>Black hair + Black hair --> Blonde
Black hair + Black hair --> Blonde
>Indonesia doesn't understand recessive genes
its almost like you dont know how genetics work
Majority of caucasian kids have light hair and eyes and many of them get darker with age.
That's why l'm asking a question, user kun.
cue GoT music....
My both parents have dark hair and I was born blonde. By elementary my hair had turned light brown and it's dark brown right now. A very normal thing, happened to a few of my mates too.
Shut up Poland
I cant imagine shitskins trying to understand white people. We must be like gods to them.
literally do one Punnett square ya simp
Back to Yea Forums retard
>polish education
No bully, pls...
Totti strikes again
you never learned mendelian genetics in school?
pretty obvious what's happening, rich Brazilians are buying blonde orphans from eastern europe and pretending they are their children
Wait a minute that kid does look unlike him...
It's very common to be born blonde and then having darker hair as they grow older. I was blonde up until maybe 5 years old when it turned brown, then eventually dark brown.
Mate it is possible IF the both parents are heterozygotes for hair colour: uppercase is dominant, lowercase is recessive
Hh x Hh
HH hH Hh hh
You see, there is 25% chance that the baby has recessive (blue) colour of the hair by being recessive homozygote, 50% to have brown hair and be heterozygote and 25% to have brown hair and be dominant homozygote IF her parents are both heterozygotes for hair colour
B = gene for black hair (dominant)
b = gene for blonde hair (recessive)
Dominant genes always mask the effects of the recessive genes (so you need 2/2 of the genes to be blonde to have blonde hair)
Alisson’s genotype along the top
The mum’s genotype along the side
Both have recessive blonde genes but dominant black genes
There’s a 25% chance that two Barents with the Bb genotype will have a blonde child (highlighted in red)
red box= kid
spaced out letters along the top and side= parents
kids have lighter hair that darkens as they grow older
Typical Slav stuff. Germanic people remain blonde for longer