Is it time to admit that the premier league is an overhyped pile of hot dogshit full of niggers? Disappointment through and through.

Literally every single Western European league is better and field way better teams, outperforming british counterparts at literally every opportunity.

Attached: shitleague.png (1496x1231, 310K)

>Is it time to admit that the premier league is an overhyped pile of hot dogshit full of niggers?
Do people genuinely think otherwise? lmao

everyone already knows this but the brits themselves, all the britcunt commentators ever do it try to build up how well the english team is doing even as they're clearly losing and have no chance.

>Literally every single Western European league is better and field way better teams, outperforming british counterparts at literally every opportunity.
>0 french teams in the semi finals
>0 italian teams in the semi finals
>0 german teams in the semi finals
really makes me think desu

They've been quite good the past couple of years, definitely the second best league, the era of Messi and Ronaldo, plus some bias for real, couldn't really be contested. Most people without a head up there ass would say the overall quality of the league is what shines through, but never the best team

You sound a bit obsessed christmas tree

>0 french teams in the semi finals
>0 italian teams in the semi finals
>0 german teams in the semi finals
really makes me think desu

This is a meme. We think our league is the most competitive and entertaining, which makes it the best. All the jonny foreigners watch it. Literally no one watches leliga, serie aids and bayernwinslol. La liga clearly has better teams though

they need to sell newspapers and they need to catch all those clicks on their websites, thats the reason why they sell their league as the best of the world even if we, the rest of the world, know that is only the towelheads that keeps their league a little watchable

You can bet your ass he lost his pocket money betting on poo and man city etc.

>Literally no one watches leliga
*blocks ur path*
im a real betis lifelong. been following carvalho since 2016. also bartra from my club dortmund went there.

>two teams in UCL semis and two in UEL semis
There is more than one good league allowed, you know.
>full of niggers
Cannot refute this sadly, but what top league isn't?

Talent and depth wise, City are the best team in the world.

Liverpool are as good as Barca and 3-0 doesn't reflect the result.

Premier is the best tho Barca and Madrid are usually the best teams in the world.
This has already been said, the reason that barca and Madrid always win is because they are more rested since they face the powerful Huesca and other shit teams

if barca wasn't having a shit day this would end 4/5/6-0

The fucking whining in this thread

We are one of four teams in the whole of Europe who get to watch their team play at this level of competition

The result went the wrong way, but the match wasn't pathetic

Support the club and recognise the immense season we're having, stop comparing it to you sitting at home playing Career Mode on FIFA on Amateur - you can't win everything

This squad will compete, next season and beyond

This is bigger than now

huesca would be midtable in the EPL


The only people who seem to care are seething johnny foreigners. Let me make it perfectly clear, we don't give a shit what you think. We don't compare ourselves with other leagues. Nobody here watches foreign leagues. We never beg you to watch our league, you do it on your own. The rest of the world could form a global super league and we wouldn't pay a blind bit of notice to it. We're only concerned with playing against other towns and cities on our Island.

Is this pasta

simple as

>powerful Huesca
yeah, if only they faced powerhouses like Burnley and Huddesfield...

>next year is our year

>0 english teams in the finals


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