ITT: Cursed sports images

Post cursed sports images

Attached: poch.jpg (733x800, 122K)

Other urls found in this thread:

Attached: masturbinho.jpg (648x568, 58K)

Attached: 51767986a610be98155fd18882e2940c.jpg (649x365, 40K)

Attached: 1502662591560.jpg (960x935, 81K)

Attached: 7A306204-9134-4140-AE65-FED1684CB028.jpg (1080x1338, 338K)

Attached: jesse-puljujarvi.jpg (702x739, 55K)

Attached: 1556974687498.jpg (750x936, 146K)

Attached: 1551023749986.jpg (620x350, 33K)

I want to cuddle the dogs

Attached: 1554581503040.jpg (736x884, 88K)


Suarez' son biting him

Attached: 1556459277758.jpg (634x627, 39K)


Attached: fbi magnifying glass.jpg (314x205, 10K)


Attached: goleo745896.jpg (374x500, 41K)


Attached: aduvacuum.jpg (600x600, 49K)

Attached: chile.webm (360x360, 745K)

Attached: west boilers.png (680x510, 686K)

Attached: long flight mou.jpg (715x800, 243K)


How did this happen? Was there any attempt by the media to verify his birth certificate?

Attached: 1548107868130.jpg (507x704, 75K)

maradona asado looking tight

He was the product of a marketing stunt to make footy popular in the USA, just like WC94. They just called him the next Pele to get people interested.


Attached: me and my gf.jpg (509x382, 47K)

Attached: EFEC9AB9-0D58-4B7C-B8EE-52101C908A32.jpg (4032x3024, 2.88M)

Thanks for the line around it. Wouldn't have been able to tell otherwise.

Attached: 1548087282526.jpg (960x720, 61K)

>6'0 vs 5'11

Attached: 1554147336076.png (500x375, 370K)


Attached: Portugal0-1Gre%CC%81ciaEuro2004-938x535.jpg (938x535, 152K)

Why is number 4 tiptoeing?

Attached: 0aJHG7z.jpg (960x540, 111K)

Is he okay?

Attached: adsasada.jpg (336x342, 18K)

Attached: 1544663249083.jpg (555x347, 103K)

thats a "she" now

What's this?

Attached: IMG_1069.jpg (455x810, 100K)

Wait did he actually sign himself?

They're twins have you just never noticed both of them on the sidelines before? Like how nigga there's two of them

Ah yes, Everton legend Nuno Valente. How was he Portugals starting LB?

Attached: D186H8IWkAE4HUd.jpg (594x442, 56K)

Attached: 1244533764_0.jpg (330x451, 100K)

Attached: Screenshot_20190501-143930_Instagram.jpg (1080x1920, 745K)

I cant believe someone actually saved this pic

is that ederson and tommy robinson?

Attached: JS99655246.jpg (615x409, 37K)

Attached: jm1829ap258.jpg (1600x880, 155K)

Attached: 266295.jpg (2500x1594, 604K)

Attached: 1544650623262.png (986x802, 1.06M)

wtf is wrong with chileans?

Half of the pics here arent even cursed, they're just funny/weird pictures.
Toothpaste is posting some high quality cursed shit.

No one cares

Attached: BrF3LRsCUAAMpxe.jpg (599x759, 116K)

el autista señores.

hai guise, i heard you were talking about curses...

Attached: 1471drake768649mfw230.jpg (594x596, 81K)

I really like this ball

Is this an old man dying of cancer?

oblak off the shits

Attached: a726b0f.png (525x611, 321K)

Attached: 20190505_114521.jpg (998x1356, 934K)


Attached: 14747151173224.png (990x627, 726K)


>IF you only knew how bad things are

Attached: sloth.jpg (480x360, 12K)

Attached: 1551909529343.jpg (861x492, 113K)

The entire thing was a sham from the start.

le green card lottery 30 year old wonderkid man


charisteas was the definition of a one-tournament wonder

Fuck real madrid

Dios mio... Madre Santa Benedicta ruega por nosotros los misericordiosos... Danos hoy tu pan de cada dia... Amen...

Is that Durant? Lmao

Attached: mou gun.jpg (499x674, 88K)

For me, it's Fortnite - what a player

Attached: zoomer.jpg (1200x1600, 187K)

Attached: article-2721635-206EA4BB00000578-345_634x643.jpg (634x643, 73K)

Truth is, United were shit from the start.

Attached: 1556136460597.jpg (614x407, 55K)

fucking hell this is the GOAT image