deecee, it's all over... You beat Jon Jones at heavyweight, but I am the new generation. It's time to retire.

The spammer isnt actually taking the picks reply here i will take them

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Jack Black?

The controversy surrounding this statement is in regards to the high chance that BJ Penn will suffer yet another defeat in a series of many prior defeats. The confidence with which he delivers his sentiment appears overtly naive and even a bit desperate, as it seems likely his legacy will never be reclaimed like he wants.


stay away from drugs kiddos

Are you retarded or just a newfag? Based spammy has been taking picks for the past 4-5 cards.

this reads like a reddit comment because of how seriously it's written, as if people need Captain Obvious to explain how absurd BJ's proclamation is

Unironically I bet the fat guy they picked out of the crowd to fight the pro wrestler could beat Greg Hardy's last two opponents.

If Jack Swagger was 27 and not 37 he could've been the HW GOAT but he looked like total shit against the guy they picked out of the crowd to face him last time. He'll never be able to beat a real fighter.

lol since when was Khabob too big to be a lightweight? he's roughly the same size as everyone else

Holy shit, he's older than cuckboy canronne. Well, maybe he's not the one to beat deecee.

There's no controversy. BJ Penn is ACTUALLY MOTIVATED this time for the first time in 10 years and now the young lad's career can really begin! BJ Penn GOAT!!!!!

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Holy shit the upcoming cards are fucking atrocious. Is there no one good left in this sport?

He has a god tier body and 20 foot long arms too. With his wrestling background and steroid background he would've been the GOAT of the post-broken Cain era. Life doesn't always work out that way though.

Lellator has two great fights and one meme fight and one decent fight this weekend. UFC has...BJ Penn getting KO'd for the 12th consecutive time will be fun I suppose.

I was about to disagree but fuck you're right. Literally no good main events until 239.

Based and functional legpilled

BJ and his wife finally found the right boyfriend for her and now BJ can fully focus on reclaiming ufc gold. I'm happy for them.

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Literally zero good fights in the entire UFC until August. WTF bros I can't take this....


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For me? It's Ladd

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I hope Marreta pulls out tbqh. Jones vs Rockedcold would be pretty based.


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>it's literally more than 100 UFC PPVs since BJ Penn won a fight


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didnt you see the manuwa fight bro? Marreta never stops going forward throwing wild shit, we're gunna see a spectacular KO I cant wait for that fight

*sharpens elbows*

how many plates do I have to lift to fuck Ladd

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Tony time

Want a gf with masculine features like this. That's how you make alphas.

How do you not believe in a man with a record like this

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RMma is unironically better than /heem/ at this point


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Did you not watch the Jan fight where he did nothing the whole fight? This will be Jones/Smif 2.0. I know he KO Jan, but Jones isn't going to get slept by a sloppy unbalanced check hook.

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>slav squatting ladd.jpg
>heels off ground


I think he fought that way against Jan because there was only 2 months between the Manuwa one and Jan + he knew if he wins that fight he gets the title fight. Trust me bro the fight will end in KO probably for Jones but it will be exciting

stay there then

The BisKING era was peak /heem/. We'll never get back to that point, it was our ceiling. It's all downhill from here.

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Nahhh the hardest I've ever laughed was when /heem/ converted to Islam for like a week after Khabib smashed Conor. One of the Leafs was putting out top notch material

Rose will win if she simply channels her inner prime Schaub

Inner Schaub gets heemed by outer Pat Berry.

Aldo is champ by the end of 2019. Calling it.

>Watching Brazilian Embedded
>Just saw Volkanovski walk into Taco Bell

They don't even have that there

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Heh, I think you mean Volkanovski, my guy

why is this embedded series so fucking boring?!
volka is literally the best part of it

I think Anderson and Nog kissed each other on the lips on the last embedded


Based spammy


I heemed your mom with my hard cock

>tfw no kayla gf

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Lol even if he manages to smoke Volkanovski they are not giving his retiring ass a shot at the belt

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Americans look so wealthy and beautiful like Hollywood stars.


Rose Namajunas is nothing more than Pat Barry's physical and mental property. Everything she does is for him and his cock. She is not an individual fighting for legacy, nor a role model for young girls across the world. She sees none of this in herself. All she cares about is daddy Pat.
Imagine actually supporting this man's groomed sexual trophy over Andrade...

>Mutt Dyke vs. Mentally Ill Coalburner
fuck me i can't wait til /ourgirl/ Tatiana saves us from this degeneracy

imagine caring this much about wmma

This is in Jew York City, Ivan. Jesus, give us a fucking break.


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What are you guys watching?


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anyone got a link to pfl?

PFL is on ESPN+ right now

imagine not

imagine not being BASED calendar

Try r/mmastreamz

>Magomed Magomedkerimov

She is 8/3 mate. Another ufc female hypejob

>this man's groomed sexual trophy
Ya, I'm thinking based.

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Andrade will break Rose mind and soul on Saturday night and it's going to be funny where she'll retire and become a victim of wife beater syndrome.


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Andrade is /ourdyke/, Suarez has nothing against her.



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user, I...

WMMA is the future faggot.

For those of you who think Chandler is doping


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there is not a single sport on the planet in which female competitions are relevant

Rape trials

u just broke his heart


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The Hawaiin guys that are fighting eachother are cousins

Based Rocco

Post reasons why you would be posting in heem but not watching pfl right now

Boys. Are there any porn lookalikes of Joanna? Asking for a friend.

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Going to sleep in 20 minutes. Don't want to get pumped up by a fight

Marreta will fold Jones like a lawn chair

Moi bratb have a good night of sleep

Is he even fighting ever again?

Thanks. Will do


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>next fight features two 6 ft women

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imagine fucking Kayla Harrison

Fuck DCuck
Fuck Rocksalt
Fuck Khabitch
Fuck Can

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Caroline Pearce is a dime, what a fucking milf bros

Did Randy Couture leak a video of himself jerking off or did I just dream that?


This Aussie chick is having her period out of her face

Nobody really knows how it got leaked but it's out there

Jessica Andrade
Anderson Silva
Alexander Volkanovski
Thiago Alves
Francisco Trinaldo

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>that black dude who beat askren is a B-B-B-BEAST dana give him a contract now!!!

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You have to stay back


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Larissa Pacheco has two career losses, to Jessica Andrade and Germaine De Randamie. She was a betting favorite in both. Massive step up in competition for Harrison who has never faced anyone remotely decent, +1200 is fucking retarded

Thug Rose

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Serbian Steel is going to remove Brazilian

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>155er losing to a 115er

Yves is my new favorite ref this guy is of the highest order of based


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>wake up

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Harrison is actually fucked but the cazzies don't know it.

A girl gave me a compliment in class today and I completely froze up and turned red. Started sweating too. Holy fuck I wish I could restart the day

>poke poke poke poke poke poke poke

In combat and sex user. Prepare to see more female fighters in fighting for blood, family and glory.

It's going to be very biblical.

this stream is crap, are we all seeing the same thing?
The two tall ladies are gonna fight
we on the same page?

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They already fought lol we're on the next fight.

the black guy who manhandled askren is legiid but he couldn't get pass USADA.
Gaethje heems both btw

Lol no elbows to the body, this semen slurping league isn't for me

>thats the sound of freedom
at least the ads are working, even if the stream is shitting the bed

I'll admit, this is pretty good.

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i missed this heem

oh wait that was the main event?
oops i stopped paying attention to the decision because i was bored
i assume the hue won

Sauce on any of this?

No the next half of the card is on espn2

I went through so much trouble trying to find a stream just to realize I could watch these cans on espn2

that makes sense, i wasn't really paying attention

also this dude is called magomed magomedsharipov lol

Lol why don't you have ESPN+ it's so fucking cheap

PFL is the world's leading importer of Magomeds

I think Schaub is a tough matchup for Kayla

It's actually Magomed Magomedkerimov

magomed magomed magomed magomed

God this cunts voice is irritating


>Doris making fun of the announcer on live tv

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why the fuck would I have espn+ ?

This Michaud guy looks a bit like Hendo

To watch 90% of the UFC what are you poor? It's less than 10% the price of cable

>female cage announcer

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80" reach at welterweight


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>ESPN+ nigger calling me poor

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what a pussy ass cracker lmao

>Swedish Denzel Washington


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real men don't even have livers

How the fuck can you not justify paying $50 for the whole year

by paying nothing at all and just getting the streams for free
that $50 a year could buy me £38.43 of Christmas weed

That guys too white to be a swede. Wonder where his parents are from


>How the fuck can you not justify paying $50 for the whole year
Danas sons birthday party was big enough as is

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>flushed aldo vs literal who
>some skinny stupid hick bitch vs a dyke (both are shit at fighting)
>some random nigger vs flushed silva
wait does the shit FC actually expect people to buy this LOL HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH

Or just buy ESPN+ and the weed

im not made of money

Live in a more affordable area

>advertising UFC events during the show


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Been a fan of Kaufman since Strikeforce and I'm not even remotely joking

the girl in red is kinda cute
i hope the slam pig doesn't mess up that face too much

Sarah has massive thighs. She's gonna starch all these girls too

Based even fatter Kaufman

yo ,,, are those toyos ?

Ayo check this out

I knew this guy, right? *crowd chuckles* This guy. He pays FIFDEE dollhurs a year to watch the youeffcee. FIFDEE WHOLE GODDAMN DOLLHURS. *crowd erupts*
I asked him "wudereyouevendoin paying when you can stream it for FREE?"

Guess what this guy told me? He said "Danas gotta eat my man, the fight game is A BEAST."

*audience explodes*

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definitely an upgrade. Tits look like they wouldnt move at all

you have toyos as well?

i can see this becoming a new schaub meta meme, i hope to see more

Kaufman will end the Harrison meme


A espn+ subscription isn't going to give you 90% of the UFCs you bum you still have to pay for the ppvs

these guys aren't actually blood cousins, right?


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second cousins

its a work

>I’m a Randy Couture fanboy. Did you see him jacking off on the internet? He spreads his asshole. FORSURRRE and also GADOOSH.

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i train at the same gym as her. Shes very stoic

Close enough I guess.

God I hope so

Does anybody else root for the cans? Based TJ the butcher just wants to take his kids on vacation.

Aight so there's 43 events a year. 13 fights per event, 559 fights a year. 25 fight nights all on ESPN+ which is 325 fights. Maybe 5 ESPN cards which have prelims on ESPN+. 35 more fights. Ppv for 13 events, early prelims on espn. 65 more fights. So 425 of 559 on ESPN+. 76%

Wake up, DC.

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Went to a cage fight and a family pig roast broke out

Based Cooper ended the Jake shields meme

>five warnings
>gives another warning

>entire nation of Hawaii
Is he retarded? Also, take a fucking point you spineless cuck

Andrade is fucking good in takedowns she will put an absolute clinic.

Have you never heard Max Holloway talk about the islands?


Hawaii is a nation you crayon eater

wait why are elbows not allowed?
thats not very heem of them

Muh cuts

The model relies on the fighters not getting injured

Don't they have to fight like 6 times a year? If they get all cut up they cant take fights

We didn't even get a good view of the choke

Cuts to the body are EXTREMELY dangerous

they dont look like cousins
but maybe thats just what it be in the states

No it's not. It's a bunch of fucking islands that belong to the US. They aren't allowed to be a nation.

Does anyone actually think Kevin Hart is funny?


Obviously, did you see them run up and down the aisle?

It's a mindset no one was actually claiming that they were a different nation

It really isn't officially a state, look into it. A bunch of pineapple faggots didn't want to pay import taxes so they bribed Congress to give it statehood but Hawaii never agreed. It was literally worse than Saddam invading kuwait

>They call him MAGA
Holy based.

>Donald "Cerrone" Cowboy
Why did I laugh so hard at this?

is this guy a ginger muslim?

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Hey there! It seems like you're having some trouble with the definition of the word 'nation'! That's ok, let me get that for you.

"A nation is a stable community of people, formed on the basis of a common language, territory, history, ethnicity, or psychological make-up manifested in a common culture."

As you can see, the word nation actually has nothing to do with sovereignty! So in fact, referring to "the nation of Hawaii" is actually correct, and basically, you are fucking retarded.

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Based, I still want to see him getting heemed but sounds pretty based

John Howard is going to mop this smelly rat

The absolute NATION of heem

Was at 235. Thought Askren was dead after that slam

fooking based

Is round winning % a good metric for determining P4P rankings?

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i feel like this event is just a big waste of time, just show Kayla's abs already


For me it's


Nope, quality of opponent is wildly imbalanced

Why do they call the Muzzie MAGA?

>mohammad mohammad's son
the absolute STATELESS NATION of muslim naming customs


i hate muslims

Your mom and I are a nation because I have sex with her

>literally couldn’t last five seconds in a fight
>talks shit anyway, plus a Canuck

/heem/ is a nation of acceptance

Why is this black dude starting the fight with a mouse on his forehead


conor wins the rematch
askren was out
prime schaub would heem ngannou


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If you lose to Ryan Hall you should be required to retire the next day


the black man has autism, he is our guy and we support him

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All are equal in the eyes of the Blood God

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Howard is officially heem's guy (not mine, I'm on rmma more)

That dude is pretty legit

This point system that encourages fighters to get early finishes is extremely based.

>Magonedkerimov beats the shit out of an autistic person before choking him out
Muslims really are soulless fucking savages

Feels good to be on The Magomed Team

they hugged afterwards so its ok

Based Doomsday serving as a squash for the champ

Actually sydney and melbourne have one each now

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Who the fuck gave John Howard a black belt, that was fucking pathetic

fucking finally, i just want to see Kayla heeming some bitch

>tapping with 6 seconds left
was it autism ?

send me to Fagestan and ill round up and wollop the lot of em

The kayla meme ends tonight brother. Sorry

The two round playoff format is a retarded stallfest

No for sure she's a deadly striker

Just tuning in for the main event, why are there so many empty seats?

Ronda's striking is boxercise tier and she still knocked a couple bitches out just because they were so scared of her judo. Kayla's judo is far superior to Rondas

Men going on piss breaks during the WMMA.

Kayla is kinda hot

Hopefully this little Amazon goblina midget gets heeemed

Larissa heemed every fighter in the North region before going to the UFC and get flushed by Andrade and de Randamie

Reminder Pacheco was the betting favorite vs Andrade and De Randamie, her only career losses

you shouldn't call women "bitches". it's disrespectful.

yeah she was legit here, it's a short notice fight tho

The woman I was talking about is literally named Bitch though

For all her flaws Ronda legitimately hit hard as fuck

Gotta give it up for PFL actually assembling a legit 155 pound division. We're still waiting on that mythical 145 pound division in the UFC

I love to rape women in the ass

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Are these really the best brains to represent the art?

I like the way kayla fights, constantly active

u'r just saying that
i bet ur'e a sweetheart irl :)

Juiced out of her tits vs 115lbers she's a monster of a beast

I always tell them I love them after does that let me get in to the sweet heart club

Why are you so miserable dude

Why doesn't Cyborg go to PFL? UFC is obviously done with her.

my sweetheart got wrestlefucked :(


Face it that was a tough fight for Kayla that Brazilian dyke is tough bitch to deal with.

ufc wont let her go but also wont give her fights

they are punishing her and losing to nunes is the icing on danas cake


>ugly butch dyke

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You forgot Bellator can actually make great stars and the womens division down there is fucking stacked Dana knows that she's an huge hit elsewhere.

Its Kayla, Sarak Kauffman, and two TUF rejects

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is ufc purposefully putting on dogshit after dogshit event because espn is guarantee paying them?

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Tell me which upcoming events are "dogshit" and I'll tell why you're a cazzie


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everything since holloway v poirer, the next ppv, rda v lee, then we get 3 good cards in a row

What it's gonna come down to is whether they start losing subs or not

2 good cards in a row not 3

I told myself I was going to go to bed an hour ago

Was it autism?

Throw on Lewis/Ngannou

Post your walkout song


in all honesty I would prefer to just walk out with no music. when I wrestled, I would sometimes listen to music to try to get myself excited but it just felt forced and I always wrestled better when I didn't listen to anything and just stayed calm


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That's why "9/10 fights go to the ground so you better learn BJJ" is a fucking meme. If this happened in a real scenario Askren would've been dead after that slam if it occurred on any hard surface. Literally all you need for self-defence is boxing + wrestling.

Rhythmic gymnastics and balance beam. That's literally it though.