Who was in the wrong here?

Who was in the wrong here?

Attached: gdtref.webm (626x358, 727K)

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Tha fuck does it mean?

Rape all women.

Attached: tux pepe.png (3000x3000, 945K)

Is she in the Chicago PD or something?

American women are fucking disgusting and trashy. Dude looks like a homeless person.

U made white boy?

>Tha fuck does it mean?
It's a witch trick. First she summons his dick to her finger, then she sucks it off as a way to manipulate the dick to her pleasure. Then she makes a turning and pointing behaviour so the guy will turn to her point the dick to her face. Of course don't take it too literally, it's just a random thing xoxoxo :p lolll rawrr

>First she summons his dick to her finger
She was miming shoving it up his arse, wasn't she?

her spit sizzles on him because she thinks he's "hot"

>Blonde girl is just fixated on him

>Implying swedish white girls don't give it up easily to darker skin
Any amigo, I recommend you visit sweden and you'll swim in pussy

>American women

Attached: john, get the rope.jpg (623x358, 56K)

>Let me tell you about your country

Go do maintenance on your cuckspam bot.

He looks like fakhir straight from Somalia in district 8, but because he landed a basketball contract and has a million in his bank account that's the reaction he's getting from Stacy.

Lou Williams isn't even attractive, he looks like a cast member off Captain phillips

God, I wish that were me

>being in complete delusion about how women there love 'exotic' men
I'm not telling you about your country, I'm telling about the women there who are not your women since none of them want you kek

It's not about his face, she likes the look of his bum

Why white women always be thirsty for some black dick?

which one

People who say he is underrated

poor jamal is boutta get #metoo'd so hard that he will make bill cosby look like mother teresa compared to him

Do white girl really considered black people attractive?
here in asia you get no chance at landing an average looking girl if you have a dark skin.

>pretend to finger a man's arse
>look at your friend for validation
>she has so much botox it takes her a full minute to raise her eyebrows
utter state of american women

>lou will had 2 gfs at the same time
>can't even get one gf

no they are pretending

she want to put her finger in his ass and lick the nutella, fucking degenerate

Based Chad Lou

Lou was on fire

Of course not

They see a meal ticket. If things go poorly, they'll just pull whatever Tyreek Hill's ex is currently pulling and get a nice fat settlement all because she got knocked up with his kid.

she's miming giving that negro a wet willy as a way of fucking with him

how do you fucking losers see this and think that chick wants to fuck that guy
you think he walked up to her and said, look at me Im the team captain now

It's true.

Attached: State_of_decay_US.webm (404x718, 1.06M)

Lel, she looks like my ex-girlfriend from three years ago. Fuck.....

this is raising a lot of questions


this, desu

I like how you think this doesn't happen with women in general, especially in western countries, yours included
delusional seething virgins

Maybe 0.1% of women anywhere would suck some random black dick and risk catching an STD.


you are clearly the delusional one

america always raises the degeneracy bar to new heights

Attached: 1450945216948.png (421x266, 195K)

this is your brain on capitalism

I misquoted, I meant the thread in general where women are attracted to masculine full of testosterone types that will use them like fuck toys
A girl I've been seeing just admitted she wants to be used and controlled, it's in their nature. Not that I expect these virgins to understand

>"a girl i know"
>so women in general suck random men's dicks in public

>euro's making fun of north american women

Attached: state of euros.jpg (740x394, 53K)

Implying Swedish men don’t feel the same

Attached: B394C828-B840-4719-9B40-383130A9B420.jpg (664x805, 154K)

Lou took your gf

based lil nig


>having such little experience sexually with women he doesn't know what drives their sexual nature
and in Scandinavia with some of the most sexually open types lmao kys


>i fucked one girl who was kinky so i am now an expert on all women

nevr had a gf :(

She's just saying that player is playing well, like he's on fire during that game. I've seen a lot of pundits regardless of sex do it. You're virgin cucks.

hold on,let me get out my magnifying glass