Heem mma
Other urls found in this thread:
Based airplane
Are the rumours true...?
that movie fucking sucks, fuck you OP
>Are the rumours true...?
No, her's was waaay smaller than mine.
Could we get more chinaman spam, please
The Chad Gallop
Wake up, Al
You guys know any good books for me to read? Just finished American Psycho and it was hot garbage. On a side note, who wins between JJ and Karate Hottie?
>artificial inteligence iaquinta
is he a jersey cyborg or what
i like anything by Hunter S. Thompson or David Foster Wallace
i'd buy a house from this man, desu
seems like a real bro
Read Sartre's existentialism is a humanism, or Shadow over Innsmouth, actually almost all of Lovecraft's books
/mygirl/ JJ wins
literally cringed
wake up, whoever the fuck is mw champ
they make them so convincible nowdays
Based Curtis
No I meant something actually entertaining like Harry Potter or Game of Thrones or something.
Lovecraft does pretty interesting stuff but oh well, read Berserk then it's literally a medieval version of Doom, can't do more entertaining
That manga has literally been running longer than I've been alive, I stopped at elf island and refuse to go back until homeboy finishes it.
Are the rumours true...?
>Stopped reading at one of the most important part of the story
That's it I give up
i'm telling you biscan got lucky
>most important parts of story
is that why he spends 6 months on 10 pages now?
luke got flushed hard
bisping won fair
what's in the cup?
does aldo actually sell propa twelbe
is this really true
it can't be right
mineral water
chances are it was bud light
Fer shure my guy, Luke just leaves his hands at chest height for optimally defending his nipples, the most well-rounded defending in the game.
Luke fought like careless idiot, all he had to do was wrestle dumbass bisping down for a quick sub or g n p
>he doesn't think that Jon "Bones" Jones is the best fighter ever
It was so easy he didn't do it!
bisping has actually pretty good tkd, and luke was suppose to be stronger in stand up
>all he had to do to win was not to suck and just win lmao
250 IQ post
>Gradfather's dream is to drink proper 12
>Guy lives in a favela and multimillionaire won't even give him a free bottle to be a good guy
>instead trolls a national icon
It actually looks like a pretty nice restaurant
Harry Potter and Game of thrones suck go back to rdit
Imagine thinking he is. He just beat smiff who was a bum middleweight and now he's about to fight Santos who was also a bum middleweight. Jon's best win is probably against an old and obese manlet.
>Anderson starches Anderson
>Whittaker starches Adesanya
>Anderson starches Whittaker
>Weidman/Silva III to close out 2019
Did anybody else already know about superCalo? My fucking sides
Based Luke dropping KNOWLEDGE on all the SEETHING dweebs itt
>Aww why isn't he a good guy
>Aww why do mean guys get all the money
Jones isn't the best until he fights 5 guys at HW and beats them. DC is the best HW ever. Jones is the best LHW ever. DC is the better fighter overall until Jones proves it at HW.
fucking weirdos on discord, and no i won't join watsapp
Ponzinibbio clowns on him
im not even joking being ironic unserious when i say I literally cringed jews ruined the west
*is a bum*
DC is definitely not the best hw holy shit that's a terrible take he's not even close. Do you believe everything wme and espn says?
*wins anyway*
pokeshitnigger bitch couldnt even clown neil magny lmao
*is the GOAT*
fucking phoneposting
When have they ever said, Mr Angry Pants Strawman?
Based and Redpilled. It won't be long until (((espn))) ruins the ufc, but ((wme)) did a good job starting the process.
with eyepokes ponzi is literally unstoppable
Dana was trying to shill DC as the goat hw because he knows Jon can move up and easily heem him. What's your argument for DC being the goat hw? I'm curious now.
*eyepokes you 1000 times*
No he didnt. Quit fucking imagining enemies in your head you fucking bitch zero, Luke
Blows to the back of the head are illegal unless you're close to a finish
>wall of text
>schaub avatar
yeah not reading it
UFC is my favourite sport. The reason I love it more than soccer, footbll, boxing, hockey, etc. is because UFC is the only sport to have LITERALLY NO RULES. Now THAT is BADASS.
- My friends after I asked them whether we can still be friends.
Mr. Lister, the Sister Fister
This American chick I met at a club and fooled around with has been sending me nudes and begging me to come to the US to bang. She popped up on my Facebook since we have each other on IG, turns out she's married.
Lets play a game.
I'm going to give you a quote, and you have to decide whether that quote is real or fake. Got it?
Okay, here is the quote:
"Schaub is the greatest fighter I have ever seen."
- Dana White
Real or fake?
Brendan Schaub is the Andy Richter of MMA
Brendan Schaub is the Brendan Schaub of MMA
How's DC the goat hw my man? I want to hear the mental gymnastics.
>Marty Fake news man
Is Colby genius or cringe?
I never said he was you blithering zilch dont respond
stipe beat great hws and defended a lot, and dc clawed his eyes and took his dignity
Schaub never tapped
Obviously genius
Real b
he was too disoriented to
He tapped Callens ass if you know what I mean
Some fag did that's who I was responding to you can kys for all I care
Lol i never even noticed he’s wearing yoga pants there fucking ZILCH MONKEY
At first i thought he was cringe. Now hes grown on me. Like his pro wrestling heel persona. Whether it is an act or not, i would love to see him win the belt just for the lols
Its tawlf to b on top b
Are you proud b?
>paid too much money to let these hands go
We are less than a week away from Derek "Chin Rush" Brunson throwing a fight
>cowboy not shitting the bed in a main event fight.
I honestly think middleweight is the most overrated division in the ufc
Oh thank GOD you weren’t being dishonest with us
For me, it’s Asturbator
Hey don't make me start lying b because I can fer ser be dishonest b. I mean water we doin hear talkin about dishonesty b. Water we doin.
Al is on Jewani
wake up Derek
i cant believe anders lost to that fucking moron
>real sport
Anders couldn't either
>real sport
What is the point of posting this anymore?
>turn on jewhani show
>he's shilling some DNA mining company
Of course
>MMA fighters trying to box
Based Dad Kelly.
Just peeked and saw he lost his last 3 fights and is no longer in UFC. This gives me a sad.
>Boxing champions trying to fight in mma and getting humiliated
Explain to me what exactly would any boxer do against this?
That's what I thought.
Your replies you gunless fucking zilch
He had a cool style, way more fun to watch than most guys at his level
I miss those comments
based, Elias BTFO the entire sport of Boxing
Would there be legal repercussions doing this now?
Yes Megan would be sent to the breeding grounds for malfeasance
>jon no
Only one way to know, good luck user.
name a figher with more heart
>I'd like to apologize to Daniel Cormier
Anthony Smif
Who is this guy and why Revs up so many people here? It's one of those attention thirsty "personalities" like the guy that does streams of threads and the scat spammer?
what did he mean by this lads?
It should be Daniel "Daniel Cormier" Cormier the one to apologize
what would you prefer?
>2 Bantamweights vs a Heavyweight match
>A Bantamweight(with a stick) vs a Heavyweight match
what grade of stick?
like a heavy broomstick
He’s the God-Emperor of both Discords and is the Shadow Handed Iron Fisted Ruler of Heem
>Tony “believed our son was Jesus Christ and [Tony] was the second Jesus Christ,”
I thought that was hilarious
No upcoming fights?
The stick would be taken out of play fairly quickly.
I AM toilet til
Anyone else find her voice really hot?
>jesus delusions
It's a classic for a reason. Kino, they should have let it play out.
>Junior Dos Santos on Francis Ngannou: “I’m going to make this guy look like a fragile little kid”
where does that henry cejudo gold medal meme originate from?
The 2008 Summer Olympics.
>no chin or jawline
For me, it's Rose.
>UFC 242 will take place in Abu Dhabi
>Meaning there will be no WMMA
FUUUUUUUUUUCK YES, no piss breaks.
Romero basically undid one of the things that worked best for Luke as seen here and against Machida. Lucas Skyler Rockhold needs to get his shit together.
>This guy just shat on Jacare and completely removed him from the title picture for good
>He's also a Scandi bro
How based can one man be?
Early stoppage.
FER SHURE, my man.
>tfw ONLY incels on reddit or Yea Forums and a few rizin nerds on twitter know about all the bullshit with ONE FC
>tfw rogan and everyone else in the mainstream keeps spewing how great ONE FC is
>It simply DOES NOT GET OUT, chatri and his army of masterful shills have won.
Hey are you on Discord? I need to speak with you privately.
Askren isn't a real athlete though
Shut up Valbong
So it's gonna be forever
Or it's gonna go down in flames
You can tell me when it's over
If the high was worth the pain
Got a long list of ex-lovers
They'll tell you I'm insane
But I've got a blank space baby
And I'll write your name
*teeps your grandma*
me on the right
why did dana just start picking his nose and walking slowly what a fag
grandma is a bum for stepping into teep range with her guard that low
Ragin Al or Cowboy, who you got?
Al outlasts him and gets a split decision
Al tko first round
Al of course
>grandma not catching that weak af teep and pull him into a left hook
after Al heems Cowboy will he get another chance at Khashit?
Assuming khabib wins against poirier
They either run conor khabib back or they give it to Tony and we have conor vs al
tradition. duh.
Heem me up inside
She's no Hope Solo
i would die for that job
Where are the balls?
Absolutamente basado
Cowboy huh? Mote like Canbum if you ask me!
Cerrone would heem Till so idk what is so bad about this clip
Cowboy next champ
Is this bait? Or are you just retarded and don't realize cowboy got heemed by toilet Till? It's Till's only good heem so I'll guess this is bait.
Boston Salmon heems ever zilch here
>it's funny because he didn't
Where does Schaub rank in your all time rushmers?
>Dana on schaubs podcast
Based based based based!
Based OP with the
>Don't talk to me or my son
Reminder Yoel will lose his next fight because he is so old he gets pneumonia in a tropical climate.
Ya'll crackas b trippin
>mfw S&P hits all-time high
LMAO at people thinking this was an early stoppage.
Jacare didn't even complain because he had nothing against Bobby going into the second.
U will be heemed when you are standing in food lines in the 2020s
Boston Salmon vs Khalid Taha
Lovin dis ere thread eh
Hopefully Aldo’s restaurant does better than the disaster known as Bigg Riggs Steakhouse
Greg Hardy vs Dimitri Smolyakov
So let me get this straight.
Rose was 17 and Pat was 35?
uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh this is our sport now wh*teboi
Uh no sweaty, my Yangbucks will keep me alive.
it's sweetie, you really do need Yangbucks it seems. there’s nothing sweet about you, sweaty
What did she mean by this?
imagine the smell
When did OPs get this bad? the absolute state of /heem/
Fri, May 3, 2019
- Invicta FC: Phoenix Rising 1
Sat, May 4 2019
- ONE Championship: For Honor - Kiamrian Abbasov vs Yushin Okami (Co-Main)
- UFC on ESPN+ 9: Iaquinta vs. Cowboy
- Canelo vs. Jacobs
Thurs, May 9 2019
- PFL 2019 #1: Regular Season - Magomed Magomedkerimov vs Doomsday Howard
Fri, May 10 2019
- ONE Championship: Warriors of Light
- LFA 66: Diamond vs. Neal - Josh Burkman vs William Macário
ufc 300: brock vs joshua
pour out some proper 12 for /ourboy/ fitch
>how long has this been out?
>why isn't this called meisha-tate-fappening-1of-12.jpg?
>why is she on a pleather couch?
so many questions
What is the biggest win a can has ever got? I'm tempted to say Mike Jackson beating Chick Magnet Phil.
He's right you know
pearson vs canelo in 2021
Jon Jones beating DC
charlie brenneman beating rick story
Matt Serra on GSP
Ross “The Real Braindead Deal” Pearson
What is it with these geriatric flushed cans crawling to undercard boxing for regional tier paydays and major league brain damage?
You mean Pearson vs Artem bear knuckle 2021
Pearson vs Artem bear knuckle 2019*
I felt the tap
all of mma twitter already goofed out about it. I wouldn’t be surprised if condo knew who he was also, he has always seemed into the mma scene more than most fighters
Does tiger know about this?
When you add up what combined weight of all the men Schaub heemd in the ufc it is almost as much as the weight of the average h8r
Uriah Hall beating Mousasi
All memes aside, Brendan Schaub is unironically among the stupidest """entertainers""" I have ever had the displeasure of hearing speak
1000% intentional
how is this roided out faggot not banned from the organization, his repeated dirty fighting is a million times worse than daley or palhares
Post your hand right now
Coral, if someone offered you $10 million to blow Schaub to completion, would you do it?
for $10 million I think I'd say yes to just about anyone
ufc was doing interim titles even back then?
what did they mean by this?
Faber has to post here.
Hi derek
Just smile and ignore.
Woah woah wader wei doan spambro?
heem getting mogged
They were rare, but yeah, for long-term injuries. I wanna say Nog got one after Murr crashed his motorcycle
based coral spergs with the right answer
yang would never let this happen to him
This is kino
Why are Glover and JDS so based? Is Broward County that great?
>Is Broward County that great?
It's pretty nice for the most part. I like living here, lived here my whole life.
Tyson with Metta world peace/ Ron artest. Unironically wonder how he would have done in mma
no THIS is kino
Our Lord and saviour has spoken.
Where did you learn to crop webms you fucking idiot
First word that comes to mind?
game of thrones went to shit after season 3 or so
>tfw you could heem every here
Is Faber a BrapChad?
Two unlikeable douchebags
I invented jacapoo
That's just copy and pasted right?
that has to be shooped
Where is jef now
she would bear powerful, blonde children
me > you
so it's confirmed that she was running around on jeff then? i mean she's almost 40 and acting like an instagram whore
i like nunes even more now
few things
>watching anything besides the main event
>calling Askren shit
>rose posting
>Olivi posting
>not watching JRE religiously
>thinking Tony Sperg will ever come back
>knowing more than 5 fighters names
>watching anything besides UFC (One, Rizin, Bellator, all absolute shit)
>not just watching the highlights (of the main event) and pretending you watched the whole thing
>paying for any event, ever
>not understanding Jon bones is the best there will ever be
>not supporting PED's
>womynz mma
>liking any Brazilian fighter
>liking BJJ
>training mma
>not understanding the judges have FAR more knowledge than you ever will
>thinking Conor McGregor isnt the greatest p4p fighter the UFC will ever see
>not insulting the country of anons who put you on the spot or make you look bad
>thinking face the pain was ever good
>thinking the UFC is any good
thanks for reading retard
>skipped the green text
jokes on you, buddeh!
>Olivi posting
take that back
>dancing = "instagram whore"
How about you leave the basement for an hour or two, incel?
>*leaves basement*
>*rapes ur mom*
yass qween.
simply... yass.
incel. fucking. slain.
Does anybody here actually watch the early prelims?
4chaim full of white knight cuckolds. Classic half chan.
Look into me.eyes little man. U VAI MORRER.
fresh below the belt just dropped lads
>little man
I was robbed in this fight
imagine if Brunson actually loses to this faggot, what an embarrasment would it be
oh. so you're a wrestler now!?
I used to troll this faggot EVERY DAY for about 6 months until he finally got fed up and blocked me!
I used to log in to discord every day for 5 minutes just to troll him about being a "janny" on discord and doing it for free!
damn your life sounds rad
Better than yours, achmed!
i knew Joe was rich but
>tripnigger talking down on anyones life
so good
I like how he has to keep justifying hunting as some spiritual experience or whatever instead of just fucking hunting haha. People have hunted throughout history no one cares, but vegans are so in his head he has to keep justifying it. He's also filthy rich damn.
So basically yes
Roasties? In your /heem/? Is more likely than you think
Dominick Cruz is not a virgin and we need to stop pretending he is.
This makes me so sad
that post bbc dance
she's good looking af, her neck is just too damn thick
how hasn't she kicked all of you of her instagram? it's been a year and a half.
what happens next?? i must know! how does based old man gracie get out of this one.
she's a peach of a biscuit
It's private. Really makes you think
Those pictures arent from her instagram
I wonder how the gracies got the idea that they know gun or knife defense. Fist fighting sure, but none of them were operators.
I started this /heem/ shit, and this is the motherfucking thanks I get?
prime schaub would heem ngannou
I hope she gets larger implants in the future
Women are the worst. What a fucking curse existence is to be heterosexual and have no choice but to be attracted to them. Despite literally everything they do I can't help but want to be with them because my piece fits in their hole. I am compelled to tolerate them by my animal brain because God forbid I don't impregnate one and pass on my DNA to keep this circus going for another generation.
Fuck man, I hate them so much. God awful horrible personalities. Like what the fuck even is this? Am I supposed to think she's funny? I don't get it. Why the fuck film this and put it out into the public domain? For what goddamn purpose?
have sex, incel
he's just woke af, you're a brainlet desperate for a fuck so consider any attack on the whole game an attack on something you want but havent had yet. Or youre an angry roastie.
She unironically divorced Jeff A few months ago how could you know Jeff but not know that the meme came true?
why do I find Holly so attractive?
Elias vs Brunson will be the highest IQ fight in history
>tfw my name mentioned in threads before ive even posted in them
i never asked to be this beloved across the /heem/ network
Uh Schaub said Bran and the Night King in GOT had “jewy noses”. Think that might be a bit problematic. I mean we geet it hbo, y’like Jewish people
>tfw your boy is a fucking grass
god DAMNIT Paulo
how can I boy you now?? YOU'RE TEARING ME APART
incel, have sex
You do know that whole snitching thing is just a loophole for ufc’s Biggest stars to get reduced sentences, he probably hasn’t even snitched
Are you crazy
shes a peach for sure my men
ye men i hed diarrhea all week bed
What kind of a meme existence is to be a female fighter, yikes
If Rizin signed Hafþór Júlíus Björnsson who would make a fun fight for him?
>loses to anyone who isn't 30lbs lighter and a feet shorter
Ay you kno, it is what it is...
The passion for the homemade hamburger and a delicious milk shake was never a secret in the life of the people's champion. As he roamed the world, enchanting people with his fighter skills, our José Aldo Jr. always found time to research and learn about new recipes, spices and experiences. But in his opinion, he always lacked the perfect ingredient and composition that appealed to everyone. That's when the idea of setting up an artisan hamburger was born, where it would finally be possible to prepare the best sandwich, accompanied by a real milk shake. Thus was born the Famous Burger, the master stroke of José Aldo Jr
why are mma fighters so fucking corny Jesus fuck
pro athletes are a variety of nerd
What would you do?
Salute the men and women who gave their lives for this great country.
Cringe thread
Where does it rank in your top 10 Rushmore’s of all time?
Did my first workout on a heavy bag today and my foot, instep and shin are bruised up. It hurt kicking the bag, even when I had good technique. I dont understand how middle age moms do this. I'm gonna order up some shin guards.
Anyone know anything about the “supeedy” oil Schaub is talmbout?
Brendan isn't texting me back today. Anyone else?
Got to love Schaub comparing himself as an athlete to Greg Hardy
>heemed by a bag
Embarrassing famala
>tapping to a bag
Nevermind I found a thread on sherdog where everyone says youre a fag if you wear shinguards to kick a heavybag. Guess I'll just git gud.
>getting bodied by 45kg bag
you probably doint it terribly wrong,stand tall on the ball of your foot,throw your hip,swing your arms,make your shoulders follow the kick
dont buy shin guards,after a month you'll be feeling nothing
you dont wanna fuck with your instep though,I'd wear shoes If i were you
>Did my first workout on a heavy bag today
>when I had good technique
>swing your arms
You swing one arm, idiot. The other is holding your glove to your face.
fuck off this is used for sparring and its not a canon,some schools do it some dont like the thais
also that guy is clearly and beginner
you swing your front arm very fast down and up to throw the hip and for balance and the back arm for power
you still there pussy?
I don't get it. Is she calling him fat?
Fochin anyone, thems'r all gettin it!
I'm here
Did you know that heem backwards is heem? Really changed my perspective on things
Its comfirmed that LW > WW at this point right?
this is movie tier choreography desu
Very good camerawork too
*bullies you*
she's hot as fuck
Holy shit lmao imagine thinking that episode was good
>2 of the ""best strikers in the world mate!"" get absolutely pwabooushed and dabbed on and flushed straight round the u-bend of the ole schaub receptacle within days of eachother
really doodles the noodle
Not saying that this actually happened or anything, but just hypothetically let's say I got heemed by my female roommate 2 years ago. Would my /heem/ membership be suspended? Asking for a friend.
grig hawrdy, y'havend fawlt half the legid fighdurs i fawlt. y'fighdin demetrious mokhalavakha? s'not real. y'gimme fights, y'geddin jacked awlf, y'not bowl jacksen
>shin guards for bag workout
1 point deducted
for sure if brennin and gr'gardy fought then i think we all know who would be on the wrong side of a broken glass door bee.
>no innie pussy gf
>geriatric flushed cans
ross was the real deal. you take that back.
I’m back
>first workout
>good technique
Genius, his ability to get people seething is highly entertaining. I like Usman but I hope he beats him just for the reactions.
wow, I wonder why a chef would want to save money
would you rather eat a healthy cow or a sick cow?
I love Till, hated this so much more than the Woodley loss.
With how bad Brunson looked in his last fight, I wouldn't be surprised in the slightest.
>her username is wife_of_bryan
>no woman will ever be devoted to you like this
Ya'll crackas b trippin
I'm from Pakistan bruv
Boston "boom shakalaka boom bam bam champ champ champ champ champ champ" Salmon
heem backwards is meeh
Put them together and you get
Heem Meeh.
Heem mee.
Heem me.
Coincidence? I think not.
came here about a week ago guys, really like the posts and stuff
enjoy your stay
it only took one punch for him to get dropped by Dodson
Nick Diaz
I'm not a UFC fighter, but if I was, I would be Jacare "The Crocodile" Souza.
Jacaré is old and isn't hungry anymore, he has to retire.
based negressposting croat
I invented Jacapoo
Fuck, Sakakibara wasn't just talking shit. What about RENA?
i rolled with a girl yesterday, kinda hard to not pop a boner but i did it bros
Have some respect, his name is Poocare.
Ronaldoodoo “Jacarrhea” Pooza
*sips* thats a good ol thomas jefferson special right there
Wake up Jon, it's all over... Don't worry, you'll get your rubber match.
Dodson is the Bantamweight/Flyweight Rumble for shur
jack hermansson is an israelite
i only bring the best to heem
Who is the Brendan Schaub of /heem/?
have sex, incel
Ben Askren is the guy who was good at basketball in high school and keeps going to the playground for pickup games to pretend he still has it.
Bend over
How are you guys enjoying my thread? One day strong
Brendan Schaub?
shit, as any thread that's not really a gamethread
37 minutes until it turns a day old actually
Brendan Peter Schaub?
I hear Brendan Schaub is exceptionally good at pool
Anyone here ever seen Brendan Schaub's NFL highlights?
i'd beat everyone here at pool
I love when /heem/ really kicks it off Schaub style if you know what I’m talmbout
There's a sweet black girl that wants to get with me but I'm being autistic because she's black and I don't want to catch feelings for her (which I'm already doing). Ruined my day posting these negresses, croat.
Nunes is my favorite female fighter
Got quite a funny joke lined up lads and I thought heem would really appreciate it. Here it is:
Cyborg is a man
Talk to her about smoking weed and or alcohol
Bleach her good bro, it's your duty as a fellow heemster.
tell about your hobbies she'll lost any interest in the minute
Schaub has already the dispelled the myth of race realism
man up ya fag
if a cute girl wants to get with you go for it
call her out for a coffea or whatever you're into and talk a bit to her
nothing to lose ... except for your virginity which should be your goal
Brendan Schaub is quickly becoming my favorite MMA personality.
t. Virgin scroat
severely underrated post
Anyone here got membership on MMA Torrents or MMA Tracker?
Which is better, and how do I get an invite?
Desperate tbqfhwy
Why do we hate Stipe?
In many ways, mma is more of an aspect of my fandom of Schaub at this point. I only watch fights schaub references as those are the only ones I can have an Accurate opinion on.
>talk about game of thrones for legitimately 30 minutes
>spend the remaining 45 mispronouncing the word "draw" repeatedly
Because he has white wife.
Hey numdnuts y’think maybe just maybe he knows what he’s doon? It’s got you talmbout it so what are you even talmbout? Like where do these people come from chink? They need to stay in their moms basedment
he hates vegetables
so its mutual
God, you sound like a fucking pussy.
Smash that cunt
die of aids, faggot.
>still thinking aids is real
Now I’m definitely not telling Heem about my autism and girl problems right now. You’re all a bunch of bullies
>sorry, I don’t really do pictures
He pranked hoodiegoof too hard
this is why cuck porn exists because of weak minded autists like you. Man up and take what's yours
he is still sleep. shhhh don't wake him
Alright heem, I'll call her once she's out of work. You guys are right
ill help if you need an advice
but in the end its you who has to pull the strings
ill quote one of the greatest goalkeepers in the world ever
when asked why did the loose two to nill and what did they need to win
Oliver Kahn said : Balls ... we need balls
Can you even satisfy grills like that if you don't have an 8" x 6" dick BREHS . . .
Unless that granny said/did something waaay out of line that I'm unaware of, what type of pussy would just let that guy run away?
>he doesn't have an 8" x 6" dick
she disrespected him in his home
westerners are feckless and passive and their laws make it difficult for them to defend themselves and others
He runs like the autistic raincoat asians from my old uni.
yup or 16 and 34
>ESPN+ uploaded the UFC 236 main card in its entirety for all subscribers less than a month after it aired
When did y'all realize Fight Pass was a scam?
How much does fight pass cost
$10 a month. ESPN+ is $5 a month.
B-b-but the fight library! It's worth the money guys I swear
heem is dead
Somebody post the webm
The fight library is kino for indoor cardio but I’m probably unsubscribing as espn+ has a pretty good backlog of fights also, not just stuff from this year
Holy shit, haters absolutely fuckng obliterated!!!
lol based
is that title a reference of the infamous "I think you'd be surprised" retirement podcast
inb4 it bombs
grown up my hairs were stannup comedience
Unironically true
More spazzing around the stage than actual jokes, I see Rogan taught him well.
Billie Eilish is a 17 year old vegan girl (boy) and she is more popular and more famous than Joe Rogan. Or as we like to call him TOE Rogan.
Broward County Florida USA - A Town for all seasons of browns, blacks, spics, niggers, kikes, white traitors
*hides your post*
Heh, nothing personal spammy
oops, just rendered your hours worth of work useless. sorry scatty!
Very important
Spammy needs to up his game. I rarely ever see them anymore because the filter game has evolved. Hopefully he isn't just a shell of his former self.
Thoughts on dana?
Don’t trust a peach without any fuzz
how do we cure autism heem
Autism is a scourge sent by God as an invocation of His wroth and disdain for His despicable creation, just like cancer. There will never be a cure until Christ is risen once more to purify the filth and pollution that defies the firmament by obliterating any and all sinners in a deluge of lamb's blood.
>about to make a new thread
>have to wait cause all the poop gets deleted
>mma dweebs STILL in shambles and STILL cant deny that
I wish that cartoon was Joe Rogan, and not a cartoon at all but real life
Espn+ archive is complete garbage
there already is a new thread
>Chael embedded
I think I'll wait for the next thread, thx
he's never fighting again is he bros
Dodson is on a 4 or 5 fight streak of being kicked in the groin.