You may only post in this thread if your country has a chess player in the world top ten

You may only post in this thread if your country has a chess player in the world top ten.

Attached: top10.png (300x283, 30K)

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this is getting awkward.

Caruana is a cringe lord but at least we had Fischer


i was waiting for you to post, right on time.

Yeah but you may aswell leave for now, bye

may as well not, since this thread belongs here


chess is a sport

is starcraft a sport?

You may only post in this thread if your country has a go player in the world top ten.

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Fuck no. e-sports are not sports

No, it is not. It's a game.

Ok. Because its played on a computerr? How about magic the gathering then?

>magic the gathering

Im having a hard time seeing the difference, please explain it to me. Why is one a game and the other a sport?


Attached: hm.jpg (1093x688, 56K)

Neither Chess, Magic, Starcraft or GTA San Andreas are sports so please

Some games are also sports

GTA San Andreas is the only GTA that actually qualifies as a sport famalam.

Which ones, and why?

It's the BEST GTA game but it's still a game. So is chess.

fuck off chesslet brainlet hue

For the purpose of staying on topic the only game which is also a sport that you need to worry about right now is chess. However, some other examples are: bocce, petanque, lawn bowls, golf, football (all codes), cricket, and competitive cheese rolling. It is to be remembered also that not all sports are games, for example: motorsports, track & field, mountaineering, bog snorkeling.


>every chess thread is just a discussion whether chess is a sport or not
Just move it to where it fits, since it's not a sport.

This is because of your autism huebro. Chess is a sport, cope or stay mad.

Based Magnus back on Yea Forums

He got his 7½ out of 9 from Grenke and finally has time to shitpost again

Chess threads have been on Yea Forums for years now you disgusting tourist faggots, go back to whatever board you came from

>enter chess thread
>always the same brainlet macaco bitching about it not being a sport

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Interresting. What critera's do you(or whomever decide) use to define which one is a game and which one is a sport?

I'm not Magnus Carlsen, but you have to admit that 7/9 in the Gashimov Memorial and 7.5/9 in Grenke is rather quite good.

And every single one is just me telling you to move to because it is not a sport.

>lost world championship
>lost london chess classic
>lost us championship
>lost granke chess classic
guess the player

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my guess is caruana


chess is not a sport get out of here

caruana is that you
actually that would make a lot of sense

>a single win away from taking over Carlsen's #1 spot
>55+ point gap now

Thanks for bumping this all day, monkey

i used to like chess before i realised it's one of the most inherently jewish things there is


Omg shut up you fucking nerd


go take your shit to /tg/. theres already enough garbage on Yea Forums

>carlsen is finished

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Attached: 11 wins 7 draws 0 losses.png (757x651, 119K)

so what makes chess not a sport, but say, golf, a sport?

Chess is a sport.

chess is a competition
chess is not a sport

t. brainlet

Good argument.

Caruana has woken up after years of coasting.
2019 is the year that Carlsen REALLY dominates.

thanks for the bump chesslet :)

Attached: Exercises.png (1136x550, 102K)

>Anand slowly slipping out of the top 10
It was nice posting in your threads Magnus.

And since your consistent posting autism doesn't seem to have any effect the Norgeanon maybe you should take it up with the mods over at /qa/.

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Imagine if Nakamura actually focused on preparing for classical matches instead of playing blitz/bullet against shitters on the internet all day.

Stop embarassing us, monkey.

Chess is the sport of the brain.

He is probably a Neymar fan,

There is a reason we elected Bolsonaro, to expurge these animals (no offense to animals)

didn't know this guy made it to the top 10. he looks based and suspiciously redpilled.

Attached: Nepomniachtchi-Aeroflot.jpg (520x346, 59K)

Only player in the world with a positive score against Mangus now that Svidler got BTFO.

AAAAH why is he falling?
we still have checkers

Chess was lobbied to the Olympic Commité for years.

that's because Nepo, unlike Svider, is Magnus close friend so they have played together a hundred times already in practice matches. When they meet in official matches Nepo already knows his tricks and is too suited to his style and in counter attacking it, Magnus in the other hand gets a hard time because he's always the one with the initiative, and he's not able to surpise him anymore

Jon Ludvig Hammer wrote that on the scoresheet the first time they played. To be fair, they were not that old.

He did terrible in the Gashimov Memorial, but came back and won a supertournament in China. His first tournament victory, if you don't count Reggio Emilia some years ago.

Why are sudacas so triggered by chess on Yea Forums?
My guess is that they feel powerless in real life, and the chance to try to moderate a sports image board (on a volunteer basis) is all they have.

>Why are sudacas so triggered by chess on Yea Forums?

It's the one and same guy every time.

He's probably also the same guy who gets the first response to any american thread telling the OP to lose weight

Where's our guy at???

Big brain koreans strikes again

has opponent
opponent can affect your play

chess is a sport

Attached: topalov.jpg (320x480, 26K)

why doesn't it suprise me

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It's not uncommon for the Japanese to find themselves in the US because the Japanese have been Americophiles ever since the Americans bombed the shit out of their country and the marines stationed there started raping their women and daughters.

>not ...Bxf2+

Attached: Black_to_play.png (477x480, 37K)

literal brainlet

Veselin Topalov checking in.

Attached: Carlsen-MVL_grenke_rd_9.gif (720x720, 1.65M)


people don't care about that


you may know all of these things already... but:

>10.Nd5 is a mistake because after 10...Qd5 11.Qb7 doesn't work (11...Bb4+). ...Bb4+ is a problem in general for White in these lines
>after 10...ed5 it's best to just take on b7. Qb5 runs into Bb4+ again
>12.Bd2 is an inaccuracy because after the exchange of Queens and ...a6 White has to give up the Bishop pair in order to avoid what happened in the game (...b5 and ...Nd4).
>18...d4 instead of ...Bc5 really complicates things for Black because of Rhe1+.
>22...Rhg8 would defend nicely. That looks like a high-level position; well-balanced with White having some activity but Black having an edge with the better pawn structure.
>22...Bf2 runs into 23.Rc1 but Re7 as in the game is also good.

Wanna play? I'm shit but enjoy the practice.

Based OP

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i'll bbs

I was playing some other user, my b.

i'll play you even tho i'm very rusty

>I'm shit but enjoy the practice.

that's my chat-up line

Ok here we go.

You may only post in this thread if your gender has a player ranked in the top 1000

Not so fast, princess..

>5...Qa5 and White resigned
okay, what the fuck was that

Chess isn't luck based

Based Fischer


there's a woman in the top 100

missclick and he didn't allow for a takeback

oh sorry didnt know what it was just clicked x. create new?