This piece of shit is going to start a CL final

>this piece of shit is going to start a CL final

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he played well today though

And he’s still a nigger

Never understood this dumb hair.


Ugg ugg, Stupid monkey.

>this piece of shit provided two assists in a champions league semifinal to take his club to the final
Was he actually not shit all along?

I'd feel sorry for mixed race mutts if they weren't so degenerate and soulless

have sex

>piece of shit
>two assists
yeah okay

Why are half-castes so physically repulsive to me? I have absolutely no issue with full blacks, but there's just something about mutts that just make me feel queasy.

His assists were shit and so was he

fact: if his name was ibrahim dele-alli, he would be widely regarded as england's best player

Have sex

Why would I be mad? I’m not a nigger.

When Barack Obama won the noble peace prize, he was still a nigger

England don't have Muslim players - have sex.

VERY cringepilled

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have sex

>the commentators praised his awareness in webm related in this deliberate setup for Moura
>he was actually trying to dribble it past the defenders for a solo goal but fucked it up, and his teammate had to bail him out
His entire career summed up

Attached: Ajax 2-1 Spuds.webm (1024x576, 1.65M)

yet he still has a better life than your pathetic ass ,even with your white privilege

Anyone can clearly see Ali fucked up and Lucas was there to save the day for him.

Absolutely shit tier goalkeeping aswell btw. he couldn't have made the goal look bigger if he tried

it was at a goal from 3 yards out you retard, a quite literal point blank shot

Shit i didn't rate moura but that goal was kino

a literal QUEEN

t. Nigger from reddit

Back you go Makaka

thpenalty spot where the goal was shot from is 12 yards from the goal line

he's been playing well all season

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>he's been playing well all season
That's a lie and you know it

cringe. seething
he was excellent


do you get paid to be an edgelord?

not true at all
he gets caught on the ball way too much and is an incredibly ineffective dribbler and generally a poor passer
he's a meme niche player whose game is clearly quite limited when he can't play off of kane but he's a great athlete and had a good night tonight

If that was his good night I cringe to think about how he looks like when he's playing badly. Don't think he did anything special.

I still think he is the most overrated English player. Even after today's match.

That's trippier, he's built an entire career off of a few crosses and free kicks, he's bad at every other aspect of the game

his first assist for moura was pure luck but his second for the winner was quite nice
and even when he has a bad day on the ball he always presses very well and has great energy - can run hard for 90+ every game. and he can be having a horrible game and pop in with a goal
so it's clear why he has value he's just too inconsistent and unpolished - he tries to embarrass people too much
trippier is absolutely stealing a living based on being good at literally one thing

Unfortunately this.
I love Dele Alli but he's been noticeably absent without Kane.

Still, no player in England is as enraging to Chelshits and retard Arsenal fans as Dele is.

Attached: Dele+Alli+Chelsea+v+Tottenham+Hotspur+Premier+thRXOvsi_Ncl.jpg (600x400, 104K)

Yeah I don't get why he was trying to take on De Ligt. De Ligt won every header battle against Trippier because he's like 160cm.

El zoomer de las islas britanicas

even with Kane he’s been bad this season.. he made a name for himself as a scoring midfielder, but teams figured out how to mark his late runs rendering him an ineffective shooter

I dunno about "bad" but definitely not as good as he used to be. He showed up today, at least, and doesn't really fuck up big-time, which is way more spursy.

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