Since the season is almost over, post your reaction to how well your team did this season. I'll start

Since the season is almost over, post your reaction to how well your team did this season. I'll start.

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Same but chelsea

same but united

>mfw city lifelong

lmao @ u fucking losers

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Same but Tottenham. We bottled the title race, we had the chance to go 2 points from 1st place. I swear to fucking God if faggot west ham or Everton mess up our top 4..actually don't matter we will win the CL


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>actually don't matter we will win the CL
Please don't leave us in the dust like this.

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United post-Mourinho

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>dropping 9 point lead

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Need to wait a few more games for my reaction to Arsenal's season.
If we win Europa (unlikely), it'll be good.
If we finish top 4 (unlikely), it'll be alright.

Just need more money for signings, and for Mustafi to fuck right off.
Kroenke is a tight fisted prick who isn't willing to release funds to compete with even mid-table teams.

>not rating Mustafi

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mustafi out
ozil out
mudslimes out

The team's confidence is at an all time low, I could see them losing every match left.

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what the actual fuck man
I thought about posting it just now but was too lazy and then I refresh and see that

nonetheless, based

its the era of the bull after all

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I'm also Arsenal. Don't think this season's been that bad to be honest.
We were shit before, we're slightly less shit now. Rebuilds take time. But we're in the top 4 race at least and are in the Europa semis. Still a chance for a really good first season for Emery.
I like all the signings except Licht and Suarez. Rest have been good additions. Still need loads more signings to make and Mustafi to fuck off but it seems like we're doing alright.

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>the top 4 race
This race is a farce, whoever wins it will be the best out of really bad teams.

>actually don't matter we will win the CL
Don't say that, Austria could have a guaranteed CL spot for the first time if this years CL winner also qualifies through his league. Usually that's almost a given, but now with Ajax and you guys it's at risk again.

Same but Huddersfield

We did good lads

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I completely agree but we're in it.
Last few games have been absolutely fucking dire but we've bounced back before we can bounce back again.


Sarri’s alright now after he got his shit together with his team selections, but seeing City and Liverpool just absolutely running laps around everyone else is really fucking depressing

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Eh you're gonna win the EL. Better than nothing.

Arsenal will not be relevant again until the board allows a Liverpool style spending spree of £600m in 3 years.