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Why does he still have a 18 y/o acne problem?
i don't get it. how do they pay 13m to get rid of him? are they hoping that he'll tear up his contract if they give him a lump sum of 13m? Yea Forums tells me he'd never agree to that.
>player earns 500k per week
>2m per month
>24m per year
>has 3 years left of contract
>total 72m contract left with manure
lmao manure will pay MUCH MORE than 13m to get rid of alexis
he's not going to give up a cent, the guy is already retired
get those 72m ready, boss
I think that's the "finiquito". I don't know the name in english, so I hope you are a CHI
Mutual termination is common when you aren't getting games desu senpai baka.
>the perfect crime doesn't exis-
I would just sit out my contract.
Alexis is a stupid spic, but 72 million for doing nothing is too much for a lazy cunt even if he's not getting games
he doesn't care anymore, he won plenty of major trophies the 5-1 loss at home to bayern made him snap
Here's a /sp telegram group lads
How much did they pay Barcelona for him?
fortunately, I am not.
of course, if you want to play that is.
the richest pseudo neet in the world
Sure, he'll just take a 60M loss to be able to gamble on being hired by another club that won't pay half of what he earns now after a long period of not doing shit to justify any large investment.
severance payment in english
I gave him a request to follow his dogs on Instagram. He hasn't answered. What is his problem?
Contract release clause
arsenal paid ~35m iirc
could also be an estimate of what they'll pay over the next few years. for example if they sell him for $0 to some club in china and offer to pay x% of his wages if they give him a 2-year deal, or something
And United paid what, like ~30M?
don't think that's the case. he probably already has a deal with Jewentus. he's only 29 years old so he still wants to play. playing so much for the chilean national team really took a toll on his body
Should never have left Arsenal.
Not just saying this as an Arsenal fan, but it pains me to see someone that good go for free then basically be a paperweight earning that much cash.
Wouldn't want him back at Arsenal though the greedy shit.
arsenal paid 45m
manure 35m
>pay 13m to get rid of him
lmao so they think someone will pay the other half of his wages
alexis is retired, no club will pay shit
unless you're Leminé Koné
It does. Pic related
t. wobbie
fucking genius
>ManU will pay Alexis 39M to stay away from them.
is he ourguy?
how did he even snake this much money in the first place
the guy must be locker room cancer when spending 39m just to get him out the club seems the best solution
>BOSS is now free to move to China and get 100 gorillion a season while still staying on the United payroll
39mil fuck off money, or 72mil stay here and do nothing money
he was ending contract and city was also interested, so there was a bidding war and alexis won
The 13 million is his contract, he can be free to make more money at another club
Laughs aside, this kind of money wasting should be seriously investigated by a public institution.
Based sanchez
I believe the translation is "paying a hooker to leave"
fuck this club reeeeeee
get rid of all the foreigners
You're all forgetting the endless sponsor deals he's got for just being at united too
he'll have easily made 200mil by the time he leaves
Damn, how good do you need to be to get a contract? Seems like the perfect neet life.
You push your bank card into the machine and enter your pinochet code
Nothing... where is the money?
Its 12am. The money should be there. You need it. You need it NOW.
Your stomach rumbles. How will you feed your family, your dogs, yourself, if the money isn't in the bank?
You take the bank card out. Maybe it was just a mistake. You put your pinochet code back in.
Nothing. Its now 12.01am... and the money STILL isn't in your bank.
You didn't escape your marker twice against Wolverhampton Wanderers for this. To be underpaid scum like one of those fucking miners working in a silver mine outside Santiago. You deserve better than this. You deserve your £500,000 with sponsorship bonus.
You push your bank card back in again
Its now 12.03am.
You remember the goals against Swansea and Huddersfield. Did they already forget? Did they fucking pay Pogba before you? What the fuck does he need the money for? Haircuts aren't expensive when all you do is cover yourself in bleach before headbutting a lawnmower. Does he even have dogs? Does anyone of your worthless teammates?
You look
The money is finally there. You've finally earned your bread for the week.
Thank god. Now you can be at your best for the Chelsea match without needing to worry about day to day finances
>money wasting
It's an investing. Think about all the joy and boss posting they bring to the world.
Now, if only he was behind some of the sours in the dressing room...
Wenger's final dab.
He makes me proud to be chilean, crashing ManUre like the plane a while back
Kinda want many people to confront him about his greediness on twitter and use that phrase
Capitalism was a mistake
why would he leave? he's already 30 and no top team is gonna go for him
i'd rather stay and get my 72mil
it's really not his fault manure is so retarded
filet mignon every night for the dogs
Greatest rip-off in PL history.
>Still, given he earns a £75,000 bonus for every first-team start, Sanchez has earned £2.25million just for being named in 30 XIs in all competitions.
>In addition to his bonuses, Sanchez is said to rake in £391,000 a week as a basic salary. That means the Chilean has earned £25,806,000 before bonuses.
>With Sanchez’s basic salary (£391,000 per week) plus his starting bonus (£2.25million for 30 starts), the attacker has cost United: £10,288 per minute on the pitch, or £171 per second.
>Football Leaks says Sanchez stands to make £2m for reaching a combination of 40 goals and assists. Almost a season and half into his United career, in all competitions, he has only five goals and nine assists.
>Factoring in Sanchez’s basic wage and his starting bonus, the 30-year-old has cost United over £5.6million per goal.
based af
manure got absolutely destroyed lmao
Funny things is, at the current rate, he'll reach his 40 goals+assists quota at the age of 42.
he doesn't care anymore
and most important manure don't want him to play either to avoid paying starting and goals/assists bonuses
but can't offload him to another team either with those massive wages and alexis already retired
it's hilarious situation
bizarre the amount of money manure has been wasting for a decade wtf is going on there and who's pocketing all this money while robbing the club
>pinochet code