ITT Players you cannot hate

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Phillip lahm

I literally hate him

lol, he's a fucking weasel

Name a more likeable german player

Andrei shevchenko
Pavel nedved

Cristiano TSUnaldo

fuck Lula
stupid leftie

Kaka is a good boy very religious, and your stupid lefty president is in jail now. Fuck you, sopa
gerald asamoa

Spotted the Gambá.


Based but not german



He was my crush when I was younger.

No homo.

Honestly I've just realized that all the players from the boomer generation are impossbible to not be liked. What went wrong with the zoomer generation?

I hate Kaka for his absent personality.

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They play fortnite

this also rounds up the only two likable italian players

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Mertesacker, Podolski, ter Stegen, Reus, Brandt, Tah, Havertz, Eggestein, Stindl, Kramer, Kruse, Petersen. Just to name a few off the top of my head.

Edgar Davids
Fat Ronaldo
Roberto Carlos
>sips monster

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??? He's a total fag

Based lamps

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First of the list is a massive bellend
Not a good start Mr Stone a Gay

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I know he was an ass when he was the coach for Monaco
but my nostalgia goggles stops me from remembering any wrong doings as a player

Thank god
But I can be a nazi rapebaby though who knows lol

>No one's mentioned based Crouchy yet
Absolute state of this thread, literally this is probably the best example of player that everyone loves

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Unironically the gayest list of unlikable cunts ever. Off yourself.

Torsten frings

The huge sums of money in the sport now twist them and they act out of greed rather than passion. That’s at least one part of it. The old generation used to play for the sake of playing football. It’s nothing like that now.

>white brazilian
>can't be hated
he probably lived in a gated community till he's 20

>Thank god

>cannot hate

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>lee classy mercenary

Milner without a doubt. Even if he’s stuck on that shitty team now.

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t. s*udi

how many children have you married today, Hussein al-bin Zawahiri?

Steven Gerrard

My favourite English footballer.


all more likable than Lahm you fucking shitter.

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Name a more likeable guy

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>fuck Lula
Kill yourself faggot.

plenty. now tell me how many glasses you downed today to forget a life of unemployment and poverty that you cannot escape

Not counting Pissifags because they're not people.

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Also kompany

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Not even his son likes him.

>Played in Real Madrid
>Played in Man U
Automatically hated

Who said that? Butthurt messoyfags on Yea Forums? Yeah, totally worthy!

I'm pretty sure there's some controversy with him snaking Ballack in the NT

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nobody likes english players outside of your gated gay league


Ronaldo is a bro while Pissi looks like a cunt.

Literally un-hateable

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Luis Suarez

>plays for Stoke

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Pic related says enough

What are you talking about? Milner is likeable because he plays out of passion instead of a paycheck. That’s why he transferred to scouse team for free just to not sit on a bench. Talking about humane things over money probably doesn’t make any sense to a kike sadist like yourself though.

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miss this nigga like you wouldnt believe



>fuck Lula

I've talked to like 10 Brazilians and they all loved Lula (and they were all white)
I don't think Yea Forums is representative of reality

my italian boys

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*oppressively laughs to the camera*

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if they did love him then (((Bolsonaro))) would never get elected


is he also part of some Jewish plot?

Him and his son (also a politician in the Brazilian congress)

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but Minev (either one of them) is a total cunt

>goes to Russia and China for money
>still plays well for NT
>returns to Europe
>provides that he could play for decent club

Also never plays dirty or dives

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he’s such a strange looking human


this, but unironically
also checked

>never plays dirty
he broke Wasilewskis leg in Belgium

double checked
un-hateable confirmed

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Based GOAT

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I always liked Olic. Based workrate man

I hated Liverpool during his time at the club but couldn't hate him. Not sure how others feel.

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it's a 50/50 situation
half of the country loves him and the other half wants his head on a plate

Fuck no, he was a little cunt

Pic related, both players

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Not a great player, but you cannot hate this dude. Utter based.

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I just forced my way through a nearly 2 hour self indulgent documentary on this fucked. That slip done him in

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He's pretty much a Steph Curry with long hair

Money and fame hits young athletes much earlier, faster and harder.

Amazing!! I haven’t seen this thread 300 times!

The man is everywhere

Based. Fuck zoomer memes


based and checked

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dios mio

>go to Twitter
>search "fuck off Crouch you lanky"
>count the results


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for me, it's Arshavin

I could never hate the guy after what he's given in that Euros game against Netherlands. He looked like he was about to die from exhaustion.

I miss him so much

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we already posted witsel

Money and fame. There's only a few from the boomer gen who are hated and generally it's due to onfield antics or joined a rival club. see
>Keane - I love him but arsenal mongs dont due to Viera stuff
>Figo - played for both Barca and RM
>Maradona - hand of god