*lose to China andn Hungary*

*lose to China andn Hungary*

Attached: 12a3ce571975d6e00715e535cdfbd386_XL.jpg (1170x878, 154K)

Other urls found in this thread:


kill and fuck all the croatian

>albino kermits asshole
have you guys ever won a game?

Someone post the webm

kys gook, actual subhuman

t. Nidžomir

ching chong ping pong i eat dog

Imagine always being a loser lol


Burn all the Cockroaches

>Be from anime and nuked by the yankeeland
>Calls others losers

Attached: FB_IMG_1546105291770.jpg (640x525, 35K)

Imagine being a dog eater.

based english teacher larping as a nip

>a fucking dot

based and redpilled

what the fuck is wrong with Croatians

Attached: Untitled.png (1690x760, 479K)

what the fuck is wrong with you reading and knowing about that shit?
it never occured to me to google shit like that up


Feminists and Communism ruined the Balkan, they long for the days of the utase

godspeed marjan

t. marjan siklic

please note that this japanese poster must be a korean impersonating japanese
real japanese are friends of croatia
croatia was axis powers member and fought with japan against allies

Attached: ModricRomanSalute.jpg (1920x1080, 323K)

People took the Day of uprising meme too seriously




Attached: balloons.webm (640x480, 1.69M)

>fighting anybody
Best they could do was suicide themselves in stalingrad

Sauce plz

i have a half-serbian (mother's side), half-croat friend who talks about this too lol
he's still pissed at the clinton administration

Serbs are, like Jews, constantly butthurt.

Attached: ccb.gif (500x373, 334K)

They even claim to be a lost tribe of Jews.

Attached: srbosjekjoe.gif (462x260, 1.44M)

fuck gypsies


>Quints of truth

Attached: 1448261159321.jpg (435x411, 28K)


>based and serbpilled

kill a croat so that an albanian/shiptar has no brother

Attached: df0ab2517110df627da2.jpg (612x408, 54K)

>modrićs (((nose)))
>croat fascist leader (((pavelic)))
>croat nationalist leader (((tudjman)))

croats are a lost tribe of israel

Attached: 1025937_franjo-tudjman-ustase-ndh_ls.jpg (1000x666, 124K)

the eternal croatjew

no joke, Ante Pavelic is my great grand uncle

Based diaspora