/f1/ - Relentless Formula 1 General - No podium this year Edition

>Countdown to Barcelona GP:
(click menu on left for session times)

>/f1/-approved series calendar

>Other racing on each week, pick your poison


>Previous Thread:
>FantasyGP.com /f1/ League Formula Autism:
Passcode: 12481614

>Fantasy.formula1.com: Formula Autism Official:
Passcode: b3dccf1429

>WDC Standings
V. Bottas 87
L. Hamilton 86
S. Vettel 52
M. Verstappen 51
C. Leclerc 47

>WCC Standings
Mercedes 173
Ferrari 99
Red Bull 64
McLaren 18
Racing Point 17

>Nico Hülkenberg F1 races without ever scoring a podium:
160 (162 entries)

>Max Verstappen F1 races without ever EVER scoring a pole-position:

>Hund status:
Ferrari have better straight-line speed but we match them with our F3 car on race pace

HAM choked the VSC restart because of steering wheel display
FIA looking for standard brake and wheel rim providers
Alfa knew about Kimi's front wing issue

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Other urls found in this thread:



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was ferrari firing arrivabenis a mistake?

Letting Simone Resta go to Sauber was a mistake

happy roland ratzenberger anniversary!

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Guten morgen mein unterhundian freund

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*overshadows your death*

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what the FUCK went wrong, lads?

They were supposed to continue the fight for fouth place, now they're getting btfo by force stroll, memeo and even mclel.

fucking why?

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>bloodstains above his helmet visor
literally the first time seeing this with detail.

and the arm through the monocoque, cursed image.

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*vvvvzt* *vvvvzt*

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Based RAI (not Gimi) didn't bother with censoring anything. Imagine seeing an F1 driver getting CPR'd nowadays in live TV, not gonna happen.

>no we can't switch. luigis are your problem now

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Ferrari gave up convincing Haas to be the B team
Sauber with money is literally better than selling their old chassis to Haas

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Still living Rent Free

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Are drivers allowed to change their number?

I know charles wanted #7 but no dice since there was gimi but if gimi retires before charles, he may want #7.

Ferrari wanted them to be their b-team?
Always thought Sauber had that position, especially now that they are literally Ferrari's road car b-team - Alfa

i hope haas dont get the maserati name desu.

iirc they're planning to make maserati an electric car brand

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Don’t worry. They will be Rich Enrgy

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Thank you, Nico. Thank you so much for this.


>British Grand Prix at Silverstone extended for another three years - so up to the 2022 event.

b-b-but londonistan grand pix


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Guenther says lol

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God the black and white make the freckles even worse. You guys are hurting yourselves.

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Is there an updated exposed table?

The fun never stops

Based Marion
Based Carrie

>schumacher sperging out 3 years after he was defeated by Barrichello for the championship


Yes but they need to stay away for three years at least.
Like, if Button comes back this year he must take 22, if Rosberg does he can choose something else other than 6.
Or at least, I read something like that somewhere, or maybe it was that Chainbear video

wish I could go back in time and abort tilke

do not want. i hate silverstone and the bdrc.

absolute state


>@SportmphMark Following this statement, at this time Silverstone have not agreed a contract regarding the future of the British Grand Prix. We are able to confirm that talks are still progressing

Use a long stick with a hairpin on the end.

F1 @ Snetterton when?

Street race in Liverpool la

>winner gets 18 points
I'm in

No, Winner gets 96 points

Or maybe the rules talk about "not being used" so maybe it's possible that if Leclerc wins the WDC three years in a row and decides to use #1 he might be able to change it afterwards

still using last year’s engine.

>Pinkham blames "sleepwalking" for accidentally falling into RIC's bed at Spanish Grand Prix


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Too soon.


If Lewis or Bottas were in the Ferrari this year would they still be behind Mercedes ? Vettel is such a fraud

Fraud outqualifed Lecute 3-1

Ferrari team is the problem

ferrari would make them use yellow tires in q2 as usual and one of them would fuck up, just like lec did, and when tow matters, 1 driver fuck up means the other driver is fucked too

How long before Ferrari drivers start infighting?




at least we'll have a shit, boring race at a track the teams don't know like the back of their hands.

With blackfaced fans.

at least max can make a fool out of himself infront of his home bandwagon fans

She has sleep walked naked out of a hotel room once before so it non-members it could happen

That's probably what it's actually referring to, then

>that's hot as fuck. why am i never in THAT hotel.


Went full stroke victim again

>she sleep walks naked into your room
>night rapes you while you are asleep

Next morning you are arrested for raping a poor innocent woman.



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No it's a different incident. Apparently last year at the Spanish GP she sleepwalked completely naked into the car park.

The one I'm referring to she sleepwalked naked into the hotel lobby where there was a large crowd of man utd fans. She woke up when they started wolf whistling.

I saw something about a guy who did something similar and his ex-girlfriends cane and defended him in court.

*no points scored life*

I've said it before and I'll say it again. She's not necessarily beautiful, or spectacularly pretty, and she's starting to age, now, but Pinkham remains incredibly, massively fuckable.

>Multiple incidents of Pinkers sleepwalking naked in public
>No pictures

What is the fucking point of the paparazzi?


Pinkham sounds like a girl who likes to get gangbanged.

>mfw I score a point from pitlane in 7th fastest car

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This applies to most British female sports presenters.

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Jesus Christ, I want to have been the night clerk at the hotel

you're welcome, old timer.

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gabby drunk driving all over my my you know what haha

To be honest, GImi was very average in Baku, on par with Gio.

>tfw you share a surname with a former DTM driver
fuck off
we're not related, as far as I know

>Motorsport.com has cucked us all out of Super GT streams

fuck this monopoly bullshit.

>former DTM driver
>Rolf Göring
Are you pissed off because people might think you're related to him instead of your grandpa Hermann?

I want to inseminate their sweet mature and luscious wombs

I mean if that were the case, people would leave me alone about it.

Don't follow you.

What did Magnussen and Perez do different from Vandoorne, that kept them out of Formula E?

>If Lewis or Bottas were in the Ferrari this year
they wouldn't have been on the podium once

They are more than just Belgian.
And Perez has big sponsor money, so why would a team kick him out?

the not-DTM german reminded me, is felix the german still around? or did he leave us a long time ago..

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>people are desperately trying to come up with some interesting fact about you
>user spergs out

>get introduced to people and tell them my surname
>"oh, are you related to that DTM guy?"
>rinse and repeat for 20+ years
it gets pretty annoying after a while.

Magnussen is a known quantity for Haas when they eventually Grosjean and has good wheel to wheel racecraft which is crucial in the midfield.
Perez is unironically one of the best drivers on the grid

You should say yes.

Is DTM really that big in Germany? Most people in the UK couldn't name one BTCC driver. But I guess most Irish people know the name Dunlop so maybe it's comparable.

youtu.be/izLICVxiBGY?t=100 why is gio the nazi so useless? not even one point scored yet, slower than slowpoke gimi and can't even make super easy drs pass stick

Weird car, imagine if F1 would have developed from this base

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What percentage of time do F1 drivers spend doing fuck all at luxurious hotels and estates?

>Tfw they even not gonna try doing this

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That car looks nimble



oh no no no no


assuming people only know champions, your name must be Paffett, Rast, Rockenfeller, Scheider, Schneider, Spengler, Tomczyk or Wittmann. I assume we have to look at some not so common (german) names for people to link you to DTM, so my guess is your last name is Rockenfeller or Tomczyk.

>Hulkenshit and Retardo
>Hamilshit and Shitass
>Shittel and LeCrap
>Fagnussen and Shitjean
>Poobica and Russhit
>Goblando and Shit Jr

He said 20+ years so I'm going with Schneider,.


>Choco Senna and Robottas
>Vettee and Lecute
>Amd Amx and Gastly
>No Podiums and Tricky Ricci
>Magnesium and Fat John
>Bobby Cubes and Gabbo
>Goblando and Carl O'sainz
>Gimi and Gio The Nazi
>Blyat and ...
>Le Occasional Podiums Man and $trullovitch

an /f1/ name for Albon doesn't come to mind, maybe because he's just so forgettable..

who the fuck is albon

kek, you literally had me doubting I didn't write correct name. proves the point I guess

Thai lady boy

Gym owner was surprised that I got "lean". What does that even mean? o.O

Also, I think Red Bull will get a podium in Spain.

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Activated albonds

shit list, let me fix it
>nigger and cuckass
>crash kid and boipussy
>frog and another frog
>kiddie diddler and a bully
>kmag and nothing is solve
>one armed bandit and lecutes top bf
>goblando and not alonso
>GIMI:DDD and f2 reject
>torpedo and trap
>carlos slim's personal stress reliever and $tro££

i dont understand why you all sperg about this one

>Black carbabby and horsecuck
>german aeroandchassisbaby and a erratic boicuck
>Madpepe and that boi
>Exposure frenchland
>mememan and Emperador Carlos fucking Sainz II
>Magbassedn and 8podiumcrashboi
>Pornplumber and lonelyboi on sunday
>drunk boomer and a conservative nationalist
>Speaks all languages and Magnum Albond
>Failed Ferrari driver and $$$$$$

I like the freckles

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Surely there is something memeir
>Mr.Dry Balls?
>Inevitable Murder Suicide?

I wonder who he's talking about.

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Unironically, the only way to salvage this season is to have the Mercedes Drivers go all out against each other.

I like it, it would be the perfect solution without fuckin up everything like new ones

Yeah, one of those is correct.

Are we watching the same sessions? Clearly in both Bahrain and Baku, Ferrari had at least an equal package to Mercedes but threw it away. Leclerc was on a different planet to anyone else in Bahrain until the failure, and probably would taken pole in Baku if not for crashing in Q2. In Baku, Vettel was within a tenth of Bottas' pole time for the first two sectors; the time he lost was all in the last sector where Bottas had a tow and Vettel didn't. Then factor in that Vettel was looking a bit slower on ultimate pace than Leclerc all weekend and a well coordinated qualifying could easily have been a Ferrari 1-2 in Baku. By a small margin of course, but that was the actual form.

Mercedes have started this season with four 1-2s -- something they didn't even achieve in their 2014-2016 era of total dominance -- but that really isn't representing the relative car and driver performances. Mercedes certainly won Australia and China on merit and by big margins, but Ferrari should have won Bahrain on merit, and Baku could well have gone either way without driver error and Ferrari mismanagement. Spain could go either way based on preseason testing.

Of course, even if they have an equal or marginally better package from here, it will be difficult for Ferrari to claw back the lead they have now given to Mercedes. But the fact remains, the first four races could have turned out very differently. The Mercedes advantage is not to the degree of dominance we have seen in many past F1 seasons.

Now that Venezuela is getting liberated, will he make a comeback?

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why is it always Brits and Brit media being this dumb?

since son of eric's wife is gone for good now we can call him son of magnus wife, but its a shitty alternative

>when the media buy your dumbfuck narrative

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I smell reddit

its true though!!! ferrari have the better and faster car!!!

anyone know anywhere to watch old f2 seasons? i wannw atch 2016 and 2017.

>based on preseason testing

based retard

Kmag >>> H*lk

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The memes would write themselves.

I share my surname with an F1 driver.
Actually my Grandfather and him had the same first name aswell

Imagine a good driver in the Ferrari

>Failed Ferrari driver and $$$$$$
Russell was never in Ferrari's orbit



Name 1 (one) good driver

Aswell Kub wasn't a Plumber =0



Chanoch Nissany

HONDA POWER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I'm so used to Williams being last I expect it to be there in those lists aswell


Anyone /f1/ doesn't rate

TAKUMA SATO HONDA POWER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


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Wir sind die Unterhunde.
Vertrauen Sie mir.

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HONDA POWER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

What is he thinking?

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Truly the biggest salt pit of our time

>Elena ain't waiting for another year for me to become successful

Are all gold diggers slavs?

She's Italian tho

Imagine being a rich fag. You'll never know if the woman is interested in you or just your money

Like check out this finnish ice hockey player. Would he get such a girl without being rich?

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death to carrie.


how do simcucks explain their jobs to people who aren't interested in F1?

>"so I heard you are a formula 1 racer?"
>"oh, I kinda don't race. I'm the simulator driver"
>"is that like e-sports?"

imagine pinching those rosy cheeks

Being rich or successful is an internal quality. It's part of you as a person

"I'm a developement driver for the ferrari/mercedes F1 team"
"oh shit cool!"

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>what do you do exactly
>i develop the driving

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i feel like ferrari are missing kvyat and gio desu.

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>bottas wdc
>gimi f1.5 wdc

would he be with her if she wasn't attractive?

Wehrlein is struggling with the sim apparently. i imagine hartley is getting on fine. Ferrari will only beat Mercedes when Kubica retires and joins them as sim driver tbqh.

>paskal wehrlein :D

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rate my breakfast

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W-what is?


>Paris mayor candidate wants to cuck E-Prix
>"Tarmac laying off and removal is an ecologic aberrartion"
>"Too much noise"
>"Too elitist"
>"There's already too much traffic in Paris"

Porridge, bananas, cinnamon

I'm seeing doubles... Check 'em!

Sitting on public transport and the ebin music starts to play from somewhere

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Parisians truly are the bane of this country

Based francophones
First Montreal, then Paris wants to cuck formulameme

>tfw no italian sugar daddy

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>too much noise
holy KEK

The manlet should fear the benis

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Really mirin those hair genes
t. balding

oh no no no.

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post hairline.

It's almost bottas tier but I'm just 23

oh dear oh dear.

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>Too much noise
I bet he get PTSD when the Prius engine kick in

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I've never seen a Prius.
What do they sound like?



low-revving, quieter FE car

Nothing. The tire noise is probably louder than both the ICE and electric motors of the Prius.

Time for /f1/ck/

Brined and rolled pork joint.

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what the fuck

imagine the smell
well, you don't have to, but still

Bretty nice

It's just a warning system. Normaly in electric mode it sound like a robot breathing

He looks like my little brother I hate him (apart from the tan and jew nose)

>Too much Noise
Keking at Paris

What's wrong with Toyota?
Why do they make their car to be that spooky?

Liar. This is what a prius sound like


I'm guessing Haryanto? I miss that kid.

I love how the article points out that everything he said is bullshit.

what did they mean by that?

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Not sure if reference to schumi or kubica


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Do you think Kmag could work in the Ferrari with lecuck?

I wanna hug Carrie

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The roast is now gonna get seared

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Name a more iconic duo.

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meat is murder

how can you justify the death of another living animal solely for your own personal enjoyment and convenience since you can get that same nutrition from other sources?


I wonder when his jew nose started to pop out. For me it was high school.

>implying these other sources aren't as ethically dodgy

>The 2019 Super GT Championship looks set to return to an English-language streaming service in the near future but looks likely to feature behind a paywall after sources close to the rights negotiation revealed that Motorsport Network insisted on exclusivity for their planned stream on their ‘premium’ online platform, freezing out previous service supplier Grand Central.

Fucking Motorsport Network

Pork now has lovely dark spots.

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>Looking through some old pictures for shots of Roland Ratzenberger today I found the above on an old sheet of uncut and unused transparencies. That’s me at the top left, using my camera remote control to take a shot of Marco Apicella, Roland and Mika Salo. We’re on a bullet train, presumably on the way back from Suzuka to Tokyo from an F3000 race in 1992 or 1993.

>Roland Ratzenberger: Memories of a Friend


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Who is the most non character?
Stroll or Giovinazzi?

giovinazzi is a complete NPC so far

Definitely $tro££

>Roland always had an eye for the ladies, and he had an amazing success rate. He wasn’t averse to chasing the girlfriends of other drivers, as his brief marriage attested, and that occasionally made life difficult!

I offset it by watching Formula E

>There are so many stories, such as the time he used his deep Austrian accent to record a Terminator-style ‘I’ll be back’ answer machine message for F3000 rival Jeff Krosnoff, whose own life would be tragically cut short in a Champcar crash.

Reminder that Roland fucked Davina McCall.

i'm glad he died then. it's a total asshole move to go after the WAGs of your colleagues

Yea Forums

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anymore lad?

>Left mum to do the veg
>She has completely fucked it up

Nothing ever works

Zak Brown can shove his ruhNO engine cylinders up his exhaust pipe

not much

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>Tfw japanese lad never finished the animu lineup

Almost as disappointing as WAGlad not providing the telemetry

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hey i follow him on twatter, i like the lancia one he did.

I'm way worse.

I lied

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I mean, it's not like I was expecting anymore.
Just took the chance for a quick blow to make you feel a bit sad

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>Happy walker

nighty night cunts

i am a famous f1 driver ama



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says the paedophile posting children's cartoons


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>Speaks all languages
NIco has been retired for a while

2019 walks in
>MWL / FIAMG and British media with Toto's narrative
>Senna actually dead
>MSC a vegetable
>Lauda is choking to death
>Soon wil gonna die more f1 legends
>Boomer drivers gonna retire soon
>Kubica is actually crippled and fucked
>Cringe zoomers generation
>Ulgy obessed cars with V6(underthunden) with no difficulties or challenging to drive (I would drive that)
>No battles on track and >Pirelli
>They still think DRS solves something
>All my driver legends and f1 spirit=gone
What happen

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Potassium magnesium.

Part of the reason Venezuela and oil production is collapsing is because of all the money diverted from pvdsa to fund Maldonado in F1.

If it fundamentally bothers Lewis it can't be that bad. I don't care to elaborate on the particular philosophical reasons I'm okay with killing animals for food, it's boring.

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happy 25th sennabro

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What were you doing 25 years ago today, /f1/?

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hyping myself up to watch a race where senna fucking dies

I was only three years old, so probably playing with Tracy Island/Thunderbirds etc.

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i was supposed to born, but some fat whale start to die, so she take my spot and i only born 2 days later

>Zandvoort is being lined up to replace Barcelona as the first non-flyaway race of the 2020 Formula 1 season, with the Spanish Grand Prix falling off the calendar, Autosport understands

Wtf tiago

I was almost 2 months old when Senna died.

A tiny twinkle in my dad's eye.

I would have been conceived about 4 GP's later.

Good shout. I remember having a Thunderbird 3 toy and thinking it was terrible. At least it wasn't Thunderbird 5 though.

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Hey isn't that Frog Jr.?

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you now remember the weird as fuck 2004 movie with Ford produce placement everywhere

I remember Vanessa Hudgens was in it which reminds me of how much I secretly liked HSM and that I unironically called my friend when her nudes leaked.

Fucking top quality nudes they were.

2017 cars were decently good, why would fia put a halo? they can't take Bianchi's life back, don't they?
>Bring back refueling REEEEEEE

Jean Toad fugged up and said something like "we are comitting to cockpit protection in 2 years time no matter what" so they ended up with halo instead of something better

kind of like brexit if UK agreed to the shitty proposed deal that their parliament rejected

If anyone lost their life the FIA would get sued up the ass as they would have looked into but not implemented a head protection system despite knowing the risks.

It's the reason IndyCar have fitted stupid knob on their cars. It's a "Look we tried" while they try to sort out something better.


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>Gimi is still the last Ferrari winner

benis egglestone sold us to liberty, remembger :D

Turning left

and will be until Mercedes pulls out of the sport

For me it's the Acer 01A V10 engine

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I’ve always wondered what F1 and the rest of motorsport would be like if 1955 Le Mans never happened. Would Mercedes have had Ferrari levels on enduring sucess or more? Would their winning and dabbling in F1 politics have forced a breakaway series to form eventually?

For me it's the rear-view mirror

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Probably playing with lego? Whatever 4 year olds do.

post boipucci instead

>old good
>new bad
thats a 40 year old tired of life looser boomer mindset, nothing to do with the racing, lad

probably playing footy or some shit with other kids


not existing

cool, you were just like Senna

did senna vanish? I thought he only died

By liberated you mean be taken over by another socialist regime, then nah.

>25 years
>still no sticky

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I bet that ground was pretty sticky.


It wasn't otherwise he'd manage to stop

your corpse isn't you

worked out that I was conceived on or around this day.

imagine the smell

Chilling in my momma's womb

yearly reminder that senna was targeted by a second sniper

Rob Smedley says strategy decisions at Ferrari are based on AI, lmao

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How will Lewis react later in the season when the team asks him to let Valtteri pass to help him secure the championship?

I'm pretty sure they just expected SC to happen, there is no other way for them to even catch Mercedes.


*F1 broadcadt team radio noise*
>*autistic screeching*

>the absolute state of marko

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He's not wrong.

it's not even a two team fight lmao
it never was anything else but MWL

Marko:"We aim at 5 wins, our goal is the title"
Horner:"We never said we aimed at winning races this year"

Yeah thats Nicolas Todt

what is the best place to watch wec? is there a github thing like the one for f1tv?

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Watching this shit after dinner with my dad and grandad. I remember later when that chocolate faced woman who looked startled 24/7 announced his death on the news later, it seemed a little surreal liek wtf senna is ded lol?. I probably played some Amiga too.

Thunderbird 2 master race here.

Making my mum want strawberries I guess

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Pulling little girls hair in Boots probably

They already closed those backdoors F1 still haven't

Your best bet is Eurosport if you want it as cheap as possible.
But instead of 6 hours of spa, you get 1 hour of spa and 5 hours of fucking self ads.
I am not even joking. They very often interrupt (at least car racing, I dont watch anything else there) the broadcast with full screen, (not side by side type) ads, and most of them are not even regular ads, but eurosport's own compilations, like the top5 tennis fans, and such shit and trailers for upcoming broadcasts.

Lewis will be pleased to do so because he is a team player and cares more about the guys in the factory than himself

That sounds terrible. No restreams?

>Toyota confirms Fernando Alonso has been replaced by Brendon Hartley for the 19/20 WEC season

Restreams are usually eurosport ones.
Tbh the best bet is getting the official wec app.

absolute state of alfonso, choking to a fucking kiwi

I see. Thank you.

Amazed he didn't ditched them after LM

Maybe worth a hunt for streams, as motor trend in the us, and bt sport in the uk also has live coverage

>Carrie with a pug
I, for once, am team death to Carrie


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>Why didn't Schumacher attend his funeral, /f1/?
>Was there a conspiracy?
>Did Schumi end up paying the ultimate price?
>What is the price of a vegetable at your supermarket?

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A pug, neck tattoo, patricija, underboob tattoo, slutwear.

She is right on the white trash path

>rivals attending rival funeral

True rivals should hope everyday for the demise of their rival, perhaps even going as far as to cause that demise.

I have no idea what does this mean

saying my first words of something I dunno


GOD I........

God I wish that was me I guess

I, for one, welcome our new trashy WAGs

god I wish that were me, it's a meme you dip

Quality meme Rakesh

Oh hell

I am not that indian

Makes sense

notice how Hannah also posted an instagram story of a dog (pit bull) only two days ago, and now Carrie too, is this some sort of disgusting secret sex game?

I just hope at least one of thrm ends up in the porn industry

Probably Hanna desu

if she doesn't get savaged by the pit bull first

I'll see what i can find.

Idk user, even Christy Mack eventually made it back

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Irvine, Frentzen, Salo, Ratzenberger

'ate 'aybrid inuins

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My older sibling was intentional and I wasn't so i wasn't even planned.

My hairline on the left

>be Pirelli
>win the F1 tyre supply by finanicially undercutting Michelin by a huge margin and by so letting Bernie/FOM make shitloads of money from the contract
>realise that it's impossible to make proper F1 tyres with a shoestring budget
>in a desperate manner manufacture the tyres in a Turkish sweatshop with process that is completely unsuitable for making F1 tyres that can combine lateral and longitudinal forces at the same time with wide thermal window
>when your tyres literally fall apart and cover the tracks with marbles (only seen before in Le Mans), blame everyone else for 3 years making their cars, tracks and fucking weather unsuitable for your shitty tyres
>decide that you've had enough and contact Mercedes in 2013 about making tailor-made tyres for them
>arrange borderline illegal tyre test in the spring of 2013 (blank trucks, drivers with black helmets, not informing FIA / other teams) and start a fruitful relationship with Mercedes which takes you away from the spotlight and gives Merc 7 straight WDC & WCC titles while ruining the sport completely
>other manufacturers don't even bother with 2021's tyre supply bid thanks to your incompetence and F1's ruined reputation

Thanks, Pirelli, thanks very much.


1. Pirelli's tyre supply deal in 2010


>Pirelli is preferred for commercial reasons, but also because it has agreed to match Bridgestone's current supply arrangements. Michelin wanted to make a significant cut in the number of sets of tyres supplied per driver.

>by commercial reasons

2. Mark Hughes spilled the beans about manufacturing process here (53:00 >)


3. Merc's tyre test


based finn

Based conspiracy Finn

>other manufacturers don't even bother with 2021's tyre supply bid thanks to your incompetence and F1's ruined reputation

Regarding that part there might be a conspiracy theory that was kind of debunked but it still makes little sense.
>Current tender ends 2019
>Big rims in 2021
>This leaves 2020 open with a nw tender but with still normal tyres
>No one is willing to go through the pain of developing tyres just for 1 season
>Only Pirelli has them ready

> M-Sport managing director Malcolm Wilson is working on a deal to put Toyota's Ott Tanak back in one of his Ford Fiesta WRCs for next season's World Rally Championship

But Mercedes are the true underdogs, what do you mean by this?

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You must have a shitty memory, my finnougric friend
-it was Bernie's request for high degrading tyres, for the sake of improving the show
- Blame for the 2013 tyre issues are 90 percent on the teams. Switching tyres between sides of the cars and running the tyres on settings not deemed safe by Pirelli
- Marbles were a thing for 40 years

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Liberalisation of tyres when? As in literally allowing everyone to find whatever manufacturer they want.

>theory that was kind of debunked
How so?



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I don't remember where I read but ideally the tyre supplier was set to be kept aligned with rule changes etc but when teams sperged about the engine rules they offset it and that's it

Why yes, I always support the underdogs, Mercedes-AMG Petronas Motorsport.

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No wonder, you look microcephalic

the only ones to blame for 2013 tyre problems are pirelli themselves. not only they don't want to invest in tyre development, so we see these ridiculously narrow working temperature windows year after year, but in 2013 they cheaped out on tyre belts, replacing kevlar with steel, which lead to all sorts of issues and teams trying to cope with this artificially created problem. and teams weren't doing anything different than before, the only difference was pirelli is awful tyre supplier, so their tyres failed time and time again, sometimes for no reason

>Mike Gascoyne @MikeGascoyne
>In Hockenheim 1996 at Tyrrell we qualified on 4 front tyres, but we meant to do that to reduce drag down the straight, and went quicker!!
or in 1997 goodyear runners were swapping right and left tyres to successfully solve blistering racefans.net/2019/03/07/give-f1-drivers-more-freedom-over-tyre-set-up-says-grosjean/#comment-4036796

>The tyres looked/felt perfectly fine so teams felt comfortable pushing them & Pirelli’s engineer’s didn’t exactly try all that hard to stop them doing so as there own data was also showing no signs of potential big problems; But at a certain point & without any warning they went pop.
pirelli are just incompetent, simple as

Do you think w-I mean Mercedes-AMG Petronas Motorsport have a chance to challenger for 4th place in the constructors championship despite their F2-level car?

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is your sister still fat,Alfonso?

the collective energy needed for the creation of proteins and other organic materials for sperms that would contain myself was scattered in the universe



I love hot biches

Holy fuck, how the shit did Carrie get her dog to hold the phone?

FIA / Liberty could have extended Pirelli's supply for one more year if they really wanted.

They didn't. Really makes you think.


unironically give the contract to Hankook or Yokohama


Has Hankook ever been in F1?

Wait, is Biche not the hot bint?


Surprising, really.
We've had Pirelli, Michelin and Goodyear, right?
What about Toyo Tires, Continental/Hoosier?

>Sleek car go WOOOSH

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They tried for 2020 tho.
Also Firestone was in at some point

So there've only been eight different suppliers.

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This list is missing Pirelli tho

Not a tire so nothing of value is lost.



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>Yet another clutch engaging rule change
>From 2020 clutch paddles will be pull-only
>If two paddles are used, team must prove they work identical
>Paddle must work linearly with clutch engaging
>Paddle motion must not differentiate from ECU's signal by more tha +-5%
Why they want start choking so much? And also, if so, why don't they just make F2 ones mandatory?

What I love about WRC that driver can change any team and still get exactly the same result

It's a very driver dependent sport yes. Dunno if it would be the case if WRC was raced on Tilkedromes

Pirelli will still fuck up big time whatever happens

Disappointing, it would’ve given us one more session for Ferrari to get our hopes up before Hamilton gets pole by 3/10ths


come to papa

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*blocks your traffic for a week*

Formula E is too noisy for cities nowadays

>Hungaroring is basically a kartdrome already
What would they come up with to make a city track even tighter?

>mfw the roads in my country are so bad there will never be FE race here

The traffic in Paris was back up and running at 1am on Sunday.

Biz idea: Ban zeroshift and make clutch fully manual with pedal operation

γkριk λοβερ my dude

same here we just bribe them lol

Also elitist even though they almost pay for people to come watch it
I guess only city dwelling hipsters and green/red bubble tards are interested in it.

W-Series Regulations.


Nothing meme

F1 becomes pretty unhuman desu. Gigabytes of telemetry data per lap are processed automatically by sophisticated algorithms, finding the best settings, predicting tyre wear and suggesting best adjustments per corner. That's all goes via 60+ engineers to the driver, trying to handle with that in most autistic robotic way (oh hi, Valtteri)

Fun fact, if the onboard picture quality sucks it might be my fault

WRC has all sorts of shit going on in the car as well but there's no avoiding the fact that in WRC a driver error lunges them off a cliff, in F1 they just rejoin the track with no time loss

Anons, when is the first race of the w series? And where can I watch it?

This weekend.
Probably youtube.

This Saturday
Idk maybe a YT stream? Brits have it on tv tho

And the dutch.
They have to watch it on Ziggo

Exposed graph for Baku?

We're working on using an exponential scale for the Y axis

You reckon they’ll block us if we start flooding them with “dead” or “shit” or “couldntturnleft”?

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right turn specialist.

FUCKING BASED. F1 return when?

Let it go Alain.

Too late, Charles16 is now quite known. Would be a shame if he retires the number for another

2018's was funnier I think

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What happened to him

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That food is too spicy for his Germano-Finnic Genes


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the transformation is almost complete

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He's mentally destroying vegan Lewlew by demonstrating how sexually aroused eating unborn baby chickens makes him.

They are actually vegan scrambled eggs.

fuckin hell

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Is Hamilton just being a vegan as he thinks it is some kind of handicap and that it will make any future titles more impressive?

Bossberg playing 2016D chess with Lewlew

>Lewis insta spergs about the baby chickens
>people tell him they're vegan
>deletes post


Not everything is a mind game. You people need to grow up and have sex.


>Not everything is a mind game

Yes it is. SkyF1 told me so.

Baku was exposed

Bagsy Simon

Replace Toro Rosso's with: an half blind man doesn't let me keep my friends
Alfa's: She pays my rent

Williams it is then.

>For all of us.

Fugg, that's a smart call
>Simon's benis doesn't work
>that means you have to top and he has to bottom

Him or Anime German

>not panty girl
You fags are gay.

>Motorsport.tv get the rights to Super GT
>Realise they will be absolutely despised by everyone (more than they already are) if they put it behind a paywall
>Have to put the coverage out for Free



wasted too much time on this lmao

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Good ones

Attached: PickGuide2019.png (3539x2179, 909K)

it's gish era billy corgan

Nice, I don't really understand the Haas one tho, maybe something along the lines of "Infuriating everyone else" and for McLaren add some corporate speak like "Undergoing bi-weekly structural changes across all facets of the group"

>Redbull hat

Shit shop

The fact they have been choking the same way from the beginning and yet keep doing the same stuff

How to FUCK do you go from that to this in 8 years?

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>in 8 years?
i've seen people going to that in a year

A friend?


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unironically yes, i'm still in early stages but hate it and got a buzzcut

It's been done.

Attached: senna.jpg (467x274, 116K)

Watching the race at the living room, I was 5 years old and the only Senna race I remember is the one he died.

I like Hulk's GF

Attached: 2019-04-28 15.15.34 2032064059201558644_1583823802.jpg (1080x1349, 245K)

>photo from 20 years in the future
this nigger is a time traveller.


Attached: D5eNQj6WsAAySR7.jpg (1200x675, 79K)

>use time travel powers to stalk WAGs from before they get into F1
>Don't even think about trying to save people/planet

What a dick I am.

imagine if valtteri actually does it ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

he won't. not a hamilton fan but bottas cannot match him over a season.

Could you put a suspension up in your ____?

based finnbro, always with the dirty deets. youre the one who told me about them strongarming the v6t hybrid into f1 right?

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What cars is this monstrosity assembled from?

tfw ran out of beer :(
im gonna buy more :)

But user it's work/school day tomorrow

what time does alko close, lad?

holiday until the 6th
its closed on vappu

What does a F1 car mean to /f1/?
What would be the perfect description?

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absolute mess

a stupidly complicated and expensive mess of exotic materials and precision engineering that we actively hope explodes in its creators' faces who spent tens of thousands of man hours designing and building it to the best it can possibly perform for no reason other than to have something to laugh at on a sunday afternoon/night.

Big possible memes tonight as the Liverpool 96ers play the Barcelona Messes

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You'll be very surprised. He's at his best when his back is against the wall and it's crunch time. If technical problems are about 50-50 between them, Bottas is going to beat Hamilton this year.

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>Anyways Bottas cannot live inside's Hamilton's head after last seasons, he has been the very wingman cuck.
>Maybe we can fuck up hamilton's mentality by an Bottas/Ferrari bukkake on his home gp or shit like this.

>Imagine Lewis's head after getting P2 in quali and P4 in race in the last ever British GP

i have tried to figure that out, theres nothing out there. its only on streetwear sites and they only talk about the bape camo or whatever. its proportions and sidepods look like a modern f1 car but the tailpipe ive seen in other images and how it sticks out look like an f2 car. thats assuming its more than just a rolling model.
the camo is hideous obviously but its actual body is much better than the current cars. much simpler and more svelte, especially through the nose

>Imagine being pushed off the track and then a close Verstappen touches you provocating a tyre puncture.
VET P4 +5S

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Tomorrow Daily Sun:
>Jenson Button is single!


Limit, every post from this one it's illegal

living the thug life

I am the limit

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