Portbros is he the real deal?
Bruno Fernandos to City done deal
I know the answer but I'm not a Portbro so I'm sorry, OP.
Nothing in that article states that the deal is done.
Bruno Fernandes is pretty good in this fishmonger championship, but I can't tell how good he'll be in a real league.
you speak Port tho
so was bernardo silva and he's the best player in the league this year
if bruno turns out shit we can always sell him to manure
I certainly wish Bruno turns out to be as good as Bernie Silver in the big boys league.
is he regarded as a superstar now in portugal? bernardo i mean
I swear all of them's played for Shitty at one point
>tfw they have Mendy and Otamendy too
Might be a cheap replacement for David Silva, or he might flop.
It's Bruno Fernandes, though.
City bench next season - Sane/Mahrez/Silva/Gundogan/Fernandes/Jesus
They’ll cruise through the league easy again
For Benfica fans. Everyone else just sucks CR7's dick and pretends Bernardo doesn't exist.
as long as cerresiete plays, he'll be the superstar and he won't even let it be any other way
wew ignorant bastards
tsu's PR machine is way too strong worldwide, it wouldn't be any less strong in his own country
literally wouldn't trade bernie for that old fart
You're making shit up, stop.
Every Porto and Sporting fan I've met considers him world class and shits on the NT coach for playing him in the wrong position.
>Ronaldo eventually gets outshined by his younger, uglier countryman
Good timeline
>so was bernardo silva and he's the best player in the league this year
silva came from ligue 1.
What does ronnie even have to do with this, haaa
Damn it you memers and your shit posts, fuck off
why are portuguese people handling his decline so poorly?
Bruno Fernandes is world class. Better than the 120M kid, almost as good as Bernardo
Without him Sporting dies
yeah cause he didn't play for benfica before that.........................
almost as good as bernardo??? the fuck
you sure about that? bernardo is world class now
fucking hell how do the same 3-4 teams keep buying all the good players
the fuck is FFP doing
It's such a waste not seeing them play though
>plays well in a shit league for 1 (one) season (uno seasono) and is suddenly world class
I will not be surprised when he flops, just like gonzalo 'i was surprised at how physical the english league is, i mean they told me but I didn't believe them' higuain and alvaro 'they push me over 50 times every game and I never get a foul why is that? also how do they catch me offside every time??? I better return to the spanish league cuz it's easier haha'' morata.
Two seasons, he also played well last season, Yourdanov. Now he is literally Sporting, without him Sporting would be in 8th as we speak
He won't be a starter on City by any means in the near future, but would be on United or Wolves
What do the teams do with their money from transfer fees? Do fans not get annoyed?
Adrien Silva was a letdown in the PL, and got shipped out. I presume this guy is better, since it's Man City going for him?
goes to the owners except in city and chelskis case
Bruno Fernandes is easily the best player iv'e ever seen play for Sporting, one of the GOATs already without a shadow of a doubt
There's no comparison whatsoever with the likes of William 'WC' Carvalho, João Mário or Adrien Silva. This guy carries a shit team all by himself and not only that but his workrate is also amazing, he's always running, always helping the defense, it's not like he thinks he's better and just saves up his energy for when he has the ball
He has over 100 games in Serie A which must count for something. Was linked with Juventus back when he was playing in Italy
He will thrive in Pep's system. I dont think City has a similar player in their team right now. Another team that would be good for him would be Liverpool in which he would be a starter
Portugual clubs are making mad dosh, how come they aren't the richest.
>Was linked with Juventus back when he was playing in Italy
Why did he go to sporting?
he actually didnt play, our absolute retarded manager didnt never played him
Where are the DM's pep? Where are the fucking DM's pep!?
fernandinho is 34 today but still bossing that position
He was pretty good but nothin exceptional at Samp, EL tier players, why are City going for him? Another Liga Nos scam incoming imo
so liverpoop don't get him
He's overrated.
Srsly, he's very good technically but not world class. And tactically he's shit. Go watch a game of Sporting, most of his decisions suck. Only here in this farmers league he would be considered top-tier. For sure Pep isn't interested in him. Maybe United idk.
Sure, but no real cover for that position. But who could cover his position, eveyone who i could think of is well established at their clubs.
>Another Liga Nos scam incoming imo
That's how they fund the league
Yet again Pep shows his genius by splashing millions.
We actually have some nice talent here, but it's been on the decline unfortunately.
Pep isn't interested on this scam, he's not stupid. This is portuguese press bs or it is United.
He played in russia with portugal right?
yes because all the other teams don't spend money
>The portuguese league's track record of selling memes
How do they keep doing it lads? The consistency it staggering.
h-haha yeah b-bernardo was a o-overrated m-meme
t. abdul 'bleed red' al fadil
Kek, we fucking WARNED you about City you fucking morons. You were too busy praying for Liverpool to notice how cancerous they have become. Pep is going to spend ANOTHER £300 million in the summer and the league is going to become a total joke.
liverpool spent that last summer while city spent just 60m ;)
Liverpool spent the money the earned from the sale of Coutinho. City are throwing their monopoly money at players until their squad is impossibly stacked. If you can't see the difference then you truly are a fucking retard.
>m-muh net spend
enjoy your 0 trophies
you all know this is a fakeout to trick United into splashing 200M for this guy, right?
Because a lot of the players were actually top-tier. I remember the squads Benfica and Porto had some years ago, 2011, 2012, 2013 specifically. The other reason is pic related
There exseptions, mate.
and of course 350k a week
Player agents having the ear of decision makers. I knew players like Renato Sanches would flop before he played a single minute in his new team. How is it possible none of Buyern's scouts did not notice how tactically raw he was and how his physical style of play would not succeed in the Bundesliga? A lot of them did, but they have no power and 35 million euros on a sure flop isn't such a big deal for a financial colossus like Buyern.
did they do the same with jorginho lads?
wouldn't have him at city women's even
he did well as a teenager in serie A
maybe one day they'll reach a CL semi final with such a stacked team
Seems like the Portuguese generation after Tsuuu is actually really legit. How badly is him trying to force playing NT football until 40 going affect them?
>t. started watching football in 2017
garbage player that occasionally plays a good game in eplel
Which is better lads?
>joão carvalho
>daniel wass
wtf? lmao come on bruh
14 points 10 rebounds per game
Made the Big 10 all defensive team.
Will probably a late first round pick in NBA.
Bons jogadores, embora não terem vingado no Benfica, sem ser o Nolito, mas esse o treinador embirrou com ele na sua primeira época e foi despachado infelizmente, era melhor que o Gaitán.