
Attached: bestclay.jpg (2048x1365, 618K)

Other urls found in this thread:


FedGOAT comeback on mud tomorrow

Attached: 1522549079249.gif (540x408, 2.39M)

Fucking gay sport desu

it fits you then

Go to bed Andy

terrific thread

Tiafoe walks like he wears polio leg braces

Like a big stiff willy up the bum

Is Nadal legitimately on the spectrum?

He's just a flaming FAGGOT

You could just say he's Mallorcan

wouldn't suprise me

>tfw too busy hanging out with posh spice to play tennis

Attached: masha.jpg (1080x1350, 228K)

fuck her head looks big in that pic

Nadal haters are extremely low T

Lanky women look so awkward next to normal women.

how to rise my child to be a successful tenis player

I've noticed this as well. It's always anime watchers and reddit types

DreddyTennis? More like DreadfulTennis!

Attached: gettyimages-586909502-612x612.jpg (612x530, 26K)

Make him hit a million of balls per day

just succs gf is now miss USA

how does he do it

Attached: IMG_1404.jpg (1200x873, 104K)


Attached: matchfixing.jpg (615x729, 101K)

yeah they also feel it so they need cosy bf who will bring confidence into them
they struggle especially much at ages 12-16, they are fragile at that age

every time

Posh has aged terribly

Muchova is ok looking i guess

What a corrupt, gay """""sport"""""

Speaking of match fixing. Strycova destroyed Siniakova yesterday and is now getting dabbed on by literal fucking who Jil Teichmann. Dodgy as fuck.

does katka date her coach btw? pls say no

I don't know, I don't read Teen Beat Magazine you little poofter.

Blimey, at least make it less obvious.

Attached: Bribery-Photo-James-Green-Link4Business-2011.jpg (1143x764, 275K)


>I certainly want to be able to be a mother and a good wife


Attached: hungover.jpg (1280x720, 89K)

>she's 32
>about to hit the wall soon
i'm afraid i've got some bad news

Attached: bad news.jpg (1280x720, 256K)

She could just stea... I mean 'adopt' a brown one.

Attached: badnews.gif (500x332, 706K)

but then she'll become charlize theron and asking in 10 years time for men to man up and date her while having 2 niglet children

read this from medwed33 and felt it, recalled the feelings when you fail and have to go back...

>you understand you need to buy tickets to Moscow. I did not want it to end like this. I got angry with myself


Cmon Fucsovics

tfw 2007 was 12 years ago
fed was 25 and rafa was 20


Hungarian scum

One of them on tranny treatment.

Great tennis related incel thread


>This community is quarantined.
>It is dedicated to shocking or highly offensive content.
>Are you certain you want to continue?

Also, fuck off back to r*ddit and kys


they show 1986 aliens now, about first 15 min so far(well, 23, but i no longer watch), and wow weaver is soooooo beautiful guys.

beautiful girls
a) give a pleasure for an eyes
b) give a pain for >tfw not with me

You're a true romantic, Boris

is it some kind of fetish?
we must warn girls that pervs are willing to take their wobms :(

i am just trying to be sincere
sadly other ppl in this thread a passive agressive at best, usually just twitter posting

Garin is cute no homo

Shut up you fucking spastic

Zverev is an absolute joke

Attached: 2019-05-03_15-35-52.jpg (498x590, 82K)

Is he going to be just a new Dimitrov?

Attached: tennisjoke.jpg (1125x541, 67K)

>tfw no gf

Attached: 2td6u9fg_alexander-zverev-sad-afp_625x300_12_March_19.jpg (806x605, 44K)

He's from a different timeline

Attached: 125620-600-338[1].jpg (600x338, 22K)

I enjoy this means of communication

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Sakkari finna get DYKED

Attached: Alison Van Uytvanck.jpg (800x450, 63K)

Attached: 1542611118783.webm (640x360, 1.44M)


How am I supposed to believe this guy is the 3rd best player in the world when he makes THIS MUCH unforced errors

Tennis is a dying sport m8. Once the big three are gone, it's over.

Attached: doomed.jpg (261x232, 31K)



Fred is back to No.3


Attached: Daria Kasatkina.gif (590x448, 1.65M)

My boy Garin did it lads

Can't skip going to the gym today I guess


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Do yoy like women with big noses?

I just learnee Johanna Konta ane Bear Grylls have the similar nose type

a topcute

Attached: 09.jpg (960x720, 74K)


Coffin gonna win

Berrettini vs Kohlschreiber isn't being streamed anywhere. Is there a technical problem on their part or just my websites are trash?


Attached: 1485070689057.gif (500x280, 1.99M)

Apparently only center court is streaming and they put Berrettini on court 1 and RBA on court 2

>they went to the third set and I can't see it

Attached: 59530437_429926064439601_3451575073055311868_n.webm (640x1136, 615K)

>russian dad and swedish mother
>plays for Spain

How is that fraud still no. 4?
The ranking system is fucking broken.

some slav? belorussian?

your IG downloader should savve the nickname of IG in the filename

that blonde kuehn?

laura robson

Attached: r7.jpg (1080x1920, 221K)

Davidovich Fokina

no, it works fine

its just we witnessing that, imagine for a second, that if now or big three(four), right now zverev would be no1, alongside thiem, with kchachanov and medvedevd in top-10, and we would think that they are as good as top-10 of 2009, because no.1 on atp with 9000 scores in 2009 = no.1 on atp with 9000 scores in 2019, isnt it obvious?
and kids in 2030 would learn that after the big three era came the era of zverev and thiem/tsitsipas/shapovalov, but now we can witness it would be actaully '''the era''''.
it would be the biggest lie in the worl, some ppl would brag that 'if big three did not retire in 2017, zverev would crush them in GSs' etc
now we can see the truth and we can 100% sure say that after big three retire the next genereatio might take the same spots in top-5, but their GSs wins would be less valuable since they are weak and their '''era''' is weak

>still no.4
Until Monday. And he defends a shit ton of points in Madrid-Rome-RG.

Kalinskaya won title in Praha doubles with Kuzmova.

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Think Gael gives a FUCK?


He's going to spend the summer lying on the beach drinking margaritas and fucking his trophy girlfriend.

Attached: memefils.jpg (1080x1227, 117K)


at least I get to see tsitsichad tomorrow

Watching live? Post pics m8

Is Zverev a meme or he fears the CHILEAN BVLL?

Seems like he was always a meme, just so happens he was dabbed on recently by chilean players. Maybe he's just waiting for the big 3 to retire.

Attached: 1548043071522.jpg (1280x720, 207K)

Oh look, it's fucking nothing

Where are her tits?

Will Fed finally give him a pity win in Madrid before he retires?

Attached: IMG_20190503_220013.jpg (800x372, 51K)

lol no, the nicest thing he'll do is give him a set

Fraud will lose his first clay match

Attached: fedr.gif (476x156, 42K)

I don't wanna study for my exam

too bad, someone has to make the world better, may as well be you

Federer will not lose a single set to claim both Madrid and RG

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I’d still do isla fisher

Nadull with the easiest road to the final as usual
Federer the most difficult as usual


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Attached: Aryna-Sabalenka-Fed-Cup-Reuters-listicle.jpg (825x509, 46K)

>Fixini and Theim on his quarter
Rip Fred

Dem legs



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Sakkari gettin' dabbed on, yo

I want to fuck Sakkari sooo badly...

i see that you are a man of good taste as well

Attached: IMG_1169.jpg (464x317, 28K)

From behind, I hope. She's ugly as sin.

Besides the fivehead she's a qt

She's a fucking minger. Stick a bag on her head and she's a 9/10 though.

Attached: WTA+Headshots+xnE72d1bhwGx.jpg (683x1024, 128K)

ah, did not catch a moment with sweat Konta's armpits :(

just seconds before sakkari serve at 2nd set 4-4 0-0

Looks like a transitional species between man and lemur

>sweat Konta's armpits
you mean: Konta's armpit sweat

Mandela was a terrorist, did extreme harm to his own people and destroyed the country.

Bring back wood racquets

Oh dear

Attached: choking-hazard-1.jpg (800x1199, 145K)

i meant 'sweet konta's pits'

you love her?

I don't love losers

>sabs already out

Attached: IMG_20190504_111935.jpg (800x667, 62K)

I bet her ass doesn’t smell delicious

but she is cute and top-10 player
she wins more often than loosing

>top-10 player
She's #47 and that's too high desu

The most spherical thing I ever saw.

>6-2, 4-2 ahead
>Lose 2-6, 6-4, 6-1
Maybe she is really British after all.

Name a more useless player than Goffin

Protip: you can't


Do you rate him right now, /tennis/?

Attached: garin.jpg (710x399, 221K)

caro is so hot! (emotional) also losig a serve at 4-4, 4-5 now and father coaching

and sooo beautiful *_*



>caro is so hot! (emotional) after losing a serve at 4-4, 4-5 now and father coaching

cmon caro win the masters

does french user watch it? what did father say to her after she was down 4-5 in 1st? she won it 7-5, won 3 games in a row

Would you kiss Caro's mons pubis?



there is aviode of thiem and fan girl, i recalled we heard the speaking of them, maybe the same with caro? she speaks spanish with fans???

she doesnt have it

Is she a fucking alien?

no, she is fit!

a) state why do you like/love Caro Garcia:

b) Post best/fav pic of Caro you have

did you mean the piece of fat under the belly, above the pants/skirt stripe line?

1) gorgeous eyes
2) beautiful smile
3) does the naughtiest things, one can imagine, in bed

Attached: caro_sad.jpg (1024x683, 102K)

wawrinka wrote an open letter

>Morals are declining in tennis: Stan Wawrinka’s letter to The Times

1 agree
2 agree
3 no, she is a virgin

also rare flag

Thanks for your valued opinion ameritard

I took a photo of my gf
What do you think of her?

Attached: 20190504_215740.jpg (624x416, 29K)

That's a man, baby

Attached: rntKywe.jpg (600x315, 35K)

It's behind a paywall but some autist took screenshots if you want to read the full letter

Caro posted a stories just 8 min ago :3

I go to shower - nothing
I come back from it and decide to look again(usually i check it once in 12hrs) - woop, two new stories!

Is her phenotype commom in France?

What did gimmesob do again?

Just wipe you eyes and look at her clearly, at the pic above your post. She is onviously pretty and eye catching. IRL you would really really notice her in a hallway or a street.

He beat the shit out of some guy in front of his two year old on Halloween because he talked to his ex-wife or something

Would you shower with caro?

no, she's not, i've looked under her skirt very closely.

Attached: caro.jpg (2655x1680, 1.43M)

oh user that a lewd question :3

our private life would be undiscloused, sorry, on public we would only hold hands and look at eyes

So is he coming back or what?

Attached: ebam.jpg (680x785, 89K)

Lel Bernie and Kyrgios got a doubles WC

>you will never use that tummy as a pillow

Attached: 62784.jpg (1024x1039, 161K)

I have Amazon Prime AND Netflix. and the combined libraries of the two platforms aren't large enough for me to watch shit I want to watch. why did we stop pirating again

dare i say?? iiconic duo

more like ironic duo

*braps in your path*

Attached: IMG_20180814_181950.jpg (1620x1080, 210K)


who is that? Pouille?

>prince rackets
fits the profile

checks out. didn't know his hair was so short now

Attached: 1544940804048.png (1920x1080, 738K)

>indonesia is rare
nufig pls

So basically he's just being a posturing faggot after the fact and using the controversy for good publicity. He even mentioned how he was the son of a farmer right off the bat as if it was relevant to the discussion topic at all. Or perhaps he genuinely feels this way and I'm just too jaded to believe it. Either way if he is so adamant about standing up for what he believes is right why was he silent until the matter was settled (I doubt there was some NDA or some shit between ATP and the players on the matter). He also seems quite self-indulgent about it.

Attached: Screenshot_1529.png (634x779, 677K)


>Townsend too fat
>Giorgi too Sticc
who is just right?

Attached: 1548135771517.jpg (300x300, 11K)

good pick desu

why does Caro follows Umtiti and likes his posts sometime, but no other men soccer players, from France or from Lyon

your guess?

She _____ _____ ____



she doesnt like him that often, just some pics(like recent 6mln subs celebration), maybe once in two weeks
but she doesn like others at all

she have about 200 subs, but likes likes 6 pics per few day(was liking 1 pic per week few montsh ago)

and your? are you Lyonnaise?

kys you sick cunt



Attached: HA HA.png (469x607, 400K)

>the impoverished hamlet of Jules

Attached: 1548756719145.jpg (1080x870, 62K)

Fuck, I just woke up and didn't notice.


Attached: julia goerges4.jpg (482x594, 183K)

Not elite

Kyrgiwog getting dominated by fucking Jan Struff lmao

>immediately runs to his phone

KyrGOAT the eternal memelord

Attached: meme.jpg (668x668, 84K)


Attached: Kyrshitpost.png (700x899, 841K)



based kyrshit

Mugaruza? More like Poogaruza!

Mugu a shit

Attached: 2019-05-05_14-24-16.jpg (491x750, 93K)

>Top 10's getting BTFO by literally WHOS

what a nice tournament


Attached: images (4).jpg (324x155, 6K)

Madrid so far
More to follow

What were you expecting from >WTA?


is actually fun to watch top 10s getting destroyed

Mugu why


Attached: 1466368512910.jpg (456x402, 30K)


Attached: mugucry.jpg (1280x720, 154K)

ded sport
ded poomunity

based garin

>playing a SF and a final on the same day

Cry more


I'm not. It just sucks for the guy doing double duty

Attached: nadalface.gif (432x295, 772K)

>residence nassau, bahamas
>residence monte carlo, monaco
What the fr*ck Trudeau

taxes are theft lmao



She's dead, Dave

Attached: holly.jpg (170x195, 7K)

Caja Magica? More like Kaka Magica

Attached: 1498005796285.jpg (1521x1141, 408K)

Oh look, Konta's choking again. Useless fucking cunt.


Attached: 1348764844816.png (244x226, 2K)

Basado & Rojapillado

of course its hard to play when you have no support from countrymates ;_;
poor johana


Just a bit of friendly banter, lad

guys how and where can i watch a replay of garcia vs hs wei?

i want to make a recoridng of her being angry and coaching please help

Even Japan knows

Attached: mpv-shot0001.jpg (1920x1080, 571K)

*dances suggestively towards you*

sabatini added a pic 12 min ago
1600+ likes already!!!!!!!!!!!


she is not active for 20+ years

already 15 min and 1925 likes

about 20 likes per 10 sec

2004 and 16 min

>tfw 1996 was 23 years ago and not 20

20 min and 2403

about 3 likes per 2 sec now, 2590+ in 23 min

Attached: 1401104882695.jpg (565x510, 40K)


already 31 min and 3254

32 min and 33

autopost, ~60sec gap


now 33min and 3393

Do you have psoriasis?

fil mort

Attached: IMG_20190504_111204.jpg (1017x562, 103K)

*saves you're sport*

Attached: D5yvNzqX4AAI2CO.jpg (1200x760, 129K)

>ywn have your QT gf fall asleep on your lap while you watch some boring WTA match in the front row
what's the point?

ending myself now

Attached: 1528120058324.gif (300x221, 3.33M)

you jest but going outside is torture. so many attractive women

Damn Nadal looks like THAT?

especially at uni as well, so many

Attached: tomic.jpg (800x450, 39K)

why do u ask

>ostapenko - Kiki Bertens
Rip piglet

ostap jiggled ball 15 times in wta stories
hurry up soon dissapeear

>so many attractive women
just approach them

>at uni
so you already wont look like a creep, since its common to meet ppl there

>busta rhymes

Attached: 043D34A7-8F14-413E-8B02-864066FA18E0.jpg (446x687, 29K)

You now remember PCB was a top 10 player in 2017

Attached: robbo.jpg (1080x1080, 143K)

what the fuck is going on at madrid, all the crashing and banging

Dabarenka should retire

Modric isn't impressed

mladenovic mom is it her in coach box? looks milfish

what game is he on?


I think it's Thiem's mom

Attached: alex-stober-physio-of-dominic-thiem-his-mother-karin-thiem-his-kiki-picture-id971139314[1].jpg (1024x673, 352K)

>Klizan shooting at the ballboy


Oh, fuck off

Attached: Tali_bosh'tet.png (316x560, 110K)

Couldn't be anyone else's mom, she looks just like him lol

She looks a bit like M'lady desu. Wonder if he's ever accidentally called her mommy when they fuck.

>Broken 3 times in a set
>By a qualifier
WTA tier

The same exact facial expression

Attached: skysports-dominic-thiem-french-open_3972501.jpg (768x432, 102K)

Based Fritz

>getting dabbed on by shitz

Jesus wept, absolute fucking garbage

Why don't the big three just retire and let this "sport" die with dignity

>Fucking pussyboy

Attached: u are stupid man.jpg (1399x754, 185K)


Fucking STATE

>fritz is already a dad
>i’ve never seen a vagina
Life is sad

Just b urself


Attached: 1550589876021.png (646x720, 14K)

Cilic might just scrape through, the lucky cunt

>doubting based Cilic


caro liked 8 pics from the same food account 3 min ago

some from febr 2019, one from 13.12.2018 and 06.12.2019, that means she cared and scrolled lol

also i found out day ago(i saved!) that Sharapova scrolled Angie Kerber's fanpage stories lol

so she scrolls thorught instagram 'suggestions' lists too? haha like us ordinary people

I recently got a DAZN subscription and I wanna get into tennis. Who are the cutest women playing in Madrid this week?

Does Collins look kinda like J. Lo to anyone else?

>DAZN subscription
what it have? wta 250, 500, 900? also all replays? 4 weeks?

not for me

btw does Petkovic looks Bosnian/Bosniak/(Hercegovinian)?

Katie and Carina

some French
some Argentinian
some Germans
some Polish(born in xxi century!)
some British
some Czech
some Latvians
some Dutch
some Belgians
some Russians
some French
some Croatian
some Slovakian



myabe forgot someone

why Chile and Argentina have tennis players, but richer and bigger in population Brasil doesn't? Also Uruguay is kinda rich too

>Studying Sharapova: University offers course on Russian star’s cultural impact

>Students will examine the intersections of “representation, gender, and the global in elite sport” as they study the career and media perceptions of Sharapova, a former WTA World No.1 and five-time Grand Slam champion.

>“Picturing Maria Sharapova” is an undergraduate class offered as a part of the 2019 Spring catalog of UC Santa Barbara’s Department Feminist Studies, and it’s taught by Professor Anita Stahl, a tennis fan and doctoral student at the university.

>Combining her BA in Gender and Sexuality Studies from New York University, an MA in Gender Studies from Humboldt University of Berlin and her in-progress PhD in Feminist Studies at UC Santa Barbara with a lifelong passion for women's tennis, Stahl’s academic work seeks to examine the sport from a feminist point of view.

>At its core, “Picturing Maria Sharapova” is not about Maria Sharapova at all. According to Stahl, it’s about gender, femininity, globalization, labor, immigration, history, race, and media - and the ways these concepts clash and intersect - all viewed through the lens of the 11-time highest paid female athlete in the world.


>As a result, the class syllabus lists Sharapova’s 2017 memoir, Unstoppable: My Life So Far, as required reading, along with academic texts

>“For example, one day students might read French sociologist Pierre Bourdieu’s work on class and cultural capital, and the second day they would be asked to scroll through Sharapova’s Instagram feed and analyze how she portrays herself in Bourdieu’s terms.”

>“My goal is for students to question culture,” Stahl added. “The point is not for them all to become Sharapova experts, but for them to think through the layered meanings of the culture they consume and are exposed to all the time.”

>It’s not the first time that a university course has chosen to take on global issues with a celebrity or sports figure as a point of reference. Both Rutgers University and the University of Victoria have offered courses studying pop singer Beyoncé’s impact on music and feminism, while Staffordshire University has given students the chance to study David Beckham, and the University of British Columbia has analyzed the global image of Cristiano Ronaldo.

>The class - initially meant for 25 students, but increased to 30 due to high demand

more at wtatennis.com/news/studying-sharapova-university-offers-course-russian-star’s-cultural-impact


No she looks like that soccer mom that yells at you for going 3 miles over the speed limit in your neighborhood

>6-1 1-6 6-1
Classic WTA

Holy.. Look at this chunky Slovakian gal. I think I'm on love

Kuzmova looks like Kasatkina

inb4 faceblind meme

kuzmova? not that chunky

who is brunette interviewing players after the match?

lol DJ just tuned up this song in 5th set bench pausa at bencic kuznetsova match


tfw 2007

Great victory for Viki.
She has good taste in music.

Attached: Kuzmova.jpg (750x750, 45K)

>Federer vs Gasquet

>tfw neither svenn or denny will rub penises with me
Life is unfaaaair

Attached: E4FC133C-F4F7-450C-9031-76CCA0E72907.png (220x220, 60K)

ripip reddit albot

Good job I'm not eating, you sick bastard.

Attached: 1547298243890.jpg (364x457, 119K)

>?Qeu selupñ aatgre mjjjt
What did he mean by this?

Attached: Untitled.png (756x309, 43K)

Just saved you from a chance of food poisoning you should be thanking me

I thought the NPC thing was just a meme

It’s never just a meme

>inb4 Fred loses in straights

Fred to save clay until he gets dabbed on by myson

This absolute kino will be on too late for me to watch live and I’m upset

Attached: 7C131CD9-6A15-4E43-876F-007F15D806E5.jpg (1536x864, 104K)

brother told me that titipas is doing a AMA on reddit, all the questions are about naomi and medvedev

As if our poomunity would do any better.

Attached: 1535993704207.webm (1280x720, 2.48M)

wtf Konta is THAT good on clay after injuries?

post cute rare caro and i will give a link
also promise you will screenshot caro and try to find her 5 may game vs Hsieh replay

also if you rich - buy DAZN/eurosport/whatever, arent you able?

>inflated ranking
change my mind

Attached: demon 1.png (1279x720, 759K)

Australia is in such a shitty timezone god damn it

>sticc mode
I guess he can run really fast though

>tfw no fat athletic gf

Attached: 22058353701_acd4d8cb9e_b.jpg (768x1024, 153K)

I can just watch the replay
Who is this unit


she's american

medvedev lost to garin guy

do you like her?

Attached: johannakonta_52838475_2327338587520590_1429309663769132163_n.jpg (1080x1349, 289K)

No Boris I don’t I’m happy she lost I can’t wait to read the daily mail comments on her loss

Medvedev lost to Pella, not Garin

>it's a woman screams during returns like she is getting the dicc episode

this nike outfit halep, sorribes tormo and garcia wear - shows a silhouette of nipples

tfw forgot to screencap caro's nips for my private close to the heart screenshot folder :(
no ledwiness, its just cute

So THIS is the power of wta #1... Woah



>like she is getting the dicc
How would you know that?

I like how Kerber was titled the worst ever #1 when she's now the best #1 we can remember. lol

are you polish?

why does 'angelique kerber tennis academy' located in poland, not in germany?

is there a video of Caro speaking Spanish?
maybe with fans after the winned match, like Thiem when he was changing shirt flirting girl was heard on camera stream

>are you polish?

>why does 'angelique kerber tennis academy' located in poland, not in germany?
why is Caroline Garcia's residence located in Dubai, not in Spain?

Both those slags have tattoos. I think Ill pass on this match

wait a sec! Katerina Kozlova looks like *THAT*?! sign me up for the match!

Attached: c4f1581af3061f9b3511b04d8fe189f3.jpg (340x604, 25K)

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>Caroline Garcia's residence located in Dubai
... your wrong, she reside in Lyon




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Attached: kerbs.jpg (620x717, 85K)

Fuck off and die you ugly, lanky, useless sack of shit

>Ferrer will save us from memerev

think I talked to this girl on interpals like 5 years ago

>four breaks in a row
Please just fucking hold your serve this time Ferrer.

Was she from Estonia or somewhere near?

garcia is sooooooo athletic

3-2 40-40 2nd set

does caro go to locker room? what for?

wish i was there to help her

>scratch crotch
>smell fingers

Masha a cute, A CUTE

watching this game, 3rd set 3-0 now
Caro had some backhands this match just like Djokovic, poweful and precise, including the one at 2-0 40-0 3rd set

poor Cristea, Caro is just WTA #1 material

fuck nadal and fuck bigotry

Attached: 1556256255682.webm (1920x1080, 1.24M)

>boomer ohbh match
Is that fatnaldo?

GOAT on clay soon

stop it before i start to imagine what her sweaty body parts smell after 2 hrs game

and the hot part between biggest muscules of body(hamstrings and quadriceps) after intense 2 hour sprinting on a clay too.

dont want to have a lewd, lustful and vulgar thoughts about her

post sabatini
are you from Cordoba btw?

Gaskek is just spraying shit everywhere

>Federer hasn't lost a game on clay in 3 years
What a genius

she doesnt wear cross today... why

her insta is a goldmine


who are the people in Caro's box outside her parents? any detailed photo?

Attached: wew.webm (640x800, 1.16M)

Caro happy and smiling :3

want to be around her, lads...

>These dropshots

She'd run a mile if you went anywhere near her.

she would run a mile to hug me tiiiiiiight and smile, and kiss? sweet fantazies...

>Fatnaldo with his tranny gf

>Fraud wins against post-surgery Gasquet
Didn't look too bad.

>thememe getting dabbed on by Isner 2.0
Damn nigguh

post her

why people like caroline so much

because of her huge rackquet

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liverpool - i ont care
livepool supporters - annyotingest cunts, fuck them

fuck onions klopp
heil marc andre(french name ;) btw like caro) ter stegen

ching chong ching chong I don’t eat no cat

barca is the turbo onions club though

compared to liverpool every other top club is chad choice

Ajax are winning the final anyway.

how did thiem and kiki got together? where, when, how?

whomst is your favorite football club?

olympic lyonnais feminin

based boris



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>ferrer’s annoying grunt for another round
Please save us memerev



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bird up

more like pariBASED

>the state of reddit

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Everyone on reddit belongs in an oven


Yea Forums would've been a lot more mature.

Second part
>host an “ask me anything”
>filter questions

Attached: D6448F66-0CC9-4A22-A9E7-30BDE8A7D02B.jpg (1125x2069, 707K)

you guys sure browse reddit a lot

>ask meme questions
>get mostly canned responses
I'm too autistic to understand the purpose of these things.

Attached: 20181106-rafael-nadal.jpg (950x633, 249K)

Just wanted to see what would happen after I saw those questions last night

I don't care that you browse reddit. it can be useful, especially with tennis news because /tennis/ isn't very good with that. it's just that for a forum that renounces reddit so ferociously, it sure is full of redditors

I really hate when people use a stall to piss in and it’s the only stall in the men’s toilet

i am so fucking agree when i see other men mentioning caro is pretty or desire to date her etc

especially pajeets, they are everywhere, holy shit, now i realised its 1.4 BILLIONS of them and everypone has access to the internet and western media content

>i am so fucking angry

for god sake shitty keyboard!
angry, not agree

You ok Boris? Please post caro with visible snatch

Not surprising

How will tennis fans respond when Djokovic wins 7 slams in the next 3 years and cements his legacy as the one true GOAT?

Based turbo autist.

She has a cockmongling grin though
>myspace angles

Couldn't think of a better name if I tried

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Katie a cute.

kek this is me

>redditors not even hidding anymore

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what about right one?
also is petkovic typical serb in terms of looks?

you are very vulgar, stop being such
no such pics of her i hope
(thought there are 10+ photohra[hers on every big tournament and they make 500+ shots and publish only few in 500x800px resolution... kinda envy them a little bit)

sorry mate it does exist someone post it please

how beautiful is she?

cicak is really cute

does she travel the whole year? no hubby, kids?
she was umpiring day ago adn today again

She looks like a dude 2bqh

no, she looks like a cute/good looking female

She's a dirty little slut

Attached: slut.jpg (2667x4000, 1.68M)

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cicak is cute and walking left and right on a clay now, waiting for roof to be closed

no, she isn't such.

also i like cute pics of her, i mean her bikini look like for 12yos, she completely not thot type to have 30 diffrent bikinis for photos in instagram, she is puuuuuuuuuure

Is that a hint of labia?

though some bikini tan lines are seen on her breasts(?) and that pants have a bit too low waist

(i still think and hope she is a virgin)

and a line between her legs looks too narrow, should be wider


>i still think and hope she is a virgin

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she is awkward, not outgoing, kept close with family
no signs of bf or romantic experinces

Boris BTFO

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You're a very rude little boy, Boris. I think mummy and daddy need to discipline you more.

is that a skin fold of intime zone what is seen?

why people don't watch doubles?

Attached: anamariarodes's story on Instagram, uploaded 7.05.2019, 22.25 MSK.jpg (720x1278, 202K)

Because it's shit and the scoring is dumb

thats here pussy bro

damn, I'm gonna have to jerk off to this now

éjacule sur mes seins, papa!

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Sevastova got fucking dabbed on, yo.

opinion on sasnovich lads?


Ha, the fucking ball slaves are taller than him

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The little Argie twink is getting brutally pounded by the big, strong French bull

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Is this match fixing?

I only watch tournaments that Federer plays in

Schwartzman going down harder than the Belgrano

manlets btfo

monfils dead already

Svitolina must be wearing him out


What was he just complaining about? I've got no commentary.

no idea m8, my poverty stream has no commentary either

Myson, I am disappoint

Quand le amusement cesse, arrêtez

Attached: 2019-05-08_14-09-29.jpg (618x433, 59K)

>Del Poo


That's more like it, Myson

Ignore that post, we WTA now

Nadal is on court lads
Everyone - I repeat
Nadal is on court


Be hilarious if they refunded his bet now.



Attached: monfils.jpg (320x233, 18K)

Désolé, mon ami Africain

How did Pliskova lose to this scrub?

actually yes

I love you, Carol. I will never forget." He broke up at that thought, and walked up to her. She smiled broadly, as if she realized she had hit upon something she had no intention of letting go of. As the two parted, her hands shook and she let them fall to her knees. "You're beautiful, Carol. You're perfect." She lifted her gaze to him, gazing in the wrong direction, a momentary panic in her eyes. "I'm sorry, Carol, I—I'm not as smart as he is." Tears fell slowly to her cheeks as he spoke, his voice thick but gentle. "He's as smart as I am. We've been through a lot together. We haven't had time for a lot, but, we love each other." "You're beautiful. I'll be your best friend for the rest of my life." Even if it would mean losing her husband, which she knew would be a terrible thought even if she had lost her husband. She looked away, and then she stood, wrapping her

Tennis is fucking gay sport. There are just as many gay soccer players as there are gay people around these days. It's fucking gay sport."

We know what we're getting here because of the sheer volume of criticism that's being thrown at Serena. Even after she apologized for those comments, and accepted the help of Dr. Phil, there's still been a lot of hate and ignorance that's poured into her name through the web. After it was revealed that she didn't make the changes needed to make the joke more "realized", plenty of folks were quick to blame it on the homophobic culture of the sports world more than her own own choices. And now Serena has been accused of getting back at someone who is trying to help out the sport with the same homophobia that she herself is accused of.

And that's really where all this comes together for us. "That's what we like about Serena," Nicki explained to the Guardian

Attached: BORIS.png (600x700, 43K)

Caroline, would you like to out with me? That's cool, I got it! And I want to stay with you, babe. So you don't need the shower while I'm eating my pie. You don't get to come down and pick me up while I'm getting some more pie. Mm. Well okay then, let's just finish that pie later then. What about you, are you enjoying? What does the bedroom look like? [moan] But don't worry, I know it feels too clean. I'm sorry but if you're not, I still won't stop you. [moan] Now I'm only down to my panties and a bathrobe. Can you help me get things ready for the bath? I have a great skirt. It'll stay nice and neat, if you don't mind. I'm sure you'll like it. Here, let me pull my skirt up a bit. There we are… Mm. So you can see all the cute little folds of my pussy? And the little slit between my thighs. I'm pretty sure I've seen a few girls that are wet and horny before so this is pretty hot, and

funny site

>Caroline, would you like to go out with me? What's the matter? Yes, of course. You're just getting off to it aren't you Sarah? Yes I am, but you're already hard. I'm going to take off all your clothes. Then I'm going to pull my thong off and I'm going to have it over your head. You can't be so hard now! Yes your cock is getting harder, but I need you to do your part. Okay, I'm going to put another one on because you're going to be harder than a horse. Yes I get it, Sarah, you'll be very hard. But don't get too excited. We're just going to keep going. Now

The doctor had told her to stop taking the antipsychotics. She stopped taking them, but he told her to keep on them — for as long as he could — and he'd go buy new.

She was on those drugs for more than 15 years. "I was just really depressed," she said recently.

Boris had been with her in the apartment, and later had taken her to bed, because he knew she loved him better than him loved her. She would go to the toilet with him.

He left her when her partner fell ill, and she never saw him again. Boris was eventually convicted of the abuse and spent six years behind bars.

Meds are THE BEST!

Attached: vz-8J2RZJKU sabatini 1988.jpg (800x450, 135K)

Take your meds.

Be aware of when you are sleeping and whether you are in bed.

Take it seriously!

Don't do it recklessly, it may only delay things further.

Remember there are many things we can do to help you sleep better.

To get started:

Take some sleep aids to help you fall asleep. Here's a great site. The problem: the pills are designed to be taken several hhs in a night. So you can't really take them in the morning, because you would miss the sleep you should have gotten before.

Get some light sleep. Many of us get 3~4 hours of sleep a night, so I recommend getting about 7h at night.

Watch the videos in my videos section. These are great ways for you to relax, even for a change.

Doing the same things you do to sleep will help you sleep better without them.

To find more information:


Well, this thread sure took a strange turn.

this is insane, feels like UK user posting

>Caroline, I love your hair. And I think you need my help. I mean, you look great, but I want to hear what it's like getting your hair done. And what is it like having a bald man look after your scalp?


>Del Poo
The fucking state of Argentina

>tfw pavs shitposting from spain on Yea Forums


Attached: oof.jpg (647x500, 70K)

Nothing gay about sucking a fat cock now and then.

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my bad. somehow I fucked up the first naem.

So why did Caro named her dog an "Endy'?
Is it a popular dog name in France?

Did she name him in honour of Andy Murray, who made a good word about her in 2011?
Did she name him in honour of actor Andy Garcia, whom with she shares a phenotype?

>sloane in charge of any sort of consistency

Attached: 1493484840135.jpg (853x480, 53K)

>Watching the tennis with the sound
>One eye on an old movie on tv
I shall be sending a strongly worded letter to Film4

Attached: gorilliams.png (847x759, 708K)

>*with the sound off

sunny caroline

good porn name

You pervert vulgar fag, stop runining pure discussions

i called her sunny cuz she is shines, i love her smile, she emits lights and good energy
around her like aruond angel

also sunny was a nickname of alix von hessen when she was a kid, i remember that


Come one i wanna see Zverev loose

Why aren't you cheering for GBAZ?

RCAZ's playing style is fucking boring, even when he won.

Fair enough.

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screenshot caro!!!


Boris on poopeecide watch

Jesus christ, is Kvitova even human?

Caro has an autistic serve


do you think she played good today? i did not watch closely, unfortunately, only few games, but kvitova indeed had good choice of positions many winners very preicise and cool. maybe caro did not gave her much pressure or?

yeah, cute

also in the end they hugged - are they freinds? i remember earlier games against each other - they hugged too! so, they are friendly since when? or just because they are nice(both considered as nice non-scandalaous non-bitchy girls by tennis fans online) and they see niceness from each others eyes and decide to hug or what?


I want an ATP hat like the umpire