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Euro leagues had no advert breaks but have ads on their uniforms. American leagues have advert breaks but no ads on the uniforms.

Now we're all getting both. American leagues are putting ads on uniforms and Yuros are getting the "this break presented to you by pizza hut" bullshit

fucking amerishits

hate the fucking fascist cunts

I genuinely hope that a bomb annilihates the entire FIFA headquarters
These fucking jews have no idea about what makes this sport so good, they'll ruin everything just to squeeze a few more pennies from chinks, mutts and niggers.

It's all downhill the moment VAR was first introduced

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imagine you're watching the game, VAR kicks in, and it goes to commercial break


You just know those greedy fucking Jews have been looking for a way to interject televsion ads into football matches for years now

> tfw you realize just now how this was the plan all along

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They do this in NRL

why do americans have to destroy everything? you don't even like football, goddamit

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> VAR nonces will defend this

But your aggressive capitalism is to blame.


Football in 30 years:
>This Heineken-Red Bull UEFA Playstation Champions League brought to you by: Heineken, Mastercard, Facebook and Xbox
>5 mins play: first VAR moment! Lets take a short break brought to you by Subway™ Eat Fresh! And yes that ball was clearly outside! Throw in to Wolverhampton
>Foul! Ref is reaching for his pocket... Wait! VAR has seen something! Lets take a quick look...
>This VAR moment brought to you by MERCI CHOCOLATE, share the moment!
>And yes it was a yellow! Ref had seen it right after all
>Play on
>5 mins later
>And thats a goal for Getafe!!! The crowd goes wild!
>But hold on! Was there a foul in the box? Lets see what the VAR has to say...
>This exciting VAR moment brought to you by: THE BLUE MOSQUE™ fashionable clothing for all ages!
>Sadly the VAR does not see anything so thats a goal to Getafe! Wolverhampton has to really give it their all in the second half!
>We'll be right back after these messages!

Pizza Hut? More like Pizza Butt


>Click here
Kek don't forget that Ligue 2 is Domino's Pizza Ligue 2, we're becoming America at this point it's fucking ridiculous
We also had the budweiser man of the match during the WC 2018


everything becomes clear now

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it's the american way

Based Fifa promoting alcoholism

Can't wait for the


Why will this board rail against the excesses of capitalism but then fail to support the socialist alternative?


Good post

why do americans like using the word "bodies" so much


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They just discovered what the US leagues have been doing for decades? I remember a game involving OKC when Durant was still there, the last minute of the regular time and the 5 minutes of the overtime actually lasted for 45 fucking minutes because of all the reviews and timeouts.

How come? There are loads of us here and there always have been. Again, if you aren't a socialist or a communist, please refrain from criticising capitalism.

reminder that they tried to divide the games into 3 parts like in hockey when they hosted the WC in 94 (well, FIFA refused)

I knew introducing tech in footy was going to be like this.
The jews are all over it already.

Why is my country getting blamed for this again?

Shut up and take the blame
It's all your fault

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You have allowed your national bourgeoisie to promote extremely aggressive capitalism not only in your own domain but also to the world as a whole. To be fair it might not have been possible without the help of Britain. But your pathetic masses weren't even able to create one single mass left wing party or any other means of resistance. Fucking embarrassing.

Because your country fought in so many wars to enforce capitalism, and most of the world's biggest companies come from your country.

absolutely based

>it's not enough that we make a shit ton of money, we need to make more

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imagine unironically seething over seeing a company's name. Who gives a shit?

Lazy idiocy

not in brazil.
next socialist revolution will take place here FUCK YOU BOLSONARO REEEEEEEEEEEE

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>implying handegg is any better

I went to a handegg once, the last quarter (10 minutes) lasted for almost a fucking hour because of the quadrillions timeouts and the permavideoreview to check if some player had 1 millimeter of his shoes on the line or not.

Cuck scum.

>uhhhh maybe we're the bad guys
Stop electing scum who ruin the rest of the world.

This is happening, I can feel it.

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but think about the GROWTH

You're giving our government is way too much credit for influencing your own shitty decisions

Of course the yanks won't give a shit about jewish aggressive capitalism, they're the ones who started it

i dont know what we did but im glad we're making you fags seethe


Because it's your fault. And I do mean you personally.

>doesn't qualify to the world cup in fucking conCACAf

exponentially expanding the grand canyon is the only way to save football

Fucking (((americans)))

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Your government has theoretical coercive power over US capital (which admittedly is the real villain). Please use your admittedly highly restricted democratic rights to change this. You will not, and you will continue to vote for policies that disfavour you and favour the rich, and those that lead inexorably towards environmental collapse, because you are a class cuck of the most severe degree.

based kike

Because you guys are too successful, and success breeds jealousy. And now we are all trying to copy.

But will they shake hands with Ronald McDonald before the game?

With this type of shit, the 500 teams in the World Cup, the inevitable Super League and the constant talk about money, money and money i just know i will, sooner or later, stop watching the sport i grew up playing and watching

I love the game too much to watch it die.


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Dont forget the Volkswagen Halftime show... fāhrfégnügèn!

You guys team logos are literally the logo of the company sponsor. cry moar cuck

this... now I'm sad

This can't be real

We need to stop this shit now

Well said Portuguese irmão. It's sad that the Jews will ruin sports like they ruined music and television


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Sad about what? South American football won't be like that. I won't say never because being so near the USA is always a threat but your leagues will surely stay the same

It's futebol raíz. I need to watch it from time to time to cleanse myself from all the European shit. Our football is ruled by guys who never kicked a ball in their lifes

You can guess where this game took place probably


>Man U

This is peak English football club culture.

yeah, might be true, but the NT games gonna be just like you posted

Everyone on Yea Forums and beyond with half a brain warned about this and knew it would be coming. Everyone knows the greed in footy will never stop. Everyone was right.

Also, I dont know if you know about "brazil global tour" but it's a fucking disgrace, it is already downgrading our NT

Next is a quota of the times they will have to use VAR per game, so even clear plays will get "review" time to shill burgers and garbage. Football is fucking dead.

No. Was that why they played in Portugal against Panama?

Youve simplified things to the point of hilarity


>we have an exciting special feature of the 2025 Heineken European Soccer Superstars™ Open Your World. Please drink responsibly
>We’re going live to the FIFA HQ in Zurich right next to the Vodafone Tower, Etienne what will the ref likely say about this Taco Bell VAR moment?
>Oui Joe, if you notice on the VAR Roku graphic it looks like Ubungu was just offside
>WHAT A GOAL! This Goalazo Replay is presented by Turkish Airways
>And that’s a yellow card! This yellow card moment is brought to you by Fanta
truly we live in a bright future

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why do you think the champions league will become american sports?

Yes......yes, very excellent..

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this saudi enterprise has the rights of our friendlies until 2022 and they need to make money in each game. So they pick a weak team for us to play against to people be happy they saw brazil win in whatever part of the world that might be


>this saudi enterprise has the rights of our friendlies until 2022
That's pretty sad

>the year is 2036
>the 128-team FIFA Club World Cup Final culminates between powerhouses McDonald's™ Paris Saint-Germain and Coca-Cola™ Colo-Colo
>Mgumbu slides and fouls star striker Rajawani (India becomes an athlete farming country in the future, go figure)
>cuts to 5 minute commercial break full of expensive and over-the-top ads
>stay tuned for the Subway™ Eat Fresh halftime show featuring performances by Lil Guccboi, some jailbait starlet, and the Rolling Stones
I can taste the future, boys

Based and David Foster Wallace pilled

>American leagues are putting ads on uniforms
only the nba thank god

It's Yea Forums mate. I can produce citations if you'd like. But I'm sure you'd rather continue being happy and stupid.

i'm neither nor.

Old Trafford?

Knowing who advertises during soccer games, it's going to be mostly non-American betting sites. Yet we're getting blamed.

bruh it's because our politicians are secret agents of our companies that are secret alliances of european and asian tech and financial companies that force the decision makers in soccer leagues to behave against their own will

Game took place in California, Real Madrid vs Manchester United.

god bless capitalism

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Reminder that divegrass has had electronic adverts on the perimeters of the field for a while now. We may have invented the cancer that is marketing, but you faggots and took it to a whole new level.

Absolutely disgusting. I'll never watch Football again if this becomes a common thing.

Holy shit. Nuke us please

I rather have these that i can easily ignore than to have actual ad clips cutting the game into pieces.

And I thought we couldn't top the horror of having a cheeky commercial between the hymns and the kick off...

>"we don't care about Soccer"
>send their greatest spokesman to a irrelevant friendly game

Rent free punk ass faggit

lmao next thing you will have a soccer superbowl complete with a half time show.

The United States of America was a mistake.

seething Abdulrahman

kys disgusting leftie
go back to whatever shithole you immigrated from

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lmao fuck your cuck sport yuros.

i watched a soccer game once and...

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It's because the greedy suits in uefa/fifa have seen your franchise shit and thought "well we cannot just allow 2x 45min of pure uninterrupted sport, we clearly aren't greedy enough"

Cancer spreads. Yank franchise sports are a cancer. Simple as.

>goes up to corpse, eats its ass and sucks the blood out of its dick
>fucking corpse got me sick!

>my evil corporations
What you dumbfucks don't understand is all of use benefit from that by investing in the stock market. We like it that way and we are not going to changing anything for that purpose. I understand 3rd world shitholes are upset about muh evil capitalism but this coming from a brit? I swear this shitty board is full of commies, poor fags and false flags.

It's sad that it is effective against normies, otherwise they wouldn't advertise their gambling crap so much.

America is Jewish in all but official name. 71.2% of their male population has part of their penis mutilated.


The absolute state of the Irish


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>he doesn't know

>my country
oh silly goyim

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>Brits itt
Lmao, Russia/Putin literally owns your pathetic country. And they commit terrorism against your citizens on your territory and there is nothing you can do about that. While their criminal oligarchs buy your real estate and your most famous soccer clubs. They basically buy your culture and you can't stop them. If you were real brits not some false flagging pakis/slavs, you'd be concerned about that. But you prefer to be assblasted about muh evil america and Ronald McDonald, lol. Fuck you commie cucks.

It is like blaming sugar for getting fat.
Imagine being mad at your own weakness and then blame someone else for that.
Stupid foreign shits. That's their way of coping.

unfortunate byproducts of an imperfect system.
You can believe that capitalism has some reprehensible qualities, while still thinking it's better than the alternative.

Nobody cares, you can literally just watch the game instead of glueing your eyes to a fucking sponsor of all things. American sports give you no choice, the advert is the only thing on the screen for significant portions of a match, and timewasting periods are literally planned to cram more ads in.

No, you're definitely the one who needs to kys. Imagine siding with fucking suits over fans just trying to watch a fucking sports match without having ads constantly breaking up the play.

This literally happens 1/100 games because it's very rare that both teams are happy to settle for any given result. In a league game it's just about impossible.

Imagine unironically using the word "suits" as an epithet. Cringe

> Talking all that shit when your country is buttscared of a couple of chinks with a nuclear weapon

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>brainwash with ads
Legit softskull. How mentally weak are socialists that they genuinely seem to believe if they see a commercial they won't be able to help themselves? No wonder Europe is so fucked up with guys like these around.

lmao imagine being a player when this shit starts
>hey yes I can get your ad seen on TV during the premier league final
>yes i can get called offside and trigger a break
>i just need a "donation"

>soccerfags will soon be unable to use the single retort they have to football


I'm putting my tinfoil hat on, but would this possibly increase the use of VAR? They could be cheeky with it to allow more adverts.

Canadian music was never good.

why do Americans ruin everything

>that flag

my, how the mighty have fallen

Why are the foreigner peasants blaming America for this? Soccer owners have probably been looking for ways to more effectively commercialize the sport for decades. Accept the truth that billionaire Sheiks and Russian Mafia bosses don't give a shit about the "purity" of the sport. They care about money, just like the Mark Cubans, Steve Ballmers, etc do here.

Please no. Keep that Americancer out of the only sport that actually matters.

soccer is so pathetic

Football in 30 years:
> جلبت لك هذه البطولة Heineken-Red Bull UEFA Playstation League إليك: Heineken و Mastercard و Facebook و Xbox
> ضربة البداية
> 5 دقائق لعب: أول لحظة VAR! لنأخذ استراحة قصيرة أحضرتها لك Subway ™ Eat Halal! ونعم تلك الكرة كانت خارج بوضوح! رمي في ولفرهامبتون
> فول! المرجع هو الوصول إلى جيبه ... انتظر! شهدت VAR شيئا! لنلقي نظرة سريعة ...
> هذه اللحظة VAR جلبت لك من قبل MERCI CHOCOLATE ، وتبادل لحظة!
> ونعم كان أصفر! المرجع قد رأى ذلك بعد كل شيء
> العب على
> بعد 5 دقائق
> وهذا هو هدف خيتافي !!! الحشد يذهب البرية!
> لكن انتظر! هل كان هناك خطأ في الصندوق؟ لنرى ماذا يقول VAR ...
> جلبت لك هذه اللحظة المثيرة من VAR من قبل: THE PARIS MOSQUE ™ ملابس عصرية لجميع الأعمار!
> من المحزن أن VAR لا ترى أي شيء حتى يكون هدفاً لخيتافي! يتعين على ولفرهامبتون أن يقدم كل ما في وسعه في الشوط الثاني!
> سنعود بعد هذه الرسائل!


Because most people with functional brains believe that the best option lies somewhere in between capitalism-on-steroids and you-are-now-owned-by-the-state-socialism.

>all these euro cucks hating the idea

Feel our pain, and love of the game, europeens

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>Getafe v Wolves in UCL Final
At least something good came out of it all

You got me there

Advertising consultants get paid millions for a reason, it's massively effective in controlling the spending patterns of the populace, even if you think you 'don't fall for that shit'.

Wolves vs Getafe would be kino EL finals


Always found it interesting how we're perpetually blamed for what are British creations.

>Thomas J. Barratt of London has been called "the father of modern advertising".[14][15][16] Working for the Pears Soap company, Barratt created an effective advertising campaign for the company products, which involved the use of targeted slogans, images and phrases.

>Capitalism? British creation.
>Israel? British creation.
>Thirsting after Middle East Oil? British creation.
>Overthrowing governments, etc to control said Middle East oil? British creation.

Well played, old Chaps.

Israel would have never been a thing if the World Wars didn't happen which was kickstarted by the Federal Reserve Act which was approved and signed by Woodrow Wilson.


So any American sport then

So just like handegg that has 10 min of play and half an hour of commercials?

>USA? British creation.

makes sense


Everyone who was crying for VAR chose this future.
Thank you, faggots.

For me, it's a new champion for this decade

>m-muh capitalism
reminder its european subhumans who let their leagues be run by which ever oil baron spends the most money on a team

>who is edward bernays

the eternal anglo strikes again
i don't mind other countries shitting on the US, we kinda deserve it for a lot of shit that we've done
but fuck the brits, bunch of cunts who always act high and mighty like their hands are clean

>google translate

american marketing capabilities are easily the most underrated reason we have so much influence in the world

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europoors BTFO

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That and Tomahawk missiles.

They have to start getting ready for 2026

fuck off, boomer

>This Heineken-Red Bull UEFA Playstation Champions League brought to you by: ... Xbox
um that's a conflict of corporate interest sweetie

The creation itself, at least of capitalism, is fine in and of itself. It's just that the US tends to take a creation and somehow make it a million times worse. This pretty much applies to everything. As of late it's feminism on steroids.

Ruin the pathos of the moment, look at the scared faces of the players during the check is priceless

Soccer sucks lol

>Implying there won't only be 3 gigantic international conglomerates in 30 years, which owns 99% of all business

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Didn't know women still post here

Are European sports fans all gambling degenerates?

Gotta put sponsorships on the red and yellow cards la