Why are nordic men so bad at handling mental pressure compared to anglos?
Aren’t our genetics pretty similar?
Why are nordic men so bad at handling mental pressure compared to anglos?
Aren’t our genetics pretty similar?
All the vikings who could handle the pressure move to England. Only the cucks stayed.
>a football match is representative of an entire race's characteristics
>PL teams are Anglo
So many assumptions here, mate.
Nordic men are all basedboys.
aren't they germanic
It's the spirit of the Anglo. The comeback king. The wily underdog. The guy who was written off yet emerges victorious.
men against boys
*s o y b o y s
When was this filter added?
Not a single person from England scored. Our colonials scored for you too.
Didn’t the english make a comeback against the vikings?
>When was this filter added?
newfag detected
a wise man hires others to fight his battles for him
a while ago to prevent NPC fucks like yourself from spewing buzzwords. guess it didn't work
This. Sick of the race baiting.
If you can force your heart and nerve and sinew
To serve your turn long after they are gone,
And so hold on when there is nothing in you
Except the Will which says to them: ‘Hold on!’
i thought the stereotype was that anglos couldn't handle pressure?
This could explain why >our NT always choke. Maybe the white man isn't built for competition.
>to prevent NPC fucks from spewing buzzwords
meanwhile anyone does anything in literally any sporting event, every thread turns into "HAHAHAHAHA" and "OH NO NO NO NO" 600 times
>complains about buzzwords
>uses NPC buzzword
they're retards too. Yea Forums is long past the days of originality.
Bro Dolberg is so fucking shit. Hope we’ll loan him to vitesse or something next season, boomer Huntelaar is 10x better than this fraud.
Is he cursed?
Why would you start a cursed player in a such an important game?
Well Neres was injured
NPC is not a buzzword, 90% of the newfags here don't even know what a buzzword is, buzzwords are shit like "toxic" "white supremacist" and all that bullshit from the SJW media, cucks who come here are triggered as fuck so they say "it's a buzzword !!!!" every time we use our terms like "snowflake" "crybaby" and all this shit
>only words that people i disagree with use are buzzwords
There is a reason you guys never had significant empires
Dw fella half your squad will be sold/loaned off in the summer :)
Also there were what, 3 anglos in that spurs squad?
>teams mostly fummof foreigners and foreign managers
all the big clubs are in a dump, the "mediocre" clubs who can handle high intensity football get a shot at winning the CL simple as
I'll never badmouth my own players, but dolberg simply isn't good enough. Part ways, wish him well and move on.
yeah alfred the great gave them a massive spanking and pushed them out of the islands completely
Fucking hell central European men are ugly
Whiter than u Mohammed.
>put on the chronic depressed fag
>nothing bad will come from it
Haha hahaha hahahahahaahaha haaha where was neres? Couldn't open his eyes?
England's Brave Lucas Moura
Magnus Carlsen might be neanderthal, but he is Nordic and great at handling pressure. Footie lads are something else, but Eriksen is pretty gud
fuck off finngol, if we were rid of all the newfags from the past 7 years we wouldn't be seeing those buzzwords
Something doesnt add up.
Anglos are just high-energy. We get it wrong sometimes, but we're die-hards and see things out to the bitter end.
But Eriksen was shit last night
anglos are a mix of the chads of all races that wanted to cross the sea to england
nobody wanted to cross the sea to come to nordland
>depressed scandi dude
He doesn't even look like a Dutch guy, you cannot even recognize one of your own? You all look the same there, pale and blonde.
Nords look so goofy, compare Dolberg and Eriksen to Benelux master race like De ligt/De jong/vertonghen/alderwiereld
To be far he hasn't seen a white person in years
> /Pol/ exists
> White supremacist is just a buzzword!!!!!
All the good ones come to play ice hockey since soccer is for fags.
Kiwis fear the /pol/
Well when /Pol/tards start shooting up our country, yeah
Even though it wasnt even /pol/ you boomer
Ajax is young, plus their GK is African. Their GK had shitty positioning on all 3 goals allowed.
Your premise is idiotic.
Yes I'm sure the 8 chan member has never spent time on Yea Forums lmao fuck off retard
Is it just me or was De Ligt way better than De Jong last night? (I don't watch Ajax enough to know who's better overall)
You could argue De Ligt was their best defensive(and offensive desu) player yesterday while Frankie got overrun in midfield kind of like his new team Barca did the day before
I'm sure he has been to a super market before, so what?
Mate, your whole national team is african, at least with club football foreigners are expected and they aren't masquerading as anglos. "France"s most recent world cup victory is basically the same as when trannies break weightlifting records.
they were both shit
They are zoomers and they played against people who've played 2 world cups and been in CL like 4-5 times before.
nords are trash shit in sports.
no, a weak one does.
your national team is filled with africans as well and yet you win nothing, deal wit it, being ethnic anglo means you're fucking shit playing football.
/pol/ is mostly non-white and paid actors. really proving yourself to be a brainless vessel.
Kane was the WC top scorer
Meanwhile your french striker did nothing and was carried by niggers
This is incredibly weak bait
>a korean
>a dane
>a belgian
>a bunch of niggers and mutts
Kek, did you hear those dutch faggots singing at half time?
the plebe filter
damn footix la
English sure are famous for handling the mental pressure of penalty shootouts.
A year ago he was supposed to be the next best thing, what happened
got injured, dipped out of form and has continued on like that ever since
>The wily underdog.
Conquered more than 2/3 of the world.
he needs to come to Leverkusen, only Bosz can unlock him.
ancient history
Dolberg looks so depressed nowadays
Christ, blonde haired men look like such pussies. No wonder they’re all cucks
Anglos and nords both are bad at that kind of thing.
African guys led by a german or an argentine are a different story.
Back to /x/
You realise there are a huge amount of people in who literally idolise him and call for others to follow in his footsteps right?
From being a tiny island that was being bullied by Spain