Glad we all agree with this

Glad we all agree with this

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Biologists have to jump through some large mental hoops to be able to call them human

lol tottenshit is the luckiest club in the world they shouldn't have even made it out of the quarter-finals

Liverpool exposed messi and Barcelona

Spurs put a bunch of Zoomers in their place

For me it's Liverpool

Why would jews that lucked into the final be the good guys lol seguro sos independentista catalan de mierda


By default, I guess

There's no good guys. Just a really bad guy and a slightly less bad guy, but still pretty bad.

They're both bad guys but I hate kikes way more than I hate scousers so I guess I'm rooting for Liverpool? Idc honestly and I probably won't even bother watching.

imagine Yea Forums if liverpool finish the season below prem champions and above CL champions.

jews vs muslims

both are bad guys

Yeah 100%

Both bad guys

>Still mad and butthurt

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Is this the weakest UCL Final since Porto - Monaco?

>good guys
the white niggers are sadly just a toe ahead here

>Liverpool aren't both the good and bad guys
I thought we figured this out ages ago /spee

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Pretty much.

tottenham are a fake jewish club anyway. Ajax have actual jewish roots


scousers are worse than jews, believe it or not

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The tribe isn't as dangerous as the green jew


>Spain flag
hmmmmm :thinkingemoji:

redpilled post, the today tottenham was the lesser evil and they triumphed


based irish posta

Think it's obvious from this season that any all-Spanish final is a race to the bottom, fight of the weak

I only laugh at Liverpool because it's funny how they keep fucking up. Now I have to support them.

OP here, I'm a madridista, I'm glad Liverpool knocked out the cules but I really hate scousers, they're subhuman

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>Spurs winning will trigger Liverpool fans and Arsenal fans

please make it happen

Ours is truly the most based timeline

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fuc you. don't put words in my mouth. im not an antisemite. it's good that ajax is full jew

>itt: muh joos
Simply epic xD

Tottenham's never even made the final before, right? Yeah, I'm rooting for them.

Liverpool HAVE to win this match.
The CL winners club is full, fuck off Spurs.

Better than losing both, no?

Two sides that have never won the premier league in the final of the Champions league. Farce, competition needs a name change.

>t. Jew

I fucking hate brits

>its good that ajax is full jew
[citation needed] shekelberg

>full of niggers and chinks
>good guys
try again

>jew owners good
>american owners bad

the state of Yea Forums


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It's fun to watch them both lose. I'm just glad it's not Ronaldo again.

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legitimately good, no nonsense non sóy team
the best football throughout the cup
kult kloppo
kinda deserve it by now
diving NIGGER mane
the sc*use blight

very good team
muh net positive transfer market
le fairy tale narrative
kult poccho
apparently no longer choking
kinda söy
Lads, it's Tottenham

Bruh.... You know if they would have bought Chucky in the winter you'd be all on Spurs cock right now

Why's this guy got fucking boots on?

He respects the people who maintain the grass obviously

I'm an Arsenal fan (yea, I know).

100%, Jews are based af


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Liverpool is onions tough, just look all nu male media root for them for the muh working class

humble & polite muslims vs evil judas

they're both good guys

Fuck off Jews are scum on a mass scale scousers tend to keep to their own shit hole

the supporters sure, but the team itself is not sóy