Attached: unnamed.jpg (750x500, 74K)
Nathan Nguyen
Josiah Allen
what, has he died? banned? context please.
Jace Diaz
Does the ruling also apply to trannies? Because if so, good.
David Parker
‘Mon lad
Matthew Brooks
It lost some court case against the IAAF. Basically means it needs to be pumped full of test-reducing drugs if it wants to compete against actual women.
Matthew Murphy
He's injured. Klopp said in the presser earlier.
Might be fit for the return leg.
Christopher Nelson
Carter Miller
It's still a sad story, no need for "special snowflake" bashing.
Caster was obviously born with... not a penis and raised as a girl and didn't know better until she(?) started competing at international events
Having the world discuss your gender seems weird.
Jack Rodriguez
based and noncucked
Anthony Gomez
While she isn't a tranny, it's unfair that she can compete with women when she has many of the advantages of being male
Daniel Reyes
I was going to shitpost but I actually agree with this desu.
Lucas Ramirez
>The sports scientist Ross Tucker, who was part of Semenya’s team of experts at Cas last month, believes it will mean the South African will run the 800m around seven seconds slower – turning her from a world beater into an also ran in that event
Robert Perry
Anthony Taylor
I agree desu, should compete with the men or take test blockers
Ian Baker
why can't they just make him compete with the men?
Carson Carter
Daniel Ward
Too slow to be a man too fast to be a woman, run semenya run.
Michael Richardson
what's the biological anomaly exactly? does "she" have ovaries? where's all the test coming from?
Brandon Rodriguez
Jonathan Miller
>Too slow to compete against men
>Change name to semen and compete against women
>Too fast and get accused of being a "male"
top jej
Owen Hall
yikes, are you implying you need female anatomy to be a woman?
Xavier Wood
i mean they're pretty arbitrary rules imo but that's true of all sports rules
so sucks for her (especially with it all being so public) but if thems the rules then whatcha gonna do?
Jason Anderson
wait a minute, does this mean that söyboys with high estrogen levels and no testosterone will be allowed to compete with the girls in the future?
Christopher White
more like M
Connor Young
if they identify as women? of course, why not
this is the world we have chosen
Camden Nelson
pretty sure estrogen level will determine your gender in the future and not what you were born with.
it's over
William Cooper
She isnt trans, right?
Charles Torres
Thats a bloke pretending to be a girl
Gavin Hall
Mutilating yourself, pumping yourself with chemicals, and putting on a dress will NEVER make you a biological woman.
Anthony Watson
is this the nigger that broke the womens world record by being not a woman?
Robert James
But she doesnt have a benis and never has
Ethan Perez
she is a woman, just not enough of a woman to compete
Ayden James
She can't compete with men. She runs a great 800m for a woman but she's 10-15 seconds too slow to run with top men.
Andrew Morris
i'm assuming this ruling was also to set a precedent for male-to-female athletes
kind of sad for her though, what could she have done about this? now she has to weaken herself significantly because otherwise it wouldn't be fair
Benjamin Rivera
Colton Rogers
It's her natural testosterone level tho, she's not roided
If she's some genetic freak that produce testosterone like a man, then let her be
Jose Jones
>she is a woman
clearly not if Casey Legler was never disqualified from competition for being """too male""" and she literally had scientist confirm she was born with the body of a man, but had a vagina, tits, no facial/chest hair and a womans brain
Logan Nguyen
Jeremiah Parker
Nice. Wasted though
Michael Gutierrez
>what could she have done about this?
not abusing her freak body for sports competitions desu
Ethan Jackson
>she was born with the body of a man, but had a vagina, tits, no facial/chest hair and a womans brain
struggling to get the ol' noggin around this one
Dylan Thompson
she's built for sports competitions, though
Elijah Hughes
That's what just about every athlete does.
Jonathan Brown
google casey leglar
she's biologically a man
she has all the hormones of a man
the proportions of a man
the physicality of a man
except she has a vagina from birth and mosquitobits on her chest
you clearly have no fucking clue who she is
Anthony King
late comer to this, i only got one question (and it is serious):
does he/she have a dick?
Grayson Diaz
this is unironically bullshit. its not like she was a tranny. if youre born a woman but have superhuman genetics and hormones so what youre just superior athletically
no roids, no sex change, just good. why would you get banned for natural selection
Ayden Garcia
Asher Torres
then why isn't he competing with people of similar test levels?
Isaac James
i don't have any clue who she is, but surely at some point someone had to make a pretty arbitrary decision as to what was a "man" and what was a "woman"
i'm thinking these classifications aren't up to scratch these days
Colton Howard
Yeah, she was born a woman. It sucks for her.
Jace Baker
Camden Scott
Feel sorry for her desu. If a bunch of actual trannies hadn't started coming into women's sport and smashing every record this wouldn't have been necessary. The IAAF had to decide - put testosterone limits in place or admit that trannies aren't real women. She's a victim of political correctness.
Nolan Rogers
ok I was born as a woman with a benis and my superhuman genetics and hormones allow me to destroy any other woman in most sports, where can I apply for olympics?
Luis Harris
well then tough luck to anyone else involved. i can't hate her
Jayden Sullivan
She was born a biological woman though. Just with superior genetics.
Christopher Edwards
women arent born with a benis. youre a man
Benjamin Mitchell
when she was competing the world was A LOT less acceptable of trannies and people changing gender to perform better at sports
Jonathan Rivera
>advantages of being male
not a thing, females are as capable as males, shitlord
Eli Howard
Stop being racist. Or, should I say sexist? I am a little confused now.
Isaac Peterson
Not every female athlete is born with testicles.
Noah Rogers
now we will never have an objective standard. Should we adjust times to testosterone levels?
nothing valuable is lost though, (((professional))) sports are a cancer, we don't need influencer athletes
Cooper Myers
This thing isn’t a tranny though. But based post nonetheless.
Alexander Mitchell
sextet of truth here
Life is unfair. Some people get to have a career in pro sports just from unearned talent. Most people don't. Some people think they will then it turns out they can't. The only alternative would be abolishing women's sports altogether and only having two standards - men's sports and part-men's sports.
Julian Barnes
start from eurovision
Noah Morris
that has never been made public. My guess would be that a penis never developed and maybe internal testicles
Alexander Taylor
/pol/ doesn't know science. You shouldn't get your knowledge about hormones from there.
tl;dr : Even a basedboy has higher testosterone than a woman
David Hernandez
No. Just a biological anomaly if you like. Not her fault.
Bentley Stewart
They didn't even put a general limit in place on high testosterone levels -- just track & field 400m - 1600m distances. Almost feels like they targeted her specifically.
Zachary Cook
never have happened if she was a yank or a brit or whatever wealthy nation
Camden Roberts
Sure, it's not a common problem and it'd cost loads to test. check literally every female athlete unnecessarily. Got to remember that this all came up only because her opponent were complaining that she looked like a man. You wait until you see an obvious intersex case then you deal with it.
Carter Sanchez
Radcliffe was right on this. It's a complicated problem, where the decision would be unfair to someone no matter what. The IAAF just took the route that would protect the majority, and you can't really blame them for that
Caleb Edwards
just have a separate race for hermaphrodites
Carson Butler
she should unironically compete in the disabled olympics
have partial male sex organs that doesn't give you male genitalia is a disability
Lucas Parker
clearly she isn't when she produces way too much testosterone.
Zachary Sanders
she was born a female with geneic abnormality similar to disabled people. except it gave her an advantage rather than a disadvantage . send her to special olympics no one cares who wins that
Tyler Nelson
>nature refuses to obey man made categories
OH NO NO NO NO NO this can't be happening
Dominic Bell
While it isnt foolproof, chromosomes would probably be the best way to differentiate between men at women as it's practically binary (there are some very rare mutations). Semenya is 100% female.
Jack Lopez
>encouraging mentally unwell people to mutilate their bodies for something their chromosomes will never magically reassign to
>this is normalised
>if you question it your life gets fucking ruined
is there still hope that we can go back or is it too late
Jaxson Diaz
Ewa Kłobukowska. She failed a chromosome test because she has XX/XXY mosaicism and got banned.
She gave birth a few years later.
>there are some very rare mutations
I think these days they take that into account whether or not they have a barr body so Ewa Klobuk... wouldn't have been banned today.
Caster probably has no y-chromo, and even if she has it's probably not active.
Some people have naturally high levels of T.
It's not like Caster's T levels are even close to that of an average man.
It'd be like banning a WNBA player for having arms that are proportionally too long.
And it's not like Caster crushed the world record either because roided up Eastern-Europeans still have her beat.
Michael Lopez
For me, it's Semenya.
Joshua Parker
Robert Murphy
you fucking idiot
Blake Roberts
It's not her/his fault desu
Looks like an unsolvable problem
Cooper Gomez
No meme answers, is semenya a guy or a girl or a hermaphrodite?
Henry Wilson
i'm thinking that the iaaf might be ill-equipped to answer questions that biologists struggle with
Camden Bennett
girl, biologically female
Lincoln Hernandez
its the right thing to do
intersex/hermaphrodites are the kind of anomaly that have to be treated on a case by case basis. there is no point in establishing rigorous guidelines for such a small set of people
Connor Bennett
Absolutely it would have. Many of the fastest women are from small countries like Jamaica and Tripadvisor/Trivago, and being the fastest runners, they are sponsored by billion dollar sporting goods companies. Castor Semenaya is not going to be good for selling running shorts to high school girls, and thus would not be getting much support from any athletics organizations even if she was American or Russian or what have you.
Samuel Peterson
We did it alt-right bros praise kek
Angel Wood
Can’t get enough of triggered roastie faces
Brandon Foster
What awaste
Sebastian Hughes
"She" has an undeveloped penis as far as I know.
Landon Butler
What about a super test male competing against standard test males?
Kevin Hill
Good riddance
Juan Sanders
why are niggers allowed in sports to begin with?
Kayden Wilson
Fucking stupid. So, in other words, if you're born too tall, you can't play basketball. If you're born with too fast reflexes, baseball is out for you. Got that special mutation that causes your muscles not to degrade as fast as others? No more marathons for you. What about South Americans born at high altitudes that can make white blood cells more than people born at sea level? Yeah, a lot of endurance sports are gone for you.
Fucking ridiculous.
Carter Russell
You’re either meming or just retarded. That thing isn’t a woman
Brody Ward
Why over low t pol clown.